// // Copyright (c) 2002-2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // #ifndef COMPILER_TRANSLATOR_BASETYPES_H_ #define COMPILER_TRANSLATOR_BASETYPES_H_ #include #include #include "common/debug.h" #include "GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h" // // Precision qualifiers // enum TPrecision { // These need to be kept sorted EbpUndefined, EbpLow, EbpMedium, EbpHigh, // end of list EbpLast }; inline const char* getPrecisionString(TPrecision p) { switch(p) { case EbpHigh: return "highp"; break; case EbpMedium: return "mediump"; break; case EbpLow: return "lowp"; break; default: return "mediump"; break; // Safest fallback } } // // Basic type. Arrays, vectors, etc., are orthogonal to this. // enum TBasicType { EbtVoid, EbtFloat, EbtInt, EbtUInt, EbtBool, EbtGVec4, // non type: represents vec4, ivec4, and uvec4 EbtGenType, // non type: represents float, vec2, vec3, and vec4 EbtGenIType, // non type: represents int, ivec2, ivec3, and ivec4 EbtGenUType, // non type: represents uint, uvec2, uvec3, and uvec4 EbtGenBType, // non type: represents bool, bvec2, bvec3, and bvec4 EbtVec, // non type: represents vec2, vec3, and vec4 EbtIVec, // non type: represents ivec2, ivec3, and ivec4 EbtUVec, // non type: represents uvec2, uvec3, and uvec4 EbtBVec, // non type: represents bvec2, bvec3, and bvec4 EbtGuardSamplerBegin, // non type: see implementation of IsSampler() EbtSampler2D, EbtSampler3D, EbtSamplerCube, EbtSampler2DArray, EbtSamplerExternalOES, // Only valid if OES_EGL_image_external exists. EbtSampler2DRect, // Only valid if GL_ARB_texture_rectangle exists. EbtISampler2D, EbtISampler3D, EbtISamplerCube, EbtISampler2DArray, EbtUSampler2D, EbtUSampler3D, EbtUSamplerCube, EbtUSampler2DArray, EbtSampler2DShadow, EbtSamplerCubeShadow, EbtSampler2DArrayShadow, EbtGuardSamplerEnd, // non type: see implementation of IsSampler() EbtGSampler2D, // non type: represents sampler2D, isampler2D, and usampler2D EbtGSampler3D, // non type: represents sampler3D, isampler3D, and usampler3D EbtGSamplerCube, // non type: represents samplerCube, isamplerCube, and usamplerCube EbtGSampler2DArray, // non type: represents sampler2DArray, isampler2DArray, and usampler2DArray EbtStruct, EbtInterfaceBlock, EbtAddress, // should be deprecated?? // end of list EbtLast }; const char* getBasicString(TBasicType t); inline bool IsSampler(TBasicType type) { return type > EbtGuardSamplerBegin && type < EbtGuardSamplerEnd; } inline bool IsIntegerSampler(TBasicType type) { switch (type) { case EbtISampler2D: case EbtISampler3D: case EbtISamplerCube: case EbtISampler2DArray: case EbtUSampler2D: case EbtUSampler3D: case EbtUSamplerCube: case EbtUSampler2DArray: return true; case EbtSampler2D: case EbtSampler3D: case EbtSamplerCube: case EbtSamplerExternalOES: case EbtSampler2DRect: case EbtSampler2DArray: case EbtSampler2DShadow: case EbtSamplerCubeShadow: case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: return false; default: assert(!IsSampler(type)); } return false; } inline bool IsSampler2D(TBasicType type) { switch (type) { case EbtSampler2D: case EbtISampler2D: case EbtUSampler2D: case EbtSampler2DArray: case EbtISampler2DArray: case EbtUSampler2DArray: case EbtSampler2DRect: case EbtSamplerExternalOES: case EbtSampler2DShadow: case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: return true; case EbtSampler3D: case EbtISampler3D: case EbtUSampler3D: case EbtISamplerCube: case EbtUSamplerCube: case EbtSamplerCube: case EbtSamplerCubeShadow: return false; default: assert(!IsSampler(type)); } return false; } inline bool IsSamplerCube(TBasicType type) { switch (type) { case EbtSamplerCube: case EbtISamplerCube: case EbtUSamplerCube: case EbtSamplerCubeShadow: return true; case EbtSampler2D: case EbtSampler3D: case EbtSamplerExternalOES: case EbtSampler2DRect: case EbtSampler2DArray: case EbtISampler2D: case EbtISampler3D: case EbtISampler2DArray: case EbtUSampler2D: case EbtUSampler3D: case EbtUSampler2DArray: case EbtSampler2DShadow: case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: return false; default: assert(!IsSampler(type)); } return false; } inline bool IsSampler3D(TBasicType