// // Copyright (c) 2002-2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // RemoveDynamicIndexing is an AST traverser to remove dynamic indexing of vectors and matrices, // replacing them with calls to functions that choose which component to return or write. // #include "compiler/translator/RemoveDynamicIndexing.h" #include "compiler/translator/InfoSink.h" #include "compiler/translator/IntermNode.h" #include "compiler/translator/IntermNodePatternMatcher.h" #include "compiler/translator/SymbolTable.h" namespace sh { namespace { TName GetIndexFunctionName(const TType &type, bool write) { TInfoSinkBase nameSink; nameSink << "dyn_index_"; if (write) { nameSink << "write_"; } if (type.isMatrix()) { nameSink << "mat" << type.getCols() << "x" << type.getRows(); } else { switch (type.getBasicType()) { case EbtInt: nameSink << "ivec"; break; case EbtBool: nameSink << "bvec"; break; case EbtUInt: nameSink << "uvec"; break; case EbtFloat: nameSink << "vec"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } nameSink << type.getNominalSize(); } TString nameString = TFunction::mangleName(nameSink.c_str()); TName name(nameString); name.setInternal(true); return name; } TIntermSymbol *CreateBaseSymbol(const TType &type, TQualifier qualifier) { TIntermSymbol *symbol = new TIntermSymbol(0, "base", type); symbol->setInternal(true); symbol->getTypePointer()->setQualifier(qualifier); return symbol; } TIntermSymbol *CreateIndexSymbol() { TIntermSymbol *symbol = new TIntermSymbol(0, "index", TType(EbtInt, EbpHigh)); symbol->setInternal(true); symbol->getTypePointer()->setQualifier(EvqIn); return symbol; } TIntermSymbol *CreateValueSymbol(const TType &type) { TIntermSymbol *symbol = new TIntermSymbol(0, "value", type); symbol->setInternal(true); symbol->getTypePointer()->setQualifier(EvqIn); return symbol; } TIntermConstantUnion *CreateIntConstantNode(int i) { TConstantUnion *constant = new TConstantUnion(); constant->setIConst(i); return new TIntermConstantUnion(constant, TType(EbtInt, EbpHigh)); } TIntermBinary *CreateIndexDirectBaseSymbolNode(const TType &indexedType, const TType &fieldType, const int index, TQualifier baseQualifier) { TIntermSymbol *baseSymbol = CreateBaseSymbol(indexedType, baseQualifier); TIntermBinary *indexNode = new TIntermBinary(EOpIndexDirect, baseSymbol, TIntermTyped::CreateIndexNode(index)); return indexNode; } TIntermBinary *CreateAssignValueSymbolNode(TIntermTyped *targetNode, const TType &assignedValueType) { return new TIntermBinary(EOpAssign, targetNode, CreateValueSymbol(assignedValueType)); } TIntermTyped *EnsureSignedInt(TIntermTyped *node) { if (node->getBasicType() == EbtInt) return node; TIntermAggregate *convertedNode = new TIntermAggregate(EOpConstructInt); convertedNode->setType(TType(EbtInt)); convertedNode->getSequence()->push_back(node); convertedNode->setPrecisionFromChildren(); return convertedNode; } TType GetFieldType(const TType &indexedType) { if (indexedType.isMatrix()) { TType fieldType = TType(indexedType.getBasicType(), indexedType.getPrecision()); fieldType.setPrimarySize(static_cast(indexedType.getRows())); return fieldType; } else { return TType(indexedType.getBasicType(), indexedType.getPrecision()); } } // Generate a read or write function for one field in a vector/matrix. // Out-of-range indices are clamped. This is consistent with how ANGLE handles out-of-range // indices in other places. // Note that indices can be either int or uint. We create only int versions of the functions, // and convert uint indices to int at the call site. // read function example: // float dyn_index_vec2(in vec2 base, in int index) // { // switch(index) // { // case (0): // return base[0]; // case (1): // return base[1]; // default: // break; // } // if (index < 0) // return base[0]; // return base[1]; // } // write function example: // void dyn_index_write_vec2(inout vec2 base, in int index, in float value) // { // switch(index) // { // case (0): // base[0] = value; // return; // case (1): // base[1] = value; // return; // default: // break; // } // if (index < 0) // { // base[0] = value; // return; // } // base[1] = value; // } // Note that else is not used in above functions to avoid the RewriteElseBlocks transformation. TIntermFunctionDefinition *GetIndexFunctionDefinition(TType type, bool write) { ASSERT(!type.isArray()); // Conservatively use highp here, even if the indexed type is not highp. That way the code can't // end up using mediump version of an indexing function for a highp value, if both mediump and // highp values are being indexed in the shader. For HLSL precision doesn't matter, but in // principle this code could be used with multiple backends. type.setPrecision(EbpHigh); TType fieldType = GetFieldType(type); int numCases = 0; if (type.isMatrix()) { numCases = type.getCols(); } else { numCases = type.getNominalSize(); } TIntermAggregate *paramsNode = new TIntermAggregate(EOpParameters); TQualifier baseQualifier = EvqInOut; if (!write) baseQualifier = EvqIn; TIntermSymbol *baseParam = CreateBaseSymbol(type, baseQualifier); paramsNode->getSequence()->push_back(baseParam); TIntermSymbol *indexParam = CreateIndexSymbol(); paramsNode->getSequence()->push_back(indexParam); if (write) { TIntermSymbol *valueParam = CreateValueSymbol(fieldType); paramsNode->getSequence()->push_back(valueParam); } TIntermBlock *statementList = new TIntermBlock(); for (int i = 0; i < numCases; ++i) { TIntermCase *caseNode = new TIntermCase(CreateIntConstantNode(i)); statementList->getSequence()->push_back(caseNode); TIntermBinary *indexNode = CreateIndexDirectBaseSymbolNode(type, fieldType, i, baseQualifier); if (write) { TIntermBinary *assignNode = CreateAssignValueSymbolNode(indexNode, fieldType); statementList->getSequence()->push_back(assignNode); TIntermBranch *returnNode = new TIntermBranch(EOpReturn, nullptr); statementList->getSequence()->push_back(returnNode); } else { TIntermBranch *returnNode = new TIntermBranch(EOpReturn, indexNode); statementList->getSequence()->push_back(returnNode); } } // Default case TIntermCase *defaultNode = new TIntermCase(nullptr); statementList->getSequence()->push_back(defaultNode); TIntermBranch *breakNode = new TIntermBranch(EOpBreak, nullptr); statementList->getSequence()->push_back(breakNode); TIntermSwitch *switchNode = new TIntermSwitch(CreateIndexSymbol(), statementList); TIntermBlock *bodyNode = new TIntermBlock(); bodyNode->getSequence()->push_back(switchNode); TIntermBinary *cond = new TIntermBinary(EOpLessThan, CreateIndexSymbol(), CreateIntConstantNode(0)); cond->setType(TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined)); // Two blocks: one accesses (either reads or writes) the first element and returns, // the other accesses the last element. TIntermBlock *useFirstBlock = new TIntermBlock(); TIntermBlock *useLastBlock = new TIntermBlock(); TIntermBinary *indexFirstNode = CreateIndexDirectBaseSymbolNode(type, fieldType, 0, baseQualifier); TIntermBinary *indexLastNode = CreateIndexDirectBaseSymbolNode(type, fieldType, numCases - 1, baseQualifier); if (write) { TIntermBinary *assignFirstNode = CreateAssignValueSymbolNode(indexFirstNode, fieldType); useFirstBlock->getSequence()->push_back(assignFirstNode); TIntermBranch *returnNode = new TIntermBranch(EOpReturn, nullptr); useFirstBlock->getSequence()->push_back(returnNode); TIntermBinary *assignLastNode = CreateAssignValueSymbolNode(indexLastNode, fieldType); useLastBlock->getSequence()->push_back(assignLastNode); } else { TIntermBranch *returnFirstNode = new TIntermBranch(EOpReturn, indexFirstNode); useFirstBlock->getSequence()->push_back(returnFirstNode); TIntermBranch *returnLastNode = new TIntermBranch(EOpReturn, indexLastNode); useLastBlock->getSequence()->push_back(returnLastNode); } TIntermIfElse *ifNode = new TIntermIfElse(cond, useFirstBlock, nullptr); bodyNode->getSequence()->push_back(ifNode); bodyNode->getSequence()->push_back(useLastBlock); TIntermFunctionDefinition *indexingFunction = nullptr; if (write) { indexingFunction = new TIntermFunctionDefinition(TType(EbtVoid), paramsNode, bodyNode); } else { indexingFunction = new TIntermFunctionDefinition(fieldType, paramsNode, bodyNode); } indexingFunction->getFunctionSymbolInfo()->setNameObj(GetIndexFunctionName(type, write)); return indexingFunction; } class RemoveDynamicIndexingTraverser : public TLValueTrackingTraverser { public: RemoveDynamicIndexingTraverser(const TSymbolTable &symbolTable, int shaderVersion); bool visitBinary(Visit visit, TIntermBinary *node) override; void insertHelperDefinitions(TIntermNode *root); void nextIteration(); bool usedTreeInsertion() const { return mUsedTreeInsertion; } protected: // Sets of types that are indexed. Note that these can not store multiple variants // of the same type with different precisions - only one precision gets stored. std::set mIndexedVecAndMatrixTypes; std::set mWrittenVecAndMatrixTypes; bool mUsedTreeInsertion; // When true, the traverser will remove side effects from any indexing expression. // This is done so that in code like // V[j++][i]++. // where V is an array of vectors, j++ will only be evaluated once. bool mRemoveIndexSideEffectsInSubtree; }; RemoveDynamicIndexingTraverser::RemoveDynamicIndexingTraverser(const TSymbolTable &symbolTable, int shaderVersion) : TLValueTrackingTraverser(true, false, false, symbolTable, shaderVersion), mUsedTreeInsertion(false), mRemoveIndexSideEffectsInSubtree(false) { } void RemoveDynamicIndexingTraverser::insertHelperDefinitions(TIntermNode *root) { TIntermBlock *rootBlock = root->getAsBlock(); ASSERT(rootBlock != nullptr); TIntermSequence insertions; for (TType type : mIndexedVecAndMatrixTypes) { insertions.push_back(GetIndexFunctionDefinition(type, false)); } for (TType type : mWrittenVecAndMatrixTypes) { insertions.push_back(GetIndexFunctionDefinition(type, true)); } mInsertions.push_back(NodeInsertMultipleEntry(rootBlock, 0, insertions, TIntermSequence())); } // Create a call to dyn_index_*() based on an indirect indexing op node TIntermAggregate *CreateIndexFunctionCall(TIntermBinary *node, TIntermTyped *indexedNode, TIntermTyped *index) { ASSERT(node->getOp() == EOpIndexIndirect); TIntermAggregate *indexingCall = new TIntermAggregate(EOpFunctionCall); indexingCall->setLine(node->getLine()); indexingCall->setUserDefined(); indexingCall->getFunctionSymbolInfo()->setNameObj( GetIndexFunctionName(indexedNode->getType(), false)); indexingCall->getSequence()->push_back(indexedNode); indexingCall->getSequence()->push_back(index); TType fieldType = GetFieldType(indexedNode->getType()); indexingCall->setType(fieldType); return indexingCall; } TIntermAggregate *CreateIndexedWriteFunctionCall(TIntermBinary *node, TIntermTyped *index, TIntermTyped *writtenValue) { // Deep copy the left node so that two pointers to the same node don't end up in the tree. TIntermNode *leftCopy = node->getLeft()->deepCopy(); ASSERT(leftCopy != nullptr && leftCopy->getAsTyped() != nullptr); TIntermAggregate *indexedWriteCall = CreateIndexFunctionCall(node, leftCopy->getAsTyped(), index); indexedWriteCall->getFunctionSymbolInfo()->setNameObj( GetIndexFunctionName(node->getLeft()->getType(), true)); indexedWriteCall->setType(TType(EbtVoid)); indexedWriteCall->getSequence()->push_back(writtenValue); return indexedWriteCall; } bool RemoveDynamicIndexingTraverser::visitBinary(Visit visit, TIntermBinary *node) { if (mUsedTreeInsertion) return false; if (node->getOp() == EOpIndexIndirect) { if (mRemoveIndexSideEffectsInSubtree) { ASSERT(node->getRight()->hasSideEffects()); // In case we're just removing index side effects, convert // v_expr[index_expr] // to this: // int s0 = index_expr; v_expr[s0]; // Now v_expr[s0] can be safely executed several times without unintended side effects. // Init the temp variable holding the index TIntermDeclaration *initIndex = createTempInitDeclaration(node->getRight()); insertStatementInParentBlock(initIndex); mUsedTreeInsertion = true; // Replace the index with the temp variable TIntermSymbol *tempIndex = createTempSymbol(node->getRight()->getType()); queueReplacementWithParent(node, node->getRight(), tempIndex, OriginalNode::IS_DROPPED); } else if (IntermNodePatternMatcher::IsDynamicIndexingOfVectorOrMatrix(node)) { bool write = isLValueRequiredHere(); #if defined(ANGLE_ENABLE_ASSERTS) // Make sure that IntermNodePatternMatcher is consistent with the slightly differently // implemented checks in this traverser. IntermNodePatternMatcher matcher( IntermNodePatternMatcher::kDynamicIndexingOfVectorOrMatrixInLValue); ASSERT(matcher.match(node, getParentNode(), isLValueRequiredHere()) == write); #endif TType type = node->getLeft()->getType(); mIndexedVecAndMatrixTypes.insert(type); if (write) { // Convert: // v_expr[index_expr]++; // to this: // int s0 = index_expr; float s1 = dyn_index(v_expr, s0); s1++; // dyn_index_write(v_expr, s0, s1); // This works even if index_expr has some side effects. if (node->getLeft()->hasSideEffects()) { // If v_expr has side effects, those need to be removed before proceeding. // Otherwise the side effects of v_expr would be evaluated twice. // The only case where an l-value can have side effects is when it is // indexing. For example, it can be V[j++] where V is an array of vectors. mRemoveIndexSideEffectsInSubtree = true; return true; } // TODO(oetuaho@nvidia.com): This is not optimal if the expression using the value // only writes it and doesn't need the previous value. http://anglebug.com/1116 mWrittenVecAndMatrixTypes.insert(type); TType fieldType = GetFieldType(type); TIntermSequence insertionsBefore; TIntermSequence insertionsAfter; // Store the index in a temporary signed int variable. TIntermTyped *indexInitializer = EnsureSignedInt(node->getRight()); TIntermDeclaration *initIndex = createTempInitDeclaration(indexInitializer); initIndex->setLine(node->getLine()); insertionsBefore.push_back(initIndex); TIntermAggregate *indexingCall = CreateIndexFunctionCall( node, node->getLeft(), createTempSymbol(indexInitializer->getType())); // Create a node for referring to the index after the nextTemporaryIndex() call // below. TIntermSymbol *tempIndex = createTempSymbol(indexInitializer->getType()); nextTemporaryIndex(); // From now on, creating temporary symbols that refer to the // field value. insertionsBefore.push_back(createTempInitDeclaration(indexingCall)); TIntermAggregate *indexedWriteCall = CreateIndexedWriteFunctionCall(node, tempIndex, createTempSymbol(fieldType)); insertionsAfter.push_back(indexedWriteCall); insertStatementsInParentBlock(insertionsBefore, insertionsAfter); queueReplacement(node, createTempSymbol(fieldType), OriginalNode::IS_DROPPED); mUsedTreeInsertion = true; } else { // The indexed value is not being written, so we can simply convert // v_expr[index_expr] // into // dyn_index(v_expr, index_expr) // If the index_expr is unsigned, we'll convert it to signed. ASSERT(!mRemoveIndexSideEffectsInSubtree); TIntermAggregate *indexingCall = CreateIndexFunctionCall( node, node->getLeft(), EnsureSignedInt(node->getRight())); queueReplacement(node, indexingCall, OriginalNode::IS_DROPPED); } } } return !mUsedTreeInsertion; } void RemoveDynamicIndexingTraverser::nextIteration() { mUsedTreeInsertion = false; mRemoveIndexSideEffectsInSubtree = false; nextTemporaryIndex(); } } // namespace void RemoveDynamicIndexing(TIntermNode *root, unsigned int *temporaryIndex, const TSymbolTable &symbolTable, int shaderVersion) { RemoveDynamicIndexingTraverser traverser(symbolTable, shaderVersion); ASSERT(temporaryIndex != nullptr); traverser.useTemporaryIndex(temporaryIndex); do { traverser.nextIteration(); root->traverse(&traverser); traverser.updateTree(); } while (traverser.usedTreeInsertion()); traverser.insertHelperDefinitions(root); traverser.updateTree(); } } // namespace sh