// // Copyright (c) 2002-2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // // Build the intermediate representation. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/mathutil.h" #include "common/matrix_utils.h" #include "compiler/translator/Diagnostics.h" #include "compiler/translator/HashNames.h" #include "compiler/translator/IntermNode.h" #include "compiler/translator/SymbolTable.h" namespace { const float kPi = 3.14159265358979323846f; const float kDegreesToRadiansMultiplier = kPi / 180.0f; const float kRadiansToDegreesMultiplier = 180.0f / kPi; TPrecision GetHigherPrecision(TPrecision left, TPrecision right) { return left > right ? left : right; } TConstantUnion *Vectorize(const TConstantUnion &constant, size_t size) { TConstantUnion *constUnion = new TConstantUnion[size]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) constUnion[i] = constant; return constUnion; } void UndefinedConstantFoldingError(const TSourceLoc &loc, TOperator op, TBasicType basicType, TInfoSink &infoSink, TConstantUnion *result) { std::stringstream constantFoldingErrorStream; constantFoldingErrorStream << "'" << GetOperatorString(op) << "' operation result is undefined for the values passed in"; infoSink.info.message(EPrefixWarning, loc, constantFoldingErrorStream.str().c_str()); switch (basicType) { case EbtFloat : result->setFConst(0.0f); break; case EbtInt: result->setIConst(0); break; case EbtUInt: result->setUConst(0u); break; case EbtBool: result->setBConst(false); break; default: break; } } float VectorLength(const TConstantUnion *paramArray, size_t paramArraySize) { float result = 0.0f; for (size_t i = 0; i < paramArraySize; i++) { float f = paramArray[i].getFConst(); result += f * f; } return sqrtf(result); } float VectorDotProduct(const TConstantUnion *paramArray1, const TConstantUnion *paramArray2, size_t paramArraySize) { float result = 0.0f; for (size_t i = 0; i < paramArraySize; i++) result += paramArray1[i].getFConst() * paramArray2[i].getFConst(); return result; } TIntermTyped *CreateFoldedNode(TConstantUnion *constArray, const TIntermTyped *originalNode, TQualifier qualifier) { if (constArray == nullptr) { return nullptr; } TIntermTyped *folded = new TIntermConstantUnion(constArray, originalNode->getType()); folded->getTypePointer()->setQualifier(qualifier); folded->setLine(originalNode->getLine()); return folded; } angle::Matrix GetMatrix(const TConstantUnion *paramArray, const unsigned int &rows, const unsigned int &cols) { std::vector elements; for (size_t i = 0; i < rows * cols; i++) elements.push_back(paramArray[i].getFConst()); // Transpose is used since the Matrix constructor expects arguments in row-major order, // whereas the paramArray is in column-major order. Rows/cols parameters are also flipped below // so that the created matrix will have the expected dimensions after the transpose. return angle::Matrix(elements, cols, rows).transpose(); } angle::Matrix GetMatrix(const TConstantUnion *paramArray, const unsigned int &size) { std::vector elements; for (size_t i = 0; i < size * size; i++) elements.push_back(paramArray[i].getFConst()); // Transpose is used since the Matrix constructor expects arguments in row-major order, // whereas the paramArray is in column-major order. return angle::Matrix(elements, size).transpose(); } void SetUnionArrayFromMatrix(const angle::Matrix &m, TConstantUnion *resultArray) { // Transpose is used since the input Matrix is in row-major order, // whereas the actual result should be in column-major order. angle::Matrix result = m.transpose(); std::vector resultElements = result.elements(); for (size_t i = 0; i < resultElements.size(); i++) resultArray[i].setFConst(resultElements[i]); } } // namespace anonymous //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Member functions of the nodes used for building the tree. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TIntermTyped::setTypePreservePrecision(const TType &t) { TPrecision precision = getPrecision(); mType = t; ASSERT(mType.getBasicType() != EbtBool || precision == EbpUndefined); mType.setPrecision(precision); } #define REPLACE_IF_IS(node, type, original, replacement) \ if (node == original) { \ node = static_cast(replacement); \ return true; \ } bool TIntermLoop::replaceChildNode( TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement) { ASSERT(original != nullptr); // This risks replacing multiple children. REPLACE_IF_IS(mInit, TIntermNode, original, replacement); REPLACE_IF_IS(mCond, TIntermTyped, original, replacement); REPLACE_IF_IS(mExpr, TIntermTyped, original, replacement); REPLACE_IF_IS(mBody, TIntermAggregate, original, replacement); return false; } bool TIntermBranch::replaceChildNode( TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement) { REPLACE_IF_IS(mExpression, TIntermTyped, original, replacement); return false; } bool TIntermBinary::replaceChildNode( TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement) { REPLACE_IF_IS(mLeft, TIntermTyped, original, replacement); REPLACE_IF_IS(mRight, TIntermTyped, original, replacement); return false; } bool TIntermUnary::replaceChildNode( TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement) { REPLACE_IF_IS(mOperand, TIntermTyped, original, replacement); return false; } bool TIntermAggregate::replaceChildNode( TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement) { for (size_t ii = 0; ii < mSequence.size(); ++ii) { REPLACE_IF_IS(mSequence[ii], TIntermNode, original, replacement); } return false; } bool TIntermAggregate::replaceChildNodeWithMultiple(TIntermNode *original, TIntermSequence replacements) { for (auto it = mSequence.begin(); it < mSequence.end(); ++it) { if (*it == original) { it = mSequence.erase(it); mSequence.insert(it, replacements.begin(), replacements.end()); return true; } } return false; } bool TIntermAggregate::insertChildNodes(TIntermSequence::size_type position, TIntermSequence insertions) { if (position > mSequence.size()) { return false; } auto it = mSequence.begin() + position; mSequence.insert(it, insertions.begin(), insertions.end()); return true; } bool TIntermAggregate::areChildrenConstQualified() { for (TIntermNode *&child : mSequence) { TIntermTyped *typed = child->getAsTyped(); if (typed && typed->getQualifier() != EvqConst) { return false; } } return true; } void TIntermAggregate::setPrecisionFromChildren() { mGotPrecisionFromChildren = true; if (getBasicType() == EbtBool) { mType.setPrecision(EbpUndefined); return; } TPrecision precision = EbpUndefined; TIntermSequence::iterator childIter = mSequence.begin(); while (childIter != mSequence.end()) { TIntermTyped *typed = (*childIter)->getAsTyped(); if (typed) precision = GetHigherPrecision(typed->getPrecision(), precision); ++childIter; } mType.setPrecision(precision); } void TIntermAggregate::setBuiltInFunctionPrecision() { // All built-ins returning bool should be handled as ops, not functions. ASSERT(getBasicType() != EbtBool); TPrecision precision = EbpUndefined; TIntermSequence::iterator childIter = mSequence.begin(); while (childIter != mSequence.end()) { TIntermTyped *typed = (*childIter)->getAsTyped(); // ESSL spec section 8: texture functions get their precision from the sampler. if (typed && IsSampler(typed->getBasicType())) { precision = typed->getPrecision(); break; } ++childIter; } // ESSL 3.0 spec section 8: textureSize always gets highp precision. // All other functions that take a sampler are assumed to be texture functions. if (mName.getString().find("textureSize") == 0) mType.setPrecision(EbpHigh); else mType.setPrecision(precision); } bool TIntermSelection::replaceChildNode( TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement) { REPLACE_IF_IS(mCondition, TIntermTyped, original, replacement); REPLACE_IF_IS(mTrueBlock, TIntermNode, original, replacement); REPLACE_IF_IS(mFalseBlock, TIntermNode, original, replacement); return false; } bool TIntermSwitch::replaceChildNode( TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement) { REPLACE_IF_IS(mInit, TIntermTyped, original, replacement); REPLACE_IF_IS(mStatementList, TIntermAggregate, original, replacement); return