type) { switch (type) { case EbtSampler3D: case EbtISampler3D: case EbtUSampler3D: return true; case EbtSampler2D: case EbtSamplerCube: case EbtSamplerExternalOES: case EbtSampler2DRect: case EbtSampler2DArray: case EbtISampler2D: case EbtISamplerCube: case EbtISampler2DArray: case EbtUSampler2D: case EbtUSamplerCube: case EbtUSampler2DArray: case EbtSampler2DShadow: case EbtSamplerCubeShadow: case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: return false; default: assert(!IsSampler(type)); } return false; } inline bool IsSamplerArray(TBasicType type) { switch (type) { case EbtSampler2DArray: case EbtISampler2DArray: case EbtUSampler2DArray: case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: return true; case EbtSampler2D: case EbtISampler2D: case EbtUSampler2D: case EbtSampler2DRect: case EbtSamplerExternalOES: case EbtSampler3D: case EbtISampler3D: case EbtUSampler3D: case EbtISamplerCube: case EbtUSamplerCube: case EbtSamplerCube: case EbtSampler2DShadow: case EbtSamplerCubeShadow: return false; default: assert(!IsSampler(type)); } return false; } inline bool IsShadowSampler(TBasicType type) { switch (type) { case EbtSampler2DShadow: case EbtSamplerCubeShadow: case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: return true; case EbtISampler2D: case EbtISampler3D: case EbtISamplerCube: case EbtISampler2DArray: case EbtUSampler2D: case EbtUSampler3D: case EbtUSamplerCube: case EbtUSampler2DArray: case EbtSampler2D: case EbtSampler3D: case EbtSamplerCube: case EbtSamplerExternalOES: case EbtSampler2DRect: case EbtSampler2DArray: return false; default: assert(!IsSampler(type)); } return false; } inline bool IsInteger(TBasicType type) { return type == EbtInt || type == EbtUInt; } inline bool SupportsPrecision(TBasicType type) { return type == EbtFloat || type == EbtInt || type == EbtUInt || IsSampler(type); } // // Qualifiers and built-ins. These are mainly used to see what can be read // or written, and by the machine dependent translator to know which registers // to allocate variables in. Since built-ins tend to go to different registers // than varying or uniform, it makes sense they are peers, not sub-classes. // enum TQualifier { EvqTemporary, // For temporaries (within a function), read/write EvqGlobal, // For globals read/write EvqConst, // User defined constants and non-output parameters in functions EvqAttribute, // Readonly EvqVaryingIn, // readonly, fragment shaders only EvqVaryingOut, // vertex shaders only read/write EvqUniform, // Readonly, vertex and fragment EvqVertexIn, // Vertex shader input EvqFragmentOut, // Fragment shader output EvqVertexOut, // Vertex shader output EvqFragmentIn, // Fragment shader input // parameters EvqIn, EvqOut, EvqInOut, EvqConstReadOnly, // built-ins read by vertex shader EvqInstanceID, EvqVertexID, // built-ins written by vertex shader EvqPosition, EvqPointSize, // built-ins read by fragment shader EvqFragCoord, EvqFrontFacing, EvqPointCoord, // built-ins written by fragment shader EvqFragColor, EvqFragData, EvqFragDepth, // gl_FragDepth for ESSL300. EvqFragDepthEXT, // gl_FragDepthEXT for ESSL100, EXT_frag_depth. EvqSecondaryFragColorEXT, // EXT_blend_func_extended EvqSecondaryFragDataEXT, // EXT_blend_func_extended // built-ins written by the shader_framebuffer_fetch extension(s) EvqLastFragColor, EvqLastFragData, // GLSL ES 3.0 vertex output and fragment input EvqSmooth, // Incomplete qualifier, smooth is the default EvqFlat, // Incomplete qualifier EvqSmoothOut = EvqSmooth, EvqFlatOut = EvqFlat, EvqCentroidOut, // Implies smooth EvqSmoothIn, EvqFlatIn, EvqCentroidIn, // Implies smooth // GLSL ES 3.1 compute shader special variables EvqComputeIn, EvqNumWorkGroups, EvqWorkGroupSize, EvqWorkGroupID, EvqLocalInvocationID, EvqGlobalInvocationID, EvqLocalInvocationIndex, // end of list EvqLast }; enum TLayoutMatrixPacking { EmpUnspecified, EmpRowMajor, EmpColumnMajor }; enum TLayoutBlockStorage { EbsUnspecified, EbsShared, EbsPacked, EbsStd140 }; struct TLayoutQualifier { int location; TLayoutMatrixPacking matrixPacking; TLayoutBlockStorage blockStorage; // Compute shader layout qualifiers. sh::WorkGroupSize