// // Copyright (c) 2002-2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // #include "compiler/translator/OutputGLSLBase.h" #include "common/debug.h" #include namespace { TString arrayBrackets(const TType &type) { ASSERT(type.isArray()); TInfoSinkBase out; out << "[" << type.getArraySize() << "]"; return TString(out.c_str()); } bool isSingleStatement(TIntermNode *node) { if (const TIntermAggregate *aggregate = node->getAsAggregate()) { return (aggregate->getOp() != EOpFunction) && (aggregate->getOp() != EOpSequence); } else if (const TIntermSelection *selection = node->getAsSelectionNode()) { // Ternary operators are usually part of an assignment operator. // This handles those rare cases in which they are all by themselves. return selection->usesTernaryOperator(); } else if (node->getAsLoopNode()) { return false; } else if (node->getAsSwitchNode()) { return false; } else if (node->getAsCaseNode()) { return false; } return true; } } // namespace TOutputGLSLBase::TOutputGLSLBase(TInfoSinkBase &objSink, ShArrayIndexClampingStrategy clampingStrategy, ShHashFunction64 hashFunction, NameMap &nameMap, TSymbolTable &symbolTable, int shaderVersion, ShShaderOutput output) : TIntermTraverser(true, true, true), mObjSink(objSink), mDeclaringVariables(false), mClampingStrategy(clampingStrategy), mHashFunction(hashFunction), mNameMap(nameMap), mSymbolTable(symbolTable), mShaderVersion(shaderVersion), mOutput(output) { } void TOutputGLSLBase::writeTriplet( Visit visit, const char *preStr, const char *inStr, const char *postStr) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); if (visit == PreVisit && preStr) out << preStr; else if (visit == InVisit && inStr) out << inStr; else if (visit == PostVisit && postStr) out << postStr; } void TOutputGLSLBase::writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet( Visit visit, const char *preStr, bool useEmulatedFunction) { TString preString = useEmulatedFunction ? BuiltInFunctionEmulator::GetEmulatedFunctionName(preStr) : preStr; writeTriplet(visit, preString.c_str(), ", ", ")"); } void TOutputGLSLBase::writeLayoutQualifier(const TType &type) { if (type.getQualifier() == EvqFragmentOut || type.getQualifier() == EvqVertexIn) { const TLayoutQualifier &layoutQualifier = type.getLayoutQualifier(); if (layoutQualifier.location >= 0) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); out << "layout(location = " << layoutQualifier.location << ") "; } } } void TOutputGLSLBase::writeVariableType(const TType &type) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); if (type.isInvariant()) { out << "invariant "; } if (type.getBasicType() == EbtInterfaceBlock) { TInterfaceBlock *interfaceBlock = type.getInterfaceBlock(); declareInterfaceBlockLayout(interfaceBlock); } TQualifier qualifier = type.getQualifier(); if (qualifier != EvqTemporary && qualifier != EvqGlobal) { if (IsGLSL130OrNewer(mOutput)) { switch (qualifier) { case EvqAttribute: out << "in "; break; case EvqVaryingIn: out << "in "; break; case EvqVaryingOut: out << "out "; break; default: out << type.getQualifierString() << " "; break; } } else { out << type.getQualifierString() << " "; } } // Declare the struct if we have not done so already. if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct && !structDeclared(type.getStruct())) { TStructure *structure = type.getStruct(); declareStruct(structure); if (!structure->name().empty()) { mDeclaredStructs.insert(structure->uniqueId()); } } else if (type.getBasicType() == EbtInterfaceBlock) { TInterfaceBlock *interfaceBlock = type.getInterfaceBlock(); declareInterfaceBlock(interfaceBlock); } else { if (writeVariablePrecision(type.getPrecision())) out << " "; out << getTypeName(type); } } void TOutputGLSLBase::writeFunctionParameters(const TIntermSequence &args) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); for (TIntermSequence::const_iterator iter = args.begin(); iter != args.end(); ++iter) { const TIntermSymbol *arg = (*iter)->getAsSymbolNode(); ASSERT(arg != NULL); const TType &type = arg->getType(); writeVariableType(type); const TString &name = arg->getSymbol(); if (!name.empty()) out << " " << hashName(name); if (type.isArray()) out << arrayBrackets(type); // Put a comma if this is not the last argument. if (iter != args.end() - 1) out << ", "; } } const TConstantUnion *TOutputGLSLBase::writeConstantUnion( const TType &type, const TConstantUnion *pConstUnion) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct) { const TStructure *structure = type.getStruct(); out << hashName(structure->name()) << "("; const TFieldList &fields = structure->fields(); for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) { const TType *fieldType = fields[i]->type(); ASSERT(fieldType != NULL); pConstUnion = writeConstantUnion(*fieldType, pConstUnion); if (i != fields.size() - 1) out << ", "; } out << ")"; } else { size_t size = type.getObjectSize(); bool writeType = size > 1; if (writeType) out << getTypeName(type) << "("; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i, ++pConstUnion) { switch (pConstUnion->getType()) { case EbtFloat: out << std::min(FLT_MAX, std::max(-FLT_MAX, pConstUnion->getFConst())); break; case EbtInt: out << pConstUnion->getIConst(); break; case EbtUInt: out << pConstUnion->getUConst() << "u"; break; case EbtBool: out << pConstUnion->getBConst(); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } if (i != size - 1) out << ", "; } if (writeType) out << ")"; } return pConstUnion; } void TOutputGLSLBase::writeConstructorTriplet(Visit visit, const TType &type) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); if (visit == PreVisit) { if (type.isArray()) { out << getTypeName(type); out << arrayBrackets(type); out << "("; } else { out << getTypeName(type) << "("; } } else { writeTriplet(visit, nullptr, ", ", ")"); } } void TOutputGLSLBase::visitSymbol(TIntermSymbol *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); if (mLoopUnrollStack.needsToReplaceSymbolWithValue(node)) out << mLoopUnrollStack.getLoopIndexValue(node); else out << hashVariableName(node->getSymbol()); if (mDeclaringVariables && node->getType().isArray()) out << arrayBrackets(node->getType()); } void TOutputGLSLBase::visitConstantUnion(TIntermConstantUnion *node) { writeConstantUnion(node->getType(), node->getUnionArrayPointer()); } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitBinary(Visit visit, TIntermBinary *node) { bool visitChildren = true; TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); switch (node->getOp()) { case EOpInitialize: if (visit == InVisit) { out << " = "; // RHS of initialize is not being declared. mDeclaringVariables = false; } break; case EOpAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " = ", ")"); break; case EOpAddAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " += ", ")"); break; case EOpSubAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " -= ", ")"); break; case EOpDivAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " /= ", ")"); break; case EOpIModAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " %= ", ")"); break; // Notice the fall-through. case EOpMulAssign: case EOpVectorTimesMatrixAssign: case EOpVectorTimesScalarAssign: case EOpMatrixTimesScalarAssign: case EOpMatrixTimesMatrixAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " *= ", ")"); break; case EOpBitShiftLeftAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " <<= ", ")"); break; case EOpBitShiftRightAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " >>= ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseAndAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " &= ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseXorAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " ^= ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseOrAssign: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " |= ", ")"); break; case EOpIndexDirect: writeTriplet(visit, NULL, "[", "]"); break; case EOpIndexIndirect: if (node->getAddIndexClamp()) { if (visit == InVisit) { if (mClampingStrategy == SH_CLAMP_WITH_CLAMP_INTRINSIC) out << "[int(clamp(float("; else out << "[webgl_int_clamp("; } else if (visit == PostVisit) { int maxSize; TIntermTyped *left = node->getLeft(); TType leftType = left->getType(); if (left->isArray()) { // The shader will fail validation if the array length is not > 0. maxSize = static_cast(leftType.getArraySize()) - 1; } else { maxSize = leftType.getNominalSize() - 1; } if (mClampingStrategy == SH_CLAMP_WITH_CLAMP_INTRINSIC) out << "), 0.0, float(" << maxSize << ")))]"; else out << ", 0, " << maxSize << ")]"; } } else { writeTriplet(visit, NULL, "[", "]"); } break; case EOpIndexDirectStruct: if (visit == InVisit) { // Here we are writing out "foo.bar", where "foo" is struct // and "bar" is field. In AST, it is represented as a binary // node, where left child represents "foo" and right child "bar". // The node itself represents ".". The struct field "bar" is // actually stored as an index into TStructure::fields. out << "."; const TStructure *structure = node->getLeft()->getType().getStruct(); const TIntermConstantUnion *index = node->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion(); const TField *field = structure->fields()[index->getIConst(0)]; TString fieldName = field->name(); if (!mSymbolTable.findBuiltIn(structure->name(), mShaderVersion)) fieldName = hashName(fieldName); out << fieldName; visitChildren = false; } break; case EOpIndexDirectInterfaceBlock: if (visit == InVisit) { out << "."; const TInterfaceBlock *interfaceBlock = node->getLeft()->getType().getInterfaceBlock(); const TIntermConstantUnion *index = node->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion(); const TField *field = interfaceBlock->fields()[index->getIConst(0)]; TString fieldName = field->name(); ASSERT(!mSymbolTable.findBuiltIn(interfaceBlock->name(), mShaderVersion)); fieldName = hashName(fieldName); out << fieldName; visitChildren = false; } break; case EOpVectorSwizzle: if (visit == InVisit) { out << "."; TIntermAggregate *rightChild = node->getRight()->getAsAggregate(); TIntermSequence *sequence = rightChild->getSequence(); for (TIntermSequence::iterator sit = sequence->begin(); sit != sequence->end(); ++sit) { TIntermConstantUnion *element = (*sit)->getAsConstantUnion(); ASSERT(element->getBasicType() == EbtInt); ASSERT(element->getNominalSize() == 1); const TConstantUnion& data = element->getUnionArrayPointer()[0]; ASSERT(data.getType() == EbtInt); switch (data.getIConst()) { case 0: out << "x"; break; case 1: out << "y"; break; case 2: out << "z"; break; case 3: out << "w"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } visitChildren = false; } break; case EOpAdd: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " + ", ")"); break; case EOpSub: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " - ", ")"); break; case EOpMul: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " * ", ")"); break; case EOpDiv: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " / ", ")"); break; case EOpIMod: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " % ", ")"); break; case EOpBitShiftLeft: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " << ", ")"); break; case EOpBitShiftRight: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " >> ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseAnd: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " & ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseXor: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " ^ ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseOr: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " | ", ")"); break; case EOpEqual: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " == ", ")"); break; case EOpNotEqual: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " != ", ")"); break; case EOpLessThan: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " < ", ")"); break; case EOpGreaterThan: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " > ", ")"); break; case EOpLessThanEqual: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " <= ", ")"); break; case EOpGreaterThanEqual: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " >= ", ")"); break; // Notice the fall-through. case EOpVectorTimesScalar: case EOpVectorTimesMatrix: case EOpMatrixTimesVector: case EOpMatrixTimesScalar: case EOpMatrixTimesMatrix: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " * ", ")"); break; case EOpLogicalOr: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " || ", ")"); break; case EOpLogicalXor: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " ^^ ", ")"); break; case EOpLogicalAnd: writeTriplet(visit, "(", " && ", ")"); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } return visitChildren; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitUnary(Visit visit, TIntermUnary *node) { TString preString; TString postString = ")"; switch (node->getOp()) { case EOpNegative: preString = "(-"; break; case EOpPositive: preString = "(+"; break; case EOpVectorLogicalNot: preString = "not("; break; case EOpLogicalNot: preString = "(!"; break; case EOpBitwiseNot: preString = "(~"; break; case EOpPostIncrement: preString = "("; postString = "++)"; break; case EOpPostDecrement: preString = "("; postString = "--)"; break; case EOpPreIncrement: preString = "(++"; break; case EOpPreDecrement: preString = "(--"; break; case EOpRadians: preString = "radians("; break; case EOpDegrees: preString = "degrees("; break; case EOpSin: preString = "sin("; break; case EOpCos: preString = "cos("; break; case EOpTan: preString = "tan("; break; case EOpAsin: preString = "asin("; break; case EOpAcos: preString = "acos("; break; case EOpAtan: preString = "atan("; break; case EOpSinh: preString = "sinh("; break; case EOpCosh: preString = "cosh("; break; case EOpTanh: preString = "tanh("; break; case EOpAsinh: preString = "asinh("; break; case EOpAcosh: preString = "acosh("; break; case EOpAtanh: preString = "atanh("; break; case EOpExp: preString = "exp("; break; case EOpLog: preString = "log("; break; case EOpExp2: preString = "exp2("; break; case EOpLog2: preString = "log2("; break; case EOpSqrt: preString = "sqrt("; break; case EOpInverseSqrt: preString = "inversesqrt("; break; case EOpAbs: preString = "abs("; break; case EOpSign: preString = "sign("; break; case EOpFloor: preString = "floor("; break; case EOpTrunc: preString = "trunc("; break; case EOpRound: preString = "round("; break; case EOpRoundEven: preString = "roundEven("; break; case EOpCeil: preString = "ceil("; break; case EOpFract: preString = "fract("; break; case EOpIsNan: preString = "isnan("; break; case EOpIsInf: preString = "isinf("; break; case EOpFloatBitsToInt: preString = "floatBitsToInt("; break; case EOpFloatBitsToUint: preString = "floatBitsToUint("; break; case EOpIntBitsToFloat: preString = "intBitsToFloat("; break; case EOpUintBitsToFloat: preString = "uintBitsToFloat("; break; case EOpPackSnorm2x16: preString = "packSnorm2x16("; break; case EOpPackUnorm2x16: preString = "packUnorm2x16("; break; case EOpPackHalf2x16: preString = "packHalf2x16("; break; case EOpUnpackSnorm2x16: preString = "unpackSnorm2x16("; break; case