false; } bool TIntermCase::replaceChildNode( TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement) { REPLACE_IF_IS(mCondition, TIntermTyped, original, replacement); return false; } TIntermTyped::TIntermTyped(const TIntermTyped &node) : TIntermNode(), mType(node.mType) { // Copy constructor is disallowed for TIntermNode in order to disallow it for subclasses that // don't explicitly allow it, so normal TIntermNode constructor is used to construct the copy. // We need to manually copy any fields of TIntermNode besides handling fields in TIntermTyped. mLine = node.mLine; } bool TIntermTyped::isConstructorWithOnlyConstantUnionParameters() { TIntermAggregate *constructor = getAsAggregate(); if (!constructor || !constructor->isConstructor()) { return false; } for (TIntermNode *&node : *constructor->getSequence()) { if (!node->getAsConstantUnion()) return false; } return true; } TIntermConstantUnion::TIntermConstantUnion(const TIntermConstantUnion &node) : TIntermTyped(node) { mUnionArrayPointer = node.mUnionArrayPointer; } TIntermAggregate::TIntermAggregate(const TIntermAggregate &node) : TIntermOperator(node), mName(node.mName), mUserDefined(node.mUserDefined), mFunctionId(node.mFunctionId), mUseEmulatedFunction(node.mUseEmulatedFunction), mGotPrecisionFromChildren(node.mGotPrecisionFromChildren) { for (TIntermNode *child : node.mSequence) { TIntermTyped *typedChild = child->getAsTyped(); ASSERT(typedChild != nullptr); TIntermTyped *childCopy = typedChild->deepCopy(); mSequence.push_back(childCopy); } } TIntermBinary::TIntermBinary(const TIntermBinary &node) : TIntermOperator(node), mAddIndexClamp(node.mAddIndexClamp) { TIntermTyped *leftCopy = node.mLeft->deepCopy(); TIntermTyped *rightCopy = node.mRight->deepCopy(); ASSERT(leftCopy != nullptr && rightCopy != nullptr); mLeft = leftCopy; mRight = rightCopy; } TIntermUnary::TIntermUnary(const TIntermUnary &node) : TIntermOperator(node), mUseEmulatedFunction(node.mUseEmulatedFunction) { TIntermTyped *operandCopy = node.mOperand->deepCopy(); ASSERT(operandCopy != nullptr); mOperand = operandCopy; } TIntermSelection::TIntermSelection(const TIntermSelection &node) : TIntermTyped(node) { // Only supported for ternary nodes, not if statements. TIntermTyped *trueTyped = node.mTrueBlock->getAsTyped(); TIntermTyped *falseTyped = node.mFalseBlock->getAsTyped(); ASSERT(trueTyped != nullptr); ASSERT(falseTyped != nullptr); TIntermTyped *conditionCopy = node.mCondition->deepCopy(); TIntermTyped *trueCopy = trueTyped->deepCopy(); TIntermTyped *falseCopy = falseTyped->deepCopy(); ASSERT(conditionCopy != nullptr && trueCopy != nullptr && falseCopy != nullptr); mCondition = conditionCopy; mTrueBlock = trueCopy; mFalseBlock = falseCopy; } bool TIntermOperator::isAssignment() const { return IsAssignment(mOp); } bool TIntermOperator::isMultiplication() const { switch (mOp) { case EOpMul: case EOpMatrixTimesMatrix: case EOpMatrixTimesVector: case EOpMatrixTimesScalar: case EOpVectorTimesMatrix: case EOpVectorTimesScalar: return true; default: return false; } } // // returns true if the operator is for one of the constructors // bool TIntermOperator::isConstructor() const { switch (mOp) { case EOpConstructVec2: case EOpConstructVec3: case EOpConstructVec4: case EOpConstructMat2: case EOpConstructMat2x3: case EOpConstructMat2x4: case EOpConstructMat3x2: case EOpConstructMat3: case EOpConstructMat3x4: case EOpConstructMat4x2: case EOpConstructMat4x3: case EOpConstructMat4: case EOpConstructFloat: case EOpConstructIVec2: case EOpConstructIVec3: case EOpConstructIVec4: case EOpConstructInt: case EOpConstructUVec2: case EOpConstructUVec3: case EOpConstructUVec4: case EOpConstructUInt: case EOpConstructBVec2: case EOpConstructBVec3: case EOpConstructBVec4: case EOpConstructBool: case EOpConstructStruct: return true; default: return false; } } TOperator TIntermBinary::GetMulOpBasedOnOperands(const TType &left, const TType &right) { if (left.isMatrix()) { if (right.isMatrix()) { return EOpMatrixTimesMatrix; } else { if (right.isVector()) { return EOpMatrixTimesVector; } else { return EOpMatrixTimesScalar; } } } else { if (right.isMatrix()) { if (left.isVector()) { return EOpVectorTimesMatrix; } else { return EOpMatrixTimesScalar; } } else { // Neither operand is a matrix. if (left.isVector() == right.isVector()) { // Leave as component product. return EOpMul; } else { return EOpVectorTimesScalar; } } } } TOperator TIntermBinary::GetMulAssignOpBasedOnOperands(const TType &left, const TType &right) { if (left.isMatrix()) { if (right.isMatrix()) { return EOpMatrixTimesMatrixAssign; } else { // right should be scalar, but this may not be validated yet. return EOpMatrixTimesScalarAssign; } } else { if (right.isMatrix()) { // Left should be a vector, but this may not be validated yet. return EOpVectorTimesMatrixAssign; } else { // Neither operand is a matrix. if (left.isVector() == right.isVector()) { // Leave as component product. return EOpMulAssign; } else { // left should be vector and right should be scalar, but this may not be validated // yet. return EOpVectorTimesScalarAssign; } } } } // // Make sure the type of a unary operator is appropriate for its // combination of operation and operand type. // void TIntermUnary::promote(const TType *funcReturnType) { switch (mOp) { case EOpFloatBitsToInt: case EOpFloatBitsToUint: case EOpIntBitsToFloat: case EOpUintBitsToFloat: case EOpPackSnorm2x16: case EOpPackUnorm2x16: case EOpPackHalf2x16: case EOpUnpackSnorm2x16: case EOpUnpackUnorm2x16: mType.setPrecision(EbpHigh); break; case EOpUnpackHalf2x16: mType.setPrecision(EbpMedium); break; default: setType(mOperand->getType()); } if (funcReturnType != nullptr) { if (funcReturnType->getBasicType() == EbtBool) { // Bool types should not have precision. setType(*funcReturnType); } else { // Precision of the node has been set based on the operand. setTypePreservePrecision(*funcReturnType); } } if (mOperand->getQualifier() == EvqConst) mType.setQualifier(EvqConst); else mType.setQualifier(EvqTemporary); } TIntermBinary::TIntermBinary(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right) : TIntermOperator(op), mLeft(left), mRight(right), mAddIndexClamp(false) { promote(); } // // Establishes the type of the resultant operation, as well as // makes the operator the correct one for the operands. // // For lots of operations it should already be established that the operand // combination is valid, but returns false if operator can't work on operands. // void TIntermBinary::promote() { ASSERT(mLeft->isArray() == mRight->isArray()); ASSERT(!isMultiplication() || mOp == GetMulOpBasedOnOperands(mLeft->getType(), mRight->getType())); // Base assumption: just make the type the same as the left // operand. Then only deviations from this need be coded. setType(mLeft->getType()); // The result gets promoted to the highest precision. TPrecision higherPrecision = GetHigherPrecision( mLeft->getPrecision(), mRight->getPrecision()); getTypePointer()->setPrecision(higherPrecision); TQualifier resultQualifier = EvqConst; // Binary operations results in temporary variables unless both // operands are const. if (mLeft->getQualifier() != EvqConst || mRight->getQualifier() != EvqConst) { resultQualifier = EvqTemporary; getTypePointer()->setQualifier(EvqTemporary); } const int nominalSize = std::max(mLeft->getNominalSize(), mRight->getNominalSize()); // // All scalars or structs. Code after this test assumes this case is removed! // if (nominalSize == 1) { switch (mOp) { // // Promote to conditional // case EOpEqual: case EOpNotEqual: case EOpLessThan: case EOpGreaterThan: case EOpLessThanEqual: case EOpGreaterThanEqual: setType(TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined)); break; // // And and Or operate on conditionals // case EOpLogicalAnd: case EOpLogicalXor: case EOpLogicalOr: ASSERT(mLeft->getBasicType() == EbtBool && mRight->getBasicType() == EbtBool); setType(TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined)); break; default: break; } return; } // If we reach here, at least one