/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsTemplateRule.h" #include "nsTemplateMatch.h" #include "nsXULContentUtils.h" #include "nsUnicharUtils.h" #include "nsReadableUtils.h" #include "nsICollation.h" nsTemplateCondition::nsTemplateCondition(nsIAtom* aSourceVariable, const nsAString& aRelation, nsIAtom* aTargetVariable, bool aIgnoreCase, bool aNegate) : mSourceVariable(aSourceVariable), mTargetVariable(aTargetVariable), mIgnoreCase(aIgnoreCase), mNegate(aNegate), mNext(nullptr) { SetRelation(aRelation); MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(nsTemplateCondition); } nsTemplateCondition::nsTemplateCondition(nsIAtom* aSourceVariable, const nsAString& aRelation, const nsAString& aTargets, bool aIgnoreCase, bool aNegate, bool aIsMultiple) : mSourceVariable(aSourceVariable), mIgnoreCase(aIgnoreCase), mNegate(aNegate), mNext(nullptr) { SetRelation(aRelation); if (aIsMultiple) { int32_t start = 0, end = 0; while ((end = aTargets.FindChar(',',start)) >= 0) { if (end > start) { mTargetList.AppendElement(Substring(aTargets, start, end - start)); } start = end + 1; } if (start < int32_t(aTargets.Length())) { mTargetList.AppendElement(Substring(aTargets, start)); } } else { mTargetList.AppendElement(aTargets); } MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(nsTemplateCondition); } nsTemplateCondition::nsTemplateCondition(const nsAString& aSource, const nsAString& aRelation, nsIAtom* aTargetVariable, bool aIgnoreCase, bool aNegate) : mSource(aSource), mTargetVariable(aTargetVariable), mIgnoreCase(aIgnoreCase), mNegate(aNegate), mNext(nullptr) { SetRelation(aRelation); MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(nsTemplateCondition); } void nsTemplateCondition::SetRelation(const nsAString& aRelation) { if (aRelation.EqualsLiteral("equals") || aRelation.IsEmpty()) mRelation = eEquals; else if (aRelation.EqualsLiteral("less")) mRelation = eLess; else if (aRelation.EqualsLiteral("greater")) mRelation = eGreater; else if (aRelation.EqualsLiteral("before")) mRelation = eBefore; else if (aRelation.EqualsLiteral("after")) mRelation = eAfter; else if (aRelation.EqualsLiteral("startswith")) mRelation = eStartswith; else if (aRelation.EqualsLiteral("endswith")) mRelation = eEndswith; else if (aRelation.EqualsLiteral("contains")) mRelation = eContains; else mRelation = eUnknown; } bool nsTemplateCondition::CheckMatch(nsIXULTemplateResult* aResult) { bool match = false; nsAutoString leftString; if (mSourceVariable) aResult->GetBindingFor(mSourceVariable, leftString); else leftString.Assign(mSource); if (mTargetVariable) { nsAutoString rightString; aResult->GetBindingFor(mTargetVariable, rightString); match = CheckMatchStrings(leftString, rightString); } else { // iterate over the strings in the target and determine // whether there is a match. uint32_t length = mTargetList.Length(); for (uint32_t t = 0; t < length; t++) { match = CheckMatchStrings(leftString, mTargetList[t]); // stop once a match is found. In negate mode, stop once a // target does not match. if (match != mNegate) break; } } return match; } bool nsTemplateCondition::CheckMatchStrings(const nsAString& aLeftString, const nsAString& aRightString) { bool match = false; if (aRightString.IsEmpty()) { if ((mRelation == eEquals) && aLeftString.IsEmpty()) match = true; } else { switch (mRelation) { case eEquals: if (mIgnoreCase) match = aLeftString.Equals(aRightString, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator()); else match = aLeftString.Equals(aRightString); break; case eLess: case eGreater: { // non-numbers always compare false nsresult err; int32_t leftint = PromiseFlatString(aLeftString).ToInteger(&err); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(err)) { int32_t rightint = PromiseFlatString(aRightString).ToInteger(&err); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(err)) { match = (mRelation == eLess) ? (leftint < rightint) : (leftint > rightint); } } break; } case eBefore: { nsICollation* collation = nsXULContentUtils::GetCollation(); if (collation) { int32_t sortOrder; collation->CompareString((mIgnoreCase ? static_cast<int32_t>(nsICollation::kCollationCaseInSensitive) : static_cast<int32_t>(nsICollation::kCollationCaseSensitive)), aLeftString, aRightString, &sortOrder); match = (sortOrder < 0); } else if (mIgnoreCase) { match = (Compare(aLeftString, aRightString, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator()) < 0); } else { match = (Compare(aLeftString, aRightString) < 0); } break; } case eAfter: { nsICollation* collation = nsXULContentUtils::GetCollation(); if (collation) { int32_t sortOrder; collation->CompareString((mIgnoreCase ? static_cast<int32_t>(nsICollation::kCollationCaseInSensitive) : static_cast<int32_t>(nsICollation::kCollationCaseSensitive)), aLeftString, aRightString, &sortOrder); match = (sortOrder > 0); } else if (mIgnoreCase) { match = (Compare(aLeftString, aRightString, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator()) > 