EOpUnpackUnorm2x16: preString = "unpackUnorm2x16("; break; case EOpUnpackHalf2x16: preString = "unpackHalf2x16("; break; case EOpLength: preString = "length("; break; case EOpNormalize: preString = "normalize("; break; case EOpDFdx: preString = "dFdx("; break; case EOpDFdy: preString = "dFdy("; break; case EOpFwidth: preString = "fwidth("; break; case EOpTranspose: preString = "transpose("; break; case EOpDeterminant: preString = "determinant("; break; case EOpInverse: preString = "inverse("; break; case EOpAny: preString = "any("; break; case EOpAll: preString = "all("; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } if (visit == PreVisit && node->getUseEmulatedFunction()) preString = BuiltInFunctionEmulator::GetEmulatedFunctionName(preString); writeTriplet(visit, preString.c_str(), NULL, postString.c_str()); return true; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitSelection(Visit visit, TIntermSelection *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); if (node->usesTernaryOperator()) { // Notice two brackets at the beginning and end. The outer ones // encapsulate the whole ternary expression. This preserves the // order of precedence when ternary expressions are used in a // compound expression, i.e., c = 2 * (a < b ? 1 : 2). out << "(("; node->getCondition()->traverse(this); out << ") ? ("; node->getTrueBlock()->traverse(this); out << ") : ("; node->getFalseBlock()->traverse(this); out << "))"; } else { out << "if ("; node->getCondition()->traverse(this); out << ")\n"; incrementDepth(node); visitCodeBlock(node->getTrueBlock()); if (node->getFalseBlock()) { out << "else\n"; visitCodeBlock(node->getFalseBlock()); } decrementDepth(); } return false; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitSwitch(Visit visit, TIntermSwitch *node) { if (node->getStatementList()) { writeTriplet(visit, "switch (", ") ", nullptr); // The curly braces get written when visiting the statementList aggregate } else { // No statementList, so it won't output curly braces writeTriplet(visit, "switch (", ") {", "}\n"); } return true; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitCase(Visit visit, TIntermCase *node) { if (node->hasCondition()) { writeTriplet(visit, "case (", nullptr, "):\n"); return true; } else { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); out << "default:\n"; return false; } } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitAggregate(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate *node) { bool visitChildren = true; TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); bool useEmulatedFunction = (visit == PreVisit && node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); switch (node->getOp()) { case EOpSequence: // Scope the sequences except when at the global scope. if (mDepth > 0) { out << "{\n"; } incrementDepth(node); for (TIntermSequence::const_iterator iter = node->getSequence()->begin(); iter != node->getSequence()->end(); ++iter) { TIntermNode *curNode = *iter; ASSERT(curNode != NULL); curNode->traverse(this); if (isSingleStatement(curNode)) out << ";\n"; } decrementDepth(); // Scope the sequences except when at the global scope. if (mDepth > 0) { out << "}\n"; } visitChildren = false; break; case EOpPrototype: // Function declaration. ASSERT(visit == PreVisit); { const TType &type = node->getType(); writeVariableType(type); if (type.isArray()) out << arrayBrackets(type); } out << " " << hashFunctionNameIfNeeded(node->getNameObj()); out << "("; writeFunctionParameters(*(node->getSequence())); out << ")"; visitChildren = false; break; case EOpFunction: { // Function definition. ASSERT(visit == PreVisit); { const TType &type = node->getType(); writeVariableType(type); if (type.isArray()) out << arrayBrackets(type); } out << " " << hashFunctionNameIfNeeded(node->getNameObj()); incrementDepth(node); // Function definition node contains one or two children nodes // representing function parameters and function body. The latter // is not present in case of empty function bodies. const TIntermSequence &sequence = *(node->getSequence()); ASSERT((sequence.size() == 1) || (sequence.size() == 2)); TIntermSequence::const_iterator seqIter = sequence.begin(); // Traverse function parameters. TIntermAggregate *params = (*seqIter)->getAsAggregate(); ASSERT(params != NULL); ASSERT(params->getOp() == EOpParameters); params->traverse(this); // Traverse function body. TIntermAggregate *body = ++seqIter != sequence.end() ? (*seqIter)->getAsAggregate() : NULL; visitCodeBlock(body); decrementDepth(); // Fully processed; no need to visit children. visitChildren = false; break; } case EOpFunctionCall: // Function call. if (visit == PreVisit) out << hashFunctionNameIfNeeded(node->getNameObj()) << "("; else if (visit == InVisit) out << ", "; else out << ")"; break; case EOpParameters: // Function parameters. ASSERT(visit == PreVisit); out << "("; writeFunctionParameters(*(node->getSequence())); out << ")"; visitChildren = false; break; case EOpDeclaration: // Variable declaration. if (visit == PreVisit) { const