of the operands is vector or matrix. // The other operand could be a scalar, vector, or matrix. TBasicType basicType = mLeft->getBasicType(); switch (mOp) { case EOpMul: break; case EOpMatrixTimesScalar: if (mRight->isMatrix()) { setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, resultQualifier, static_cast(mRight->getCols()), static_cast(mRight->getRows()))); } break; case EOpMatrixTimesVector: setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, resultQualifier, static_cast(mLeft->getRows()), 1)); break; case EOpMatrixTimesMatrix: setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, resultQualifier, static_cast(mRight->getCols()), static_cast(mLeft->getRows()))); break; case EOpVectorTimesScalar: setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, resultQualifier, static_cast(nominalSize), 1)); break; case EOpVectorTimesMatrix: setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, resultQualifier, static_cast(mRight->getCols()), 1)); break; case EOpMulAssign: case EOpVectorTimesScalarAssign: case EOpVectorTimesMatrixAssign: case EOpMatrixTimesScalarAssign: case EOpMatrixTimesMatrixAssign: ASSERT(mOp == GetMulAssignOpBasedOnOperands(mLeft->getType(), mRight->getType())); break; case EOpAssign: case EOpInitialize: ASSERT((mLeft->getNominalSize() == mRight->getNominalSize()) && (mLeft->getSecondarySize() == mRight->getSecondarySize())); break; case EOpAdd: case EOpSub: case EOpDiv: case EOpIMod: case EOpBitShiftLeft: case EOpBitShiftRight: case EOpBitwiseAnd: case EOpBitwiseXor: case EOpBitwiseOr: case EOpAddAssign: case EOpSubAssign: case EOpDivAssign: case EOpIModAssign: case EOpBitShiftLeftAssign: case EOpBitShiftRightAssign: case EOpBitwiseAndAssign: case EOpBitwiseXorAssign: case EOpBitwiseOrAssign: { const int secondarySize = std::max(mLeft->getSecondarySize(), mRight->getSecondarySize()); setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, resultQualifier, static_cast(nominalSize), static_cast(secondarySize))); ASSERT(!mLeft->isArray() && !mRight->isArray()); break; } case EOpEqual: case EOpNotEqual: case EOpLessThan: case EOpGreaterThan: case EOpLessThanEqual: case EOpGreaterThanEqual: ASSERT((mLeft->getNominalSize() == mRight->getNominalSize()) && (mLeft->getSecondarySize() == mRight->getSecondarySize())); setType(TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined, resultQualifier)); break; case EOpIndexDirect: case EOpIndexIndirect: case EOpIndexDirectInterfaceBlock: case EOpIndexDirectStruct: // TODO (oetuaho): These ops could be handled here as well (should be done closer to the // top of the function). UNREACHABLE(); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } } TIntermTyped *TIntermBinary::fold(TDiagnostics *diagnostics) { TIntermConstantUnion *leftConstant = mLeft->getAsConstantUnion(); TIntermConstantUnion *rightConstant = mRight->getAsConstantUnion(); if (leftConstant == nullptr || rightConstant == nullptr) { return nullptr; } TConstantUnion *constArray = leftConstant->foldBinary(mOp, rightConstant, diagnostics); // Nodes may be constant folded without being qualified as constant. TQualifier resultQualifier = EvqConst; if (mLeft->getQualifier() != EvqConst || mRight->getQualifier() != EvqConst) { resultQualifier = EvqTemporary; } return CreateFoldedNode(constArray, this, resultQualifier); } TIntermTyped *TIntermUnary::fold(TInfoSink &infoSink) { TIntermConstantUnion *operandConstant = mOperand->getAsConstantUnion(); if (operandConstant == nullptr) { return nullptr; } TConstantUnion *constArray = nullptr; switch (mOp) { case EOpAny: case EOpAll: case EOpLength: case EOpTranspose: case EOpDeterminant: case EOpInverse: case EOpPackSnorm2x16: case EOpUnpackSnorm2x16: case EOpPackUnorm2x16: case EOpUnpackUnorm2x16: case EOpPackHalf2x16: case EOpUnpackHalf2x16: constArray = operandConstant->foldUnaryWithDifferentReturnType(mOp, infoSink); break; default: constArray = operandConstant->foldUnaryWithSameReturnType(mOp, infoSink); break; } // Nodes may be constant folded without being qualified as constant. TQualifier resultQualifier = mOperand->getQualifier() == EvqConst ? EvqConst : EvqTemporary; return CreateFoldedNode(constArray, this, resultQualifier); } TIntermTyped *TIntermAggregate::fold(TInfoSink &infoSink) { // Make sure that all params are constant before actual constant folding. for (auto *param : *getSequence()) { if (param->getAsConstantUnion() == nullptr) { return nullptr; } } TConstantUnion *constArray = nullptr; if (isConstructor()) constArray = TIntermConstantUnion::FoldAggregateConstructor(this, infoSink); else constArray = TIntermConstantUnion::FoldAggregateBuiltIn(this, infoSink); // Nodes may be constant folded without being qualified as constant. TQualifier resultQualifier = areChildrenConstQualified() ? EvqConst : EvqTemporary; return CreateFoldedNode(constArray, this, resultQualifier); } // // The fold functions see if an operation on a constant can be done in place, // without generating run-time code. // // Returns the constant value to keep using or nullptr. // TConstantUnion *TIntermConstantUnion::foldBinary(TOperator op, TIntermConstantUnion *rightNode, TDiagnostics *diagnostics) { const TConstantUnion *leftArray = getUnionArrayPointer(); const TConstantUnion *rightArray = rightNode->getUnionArrayPointer(); if (!leftArray) return nullptr; if (!rightArray) return nullptr; size_t objectSize = getType().getObjectSize(); // for a case like float f = vec4(2, 3, 4, 5) + 1.2; if (rightNode->getType().getObjectSize() == 1 && objectSize > 1) { rightArray = Vectorize(*rightNode->getUnionArrayPointer(), objectSize); } else if (rightNode->getType().getObjectSize() > 1 && objectSize == 1) { // for a case like float f = 1.2 + vec4(2, 3, 4, 5); leftArray = Vectorize(*getUnionArrayPointer(), rightNode->getType().getObjectSize()); objectSize = rightNode->getType().getObjectSize(); } TConstantUnion *resultArray = nullptr; switch(op) { case EOpAdd: resultArray = new TConstantUnion[objectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) resultArray[i] = leftArray[i] + rightArray[i]; break; case EOpSub: resultArray = new TConstantUnion[objectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) resultArray[i] = leftArray[i] - rightArray[i]; break; case EOpMul: case EOpVectorTimesScalar: case EOpMatrixTimesScalar: resultArray = new TConstantUnion[objectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) resultArray[i] = leftArray[i] * rightArray[i]; break; case EOpMatrixTimesMatrix: { ASSERT(getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat && rightNode->getBasicType() == EbtFloat); const int leftCols = getCols(); const int leftRows = getRows(); const int rightCols = rightNode->getType().getCols(); const int rightRows = rightNode->getType().getRows(); const int resultCols = rightCols; const int resultRows = leftRows; resultArray = new TConstantUnion[resultCols * resultRows]; for (int row = 0; row < resultRows; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < resultCols; column++) { resultArray[resultRows * column + row].setFConst(0.0f); for (int i = 0; i < leftCols; i++) { resultArray[resultRows * column + row].setFConst( resultArray[resultRows * column + row].getFConst() + leftArray[i * leftRows + row].getFConst() * rightArray[column * rightRows + i].getFConst()); } } } } break; case EOpDiv: case EOpIMod: { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[objectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) { switch (getType().getBasicType()) { case EbtFloat: if (rightArray[i] == 0.0f) { diagnostics->warning( getLine(), "Divide by zero error during constant folding", "/", ""); resultArray[i].setFConst(leftArray[i].getFConst() < 0 ? -FLT_MAX : FLT_MAX); } else { ASSERT(op == EOpDiv); resultArray[i].setFConst(leftArray[i].getFConst() / rightArray[i].getFConst()); } break; case EbtInt: if (rightArray[i] == 0) { diagnostics->warning( getLine(), "Divide by zero error during constant folding", "/", ""); resultArray[i].setIConst(INT_MAX); } else { if (op == EOpDiv) { resultArray[i].setIConst(leftArray[i].getIConst() / rightArray[i].getIConst()); } else { ASSERT(op == EOpIMod); resultArray[i].setIConst(leftArray[i].getIConst() % rightArray[i].getIConst()); } } break; case EbtUInt: if (rightArray[i] == 0) { diagnostics->warning( getLine(), "Divide by zero error during constant folding", "/", ""); resultArray[i].setUConst(UINT_MAX); } else { if (op == EOpDiv) { resultArray[i].setUConst(leftArray[i].getUConst() / rightArray[i].getUConst()); } else { ASSERT(op == EOpIMod); resultArray[i].setUConst(leftArray[i].getUConst() % rightArray[i].getUConst()); } } break; default: UNREACHABLE(); return nullptr; } } } break; case EOpMatrixTimesVector: { ASSERT(rightNode->getBasicType() == EbtFloat); const int matrixCols = getCols(); const int matrixRows = getRows(); resultArray = new TConstantUnion[matrixRows]; for (int matrixRow = 0; matrixRow < matrixRows; matrixRow++) { resultArray[matrixRow].setFConst(0.0f); for (int col = 0; col < matrixCols; col++) { resultArray[matrixRow].setFConst(resultArray[matrixRow].getFConst() + leftArray[col * matrixRows + matrixRow].getFConst() * rightArray[col].getFConst()); } } } break; case EOpVectorTimesMatrix: { ASSERT(getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat); const int matrixCols = rightNode->getType().getCols(); const int matrixRows = rightNode->getType().getRows(); resultArray = new TConstantUnion[matrixCols]; for (int matrixCol = 0; matrixCol < matrixCols; matrixCol++) { resultArray[matrixCol].setFConst(0.0f); for (int matrixRow = 0; matrixRow < matrixRows; matrixRow++) { resultArray[matrixCol].setFConst(resultArray[matrixCol].getFConst() + leftArray[matrixRow].getFConst() * rightArray[matrixCol * matrixRows + matrixRow].getFConst()); } } } break; case EOpLogicalAnd: { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[objectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) { resultArray[i] = leftArray[i] && rightArray[i]; } } break; case EOpLogicalOr: { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[objectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) { resultArray[i] = leftArray[i] || rightArray[i]; } } break; case EOpLogicalXor: { ASSERT(getType().getBasicType() == EbtBool); resultArray = new TConstantUnion[objectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) { resultArray[i].setBConst(leftArray[i] != rightArray[i]); } } break; case EOpBitwiseAnd: resultArray = new TConstantUnion[objectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) resultArray[i] = leftArray[i] & rightArray[i]; break; case EOpBitwiseXor: resultArray = new TConstantUnion[objectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) resultArray[i] = leftArray[i] ^ rightArray[i]; break; case EOpBitwiseOr: resultArray = new TConstantUnion[objectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) resultArray[i] = leftArray[i] | rightArray[i]; break; case EOpBitShiftLeft: resultArray = new TConstantUnion[objectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) resultArray[i] = leftArray[i] << rightArray[i]; break; case EOpBitShiftRight: resultArray = new TConstantUnion[objectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) resultArray[i] = leftArray[i] >> rightArray[i]; break; case EOpLessThan: ASSERT(objectSize == 1); resultArray = new TConstantUnion[1]; resultArray->setBConst(*leftArray < *rightArray); break; case EOpGreaterThan: ASSERT(objectSize == 1); resultArray = new TConstantUnion[1]; resultArray->setBConst(*leftArray > *rightArray); break; case EOpLessThanEqual: ASSERT(objectSize == 1); resultArray = new TConstantUnion[1]; resultArray->setBConst(!(*leftArray > *rightArray)); break; case EOpGreaterThanEqual: ASSERT(objectSize == 1); resultArray = new TConstantUnion[1]; resultArray->setBConst(!(*leftArray < *rightArray)); break; case EOpEqual: case EOpNotEqual: { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[1]; bool equal = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) { if (leftArray[i] != rightArray[i]) { equal = false; break; // break out of for loop } } if (op == EOpEqual) { resultArray->setBConst(equal); } else { resultArray->setBConst(!equal); } } break; default: UNREACHABLE(); return nullptr; } return resultArray; } // // The fold functions see if an operation on a constant can be done in place, // without generating run-time code. // // Returns the constant value to keep using or nullptr. // TConstantUnion *TIntermConstantUnion::foldUnaryWithDifferentReturnType(TOperator op, TInfoSink &infoSink) { // // Do operations where the return type has a different number of components compared to the operand type. // const TConstantUnion *operandArray = getUnionArrayPointer(); if (!operandArray) return nullptr; size_t objectSize = getType().getObjectSize(); TConstantUnion *resultArray = nullptr; switch (op) { case EOpAny: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtBool) { resultArray = new TConstantUnion(); resultArray->setBConst(false); for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) { if (operandArray[i].getBConst()) { resultArray->setBConst(true); break; } } break; } else { infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } case EOpAll: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtBool) { resultArray = new TConstantUnion(); resultArray->setBConst(true); for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) { if (!operandArray[i].getBConst()) { resultArray->setBConst(false); break; } } break; } else { infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } case EOpLength: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { resultArray = new TConstantUnion(); resultArray->setFConst(VectorLength(operandArray, objectSize)); break; } else { infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } case EOpTranspose: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[objectSize]; angle::Matrix result = GetMatrix(operandArray, getType().getRows(), getType().getCols()).transpose(); SetUnionArrayFromMatrix(result, resultArray); break; } else { infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } case EOpDeterminant: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { unsigned int size = getType().getNominalSize(); ASSERT(size >= 2 && size <= 4); resultArray = new TConstantUnion(); resultArray->setFConst(GetMatrix(operandArray, size).determinant()); break; } else { infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } case EOpInverse: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { unsigned int size = getType().getNominalSize(); ASSERT(size >= 2 && size <= 4); resultArray = new TConstantUnion[objectSize]; angle::Matrix result = GetMatrix(operandArray, size).inverse(); SetUnionArrayFromMatrix(result, resultArray); break; } else { infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } case EOpPackSnorm2x16: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { ASSERT(getType().getNominalSize() == 2); resultArray = new TConstantUnion(); resultArray->setUConst(gl::packSnorm2x16(operandArray[0].getFConst(), operandArray[1].getFConst())); break; } else { infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } case EOpUnpackSnorm2x16: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtUInt) { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[2]; float f1, f2; gl::unpackSnorm2x16(operandArray[0].getUConst(), &f1, &f2); resultArray[0].setFConst(f1); resultArray[1].setFConst(f2); break; } else { infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } case EOpPackUnorm2x16: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { ASSERT(getType().getNominalSize() == 2); resultArray = new TConstantUnion(); resultArray->setUConst(gl::packUnorm2x16(operandArray[0].getFConst(), operandArray[1].getFConst())); break; } else { infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } case EOpUnpackUnorm2x16: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtUInt) { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[2]; float f1, f2; gl::unpackUnorm2x16(operandArray[0].getUConst(), &f1, &f2); resultArray[0].setFConst(f1); resultArray[1].setFConst(f2); break; } else { infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } case