var data = new Array(256).join("1234567890ABCDEF"); function createXHR() { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "temporaryFileBlob.sjs"); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.send({toString: function() { return data; }}); return xhr; } function test_simple() { info("Simple test"); var xhr = createXHR(); xhr.onloadend = function() { ok(xhr.response instanceof Blob, "We have a blob!"); is(xhr.response.size, data.length, "Data length matches"); var fr = new FileReader(); fr.readAsText(xhr.response); fr.onload = function() { is(fr.result, data, "Data content matches"); next(); } } } function test_abort() { info("Aborting during onloading"); var xhr = createXHR(); xhr.onprogress = function() { xhr.abort(); } xhr.onloadend = function() { ok(!xhr.response, "We should not have a Blob!"); next(); } } function test_reuse() { info("Reuse test"); var xhr = createXHR(); var count = 0; xhr.onloadend = function() { ok(xhr.response instanceof Blob, "We have a blob!"); is(xhr.response.size, data.length, "Data length matches"); var fr = new FileReader(); fr.readAsText(xhr.response); fr.onload = function() { is(fr.result, data, "Data content matches"); if (++count > 2) { next(); return; }"POST", "temporaryFileBlob.sjs"); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.send({toString: function() { return data; }}); } } } function test_worker_generic(test) { var w = new Worker('worker_temporaryFileBlob.js'); w.onmessage = function(e) { if ( == 'info') { info(; } else if ( == 'check') { ok(,; } else if ( == 'finish') { next(); } else { ok(false, 'Something wrong happened'); } } w.postMessage(test); } function test_worker() { info("XHR in workers"); test_worker_generic('simple'); } function test_worker_abort() { info("XHR in workers"); test_worker_generic('abort'); } function test_worker_reuse() { info("XHR in workers"); test_worker_generic('reuse'); }