/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "txXSLTNumber.h" #include "nsReadableUtils.h" #include "txCore.h" class txDecimalCounter : public txFormattedCounter { public: txDecimalCounter() : mMinLength(1), mGroupSize(50) { } txDecimalCounter(int32_t aMinLength, int32_t aGroupSize, const nsAString& mGroupSeparator); virtual void appendNumber(int32_t aNumber, nsAString& aDest); private: int32_t mMinLength; int32_t mGroupSize; nsString mGroupSeparator; }; class txAlphaCounter : public txFormattedCounter { public: explicit txAlphaCounter(char16_t aOffset) : mOffset(aOffset) { } virtual void appendNumber(int32_t aNumber, nsAString& aDest); private: char16_t mOffset; }; class txRomanCounter : public txFormattedCounter { public: explicit txRomanCounter(bool aUpper) : mTableOffset(aUpper ? 30 : 0) { } void appendNumber(int32_t aNumber, nsAString& aDest); private: int32_t mTableOffset; }; nsresult txFormattedCounter::getCounterFor(const nsAFlatString& aToken, int32_t aGroupSize, const nsAString& aGroupSeparator, txFormattedCounter*& aCounter) { int32_t length = aToken.Length(); NS_ASSERTION(length, "getting counter for empty token"); aCounter = 0; if (length == 1) { char16_t ch = aToken.CharAt(0); switch (ch) { case 'i': case 'I': aCounter = new txRomanCounter(ch == 'I'); break; case 'a': case 'A': aCounter = new txAlphaCounter(ch); break; case '1': default: // if we don't recognize the token then use "1" aCounter = new txDecimalCounter(1, aGroupSize, aGroupSeparator); break; } MOZ_ASSERT(aCounter); return NS_OK; } // for now, the only multi-char token we support are decimals int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < length-1; ++i) { if (aToken.CharAt(i) != '0') break; } if (i == length-1 && aToken.CharAt(i) == '1') { aCounter = new txDecimalCounter(length, aGroupSize, aGroupSeparator); } else { // if we don't recognize the token then use '1' aCounter = new txDecimalCounter(1, aGroupSize, aGroupSeparator); } MOZ_ASSERT(aCounter); return NS_OK; } txDecimalCounter::txDecimalCounter(int32_t aMinLength, int32_t aGroupSize, const nsAString& aGroupSeparator) : mMinLength(aMinLength), mGroupSize(aGroupSize), mGroupSeparator(aGroupSeparator) { if (mGroupSize <= 0) { mGroupSize = aMinLength + 10; } } void txDecimalCounter::appendNumber(int32_t aNumber, nsAString& aDest) { const int32_t bufsize = 10; //must be able to fit an int32_t char16_t buf[bufsize]; int32_t pos = bufsize; while (aNumber > 0) { int32_t ch = aNumber % 10; aNumber /= 10; buf[--pos] = ch + '0'; } // in case we didn't get a long enough string int32_t end = (bufsize > mMinLength) ? bufsize - mMinLength : 0; while (pos > end) { buf[--pos] = '0'; } // in case we *still* didn't get a long enough string. // this should be very rare since it only happens if mMinLength is bigger // then the length of any int32_t. // pos will always be zero int32_t extraPos = mMinLength; while (extraPos > bufsize) { aDest.Append(char16_t('0')); --extraPos; if (extraPos % mGroupSize == 0) { aDest.Append(mGroupSeparator); } } // copy string to buffer if (mGroupSize >= bufsize - pos) { // no grouping will occur aDest.Append(buf + pos, (uint32_t)(bufsize - pos)); } else { // append chars up to first grouping separator int32_t len = ((bufsize - pos - 1) % mGroupSize) + 1; aDest.Append(buf + pos, len); pos += len; while (bufsize - pos > 0) { aDest.Append(mGroupSeparator); aDest.Append(buf + pos, mGroupSize); pos += mGroupSize; } NS_ASSERTION(bufsize == pos, "error while grouping"); } } void txAlphaCounter::appendNumber(int32_t aNumber, nsAString& aDest) { char16_t buf[12]; buf[11] = 0; int32_t pos = 11; while (aNumber > 0) { --aNumber; int32_t ch = aNumber % 26; aNumber /= 26; buf[--pos] = ch + mOffset; } aDest.Append(buf + pos, (uint32_t)(11 - pos)); } const char* const kTxRomanNumbers[] = {"", "c", "cc", "ccc", "cd", "d", "dc", "dcc", "dccc", "cm", "", "x", "xx", "xxx", "xl", "l", "lx", "lxx", "lxxx", "xc", "", "i", "ii", "iii", "iv", "v", "vi", "vii", "viii", "ix", "", "C", "CC", "CCC", "CD", "D", "DC", "DCC", "DCCC", "CM", "", "X", "XX", "XXX", "XL", "L", "LX", "LXX", "LXXX", "XC", "", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX"}; void txRomanCounter::appendNumber(int32_t aNumber, nsAString& aDest) { // Numbers bigger then 3999 and negative numbers can't be done in roman if (uint32_t(aNumber) >= 4000) { txDecimalCounter().appendNumber(aNumber, aDest); return; } while (aNumber >= 1000) { aDest.Append(!mTableOffset ? char16_t('m') : char16_t('M')); aNumber -= 1000; } int32_t posValue; // Hundreds posValue = aNumber / 100; aNumber %= 100; AppendASCIItoUTF16(kTxRomanNumbers[posValue + mTableOffset], aDest); // Tens posValue = aNumber / 10; aNumber %= 10; AppendASCIItoUTF16(kTxRomanNumbers[10 + posValue + mTableOffset], aDest); // Ones AppendASCIItoUTF16(kTxRomanNumbers[20 + aNumber + mTableOffset], aDest); }