<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <!-- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=520182 --> <head> <title>Test for Bug 520182</title> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script> </head> <body> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=520182">Mozilla Bug 520182</a> <p id="display"></p> <div id="content"> <iframe id="a" src="about:blank"></iframe> <iframe id="b" src="about:blank"></iframe> <iframe id="c" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="d" contenteditable="true"></div> <div id="e" contenteditable="true"></div> <div id="f" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="g" src="about:blank"></iframe> <iframe id="h" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="i" contenteditable="true"></div> <div id="j" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="k" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="l" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="m" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="n" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="o" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="p" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="q" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="r" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="s" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="t" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="u" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="v" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="w" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="x" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="y" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="z" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="aa" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="bb" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="cc" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="dd" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="ee" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="ff" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="gg" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="hh" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="ii" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="jj" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="kk" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="ll" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="mm" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="nn" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="oo" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="pp" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="qq" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="rr" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="ss" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="tt" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="uu" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="vv" contenteditable="true"></div> <div id="sss" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="ssss" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="ttt" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="tttt" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="uuu" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="uuuu" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="vvv" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="vvvv" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="www" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="wwww" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="xxx" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="xxxx" src="about:blank"></iframe> <div id="yyy" contenteditable="true"></div> <iframe id="yyyy" src="about:blank"></iframe> </div> <pre id="test"> <script type="application/javascript"> /** Test for Bug 520182 **/ const dataPayload = "foo<iframe src=\"data:text/html,bar\"></iframe>baz"; const jsPayload = "foo<iframe src=\"javascript:void('bar');\"></iframe>baz"; const httpPayload = "foo<iframe src=\"http://mochi.test:8888/\"></iframe>baz"; const scriptPayload ="foo<script>document.write(\"<iframe></iframe>\");</sc" + "ript>baz"; const scriptExternalPayload = "foo<script src=\"data:text/javascript,document.write('<iframe></iframe>');\"></sc" + "ript>baz"; const validStyle1Payload = "foo<style>#bar{color:red;}</style>baz"; const validStyle2Payload = "foo<span style=\"color:red\">bar</span>baz"; const validStyle3Payload = "foo<style>@font-face{font-family:xxx;src:'xxx.ttf';}</style>baz"; const validStyle4Payload = "foo<style>@namespace xxx url(http://example.com/);</style>baz"; const invalidStyle1Payload = "foo<style>#bar{-moz-binding:url('data:text/xml,<?xml version=\"1.0\"><binding xmlns=\"http://www.mozilla.org/xbl\"/>');}</style>baz"; const invalidStyle2Payload = "foo<span style=\"-moz-binding:url('data:text/xml,<?xml version="1.0"><binding xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl"/>');\">bar</span>baz"; const invalidStyle3Payload = "foo<style>@import 'xxx.css';</style>baz"; const invalidStyle4Payload = "foo<span style=\"@import 'xxx.css';\">bar</span>baz"; const invalidStyle5Payload = "foo<span style=\"@font-face{font-family:xxx;src:'xxx.ttf';}\">bar</span>baz"; const invalidStyle6Payload = "foo<span style=\"@namespace xxx url(http://example.com/);\">bar</span>baz"; const invalidStyle7Payload = "<html><head><title>xxx</title></head><body>foo</body></html>"; const invalidStyle8Payload = "foo<style>@-moz-document url(http://example.com/) {};</style>baz"; const invalidStyle9Payload = "foo<style>@-moz-keyframes bar {};</style>baz"; const nestedStylePayload = "foo<style>#bar1{-moz-binding:url('data:text/xml,<?xml version="1.0"><binding xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl" id="binding-1"/>');<style></style>#bar2{-moz-binding:url('data:text/xml,<?xml version="1.0"><binding xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl" id="binding-2"/>');</style>baz"; const validImgSrc1Payload = "foo<img src=\"data:image/png,bar\">baz"; const validImgSrc2Payload = "foo<img src=\"javascript:void('bar');\">baz"; const validImgSrc3Payload = "foo<img src=\"file:///bar.png\">baz"; const validDataFooPayload = "foo<span data-bar=\"value\">baz</span>"; const validDataFoo2Payload = "foo<span _bar=\"value\">baz</span>"; const svgPayload = "foo<svg><title>svgtitle</title></svg>bar"; const svg2Payload = "foo<svg><bogussvg/></svg>bar"; const mathPayload = "foo<math><bogusmath/></math>bar"; const math2Payload = "foo<math><style>@import \"yyy.css\";</style</math>bar"; const math3Payload = "foo<math><mi></mi></math>bar"; const videoPayload = "foo<video></video>bar"; const microdataPayload = "<head><meta name=foo content=bar><link rel=stylesheet href=url></head><body><meta itemprop=foo content=bar><link itemprop=bar href=url></body>"; var tests = [ { id: "a", isIFrame: true, payload: dataPayload, iframeCount: 0, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("a").contentDocument.documentElement; }, }, { id: "b", isIFrame: true, payload: jsPayload, iframeCount: 0, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("b").contentDocument.documentElement; }, }, { id: "c", isIFrame: true, payload: httpPayload, iframeCount: 0, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("c").contentDocument.documentElement; }, }, { id: "g", isIFrame: true, payload: scriptPayload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("g").contentDocument.documentElement; }, iframeCount: 0 }, { id: "h", isIFrame: true, payload: scriptExternalPayload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("h").contentDocument.documentElement; }, iframeCount: 0 }, { id: "d", payload: dataPayload, iframeCount: 0, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("d"); }, }, { id: "e", payload: jsPayload, iframeCount: 0, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("e"); }, }, { id: "f", payload: httpPayload, iframeCount: 0, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("f"); }, }, { id: "i", payload: scriptPayload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("i"); }, iframeCount: 0 }, { id: "j", payload: scriptExternalPayload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("j"); }, iframeCount: 0 }, { id: "k", isIFrame: true, payload: validStyle1Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("k").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("style"), -1, "Should have retained style"); }, }, { id: "l", payload: validStyle1Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("l"); }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("style"), -1, "Should have retained style"); }, }, { id: "m", isIFrame: true, payload: validStyle2Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("m").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("style"), -1, "Should have retained style"); }, }, { id: "n", payload: validStyle2Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("n"); }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("style"), -1, "Should have retained style"); }, }, { id: "o", isIFrame: true, payload: invalidStyle1Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("o").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("binding"), -1, "Should not have retained the binding style"); }, }, { id: "p", payload: invalidStyle1Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("p"); }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("binding"), -1, "Should not have retained the binding style"); }, }, { id: "q", isIFrame: true, payload: invalidStyle2Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("q").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("binding"), -1, "Should not have retained the binding style"); }, }, { id: "r", payload: invalidStyle2Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("r"); }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("binding"), -1, "Should not have retained the binding style"); }, }, { id: "s", isIFrame: true, payload: invalidStyle1Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("s").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("xxx"), -1, "Should not have retained the import style"); }, }, { id: "t", payload: invalidStyle1Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("t"); }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("xxx"), -1, "Should not have retained the import style"); }, }, { id: "u", isIFrame: true, payload: invalidStyle2Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("u").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("xxx"), -1, "Should not have retained the import style"); }, }, { id: "v", payload: invalidStyle2Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("v"); }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("xxx"), -1, "Should not have retained the import style"); }, }, { id: "w", isIFrame: true, payload: validStyle3Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("w").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("xxx"), -1, "Should have retained the font-face style"); }, }, { id: "x", payload: validStyle3Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("x"); }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("xxx"), -1, "Should have retained the font-face style"); }, }, { id: "y", isIFrame: true, payload: invalidStyle5Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("y").