0); } else { match = (Compare(aLeftString, aRightString) > 0); } break; } case eStartswith: if (mIgnoreCase) match = (StringBeginsWith(aLeftString, aRightString, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator())); else match = (StringBeginsWith(aLeftString, aRightString)); break; case eEndswith: if (mIgnoreCase) match = (StringEndsWith(aLeftString, aRightString, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator())); else match = (StringEndsWith(aLeftString, aRightString)); break; case eContains: { nsAString::const_iterator start, end; aLeftString.BeginReading(start); aLeftString.EndReading(end); if (mIgnoreCase) match = CaseInsensitiveFindInReadable(aRightString, start, end); else match = FindInReadable(aRightString, start, end); break; } default: break; } } if (mNegate) match = !match; return match; } nsTemplateRule::nsTemplateRule(nsIContent* aRuleNode, nsIContent* aAction, nsTemplateQuerySet* aQuerySet) : mQuerySet(aQuerySet), mAction(aAction), mBindings(nullptr), mConditions(nullptr) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(nsTemplateRule); mRuleNode = do_QueryInterface(aRuleNode); } nsTemplateRule::nsTemplateRule(const nsTemplateRule& aOtherRule) : mQuerySet(aOtherRule.mQuerySet), mRuleNode(aOtherRule.mRuleNode), mAction(aOtherRule.mAction), mBindings(nullptr), mConditions(nullptr) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(nsTemplateRule); } nsTemplateRule::~nsTemplateRule() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(nsTemplateRule); while (mBindings) { Binding* doomed = mBindings; mBindings = mBindings->mNext; delete doomed; } while (mConditions) { nsTemplateCondition* cdel = mConditions; mConditions = mConditions->GetNext(); delete cdel; } } nsresult nsTemplateRule::GetRuleNode(nsIDOMNode** aRuleNode) const { *aRuleNode = mRuleNode; NS_IF_ADDREF(*aRuleNode); return NS_OK; } void nsTemplateRule::SetCondition(nsTemplateCondition* aCondition) { while (mConditions) { nsTemplateCondition* cdel = mConditions; mConditions = mConditions->GetNext(); delete cdel; } mConditions = aCondition; } bool nsTemplateRule::CheckMatch(nsIXULTemplateResult* aResult) const { // check the conditions in the rule first nsTemplateCondition* condition = mConditions; while (condition) { if (!condition->CheckMatch(aResult)) return false; condition = condition->GetNext(); } if (mRuleFilter) { // if a rule filter was set, check it for a match. If an error occurs, // assume that the match was acceptable bool match; nsresult rv = mRuleFilter->Match(aResult, mRuleNode, &match); return NS_FAILED(rv) || match; } return true; } bool nsTemplateRule::HasBinding(nsIAtom* aSourceVariable, nsAString& aExpr, nsIAtom* aTargetVariable) const { for (Binding* binding = mBindings; binding != nullptr; binding = binding->mNext) { if ((binding->mSourceVariable == aSourceVariable) && (binding->mExpr.Equals(aExpr)) && (binding->mTargetVariable == aTargetVariable)) return true; } return false; } nsresult nsTemplateRule::AddBinding(nsIAtom* aSourceVariable, nsAString& aExpr, nsIAtom* aTargetVariable) { NS_PRECONDITION(aSourceVariable != 0, "no source variable!"); if (! aSourceVariable) return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; NS_PRECONDITION(aTargetVariable != 0, "no target variable!"); if (! aTargetVariable) return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; NS_ASSERTION(! HasBinding(aSourceVariable, aExpr, aTargetVariable), "binding added twice"); Binding* newbinding = new Binding; if (! newbinding) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; newbinding->mSourceVariable = aSourceVariable; newbinding->mTargetVariable = aTargetVariable; newbinding->mParent = nullptr; newbinding->mExpr.Assign(aExpr); Binding* binding = mBindings; Binding** link = &mBindings; // Insert it at the end, unless we detect that an existing // binding's source is dependent on the newbinding's target. // // XXXwaterson this isn't enough to make sure that we get all of // the dependencies worked out right, but it'll do for now. For // example, if you have (ab, bc, cd), and insert them in the order // (cd, ab, bc), you'll get (bc, cd, ab). The good news is, if the // person uses a natural ordering when writing the XUL, it'll all // work out ok. while (binding) { if (binding->mSourceVariable == newbinding->mTargetVariable) { binding->mParent = newbinding; break; } else if (binding->mTargetVariable == newbinding->mSourceVariable) { newbinding->mParent = binding; } link = &binding->mNext; binding = binding->mNext; } // Insert the newbinding *link = newbinding; newbinding->mNext = binding; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsTemplateRule::AddBindingsToQueryProcessor(nsIXULTemplateQueryProcessor* aProcessor) { Binding* binding = mBindings; while (binding) { nsresult rv = aProcessor->AddBinding(mRuleNode, binding->mTargetVariable, binding->mSourceVariable, binding->mExpr); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; binding = binding->mNext; } return NS_OK; }