/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/Assertions.h" #include "txXPathOptimizer.h" #include "txExprResult.h" #include "nsIAtom.h" #include "nsGkAtoms.h" #include "txXPathNode.h" #include "txExpr.h" #include "txIXPathContext.h" class txEarlyEvalContext : public txIEvalContext { public: explicit txEarlyEvalContext(txResultRecycler* aRecycler) : mRecycler(aRecycler) { } // txIEvalContext nsresult getVariable(int32_t aNamespace, nsIAtom* aLName, txAExprResult*& aResult) { MOZ_CRASH("shouldn't depend on this context"); } bool isStripSpaceAllowed(const txXPathNode& aNode) { MOZ_CRASH("shouldn't depend on this context"); } void* getPrivateContext() { MOZ_CRASH("shouldn't depend on this context"); } txResultRecycler* recycler() { return mRecycler; } void receiveError(const nsAString& aMsg, nsresult aRes) { } const txXPathNode& getContextNode() { MOZ_CRASH("shouldn't depend on this context"); } uint32_t size() { MOZ_CRASH("shouldn't depend on this context"); } uint32_t position() { MOZ_CRASH("shouldn't depend on this context"); } private: txResultRecycler* mRecycler; }; nsresult txXPathOptimizer::optimize(Expr* aInExpr, Expr** aOutExpr) { *aOutExpr = nullptr; nsresult rv = NS_OK; // First check if the expression will produce the same result // under any context. Expr::ExprType exprType = aInExpr->getType(); if (exprType != Expr::LITERAL_EXPR && !aInExpr->isSensitiveTo(Expr::ANY_CONTEXT)) { RefPtr<txResultRecycler> recycler = new txResultRecycler; txEarlyEvalContext context(recycler); RefPtr<txAExprResult> exprRes; // Don't throw if this fails since it could be that the expression // is or contains an error-expression. rv = aInExpr->evaluate(&context, getter_AddRefs(exprRes)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { *aOutExpr = new txLiteralExpr(exprRes); } return NS_OK; } // Then optimize sub expressions uint32_t i = 0; Expr* subExpr; while ((subExpr = aInExpr->getSubExprAt(i))) { Expr* newExpr = nullptr; rv = optimize(subExpr, &newExpr); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (newExpr) { delete subExpr; aInExpr->setSubExprAt(i, newExpr); } ++i; } // Finally see if current expression can be optimized switch (exprType) { case Expr::LOCATIONSTEP_EXPR: return optimizeStep(aInExpr, aOutExpr); case Expr::PATH_EXPR: return optimizePath(aInExpr, aOutExpr); case Expr::UNION_EXPR: return optimizeUnion(aInExpr, aOutExpr); default: break; } return NS_OK; } nsresult txXPathOptimizer::optimizeStep(Expr* aInExpr, Expr** aOutExpr) { LocationStep* step = static_cast<LocationStep*>(aInExpr); if (step->getAxisIdentifier() == LocationStep::ATTRIBUTE_AXIS) { // Test for @foo type steps. txNameTest* nameTest = nullptr; if (!step->getSubExprAt(0) && step->getNodeTest()->getType() == txNameTest::NAME_TEST && (nameTest = static_cast<txNameTest*>(step->getNodeTest()))-> mLocalName != nsGkAtoms::_asterisk) { *aOutExpr = new txNamedAttributeStep(nameTest->mNamespace, nameTest->mPrefix, nameTest->mLocalName); return NS_OK; // return since we no longer have a step-object. } } // Test for predicates that can be combined into the nodetest Expr* pred; while ((pred = step->getSubExprAt(0)) && !pred->canReturnType(Expr::NUMBER_RESULT) && !pred->isSensitiveTo(Expr::NODESET_CONTEXT)) { txNodeTest* predTest = new txPredicatedNodeTest(step->getNodeTest(), pred); step->dropFirst(); step->setNodeTest(predTest); } return NS_OK; } nsresult txXPathOptimizer::optimizePath(Expr* aInExpr, Expr** aOutExpr) { PathExpr* path = static_cast<PathExpr*>(aInExpr); uint32_t i; Expr* subExpr; // look