EOpPackHalf2x16: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { ASSERT(getType().getNominalSize() == 2); resultArray = new TConstantUnion(); resultArray->setUConst(gl::packHalf2x16(operandArray[0].getFConst(), operandArray[1].getFConst())); break; } else { infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } case EOpUnpackHalf2x16: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtUInt) { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[2]; float f1, f2; gl::unpackHalf2x16(operandArray[0].getUConst(), &f1, &f2); resultArray[0].setFConst(f1); resultArray[1].setFConst(f2); break; } else { infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } break; default: break; } return resultArray; } TConstantUnion *TIntermConstantUnion::foldUnaryWithSameReturnType(TOperator op, TInfoSink &infoSink) { // // Do unary operations where the return type is the same as operand type. // const TConstantUnion *operandArray = getUnionArrayPointer(); if (!operandArray) return nullptr; size_t objectSize = getType().getObjectSize(); TConstantUnion *resultArray = new TConstantUnion[objectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) { switch(op) { case EOpNegative: switch (getType().getBasicType()) { case EbtFloat: resultArray[i].setFConst(-operandArray[i].getFConst()); break; case EbtInt: resultArray[i].setIConst(-operandArray[i].getIConst()); break; case EbtUInt: resultArray[i].setUConst(static_cast( -static_cast(operandArray[i].getUConst()))); break; default: infoSink.info.message( EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } break; case EOpPositive: switch (getType().getBasicType()) { case EbtFloat: resultArray[i].setFConst(operandArray[i].getFConst()); break; case EbtInt: resultArray[i].setIConst(operandArray[i].getIConst()); break; case EbtUInt: resultArray[i].setUConst(static_cast( static_cast(operandArray[i].getUConst()))); break; default: infoSink.info.message( EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } break; case EOpLogicalNot: // this code is written for possible future use, // will not get executed currently switch (getType().getBasicType()) { case EbtBool: resultArray[i].setBConst(!operandArray[i].getBConst()); break; default: infoSink.info.message( EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } break; case EOpBitwiseNot: switch (getType().getBasicType()) { case EbtInt: resultArray[i].setIConst(~operandArray[i].getIConst()); break; case EbtUInt: resultArray[i].setUConst(~operandArray[i].getUConst()); break; default: infoSink.info.message( EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } break; case EOpRadians: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { resultArray[i].setFConst(kDegreesToRadiansMultiplier * operandArray[i].getFConst()); break; } infoSink.info.message( EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; case EOpDegrees: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { resultArray[i].setFConst(kRadiansToDegreesMultiplier * operandArray[i].getFConst()); break; } infoSink.info.message( EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; case EOpSin: if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &sinf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpCos: if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &cosf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpTan: if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &tanf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpAsin: // For asin(x), results are undefined if |x| > 1, we are choosing to set result to 0. if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat && fabsf(operandArray[i].getFConst()) > 1.0f) UndefinedConstantFoldingError(getLine(), op, getType().getBasicType(), infoSink, &resultArray[i]); else if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &asinf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpAcos: // For acos(x), results are undefined if |x| > 1, we are choosing to set result to 0. if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat && fabsf(operandArray[i].getFConst()) > 1.0f) UndefinedConstantFoldingError(getLine(), op, getType().getBasicType(), infoSink, &resultArray[i]); else if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &acosf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpAtan: if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &atanf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpSinh: if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &sinhf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpCosh: if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &coshf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpTanh: if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &tanhf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpAsinh: if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &asinhf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpAcosh: // For acosh(x), results are undefined if x < 1, we are choosing to set result to 0. if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat && operandArray[i].getFConst() < 1.0f) UndefinedConstantFoldingError(getLine(), op, getType().getBasicType(), infoSink, &resultArray[i]); else if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &acoshf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpAtanh: // For atanh(x), results are undefined if |x| >= 1, we are choosing to set result to 0. if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat && fabsf(operandArray[i].getFConst()) >= 1.0f) UndefinedConstantFoldingError(getLine(), op, getType().getBasicType(), infoSink, &resultArray[i]); else if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &atanhf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpAbs: switch (getType().getBasicType()) { case EbtFloat: resultArray[i].setFConst(fabsf(operandArray[i].getFConst())); break; case EbtInt: resultArray[i].setIConst(abs(operandArray[i].getIConst())); break; default: infoSink.info.message( EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } break; case EOpSign: switch (getType().getBasicType()) { case EbtFloat: { float fConst = operandArray[i].getFConst(); float fResult = 0.0f; if (fConst > 0.0f) fResult = 1.0f; else if (fConst < 0.0f) fResult = -1.0f; resultArray[i].setFConst(fResult); } break; case EbtInt: { int iConst = operandArray[i].getIConst(); int iResult = 0; if (iConst > 0) iResult = 1; else if (iConst < 0) iResult = -1; resultArray[i].setIConst(iResult); } break; default: infoSink.info.message( EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; } break; case EOpFloor: if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &floorf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpTrunc: if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &truncf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpRound: if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &roundf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpRoundEven: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { float x = operandArray[i].getFConst(); float result; float fractPart = modff(x, &result); if (fabsf(fractPart) == 0.5f) result = 2.0f * roundf(x / 2.0f); else result = roundf(x); resultArray[i].setFConst(result); break; } infoSink.info.message( EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; case EOpCeil: if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &ceilf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpFract: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { float x = operandArray[i].getFConst(); resultArray[i].setFConst(x - floorf(x)); break; } infoSink.info.message( EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; case EOpIsNan: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { resultArray[i].setBConst(gl::isNaN(operandArray[0].getFConst())); break; } infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; case EOpIsInf: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { resultArray[i].setBConst(gl::isInf(operandArray[0].getFConst())); break; } infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; case EOpFloatBitsToInt: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { resultArray[i].setIConst(gl::bitCast(operandArray[0].getFConst())); break; } infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; case EOpFloatBitsToUint: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { resultArray[i].setUConst(gl::bitCast(operandArray[0].getFConst())); break; } infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; case EOpIntBitsToFloat: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtInt) { resultArray[i].setFConst(gl::bitCast(operandArray[0].getIConst())); break; } infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; case EOpUintBitsToFloat: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtUInt) { resultArray[i].setFConst(gl::bitCast(operandArray[0].getUConst())); break; } infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; case EOpExp: if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &expf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpLog: // For log(x), results are undefined if x <= 0, we are choosing to set result to 0. if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat && operandArray[i].getFConst() <= 0.0f) UndefinedConstantFoldingError(getLine(), op, getType().getBasicType(), infoSink, &resultArray[i]); else if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &logf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpExp2: if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &exp2f, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpLog2: // For log2(x), results are undefined if x <= 0, we are choosing to set result to 0. // And log2f is not available on some plarforms like old android, so just using log(x)/log(2) here. if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat && operandArray[i].getFConst() <= 0.0f) UndefinedConstantFoldingError(getLine(), op, getType().getBasicType(), infoSink, &resultArray[i]); else if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &logf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; else resultArray[i].setFConst(resultArray[i].getFConst() / logf(2.0f)); break; case EOpSqrt: // For sqrt(x), results are undefined if x < 0, we are choosing to set result to 0. if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat && operandArray[i].getFConst() < 0.0f) UndefinedConstantFoldingError(getLine(), op, getType().getBasicType(), infoSink, &resultArray[i]); else if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &sqrtf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; break; case EOpInverseSqrt: // There is no stdlib built-in function equavalent for GLES built-in inversesqrt(), // so getting the square root first using builtin function sqrt() and then taking its inverse. // Also, for inversesqrt(x), results are undefined if x <= 0, we are choosing to set result to 0. if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat && operandArray[i].getFConst() <= 0.0f) UndefinedConstantFoldingError(getLine(), op, getType().getBasicType(), infoSink, &resultArray[i]); else if (!foldFloatTypeUnary(operandArray[i], &sqrtf, infoSink, &resultArray[i])) return nullptr; else resultArray[i].setFConst(1.0f / resultArray[i].getFConst()); break; case EOpVectorLogicalNot: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtBool) { resultArray[i].setBConst(!operandArray[i].getBConst()); break; } infoSink.info.message( EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; case EOpNormalize: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { float x = operandArray[i].getFConst(); float length = VectorLength(operandArray, objectSize); if (length) resultArray[i].setFConst(x / length); else UndefinedConstantFoldingError(getLine(), op, getType().getBasicType(), infoSink, &resultArray[i]); break; } infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; case EOpDFdx: case EOpDFdy: case EOpFwidth: if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { // Derivatives of constant arguments should be 0. resultArray[i].setFConst(0.0f); break; } infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return nullptr; default: return nullptr; } } return resultArray; } bool TIntermConstantUnion::foldFloatTypeUnary(const TConstantUnion ¶meter, FloatTypeUnaryFunc builtinFunc, TInfoSink &infoSink, TConstantUnion *result) const { ASSERT(builtinFunc); if (getType().getBasicType() == EbtFloat) { result->setFConst(builtinFunc(parameter.getFConst())); return true; } infoSink.info.message( EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Unary operation not folded into constant"); return false; } // static TConstantUnion *TIntermConstantUnion::FoldAggregateConstructor(TIntermAggregate *aggregate, TInfoSink &infoSink) { ASSERT(aggregate->getSequence()->size() > 0u); size_t resultSize = aggregate->getType().getObjectSize(); TConstantUnion *resultArray = new TConstantUnion[resultSize]; TBasicType basicType = aggregate->getBasicType(); size_t resultIndex = 0u; if (aggregate->getSequence()->size() == 1u) { TIntermNode *argument = aggregate->getSequence()->front(); TIntermConstantUnion *argumentConstant = argument->getAsConstantUnion(); const TConstantUnion *argumentUnionArray = argumentConstant->getUnionArrayPointer(); // Check the special case of constructing a matrix diagonal from a single scalar, // or a vector from a single scalar. if (argumentConstant->getType().getObjectSize() == 1u) { if (aggregate->isMatrix()) { int resultCols = aggregate->getType().getCols(); int resultRows = aggregate->getType().getRows(); for (int col = 0; col < resultCols; ++col) { for (int row = 0; row < resultRows; ++row) { if (col == row) { resultArray[resultIndex].cast(basicType, argumentUnionArray[0]); } else { resultArray[resultIndex].setFConst(0.0f); } ++resultIndex; } } } else { while (resultIndex < resultSize) { resultArray[resultIndex].cast(basicType, argumentUnionArray[0]); ++resultIndex; } } ASSERT(resultIndex == resultSize); return resultArray; } else if (aggregate->isMatrix() && argumentConstant->isMatrix()) { // The special case of constructing a matrix from a matrix. int argumentCols = argumentConstant->getType().getCols(); int argumentRows = argumentConstant->getType().getRows(); int resultCols = aggregate->getType().getCols(); int resultRows = aggregate->getType().getRows(); for (int col = 0; col < resultCols; ++col) { for (int row = 0; row < resultRows; ++row) { if (col < argumentCols && row < argumentRows) { resultArray[resultIndex].cast(basicType, argumentUnionArray[col * argumentRows + row]); } else if (col == row) { resultArray[resultIndex].setFConst(1.0f); } else { resultArray[resultIndex].setFConst(0.0f); } ++resultIndex; } } ASSERT(resultIndex == resultSize); return resultArray; } } for (TIntermNode *&argument : *aggregate->getSequence()) { TIntermConstantUnion *argumentConstant = argument->getAsConstantUnion(); size_t argumentSize = argumentConstant->getType().getObjectSize(); const TConstantUnion *argumentUnionArray = argumentConstant->getUnionArrayPointer(); for (size_t i = 0u; i < argumentSize; ++i) { if (resultIndex >= resultSize) break; resultArray[resultIndex].cast(basicType, argumentUnionArray[i]); ++resultIndex; } } ASSERT(resultIndex == resultSize); return resultArray; } // static TConstantUnion *TIntermConstantUnion::FoldAggregateBuiltIn(TIntermAggregate *aggregate, TInfoSink &infoSink) { TOperator op = aggregate->getOp(); TIntermSequence *sequence = aggregate->getSequence(); unsigned int paramsCount = static_cast(sequence->size()); std::vector unionArrays(paramsCount); std::vector objectSizes(paramsCount); size_t maxObjectSize = 0; TBasicType basicType = EbtVoid; TSourceLoc loc; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paramsCount; i++) { TIntermConstantUnion *paramConstant = (*sequence)[i]->getAsConstantUnion(); ASSERT(paramConstant != nullptr); // Should be checked already. if (i == 0) { basicType = paramConstant->getType().getBasicType(); loc = paramConstant->getLine(); } unionArrays[i] = paramConstant->getUnionArrayPointer(); objectSizes[i] = paramConstant->getType().getObjectSize(); if (objectSizes[i] > maxObjectSize) maxObjectSize = objectSizes[i]; } if (!