// // Copyright (c) 2002-2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // #include "compiler/translator/LoopInfo.h" namespace sh { namespace { int EvaluateIntConstant(TIntermConstantUnion *node) { ASSERT(node && node->getUnionArrayPointer()); return node->getIConst(0); } int GetLoopIntIncrement(TIntermLoop *node) { TIntermNode *expr = node->getExpression(); // for expression has one of the following forms: // loop_index++ // loop_index-- // loop_index += constant_expression // loop_index -= constant_expression // ++loop_index // --loop_index // The last two forms are not specified in the spec, but I am assuming // its an oversight. TIntermUnary *unOp = expr->getAsUnaryNode(); TIntermBinary *binOp = unOp ? NULL : expr->getAsBinaryNode(); TOperator op = EOpNull; TIntermConstantUnion *incrementNode = NULL; if (unOp) { op = unOp->getOp(); } else if (binOp) { op = binOp->getOp(); ASSERT(binOp->getRight()); incrementNode = binOp->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion(); ASSERT(incrementNode); } int increment = 0; // The operator is one of: ++ -- += -=. switch (op) { case EOpPostIncrement: case EOpPreIncrement: ASSERT(unOp && !binOp); increment = 1; break; case EOpPostDecrement: case EOpPreDecrement: ASSERT(unOp && !binOp); increment = -1; break; case EOpAddAssign: ASSERT(!unOp && binOp); increment = EvaluateIntConstant(incrementNode); break; case EOpSubAssign: ASSERT(!unOp && binOp); increment = - EvaluateIntConstant(incrementNode); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } return increment; } } // namespace anonymous TLoopIndexInfo::TLoopIndexInfo() : mId(-1), mType(EbtVoid), mInitValue(0), mStopValue(0), mIncrementValue(0), mOp(EOpNull), mCurrentValue(0) { } void TLoopIndexInfo::fillInfo(TIntermLoop *node) { if (node == NULL) return; // Here we assume all the operations are valid, because the loop node is // already validated in ValidateLimitations. TIntermSequence *declSeq = node->getInit()->getAsDeclarationNode()->getSequence(); TIntermBinary *declInit = (*declSeq)[0]->getAsBinaryNode(); TIntermSymbol *symbol = declInit->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode(); mId = symbol->getId(); mType = symbol->getBasicType(); if (mType == EbtInt) { TIntermConstantUnion* initNode = declInit->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion(); mInitValue = EvaluateIntConstant(initNode); mCurrentValue = mInitValue; mIncrementValue = GetLoopIntIncrement(node); TIntermBinary* binOp = node->getCondition()->getAsBinaryNode(); mStopValue = EvaluateIntConstant( binOp->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion()); mOp = binOp->getOp(); } } bool TLoopIndexInfo::satisfiesLoopCondition() const { // Relational operator is one of: > >= < <= == or !=. switch (mOp) { case EOpEqual: return (mCurrentValue == mStopValue); case EOpNotEqual: return (mCurrentValue != mStopValue); case EOpLessThan: return (mCurrentValue < mStopValue); case EOpGreaterThan: return (mCurrentValue > mStopValue); case EOpLessThanEqual: return (mCurrentValue <= mStopValue); case EOpGreaterThanEqual: return (mCurrentValue >= mStopValue); default: UNREACHABLE(); return false; } } TLoopInfo::TLoopInfo() : loop(NULL) { } TLoopInfo::TLoopInfo(TIntermLoop *node) : loop(node) { index.fillInfo(node); } TIntermLoop *TLoopStack::findLoop(TIntermSymbol *symbol) { if (!symbol) return NULL; for (iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) { if (iter->index.getId() == symbol->getId()) return iter->loop; } return NULL; } TLoopIndexInfo *TLoopStack::getIndexInfo(TIntermSymbol *symbol) { if (!symbol) return NULL; for (iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) { if (iter->index.getId() == symbol->getId()) return &(iter->index); } return NULL; } void TLoopStack::step() { ASSERT(!empty()); rbegin()->index.step(); } bool TLoopStack::satisfiesLoopCondition() { ASSERT(!empty()); return rbegin()->index.satisfiesLoopCondition(); } bool TLoopStack::needsToReplaceSymbolWithValue(TIntermSymbol *symbol) { TIntermLoop *loop = findLoop(symbol); return loop && loop->getUnrollFlag(); } int TLoopStack::getLoopIndexValue(TIntermSymbol *symbol) { TLoopIndexInfo *info = getIndexInfo(symbol); ASSERT(info); return info->getCurrentValue(); } void TLoopStack::push(TIntermLoop *loop) { TLoopInfo info(loop); push_back(info); } void TLoopStack::pop() { pop_back(); } } // namespace sh