// // Copyright (c) 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // TextureFunctionHLSL: Class for writing implementations of ESSL texture functions into HLSL // output. Some of the implementations are straightforward and just call the HLSL equivalent of the // ESSL texture function, others do more work to emulate ESSL texture sampling or size query // behavior. // #include "compiler/translator/TextureFunctionHLSL.h" #include "compiler/translator/UtilsHLSL.h" namespace sh { namespace { void OutputIntTexCoordWrap(TInfoSinkBase &out, const char *wrapMode, const char *size, const TString &texCoord, const TString &texCoordOffset, const char *texCoordOutName) { // GLES 3.0.4 table 3.22 specifies how the wrap modes work. We don't use the formulas verbatim // but rather use equivalent formulas that map better to HLSL. out << "int " << texCoordOutName << ";\n"; out << "float " << texCoordOutName << "Offset = " << texCoord << " + float(" << texCoordOffset << ") / " << size << ";\n"; // CLAMP_TO_EDGE out << "if (" << wrapMode << " == 1)\n"; out << "{\n"; out << " " << texCoordOutName << " = clamp(int(floor(" << size << " * " << texCoordOutName << "Offset)), 0, int(" << size << ") - 1);\n"; out << "}\n"; // MIRRORED_REPEAT out << "else if (" << wrapMode << " == 3)\n"; out << "{\n"; out << " float coordWrapped = 1.0 - abs(frac(abs(" << texCoordOutName << "Offset) * 0.5) * 2.0 - 1.0);\n"; out << " " << texCoordOutName << " = int(floor(" << size << " * coordWrapped));\n"; out << "}\n"; // REPEAT out << "else\n"; out << "{\n"; out << " " << texCoordOutName << " = int(floor(" << size << " * frac(" << texCoordOutName << "Offset)));\n"; out << "}\n"; } void OutputIntTexCoordWraps(TInfoSinkBase &out, const TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction &textureFunction, TString *texCoordX, TString *texCoordY, TString *texCoordZ) { // Convert from normalized floating-point to integer out << "int wrapS = samplerMetadata[samplerIndex].wrapModes & 0x3;\n"; if (textureFunction.offset) { OutputIntTexCoordWrap(out, "wrapS", "width", *texCoordX, "offset.x", "tix"); } else { OutputIntTexCoordWrap(out, "wrapS", "width", *texCoordX, "0", "tix"); } *texCoordX = "tix"; out << "int wrapT = (samplerMetadata[samplerIndex].wrapModes >> 2) & 0x3;\n"; if (textureFunction.offset) { OutputIntTexCoordWrap(out, "wrapT", "height", *texCoordY, "offset.y", "tiy"); } else { OutputIntTexCoordWrap(out, "wrapT", "height", *texCoordY, "0", "tiy"); } *texCoordY = "tiy"; if (IsSamplerArray(textureFunction.sampler)) { *texCoordZ = "int(max(0, min(layers - 1, floor(0.5 + t.z))))"; } else if (!IsSamplerCube(textureFunction.sampler) && !IsSampler2D(textureFunction.sampler)) { out << "int wrapR = (samplerMetadata[samplerIndex].wrapModes >> 4) & 0x3;\n"; if (textureFunction.offset) { OutputIntTexCoordWrap(out, "wrapR", "depth", *texCoordZ, "offset.z", "tiz"); } else { OutputIntTexCoordWrap(out, "wrapR", "depth", *texCoordZ, "0", "tiz"); } *texCoordZ = "tiz"; } } void OutputHLSL4SampleFunctionPrefix(TInfoSinkBase &out, const TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction &textureFunction, const TString &textureReference, const TString &samplerReference) { out << textureReference; if (IsIntegerSampler(textureFunction.sampler) || textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::FETCH) { out << ".Load("; return; } if (IsShadowSampler(textureFunction.sampler)) { switch (textureFunction.method) { case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::IMPLICIT: case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::BIAS: case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD: out << ".SampleCmp("; break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0: case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS: case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::GRAD: out << ".SampleCmpLevelZero("; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else { switch (textureFunction.method) { case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::IMPLICIT: out << ".Sample("; break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::BIAS: out << ".SampleBias("; break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD: case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0: case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS: out << ".SampleLevel("; break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::GRAD: out << ".SampleGrad("; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } out << samplerReference << ", "; } const char *GetSamplerCoordinateTypeString( const TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction &textureFunction, int hlslCoords) { if (IsIntegerSampler(textureFunction.sampler) || textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::FETCH) { switch (hlslCoords) { case 2: return "int3"; case 3: return "int4"; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else { switch (hlslCoords) { case 2: return "float2"; case 3: return "float3"; case 4: return "float4"; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } return ""; } int GetHLSLCoordCount(const TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction &textureFunction, ShShaderOutput outputType) { if (outputType == SH_HLSL_3_0_OUTPUT) { int hlslCoords = 2; switch (textureFunction.sampler) { case EbtSampler2D: case EbtSamplerExternalOES: hlslCoords = 2; break; case EbtSamplerCube: hlslCoords = 3; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } switch (textureFunction.method) { case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::IMPLICIT: return hlslCoords; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::BIAS: case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD: case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0: case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS: return 4; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else { switch (textureFunction.sampler) { case EbtSampler2D: return 2; case EbtSampler3D: return 3; case EbtSamplerCube: return 3; case EbtSampler2DArray: return 3; case EbtSamplerExternalOES: return 2; case EbtISampler2D: return 2; case EbtISampler3D: return 3; case EbtISamplerCube: return 3; case EbtISampler2DArray: return 3; case EbtUSampler2D: return 2; case EbtUSampler3D: return 3; case EbtUSamplerCube: return 3; case EbtUSampler2DArray: return 3; case EbtSampler2DShadow: return 2; case EbtSamplerCubeShadow: return 3; case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: return 3; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } return 0; } void OutputTextureFunctionArgumentList(TInfoSinkBase &out, const TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction &textureFunction, const ShShaderOutput outputType) { if (outputType == SH_HLSL_3_0_OUTPUT) { switch (textureFunction.sampler) { case EbtSampler2D: case EbtSamplerExternalOES: out << "sampler2D s"; break; case EbtSamplerCube: out << "samplerCUBE s"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else { if (outputType == SH_HLSL_4_0_FL9_3_OUTPUT) { out << TextureString(textureFunction.sampler) << " x, " << SamplerString(textureFunction.sampler) << " s"; } else { ASSERT(outputType == SH_HLSL_4_1_OUTPUT); out << "const uint samplerIndex"; } } if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::FETCH) // Integer coordinates { switch (textureFunction.coords) { case 2: out << ", int2 t"; break; case 3: out << ", int3 t"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else // Floating-point coordinates (except textureSize) { switch (textureFunction.coords) { case 1: out << ", int lod"; break; // textureSize() case 2: out << ", float2 t"; break; case 3: out << ", float3 t"; break; case 4: out << ", float4 t"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::GRAD) { switch (textureFunction.sampler) { case EbtSampler2D: case EbtISampler2D: case EbtUSampler2D: case EbtSampler2DArray: case EbtISampler2DArray: case EbtUSampler2DArray: case EbtSampler2DShadow: case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: case EbtSamplerExternalOES: out << ", float2 ddx, float2 ddy"; break; case EbtSampler3D: case EbtISampler3D: case EbtUSampler3D: case EbtSamplerCube: case EbtISamplerCube: case EbtUSamplerCube: case EbtSamplerCubeShadow: out << ", float3 ddx, float3 ddy"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } switch (textureFunction.method) { case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::IMPLICIT: break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::BIAS: break; // Comes after the offset parameter case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD: out << ", float lod"; break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0: break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS: break; // Comes after the offset parameter case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::SIZE: break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::FETCH: out << ", int mip"; break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::GRAD: break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } if (textureFunction.offset) { switch (textureFunction.sampler) { case EbtSampler2D: out << ", int2 offset"; break; case EbtSampler3D: out << ", int3 offset"; break; case EbtSampler2DArray: out << ", int2 offset"; break; case EbtISampler2D: out << ", int2 offset"; break; case