(*sequence)[0]->getAsTyped()->isMatrix() && aggregate->getOp() != EOpOuterProduct) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paramsCount; i++) if (objectSizes[i] != maxObjectSize) unionArrays[i] = Vectorize(*unionArrays[i], maxObjectSize); } TConstantUnion *resultArray = nullptr; if (paramsCount == 2) { // // Binary built-in // switch (op) { case EOpAtan: { if (basicType == EbtFloat) { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { float y = unionArrays[0][i].getFConst(); float x = unionArrays[1][i].getFConst(); // Results are undefined if x and y are both 0. if (x == 0.0f && y == 0.0f) UndefinedConstantFoldingError(loc, op, basicType, infoSink, &resultArray[i]); else resultArray[i].setFConst(atan2f(y, x)); } } else UNREACHABLE(); } break; case EOpPow: { if (basicType == EbtFloat) { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { float x = unionArrays[0][i].getFConst(); float y = unionArrays[1][i].getFConst(); // Results are undefined if x < 0. // Results are undefined if x = 0 and y <= 0. if (x < 0.0f) UndefinedConstantFoldingError(loc, op, basicType, infoSink, &resultArray[i]); else if (x == 0.0f && y <= 0.0f) UndefinedConstantFoldingError(loc, op, basicType, infoSink, &resultArray[i]); else resultArray[i].setFConst(powf(x, y)); } } else UNREACHABLE(); } break; case EOpMod: { if (basicType == EbtFloat) { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { float x = unionArrays[0][i].getFConst(); float y = unionArrays[1][i].getFConst(); resultArray[i].setFConst(x - y * floorf(x / y)); } } else UNREACHABLE(); } break; case EOpMin: { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { switch (basicType) { case EbtFloat: resultArray[i].setFConst(std::min(unionArrays[0][i].getFConst(), unionArrays[1][i].getFConst())); break; case EbtInt: resultArray[i].setIConst(std::min(unionArrays[0][i].getIConst(), unionArrays[1][i].getIConst())); break; case EbtUInt: resultArray[i].setUConst(std::min(unionArrays[0][i].getUConst(), unionArrays[1][i].getUConst())); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } } } break; case EOpMax: { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { switch (basicType) { case EbtFloat: resultArray[i].setFConst(std::max(unionArrays[0][i].getFConst(), unionArrays[1][i].getFConst())); break; case EbtInt: resultArray[i].setIConst(std::max(unionArrays[0][i].getIConst(), unionArrays[1][i].getIConst())); break; case EbtUInt: resultArray[i].setUConst(std::max(unionArrays[0][i].getUConst(), unionArrays[1][i].getUConst())); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } } } break; case EOpStep: { if (basicType == EbtFloat) { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) resultArray[i].setFConst(unionArrays[1][i].getFConst() < unionArrays[0][i].getFConst() ? 0.0f : 1.0f); } else UNREACHABLE(); } break; case EOpLessThan: { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { switch (basicType) { case EbtFloat: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getFConst() < unionArrays[1][i].getFConst()); break; case EbtInt: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getIConst() < unionArrays[1][i].getIConst()); break; case EbtUInt: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getUConst() < unionArrays[1][i].getUConst()); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } } } break; case EOpLessThanEqual: { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { switch (basicType) { case EbtFloat: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getFConst() <= unionArrays[1][i].getFConst()); break; case EbtInt: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getIConst() <= unionArrays[1][i].getIConst()); break; case EbtUInt: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getUConst() <= unionArrays[1][i].getUConst()); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } } } break; case EOpGreaterThan: { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { switch (basicType) { case EbtFloat: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getFConst() > unionArrays[1][i].getFConst()); break; case EbtInt: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getIConst() > unionArrays[1][i].getIConst()); break; case EbtUInt: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getUConst() > unionArrays[1][i].getUConst()); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } } } break; case EOpGreaterThanEqual: { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { switch (basicType) { case EbtFloat: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getFConst() >= unionArrays[1][i].getFConst()); break; case EbtInt: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getIConst() >= unionArrays[1][i].getIConst()); break; case EbtUInt: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getUConst() >= unionArrays[1][i].getUConst()); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } } } break; case EOpVectorEqual: { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { switch (basicType) { case EbtFloat: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getFConst() == unionArrays[1][i].getFConst()); break; case EbtInt: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getIConst() == unionArrays[1][i].getIConst()); break; case EbtUInt: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getUConst() == unionArrays[1][i].getUConst()); break; case EbtBool: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getBConst() == unionArrays[1][i].getBConst()); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } } } break; case EOpVectorNotEqual: { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { switch (basicType) { case EbtFloat: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getFConst() != unionArrays[1][i].getFConst()); break; case EbtInt: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getIConst() != unionArrays[1][i].getIConst()); break; case EbtUInt: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getUConst() != unionArrays[1][i].getUConst()); break; case EbtBool: resultArray[i].setBConst(unionArrays[0][i].getBConst() != unionArrays[1][i].getBConst()); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } } } break; case EOpDistance: if (basicType == EbtFloat) { TConstantUnion *distanceArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; resultArray = new TConstantUnion(); for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { float x = unionArrays[0][i].getFConst(); float y = unionArrays[1][i].getFConst(); distanceArray[i].setFConst(x - y); } resultArray->setFConst(VectorLength(distanceArray, maxObjectSize)); } else UNREACHABLE(); break; case EOpDot: if (basicType == EbtFloat) { resultArray = new TConstantUnion(); resultArray->setFConst(VectorDotProduct(unionArrays[0], unionArrays[1], maxObjectSize)); } else UNREACHABLE(); break; case EOpCross: if (basicType == EbtFloat && maxObjectSize == 3) { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; float x0 = unionArrays[0][0].getFConst(); float x1 = unionArrays[0][1].getFConst(); float x2 = unionArrays[0][2].getFConst(); float y0 = unionArrays[1][0].getFConst(); float y1 = unionArrays[1][1].getFConst(); float y2 = unionArrays[1][2].getFConst(); resultArray[0].setFConst(x1 * y2 - y1 * x2); resultArray[1].setFConst(x2 * y0 - y2 * x0); resultArray[2].setFConst(x0 * y1 - y0 * x1); } else UNREACHABLE(); break; case EOpReflect: if (basicType == EbtFloat) { // genType reflect (genType I, genType N) : // For the incident vector I and surface orientation N, returns the reflection direction: // I - 2 * dot(N, I) * N. resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; float dotProduct = VectorDotProduct(unionArrays[1], unionArrays[0], maxObjectSize); for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { float result = unionArrays[0][i].getFConst() - 2.0f * dotProduct * unionArrays[1][i].getFConst(); resultArray[i].setFConst(result); } } else UNREACHABLE(); break; case EOpMul: if (basicType == EbtFloat && (*sequence)[0]->getAsTyped()->isMatrix() && (*sequence)[1]->getAsTyped()->isMatrix()) { // Perform component-wise matrix multiplication. resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; int size = (*sequence)[0]->getAsTyped()->getNominalSize(); angle::Matrix result = GetMatrix(unionArrays[0], size).compMult(GetMatrix(unionArrays[1], size)); SetUnionArrayFromMatrix(result, resultArray); } else UNREACHABLE(); break; case EOpOuterProduct: if (basicType == EbtFloat) { size_t numRows = (*sequence)[0]->getAsTyped()->getType().getObjectSize(); size_t numCols = (*sequence)[1]->getAsTyped()->getType().getObjectSize(); resultArray = new TConstantUnion[numRows * numCols]; angle::Matrix result = GetMatrix(unionArrays[0], static_cast(numRows), 1) .outerProduct(GetMatrix(unionArrays[1], 1, static_cast(numCols))); SetUnionArrayFromMatrix(result, resultArray); } else UNREACHABLE(); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); // TODO: Add constant folding support for other built-in operations that take 2 parameters and not handled above. return nullptr; } } else if (paramsCount == 3) { // // Ternary built-in // switch (op) { case EOpClamp: { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { switch (basicType) { case EbtFloat: { float x = unionArrays[0][i].getFConst(); float min = unionArrays[1][i].getFConst(); float max = unionArrays[2][i].getFConst(); // Results are undefined if min > max. if (min > max) UndefinedConstantFoldingError(loc, op, basicType, infoSink, &resultArray[i]); else resultArray[i].setFConst(gl::clamp(x, min, max)); } break; case EbtInt: { int x = unionArrays[0][i].getIConst(); int min = unionArrays[1][i].getIConst(); int max = unionArrays[2][i].getIConst(); // Results are undefined if min > max. if (min > max) UndefinedConstantFoldingError(loc, op, basicType, infoSink, &resultArray[i]); else resultArray[i].setIConst(gl::clamp(x, min, max)); } break; case EbtUInt: { unsigned int x = unionArrays[0][i].getUConst(); unsigned int min = unionArrays[1][i].getUConst(); unsigned int max = unionArrays[2][i].getUConst(); // Results are undefined if min > max. if (min > max) UndefinedConstantFoldingError(loc, op, basicType, infoSink, &resultArray[i]); else resultArray[i].setUConst(gl::clamp(x, min, max)); } break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } } } break; case EOpMix: { if (basicType == EbtFloat) { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { float x = unionArrays[0][i].getFConst(); float y = unionArrays[1][i].getFConst(); TBasicType type = (*sequence)[2]->getAsTyped()->getType().getBasicType(); if (type == EbtFloat) { // Returns the linear blend of x and y, i.e., x * (1 - a) + y * a. float a = unionArrays[2][i].getFConst(); resultArray[i].setFConst(x * (1.0f - a) + y * a); } else // 3rd parameter is EbtBool { ASSERT(type == EbtBool); // Selects which vector each returned component comes from. // For a component of a that is false, the corresponding component of x is returned. // For a component of a that is true, the corresponding component of y is returned. bool a = unionArrays[2][i].getBConst(); resultArray[i].setFConst(a ? y : x); } } } else UNREACHABLE(); } break; case EOpSmoothStep: { if (basicType == EbtFloat) { resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { float edge0 = unionArrays[0][i].getFConst(); float edge1 = unionArrays[1][i].getFConst(); float x = unionArrays[2][i].getFConst(); // Results are undefined if edge0 >= edge1. if (edge0 >= edge1) { UndefinedConstantFoldingError(loc, op, basicType, infoSink, &resultArray[i]); } else { // Returns 0.0 if x <= edge0 and 1.0 if x >= edge1 and performs smooth // Hermite interpolation between 0 and 1 when edge0 < x < edge1. float t = gl::clamp((x - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0), 0.0f, 1.0f); resultArray[i].setFConst(t * t * (3.0f - 2.0f * t)); } } } else UNREACHABLE(); } break; case EOpFaceForward: if (basicType == EbtFloat) { // genType faceforward(genType N, genType I, genType Nref) : // If dot(Nref, I) < 0 return N, otherwise return -N. resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; float dotProduct = VectorDotProduct(unionArrays[2], unionArrays[1], maxObjectSize); for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { if (dotProduct < 0) resultArray[i].setFConst(unionArrays[0][i].getFConst()); else resultArray[i].setFConst(-unionArrays[0][i].getFConst()); } } else UNREACHABLE(); break; case EOpRefract: if (basicType == EbtFloat) { // genType refract(genType I, genType N, float eta) : // For the incident vector I and surface normal N, and the ratio of indices of refraction eta, // return the refraction vector. The result is computed by // k = 1.0 - eta * eta * (1.0 - dot(N, I) * dot(N, I)) // if (k < 0.0) // return genType(0.0) // else // return eta * I - (eta * dot(N, I) + sqrt(k)) * N resultArray = new TConstantUnion[maxObjectSize]; float dotProduct = VectorDotProduct(unionArrays[1], unionArrays[0], maxObjectSize); for (size_t i = 0; i < maxObjectSize; i++) { float eta = unionArrays[2][i].getFConst(); float k = 1.0f - eta * eta * (1.0f - dotProduct * dotProduct); if (k < 0.0f) resultArray[i].setFConst(0.0f); else resultArray[i].setFConst(eta * unionArrays[0][i].getFConst() - (eta * dotProduct + sqrtf(k)) * unionArrays[1][i].getFConst()); } } else UNREACHABLE(); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); // TODO: Add constant folding support for other built-in operations that take 3 parameters and not handled above. return nullptr; } } return resultArray; } // static TString TIntermTraverser::hash(const TString &name, ShHashFunction64 hashFunction) { if (hashFunction == NULL || name.empty()) return name; khronos_uint64_t number = (*hashFunction)(name.c_str(), name.length()); TStringStream stream; stream << HASHED_NAME_PREFIX << std::hex << number; TString hashedName = stream.str(); return hashedName; } void TIntermTraverser::updateTree() { for (size_t ii = 0; ii < mInsertions.size(); ++ii) { const NodeInsertMultipleEntry &insertion = mInsertions[ii]; ASSERT(insertion.parent); if (!insertion.insertionsAfter.empty()) { bool inserted = insertion.parent->insertChildNodes(insertion.position + 1, insertion.insertionsAfter); ASSERT(inserted); UNUSED_ASSERTION_VARIABLE(inserted); } if (!insertion.insertionsBefore.empty()) { bool inserted = insertion.parent->insertChildNodes(insertion.position, insertion.insertionsBefore); ASSERT(inserted); UNUSED_ASSERTION_VARIABLE(inserted); } } for (size_t ii = 0; ii < mReplacements.size(); ++ii) { const NodeUpdateEntry &replacement = mReplacements[ii]; ASSERT(replacement.parent); bool replaced = replacement.parent->replaceChildNode( replacement.original, replacement.replacement); ASSERT(replaced); UNUSED_ASSERTION_VARIABLE(replaced); if (!replacement.originalBecomesChildOfReplacement) { // In AST traversing, a parent is visited before its children. // After we replace a node, if its immediate child is to // be replaced, we need to make sure we don't update the replaced // node; instead, we update the replacement node. for (size_t jj = ii + 1; jj < mReplacements.size(); ++jj) { NodeUpdateEntry &replacement2 = mReplacements[jj]; if (replacement2.parent == replacement.original) replacement2.parent = replacement.replacement; } } } for (size_t ii = 0; ii < mMultiReplacements.size(); ++ii) { const NodeReplaceWithMultipleEntry &replacement = mMultiReplacements[ii]; ASSERT(replacement.parent); bool replaced = replacement.parent->replaceChildNodeWithMultiple( replacement.original, replacement.replacements); ASSERT(replaced); UNUSED_ASSERTION_VARIABLE(replaced); } clearReplacementQueue(); } void TIntermTraverser::clearReplacementQueue() { mReplacements.clear(); mMultiReplacements.clear(); mInsertions.clear(); } void TIntermTraverser::queueReplacement(TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement, OriginalNode originalStatus) { queueReplacementWithParent(getParentNode(), original, replacement, originalStatus); } void TIntermTraverser::queueReplacementWithParent(TIntermNode *parent, TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement, OriginalNode originalStatus) { bool originalBecomesChild = (originalStatus == OriginalNode::BECOMES_CHILD); mReplacements.push_back(NodeUpdateEntry(parent, original, replacement, originalBecomesChild)); }