for steps like "//foo" that can be turned into "/descendant::foo" // and "//." that can be turned into "/descendant-or-self::node()" for (i = 0; (subExpr = path->getSubExprAt(i)); ++i) { if (path->getPathOpAt(i) == PathExpr::DESCENDANT_OP && subExpr->getType() == Expr::LOCATIONSTEP_EXPR && !subExpr->getSubExprAt(0)) { LocationStep* step = static_cast<LocationStep*>(subExpr); if (step->getAxisIdentifier() == LocationStep::CHILD_AXIS) { step->setAxisIdentifier(LocationStep::DESCENDANT_AXIS); path->setPathOpAt(i, PathExpr::RELATIVE_OP); } else if (step->getAxisIdentifier() == LocationStep::SELF_AXIS) { step->setAxisIdentifier(LocationStep::DESCENDANT_OR_SELF_AXIS); path->setPathOpAt(i, PathExpr::RELATIVE_OP); } } } // look for expressions that start with a "./" subExpr = path->getSubExprAt(0); LocationStep* step; if (subExpr->getType() == Expr::LOCATIONSTEP_EXPR && path->getSubExprAt(1) && path->getPathOpAt(1) != PathExpr::DESCENDANT_OP) { step = static_cast<LocationStep*>(subExpr); if (step->getAxisIdentifier() == LocationStep::SELF_AXIS && !step->getSubExprAt(0)) { txNodeTest* test = step->getNodeTest(); txNodeTypeTest* typeTest; if (test->getType() == txNodeTest::NODETYPE_TEST && (typeTest = static_cast<txNodeTypeTest*>(test))-> getNodeTestType() == txNodeTypeTest::NODE_TYPE) { // We have a '.' as first step followed by a single '/'. // Check if there are only two steps. If so, return the second // as resulting expression. if (!path->getSubExprAt(2)) { *aOutExpr = path->getSubExprAt(1); path->setSubExprAt(1, nullptr); return NS_OK; } // Just delete the '.' step and leave the rest of the PathExpr path->deleteExprAt(0); } } } return NS_OK; } nsresult txXPathOptimizer::optimizeUnion(Expr* aInExpr, Expr** aOutExpr) { UnionExpr* uni = static_cast<UnionExpr*>(aInExpr); // Check for expressions like "foo | bar" and // "descendant::foo | descendant::bar" nsresult rv; uint32_t current; Expr* subExpr; for (current = 0; (subExpr = uni->getSubExprAt(current)); ++current) { if (subExpr->getType() != Expr::LOCATIONSTEP_EXPR || subExpr->getSubExprAt(0)) { continue; } LocationStep* currentStep = static_cast<LocationStep*>(subExpr); LocationStep::LocationStepType axis = currentStep->getAxisIdentifier(); txUnionNodeTest* unionTest = nullptr; // Check if there are any other steps with the same axis and merge // them with currentStep uint32_t i; for (i = current + 1; (subExpr = uni->getSubExprAt(i)); ++i) { if (subExpr->getType() != Expr::LOCATIONSTEP_EXPR || subExpr->getSubExprAt(0)) { continue; } LocationStep* step = static_cast<LocationStep*>(subExpr); if (step->getAxisIdentifier() != axis) { continue; } // Create a txUnionNodeTest if needed if (!unionTest) { nsAutoPtr<txNodeTest> owner(unionTest = new txUnionNodeTest); rv = unionTest->addNodeTest(currentStep->getNodeTest()); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); currentStep->setNodeTest(unionTest); owner.forget(); } // Merge the nodetest into the union rv = unionTest->addNodeTest(step->getNodeTest()); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); step->setNodeTest(nullptr); // Remove the step from the UnionExpr uni->deleteExprAt(i); --i; } // Check if all expressions were merged into a single step. If so, // return the step as the new expression. if (unionTest && current == 0 && !uni->getSubExprAt(1)) { // Make sure the step doesn't get deleted when the UnionExpr is uni->setSubExprAt(0, nullptr); *aOutExpr = currentStep; // Return right away since we no longer have a union return NS_OK; } } return NS_OK; }