EbtISampler3D: out << ", int3 offset"; break; case EbtISampler2DArray: out << ", int2 offset"; break; case EbtUSampler2D: out << ", int2 offset"; break; case EbtUSampler3D: out << ", int3 offset"; break; case EbtUSampler2DArray: out << ", int2 offset"; break; case EbtSampler2DShadow: out << ", int2 offset"; break; case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: out << ", int2 offset"; break; case EbtSamplerExternalOES: out << ", int2 offset"; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::BIAS || textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS) { out << ", float bias"; } } void GetTextureReference(TInfoSinkBase &out, const TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction &textureFunction, const ShShaderOutput outputType, TString *textureReference, TString *samplerReference) { if (outputType == SH_HLSL_4_1_OUTPUT) { TString suffix = TextureGroupSuffix(textureFunction.sampler); if (TextureGroup(textureFunction.sampler) == HLSL_TEXTURE_2D) { *textureReference = TString("textures") + suffix + "[samplerIndex]"; *samplerReference = TString("samplers") + suffix + "[samplerIndex]"; } else { out << " const uint textureIndex = samplerIndex - textureIndexOffset" << suffix << ";\n"; *textureReference = TString("textures") + suffix + "[textureIndex]"; out << " const uint samplerArrayIndex = samplerIndex - samplerIndexOffset" << suffix << ";\n"; *samplerReference = TString("samplers") + suffix + "[samplerArrayIndex]"; } } else { *textureReference = "x"; *samplerReference = "s"; } } void OutputTextureSizeFunctionBody(TInfoSinkBase &out, const TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction &textureFunction, const TString &textureReference, bool getDimensionsIgnoresBaseLevel) { if (getDimensionsIgnoresBaseLevel) { out << "int baseLevel = samplerMetadata[samplerIndex].baseLevel;\n"; } else { out << "int baseLevel = 0;\n"; } if (IsSampler3D(textureFunction.sampler) || IsSamplerArray(textureFunction.sampler) || (IsIntegerSampler(textureFunction.sampler) && IsSamplerCube(textureFunction.sampler))) { // "depth" stores either the number of layers in an array texture or 3D depth out << " uint width; uint height; uint depth; uint numberOfLevels;\n" << " " << textureReference << ".GetDimensions(baseLevel, width, height, depth, numberOfLevels);\n" << " width = max(width >> lod, 1);\n" << " height = max(height >> lod, 1);\n"; if (!IsSamplerArray(textureFunction.sampler)) { out << " depth = max(depth >> lod, 1);\n"; } } else if (IsSampler2D(textureFunction.sampler) || IsSamplerCube(textureFunction.sampler)) { out << " uint width; uint height; uint numberOfLevels;\n" << " " << textureReference << ".GetDimensions(baseLevel, width, height, numberOfLevels);\n" << " width = max(width >> lod, 1);\n" << " height = max(height >> lod, 1);\n"; } else UNREACHABLE(); if (strcmp(textureFunction.getReturnType(), "int3") == 0) { out << " return int3(width, height, depth);"; } else { out << " return int2(width, height);"; } } void ProjectTextureCoordinates(const TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction &textureFunction, TString *texCoordX, TString *texCoordY, TString *texCoordZ) { if (textureFunction.proj) { TString proj(""); switch (textureFunction.coords) { case 3: proj = " / t.z"; break; case 4: proj = " / t.w"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } *texCoordX = "(" + *texCoordX + proj + ")"; *texCoordY = "(" + *texCoordY + proj + ")"; *texCoordZ = "(" + *texCoordZ + proj + ")"; } } void OutputIntegerTextureSampleFunctionComputations( TInfoSinkBase &out, const TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction &textureFunction, const ShShaderOutput outputType, const TString &textureReference, TString *texCoordX, TString *texCoordY, TString *texCoordZ) { if (!IsIntegerSampler(textureFunction.sampler)) { return; } if (IsSamplerCube(textureFunction.sampler)) { out << " float width; float height; float layers; float levels;\n"; out << " uint mip = 0;\n"; out << " " << textureReference << ".GetDimensions(mip, width, height, layers, levels);\n"; out << " bool xMajor = abs(t.x) > abs(t.y) && abs(t.x) > abs(t.z);\n"; out << " bool yMajor = abs(t.y) > abs(t.z) && abs(t.y) > abs(t.x);\n"; out << " bool zMajor = abs(t.z) > abs(t.x) && abs(t.z) > abs(t.y);\n"; out << " bool negative = (xMajor && t.x < 0.0f) || (yMajor && t.y < 0.0f) || " "(zMajor && t.z < 0.0f);\n"; // FACE_POSITIVE_X = 000b // FACE_NEGATIVE_X = 001b // FACE_POSITIVE_Y = 010b // FACE_NEGATIVE_Y = 011b // FACE_POSITIVE_Z = 100b // FACE_NEGATIVE_Z = 101b out << " int face = (int)negative + (int)yMajor * 2 + (int)zMajor * 4;\n"; out << " float u = xMajor ? -t.z : (yMajor && t.y < 0.0f ? -t.x : t.x);\n"; out << " float v = yMajor ? t.z : (negative ? t.y : -t.y);\n"; out << " float m = xMajor ? t.x : (yMajor ? t.y : t.z);\n"; out << " t.x = (u * 0.5f / m) + 0.5f;\n"; out << " t.y = (v * 0.5f / m) + 0.5f;\n"; // Mip level computation. if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::IMPLICIT || textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD || textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::GRAD) { if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::IMPLICIT) { out << " float2 tSized = float2(t.x * width, t.y * height);\n" " float2 dx = ddx(tSized);\n" " float2 dy = ddy(tSized);\n" " float lod = 0.5f * log2(max(dot(dx, dx), dot(dy, dy)));\n"; } else if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::GRAD) { // ESSL 3.00.6 spec section 8.8: "For the cube version, the partial // derivatives of P are assumed to be in the coordinate system used before // texture coordinates are projected onto the appropriate cube face." // ddx[0] and ddy[0] are the derivatives of t.x passed into the function // ddx[1] and ddy[1] are the derivatives of t.y passed into the function // ddx[2] and ddy[2] are the derivatives of t.z passed into the function // Determine the derivatives of u, v and m out << " float dudx = xMajor ? ddx[2] : (yMajor && t.y < 0.0f ? -ddx[0] " ": ddx[0]);\n" " float dudy = xMajor ? ddy[2] : (yMajor && t.y < 0.0f ? -ddy[0] " ": ddy[0]);\n" " float dvdx = yMajor ? ddx[2] : (negative ? ddx[1] : -ddx[1]);\n" " float dvdy = yMajor ? ddy[2] : (negative ? ddy[1] : -ddy[1]);\n" " float dmdx = xMajor ? ddx[0] : (yMajor ? ddx[1] : ddx[2]);\n" " float dmdy = xMajor ? ddy[0] : (yMajor ? ddy[1] : ddy[2]);\n"; // Now determine the derivatives of the face coordinates, using the // derivatives calculated above. // d / dx (u(x) * 0.5 / m(x) + 0.5) // = 0.5 * (m(x) * u'(x) - u(x) * m'(x)) / m(x)^2 out << " float dfacexdx = 0.5f * (m * dudx - u * dmdx) / (m * m);\n" " float dfaceydx = 0.5f * (m * dvdx - v * dmdx) / (m * m);\n" " float dfacexdy = 0.5f * (m * dudy - u * dmdy) / (m * m);\n" " float dfaceydy = 0.5f * (m * dvdy - v * dmdy) / (m * m);\n" " float2 sizeVec = float2(width, height);\n" " float2 faceddx = float2(dfacexdx, dfaceydx) * sizeVec;\n" " float2 faceddy = float2(dfacexdy, dfaceydy) * sizeVec;\n"; // Optimization: instead of: log2(max(length(faceddx), length(faceddy))) // we compute: log2(max(length(faceddx)^2, length(faceddy)^2)) / 2 out << " float lengthfaceddx2 = dot(faceddx, faceddx);\n" " float lengthfaceddy2 = dot(faceddy, faceddy);\n" " float lod = log2(max(lengthfaceddx2, lengthfaceddy2)) * 0.5f;\n"; } out << " mip = uint(min(max(round(lod), 0), levels - 1));\n" << " " << textureReference << ".GetDimensions(mip, width, height, layers, levels);\n"; } // Convert from normalized floating-point to integer *texCoordX = "int(floor(width * frac(" + *texCoordX + ")))"; *texCoordY = "int(floor(height * frac(" + *texCoordY + ")))"; *texCoordZ = "face"; } else if (textureFunction.method != TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::FETCH) { if (IsSampler2D(textureFunction.sampler)) { if (IsSamplerArray(textureFunction.sampler)) { out << " float width; float height; float layers; float levels;\n"; if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0) { out << " uint mip = 0;\n"; } else if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS) { out << " uint mip = bias;\n"; } else { out << " " << textureReference << ".GetDimensions(0, width, height, layers, levels);\n"; if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::IMPLICIT || textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::BIAS) { out << " float2 tSized = float2(t.x * width, t.y * height);\n" " float dx = length(ddx(tSized));\n" " float dy = length(ddy(tSized));\n" " float lod = log2(max(dx, dy));\n"; if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::BIAS) { out << " lod += bias;\n"; } } else if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::GRAD) { out << " float2 sizeVec = float2(width, height);\n" " float2 sizeDdx = ddx * sizeVec;\n" " float2 sizeDdy = ddy * sizeVec;\n" " float lod = log2(max(dot(sizeDdx, sizeDdx), " "dot(sizeDdy, sizeDdy))) * 0.5f;\n"; } out << " uint mip = uint(min(max(round(lod), 0), levels - 1));\n"; } out << " " << textureReference << ".GetDimensions(mip, width, height, layers, levels);\n"; } else { out << " float width; float height; float levels;\n"; if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0) { out << " uint mip = 0;\n"; } else if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS) { out << " uint mip = bias;\n"; } else { out << " " << textureReference << ".GetDimensions(0, width, height, levels);\n"; if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::IMPLICIT || textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::BIAS) { out << " float2 tSized = float2(t.x * width, t.y * height);\n" " float dx = length(ddx(tSized));\n" " float dy = length(ddy(tSized));\n" " float lod = log2(max(dx, dy));\n"; if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::BIAS) { out << " lod += bias;\n"; } } else if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::GRAD) { out << " float2 sizeVec = float2(width, height);\n" " float2 sizeDdx = ddx * sizeVec;\n" " float2 sizeDdy = ddy * sizeVec;\n" " float lod = log2(max(dot(sizeDdx, sizeDdx), " "dot(sizeDdy, sizeDdy))) * 0.5f;\n"; } out << " uint mip = uint(min(max(round(lod), 0), levels - 1));\n"; } out << " " << textureReference << ".GetDimensions(mip, width, height, levels);\n"; } } else if (IsSampler3D(textureFunction.sampler)) { out << " float width; float height; float depth; float levels;\n"; if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0) { out << " uint mip = 0;\n"; } else if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS) { out << " uint mip = bias;\n"; } else { out << " " << textureReference << ".GetDimensions(0, width, height, depth, levels);\n"; if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::IMPLICIT || textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::BIAS) { out << " float3 tSized = float3(t.x * width, t.y * height, t.z * depth);\n" " float dx = length(ddx(tSized));\n" " float dy = length(ddy(tSized));\n" " float lod = log2(max(dx, dy));\n"; if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::BIAS) { out << " lod += bias;\n"; } } else if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::GRAD) { out << " float3 sizeVec = float3(width, height, depth);\n" " float3 sizeDdx = ddx * sizeVec;\n" " float3 sizeDdy = ddy * sizeVec;\n" " float lod = log2(max(dot(sizeDdx, sizeDdx), dot(sizeDdy, " "sizeDdy))) * 0.5f;\n"; } out << " uint mip = uint(min(max(round(lod), 0), levels - 1));\n"; } out << " " << textureReference << ".GetDimensions(mip, width, height, depth, levels);\n"; } else UNREACHABLE(); OutputIntTexCoordWraps(out, textureFunction, texCoordX, texCoordY, texCoordZ); } } void OutputTextureSampleFunctionReturnStatement( TInfoSinkBase &out, const TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction &textureFunction, const ShShaderOutput outputType, const TString &textureReference, const TString &samplerReference, const TString &texCoordX, const TString &texCoordY, const TString &texCoordZ) { out << " return "; // HLSL intrinsic if (outputType == SH_HLSL_3_0_OUTPUT) { switch (textureFunction.sampler) { case EbtSampler2D: case EbtSamplerExternalOES: out << "tex2D"; break; case EbtSamplerCube: out << "texCUBE"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } switch (textureFunction.method) { case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::IMPLICIT: out << "(" << samplerReference << ", "; break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::BIAS: out << "bias(" << samplerReference << ", "; break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD: out << "lod(" << samplerReference << ", "; break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0: out << "lod(" << samplerReference << ", "; break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS: out << "lod(" << samplerReference << ", "; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else if (outputType == SH_HLSL_4_1_OUTPUT || outputType == SH_HLSL_4_0_FL9_3_OUTPUT) { OutputHLSL4SampleFunctionPrefix(out, textureFunction, textureReference, samplerReference); } else UNREACHABLE(); const int hlslCoords = GetHLSLCoordCount(textureFunction, outputType); out << GetSamplerCoordinateTypeString(textureFunction, hlslCoords) << "(" << texCoordX << ", " << texCoordY; if (outputType == SH_HLSL_3_0_OUTPUT) { if (hlslCoords >= 3) { if (textureFunction.coords < 3) { out << ", 0"; } else { out << ", " << texCoordZ; } } if (hlslCoords == 4) { switch (textureFunction.method) { case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::BIAS: out << ", bias"; break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD: out << ", lod"; break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0: out << ", 0"; break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS: out << ", bias"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } out << ")"; } else if (outputType == SH_HLSL_4_1_OUTPUT || outputType == SH_HLSL_4_0_FL9_3_OUTPUT) { if (hlslCoords >= 3) { ASSERT(!IsIntegerSampler(textureFunction.sampler) || !IsSamplerCube(textureFunction.sampler) || texCoordZ == "face"); out << ", " << texCoordZ; } if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::GRAD) { if (IsIntegerSampler(textureFunction.sampler)) { out << ", mip)"; } else if (IsShadowSampler(textureFunction.sampler)) { // Compare value if (textureFunction.proj) { // According to ESSL 3.00.4 sec 8.8 p95 on textureProj: // The resulting third component of P' in the shadow forms is used as // Dref out << "), " << texCoordZ; } else { switch (textureFunction.coords) { case 3: out << "), t.z"; break; case 4: out << "), t.w"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } } else { out << "), ddx, ddy"; } } else if (IsIntegerSampler(textureFunction.sampler) || textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::FETCH) { out << ", mip)"; } else if (IsShadowSampler(textureFunction.sampler)) { // Compare value if (textureFunction.proj) { // According to ESSL 3.00.4 sec 8.8 p95 on textureProj: // The resulting third component of P' in the shadow forms is used as Dref out << "), " << texCoordZ; } else { switch (textureFunction.coords) { case 3: out << "), t.z"; break; case 4: out << "), t.w"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } } else { switch (textureFunction.method) { case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::IMPLICIT: out << ")"; break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::BIAS: out << "), bias"; break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD: out << "), lod"; break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0: out << "), 0"; break; case TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS: out << "), bias"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } if (textureFunction.offset && (!IsIntegerSampler(textureFunction.sampler) || textureFunction.method == TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::FETCH)) { out << ", offset"; } } else UNREACHABLE(); out << ");\n"; // Close the sample function call and return statement } } // Anonymous namespace TString TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::name() const { TString name = "gl_texture"; // We need to include full the sampler type in the function name to make the signature unique // on D3D11, where samplers are passed to texture functions as indices. name += TextureTypeSuffix(this->sampler); if (proj) { name += "Proj"; } if (offset) { name += "Offset"; } switch (method) { case IMPLICIT: break; case BIAS: break; // Extra parameter makes the signature unique case LOD: name += "Lod"; break; case LOD0: name += "Lod0"; break; case LOD0BIAS: name += "Lod0"; break; // Extra parameter makes the signature unique case SIZE: name += "Size"; break; case FETCH: name += "Fetch"; break; case GRAD: name += "Grad"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } return name; } const char *TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::getReturnType() const { if (method == TextureFunction::SIZE) { switch (sampler) { case EbtSampler2D: case EbtISampler2D: case EbtUSampler2D: case EbtSampler2DShadow: case EbtSamplerCube: case EbtISamplerCube: case EbtUSamplerCube: case EbtSamplerCubeShadow: case EbtSamplerExternalOES: return "int2"; case EbtSampler3D: case EbtISampler3D: case EbtUSampler3D: case EbtSampler2DArray: case EbtISampler2DArray: case EbtUSampler2DArray: case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: return "int3"; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else // Sampling function { switch (sampler) { case EbtSampler2D: case EbtSampler3D: case EbtSamplerCube: case EbtSampler2DArray: case EbtSamplerExternalOES: return "float4"; case EbtISampler2D: case EbtISampler3D: case EbtISamplerCube: case EbtISampler2DArray: return "int4"; case EbtUSampler2D: case EbtUSampler3D: case EbtUSamplerCube: case EbtUSampler2DArray: return "uint4"; case EbtSampler2DShadow: case EbtSamplerCubeShadow: case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: return "float"; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } return ""; } bool TextureFunctionHLSL::TextureFunction::operator<(const TextureFunction &rhs) const { if (sampler < rhs.sampler) return true; if (sampler > rhs.sampler) return false; if (coords < rhs.coords) return true; if (coords > rhs.coords) return false; if (!proj && rhs.proj) return true; if (proj && !rhs.proj) return false; if (!offset && rhs.offset) return true; if (offset && !rhs.offset) return false; if (method < rhs.method) return true; if (method > rhs.method) return false; return false; } TString TextureFunctionHLSL::useTextureFunction(const TString &name, TBasicType samplerType, int coords, size_t argumentCount, bool lod0, sh::GLenum shaderType) { TextureFunction textureFunction; textureFunction.sampler = samplerType; textureFunction.coords = coords; textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::IMPLICIT; textureFunction.proj = false; textureFunction.offset = false; if (name == "texture2D" || name == "textureCube" || name == "texture") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::IMPLICIT; } else if (name == "texture2DProj" || name == "textureProj") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::IMPLICIT; textureFunction.proj = true; } else if (name == "texture2DLod" || name == "textureCubeLod" || name == "textureLod" || name == "texture2DLodEXT" || name == "textureCubeLodEXT") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::LOD; } else if (name == "texture2DProjLod" || name == "textureProjLod" || name == "texture2DProjLodEXT") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::LOD; textureFunction.proj = true; } else if (name == "textureSize") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::SIZE; } else if (name == "textureOffset") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::IMPLICIT; textureFunction.offset = true; } else if (name == "textureProjOffset") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::IMPLICIT; textureFunction.offset = true; textureFunction.proj = true; } else if (name == "textureLodOffset") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::LOD; textureFunction.offset = true; } else if (name == "textureProjLodOffset") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::LOD; textureFunction.proj = true; textureFunction.offset = true; } else if (name == "texelFetch") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::FETCH; } else if (name == "texelFetchOffset") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::FETCH; textureFunction.offset = true; } else if (name == "textureGrad" || name == "texture2DGradEXT") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::GRAD; } else if (name == "textureGradOffset") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::GRAD; textureFunction.offset = true; } else if (name == "textureProjGrad" || name == "texture2DProjGradEXT" || name == "textureCubeGradEXT") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::GRAD; textureFunction.proj = true; } else if (name == "textureProjGradOffset") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::GRAD; textureFunction.proj = true; textureFunction.offset = true; } else UNREACHABLE(); if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunction::IMPLICIT) // Could require lod 0 or have a bias argument { size_t mandatoryArgumentCount = 2; // All functions have sampler and coordinate arguments if (textureFunction.offset) { mandatoryArgumentCount++; } bool bias = (argumentCount > mandatoryArgumentCount); // Bias argument is optional if (lod0 || shaderType == GL_VERTEX_SHADER) { if (bias) { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS; } else { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::LOD0; } } else if (bias) { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::BIAS; } } mUsesTexture.insert(textureFunction); return textureFunction.name(); } void TextureFunctionHLSL::textureFunctionHeader(TInfoSinkBase &out, const ShShaderOutput outputType, bool getDimensionsIgnoresBaseLevel) { for (const TextureFunction &textureFunction : mUsesTexture) { // Function header out << textureFunction.getReturnType() << " " << textureFunction.name() << "("; OutputTextureFunctionArgumentList(out, textureFunction, outputType); out << ")\n" "{\n"; // In some cases we use a variable to store the texture/sampler objects, but to work around // a D3D11 compiler bug related to discard inside a loop that is conditional on texture // sampling we need to call the function directly on references to the texture and sampler // arrays. The bug was found using dEQP-GLES3.functional.shaders.discard*loop_texture* // tests. TString textureReference; TString samplerReference; GetTextureReference(out, textureFunction, outputType, &textureReference, &samplerReference); if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunction::SIZE) { OutputTextureSizeFunctionBody(out, textureFunction, textureReference, getDimensionsIgnoresBaseLevel); } else { TString texCoordX("t.x"); TString texCoordY("t.y"); TString texCoordZ("t.z"); ProjectTextureCoordinates(textureFunction, &texCoordX, &texCoordY, &texCoordZ); OutputIntegerTextureSampleFunctionComputations(out, textureFunction, outputType, textureReference, &texCoordX, &texCoordY, &texCoordZ); OutputTextureSampleFunctionReturnStatement(out, textureFunction, outputType, textureReference, samplerReference, texCoordX, texCoordY, texCoordZ); } out << "}\n" "\n"; } } } // namespace sh