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("xxx"), -1, "Should not have retained the font-face style"); }, }, { id: "z", payload: invalidStyle5Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("z"); }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("xxx"), -1, "Should not have retained the font-face style"); }, }, { id: "aa", isIFrame: true, payload: nestedStylePayload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("aa").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult: function(html, text) { is(html.indexOf("binding-1"), -1, "Should not have retained the binding-1 style"); isnot(text.indexOf("#bar2"), -1, "Should have retained binding-2 as text content"); is(text.indexOf("binding-2"), -1, "Should not have retained binding-2 as a tag"); } }, { id: "bb", payload: nestedStylePayload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("bb"); }, checkResult: function(html, text) { is(html.indexOf("binding-1"), -1, "Should not have retained the binding-1 style"); isnot(text.indexOf("#bar2"), -1, "Should have retained binding-2 as text content"); is(text.indexOf("binding-2"), -1, "Should not have retained binding-2 as a tag"); } }, { id: "cc", isIFrame: true, payload: validStyle4Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("cc").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("xxx"), -1, "Should have retained the namespace style"); }, }, { id: "dd", payload: validStyle4Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("dd"); }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("xxx"), -1, "Should have retained the namespace style"); }, }, { id: "ee", isIFrame: true, payload: invalidStyle6Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("ee").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("xxx"), -1, "Should not have retained the namespace style"); }, }, { id: "ff", payload: invalidStyle6Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("ff"); }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("xxx"), -1, "Should not have retained the namespace style"); }, }, { id: "gg", isIFrame: true, payload: invalidStyle6Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("gg").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("bar"), -1, "Should have retained the src attribute for the image"); }, }, { id: "hh", payload: invalidStyle6Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("hh"); }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("bar"), -1, "Should have retained the src attribute for the image"); }, }, { id: "ii", isIFrame: true, payload: invalidStyle6Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("ii").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("bar"), -1, "Should have retained the src attribute for the image"); }, }, { id: "jj", payload: invalidStyle6Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("jj"); }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("bar"), -1, "Should have retained the src attribute for the image"); }, }, { id: "kk", isIFrame: true, payload: invalidStyle6Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("kk").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("bar"), -1, "Should have retained the src attribute for the image"); }, }, { id: "ll", payload: invalidStyle6Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("ll"); }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("bar"), -1, "Should have retained the src attribute for the image"); }, }, { id: "mm", isIFrame: true, indirectPaste: true, payload: invalidStyle7Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("mm").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult: function(html) { is(html.indexOf("xxx"), -1, "Should not have retained the title text"); isnot(html.indexOf("foo"), -1, "Should have retained the body text"); } }, { id: "nn", indirectPaste: true, payload: invalidStyle7Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("nn"); }, checkResult: function(html) { is(html.indexOf("xxx"), -1, "Should not have retained the title text"); isnot(html.indexOf("foo"), -1, "Should have retained the body text"); } }, { id: "oo", isIFrame: true, payload: validDataFooPayload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("oo").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("bar"), -1, "Should have retained the data-bar attribute"); }, }, { id: "pp", payload: validDataFooPayload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("pp"); }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("bar"), -1, "Should have retained the data-bar attribute"); }, }, { id: "qq", isIFrame: true, payload: validDataFoo2Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("qq").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("bar"), -1, "Should have retained the _bar attribute"); }, }, { id: "rr", payload: validDataFoo2Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("rr"); }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("bar"), -1, "Should have retained the _bar attribute"); }, }, { id: "ss", isIFrame: true, payload: invalidStyle8Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("ss").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("@-moz-document"), -1, "Should not have retained the @-moz-document rule"); }, }, { id: "tt", payload: invalidStyle8Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("tt"); }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("@-moz-document"), -1, "Should not have retained the @-moz-document rule"); }, }, { id: "uu", isIFrame: true, payload: invalidStyle9Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("uu").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("@-moz-keyframes"), -1, "Should not have retained the @-moz-keyframes rule"); }, }, { id: "vv", payload: invalidStyle9Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("vv"); }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("@-moz-keyframes"), -1, "Should not have retained the @-moz-keyframes rule"); }, }, { id: "sss", payload: svgPayload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("sss"); }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("svgtitle"), -1, "Should have retained SVG title"); }, }, { id: "ssss", isIFrame: true, payload: svgPayload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("ssss").