TIntermSequence &sequence = *(node->getSequence()); const TIntermTyped *variable = sequence.front()->getAsTyped(); writeLayoutQualifier(variable->getType()); writeVariableType(variable->getType()); out << " "; mDeclaringVariables = true; } else if (visit == InVisit) { out << ", "; mDeclaringVariables = true; } else { mDeclaringVariables = false; } break; case EOpInvariantDeclaration: // Invariant declaration. ASSERT(visit == PreVisit); { const TIntermSequence *sequence = node->getSequence(); ASSERT(sequence && sequence->size() == 1); const TIntermSymbol *symbol = sequence->front()->getAsSymbolNode(); ASSERT(symbol); out << "invariant " << hashVariableName(symbol->getSymbol()); } visitChildren = false; break; case EOpConstructFloat: case EOpConstructVec2: case EOpConstructVec3: case EOpConstructVec4: case EOpConstructBool: case EOpConstructBVec2: case EOpConstructBVec3: case EOpConstructBVec4: case EOpConstructInt: case EOpConstructIVec2: case EOpConstructIVec3: case EOpConstructIVec4: case EOpConstructUInt: case EOpConstructUVec2: case EOpConstructUVec3: case EOpConstructUVec4: case EOpConstructMat2: case EOpConstructMat2x3: case EOpConstructMat2x4: case EOpConstructMat3x2: case EOpConstructMat3: case EOpConstructMat3x4: case EOpConstructMat4x2: case EOpConstructMat4x3: case EOpConstructMat4: case EOpConstructStruct: writeConstructorTriplet(visit, node->getType()); break; case EOpOuterProduct: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "outerProduct(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpLessThan: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "lessThan(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpGreaterThan: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "greaterThan(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpLessThanEqual: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "lessThanEqual(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpGreaterThanEqual: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "greaterThanEqual(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpVectorEqual: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "equal(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpVectorNotEqual: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "notEqual(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpComma: writeTriplet(visit, "(", ", ", ")"); break; case EOpMod: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "mod(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpModf: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "modf(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpPow: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "pow(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpAtan: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "atan(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpMin: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "min(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpMax: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "max(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpClamp: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "clamp(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpMix: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "mix(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpStep: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "step(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpSmoothStep: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "smoothstep(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpDistance: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "distance(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpDot: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "dot(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpCross: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "cross(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpFaceForward: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "faceforward(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpReflect: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "reflect(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpRefract: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "refract(", useEmulatedFunction); break; case EOpMul: writeBuiltInFunctionTriplet(visit, "matrixCompMult(", useEmulatedFunction); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } return visitChildren; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitLoop(Visit visit, TIntermLoop *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); incrementDepth(node); TLoopType loopType = node->getType(); // Only for loops can be unrolled ASSERT(!node->getUnrollFlag() || loopType == ELoopFor); if (loopType == ELoopFor) // for loop { if (!node->getUnrollFlag()) { out << "for ("; if (node->getInit()) node->getInit()->traverse(this); out << "; "; if (node->getCondition()) node->getCondition()->traverse(this); out << "; "; if (node->getExpression()) node->getExpression()->traverse(this); out << ")\n"; visitCodeBlock(node->getBody()); } else { // Need to put a one-iteration loop here to handle break. TIntermSequence *declSeq = node->getInit()->getAsAggregate()->getSequence(); TIntermSymbol *indexSymbol = (*declSeq)[0]->getAsBinaryNode()->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode(); TString name = hashVariableName(indexSymbol->getSymbol()); out << "for (int " << name << " = 0; " << name << " < 1; " << "++" << name << ")\n"; out << "{\n"; mLoopUnrollStack.push(node); while (mLoopUnrollStack.satisfiesLoopCondition()) { visitCodeBlock(node->getBody()); mLoopUnrollStack.step(); } mLoopUnrollStack.pop(); out << "}\n"; } } else if (loopType == ELoopWhile) // while loop { out << "while ("; ASSERT(node->getCondition() != NULL); node->getCondition()->traverse(this); out << ")\n"; visitCodeBlock(node->getBody()); } else // do-while loop { ASSERT(loopType == ELoopDoWhile); out << "do\n"; visitCodeBlock(node->getBody()); out << "while ("; ASSERT(node->getCondition() != NULL); node->getCondition()->traverse(this); out << ");\n"; } decrementDepth(); // No need to visit children. They have been already processed in // this function. return false; } bool TOutputGLSLBase::visitBranch(Visit visit, TIntermBranch *node) { switch (node->getFlowOp()) { case EOpKill: writeTriplet(visit, "discard", NULL, NULL); break; case EOpBreak: writeTriplet(visit, "break", NULL, NULL); break; case EOpContinue: writeTriplet(visit, "continue", NULL, NULL); break; case EOpReturn: writeTriplet(visit, "return ", NULL, NULL); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } return true; } void TOutputGLSLBase::visitCodeBlock(TIntermNode *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); if (node != NULL) { node->traverse(this); // Single statements not part of a sequence need to be terminated // with semi-colon. if (isSingleStatement(node)) out << ";\n"; } else { out << "{\n}\n"; // Empty code block. } } TString TOutputGLSLBase::getTypeName(const TType &type) { if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct) return hashName(type.getStruct()->name()); else return type.getBuiltInTypeNameString(); } TString TOutputGLSLBase::hashName(const TString &name) { if (mHashFunction == NULL || name.empty()) return name; NameMap::const_iterator it = mNameMap.find(name.c_str()); if (it != mNameMap.end()) return it->second.c_str(); TString hashedName = TIntermTraverser::hash(name, mHashFunction); mNameMap[name.c_str()] = hashedName.c_str(); return hashedName; } TString TOutputGLSLBase::hashVariableName(const TString &name) { if (mSymbolTable.findBuiltIn(name, mShaderVersion) != NULL) return name; return hashName(name); } TString TOutputGLSLBase::hashFunctionNameIfNeeded(const TName &mangledName) { TString mangledStr = mangledName.getString(); TString name = TFunction::unmangleName(mangledStr); if (mSymbolTable.findBuiltIn(mangledStr, mShaderVersion) != nullptr || name == "main") return translateTextureFunction(name); if (mangledName.isInternal()) return name; else return hashName(name); } bool TOutputGLSLBase::structDeclared(const TStructure *structure) const { ASSERT(structure); if (structure->name().empty()) { return false; } return (mDeclaredStructs.count(structure->uniqueId()) > 0); } void TOutputGLSLBase::declareStruct(const TStructure *structure) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); out << "struct " << hashName(structure->name()) << "{\n"; const TFieldList &fields = structure->fields(); for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) { const TField *field = fields[i]; if (writeVariablePrecision(field->type()->getPrecision())) out << " "; out << getTypeName(*field->type()) << " " << hashName(field->name()); if (field->type()->isArray()) out << arrayBrackets(*field->type()); out << ";\n"; } out << "}"; } void TOutputGLSLBase::declareInterfaceBlockLayout(const TInterfaceBlock *interfaceBlock) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); out << "layout("; switch (interfaceBlock->blockStorage()) { case EbsUnspecified: case EbsShared: // Default block storage is shared. out << "shared"; break; case EbsPacked: out << "packed"; break; case EbsStd140: out << "std140"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } out << ", "; switch (interfaceBlock->matrixPacking()) { case EmpUnspecified: case EmpColumnMajor: // Default matrix packing is column major. out << "column_major"; break; case EmpRowMajor: out << "row_major"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } out << ") "; } void TOutputGLSLBase::declareInterfaceBlock(const TInterfaceBlock *interfaceBlock) { TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink(); out << hashName(interfaceBlock->name()) << "{\n"; const TFieldList &fields = interfaceBlock->fields(); for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) { const TField *field = fields[i]; if (writeVariablePrecision(field->type()->getPrecision())) out << " "; out << getTypeName(*field->type()) << " " << hashName(field->name()); if (field->type()->isArray()) out << arrayBrackets(*field->type()); out << ";\n"; } out << "}"; }