localSize; static TLayoutQualifier create() { TLayoutQualifier layoutQualifier; layoutQualifier.location = -1; layoutQualifier.matrixPacking = EmpUnspecified; layoutQualifier.blockStorage = EbsUnspecified; layoutQualifier.localSize.fill(-1); return layoutQualifier; } bool isEmpty() const { return location == -1 && matrixPacking == EmpUnspecified && blockStorage == EbsUnspecified && !localSize.isAnyValueSet(); } bool isCombinationValid() const { bool workSizeSpecified = localSize.isAnyValueSet(); bool otherLayoutQualifiersSpecified = (location != -1 || matrixPacking != EmpUnspecified || blockStorage != EbsUnspecified); // we can have either the work group size specified, or the other layout qualifiers return !(workSizeSpecified && otherLayoutQualifiersSpecified); } bool isLocalSizeEqual(const sh::WorkGroupSize &localSizeIn) const { return localSize.isWorkGroupSizeMatching(localSizeIn); } }; inline const char *getWorkGroupSizeString(size_t dimension) { switch (dimension) { case 0u: return "local_size_x"; case 1u: return "local_size_y"; case 2u: return "local_size_z"; default: UNREACHABLE(); return "dimension out of bounds"; } } // // This is just for debug print out, carried along with the definitions above. // inline const char* getQualifierString(TQualifier q) { // clang-format off switch(q) { case EvqTemporary: return "Temporary"; case EvqGlobal: return "Global"; case EvqConst: return "const"; case EvqAttribute: return "attribute"; case EvqVaryingIn: return "varying"; case EvqVaryingOut: return "varying"; case EvqUniform: return "uniform"; case EvqVertexIn: return "in"; case EvqFragmentOut: return "out"; case EvqVertexOut: return "out"; case EvqFragmentIn: return "in"; case EvqIn: return "in"; case EvqOut: return "out"; case EvqInOut: return "inout"; case EvqConstReadOnly: return "const"; case EvqInstanceID: return "InstanceID"; case EvqVertexID: return "VertexID"; case EvqPosition: return "Position"; case EvqPointSize: return "PointSize"; case EvqFragCoord: return "FragCoord"; case EvqFrontFacing: return "FrontFacing"; case EvqPointCoord: return "PointCoord"; case EvqFragColor: return "FragColor"; case EvqFragData: return "FragData"; case EvqFragDepthEXT: return "FragDepth"; case EvqFragDepth: return "FragDepth"; case EvqSecondaryFragColorEXT: return "SecondaryFragColorEXT"; case EvqSecondaryFragDataEXT: return "SecondaryFragDataEXT"; case EvqLastFragColor: return "LastFragColor"; case EvqLastFragData: return "LastFragData"; case EvqSmoothOut: return "smooth out"; case EvqCentroidOut: return "smooth centroid out"; case EvqFlatOut: return "flat out"; case EvqSmoothIn: return "smooth in"; case EvqFlatIn: return "flat in"; case EvqCentroidIn: return "smooth centroid in"; case EvqComputeIn: return "in"; case EvqNumWorkGroups: return "NumWorkGroups"; case EvqWorkGroupSize: return "WorkGroupSize"; case EvqWorkGroupID: return "WorkGroupID"; case EvqLocalInvocationID: return "LocalInvocationID"; case EvqGlobalInvocationID: return "GlobalInvocationID"; case EvqLocalInvocationIndex: return "LocalInvocationIndex"; default: UNREACHABLE(); return "unknown qualifier"; } // clang-format on } inline const char* getMatrixPackingString(TLayoutMatrixPacking mpq) { switch (mpq) { case EmpUnspecified: return "mp_unspecified"; case EmpRowMajor: return "row_major"; case EmpColumnMajor: return "column_major"; default: UNREACHABLE(); return "unknown matrix packing"; } } inline const char* getBlockStorageString(TLayoutBlockStorage bsq) { switch (bsq) { case EbsUnspecified: return "bs_unspecified"; case EbsShared: return "shared"; case EbsPacked: return "packed"; case EbsStd140: return "std140"; default: UNREACHABLE(); return "unknown block storage"; } } inline const char* getInterpolationString(TQualifier q) { switch(q) { case EvqSmoothOut: return "smooth"; break; case EvqCentroidOut: return "smooth centroid"; break; case EvqFlatOut: return "flat"; break; case EvqSmoothIn: return "smooth"; break; case EvqCentroidIn: return "smooth centroid"; break; case EvqFlatIn: return "flat"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); return "unknown interpolation"; } } #endif // COMPILER_TRANSLATOR_BASETYPES_H_