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("svgtitle"), -1, "Should have retained SVG title"); }, }, { id: "ttt", payload: svg2Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("ttt"); }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("bogussvg"), -1, "Should have dropped bogussvg element"); }, }, { id: "tttt", isIFrame: true, payload: svg2Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("tttt").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("bogussvg"), -1, "Should have dropped bogussvg element"); }, }, { id: "uuu", payload: mathPayload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("uuu"); }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("bogusmath"), -1, "Should have dropped bogusmath element"); }, }, { id: "uuuu", isIFrame: true, payload: mathPayload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("uuuu").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("bogusmath"), -1, "Should have dropped bogusmath element"); }, }, { id: "vvv", payload: math2Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("vvv"); }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("yyy.css"), -1, "Should have dropped MathML style element"); }, }, { id: "vvvv", isIFrame: true, payload: math2Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("vvvv").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { is(html.indexOf("yyy.css"), -1, "Should have dropped MathML style element"); }, }, { id: "www", payload: math3Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("www"); }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("<mi"), -1, "Should not have dropped MathML mi element"); }, }, { id: "wwww", isIFrame: true, payload: math3Payload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("wwww").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("<mi"), -1, "Should not have dropped MathML mi element"); }, }, { id: "xxx", payload: videoPayload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("xxx"); }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("controls="), -1, "Should have added the controls attribute"); }, }, { id: "xxxx", isIFrame: true, payload: videoPayload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("xxxx").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult(html) { isnot(html.indexOf("controls="), -1, "Should have added the controls attribute"); }, }, { id: "yyy", payload: microdataPayload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("yyy"); }, checkResult: function(html) { is(html.indexOf("name"), -1, "Should have dropped name."); is(html.indexOf("rel"), -1, "Should have dropped rel."); isnot(html.indexOf("itemprop"), -1, "Should not have dropped itemprop."); } }, { id: "yyyy", isIFrame: true, payload: microdataPayload, rootElement() { return document.getElementById("yyyy").contentDocument.documentElement; }, checkResult: function(html) { is(html.indexOf("name"), -1, "Should have dropped name."); is(html.indexOf("rel"), -1, "Should have dropped rel."); isnot(html.indexOf("itemprop"), -1, "Should not have dropped itemprop."); } } ]; function doNextTest() { if (typeof testCounter == "undefined") testCounter = 0; else if (++testCounter == tests.length) { SimpleTest.finish(); return; } runTest(tests[testCounter]); doNextTest(); } function getLoadContext() { const Ci = SpecialPowers.Ci; return SpecialPowers.wrap(window) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext); } function runTest(test) { var elem = document.getElementById(test.id); if ("isIFrame" in test) { elem.contentDocument.designMode = "on"; elem.contentWindow.focus(); } else elem.focus(); var trans = SpecialPowers.Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"] .createInstance(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsITransferable); trans.init(getLoadContext()); var data = SpecialPowers.Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"] .createInstance(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsISupportsString); data.data = test.payload; trans.addDataFlavor("text/html"); trans.setTransferData("text/html", data, data.data.length * 2); if ("indirectPaste" in test) { var editor, win; if ("isIFrame" in test) { win = elem.contentDocument.defaultView; } else { getSelection().collapse(elem, 0); win = window; } editor = SpecialPowers.wrap(win).QueryInterface(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIDocShell) .editor; editor.pasteTransferable(trans); } else { var clipboard = SpecialPowers.Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboard;1"] .getService(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIClipboard); clipboard.setData(trans, null, SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard); synthesizeKey("V", {accelKey: true}); } if ("checkResult" in test) { if ("isIFrame" in test) { test.checkResult(elem.contentDocument.documentElement.innerHTML, elem.contentDocument.documentElement.textContent); } else { test.checkResult(elem.innerHTML, elem.textContent); } } else { var iframes = test.rootElement().querySelectorAll("iframe"); var expectedIFrameCount = ("iframeCount" in test) ? test.iframeCount : 1; is(iframes.length, expectedIFrameCount, "Only " + expectedIFrameCount + " iframe should be pasted"); if (expectedIFrameCount > 0) { ok(!iframes[0].hasAttribute("src"), "iframe should not have a src attrib"); } } } SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); addLoadEvent(doNextTest); </script> </pre> </body> </html>