var origin = 'http://mochi.test:8888'; function fetchXHRWithMethod(name, method, onload, onerror, headers) { expectAsyncResult(); onload = onload || function() { my_ok(false, "XHR load should not complete successfully"); finish(); }; onerror = onerror || function() { my_ok(false, "XHR load for " + name + " should be intercepted successfully"); finish(); }; var x = new XMLHttpRequest();, name, true); x.onload = function() { onload(x) }; x.onerror = function() { onerror(x) }; headers = headers || []; headers.forEach(function(header) { x.setRequestHeader(header[0], header[1]); }); x.send(); } var corsServerPath = '/tests/dom/security/test/cors/file_CrossSiteXHR_server.sjs'; var corsServerURL = '' + corsServerPath; function redirectURL(hops) { return hops[0].server + corsServerPath + "?hop=1&hops=" + encodeURIComponent(hops.toSource()); } function fetchXHR(name, onload, onerror, headers) { return fetchXHRWithMethod(name, 'GET', onload, onerror, headers); } fetchXHR('bare-synthesized.txt', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "load should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.responseText == "synthesized response body", "load should have synthesized response"); finish(); }); fetchXHR('test-respondwith-response.txt', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "test-respondwith-response load should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.responseText == "test-respondwith-response response body", "load should have response"); finish(); }); fetchXHR('synthesized-404.txt', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 404, "load should 404"); my_ok(xhr.responseText == "synthesized response body", "404 load should have synthesized response"); finish(); }); fetchXHR('synthesized-headers.txt', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "load should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.getResponseHeader("X-Custom-Greeting") === "Hello", "custom header should be set"); my_ok(xhr.responseText == "synthesized response body", "custom header load should have synthesized response"); finish(); }); fetchXHR('synthesized-redirect-real-file.txt', function(xhr) { dump("Got status AARRGH " + xhr.status + " " + xhr.responseText + "\n"); my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "load should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.responseText == "This is a real file.\n", "Redirect to real file should complete."); finish(); }); fetchXHR('synthesized-redirect-twice-real-file.txt', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "load should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.responseText == "This is a real file.\n", "Redirect to real file (twice) should complete."); finish(); }); fetchXHR('synthesized-redirect-synthesized.txt', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "synth+redirect+synth load should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.responseText == "synthesized response body", "load should have redirected+synthesized response"); finish(); }); fetchXHR('synthesized-redirect-twice-synthesized.txt', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "synth+redirect+synth (twice) load should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.responseText == "synthesized response body", "load should have redirected+synthesized (twice) response"); finish(); }); fetchXHR('redirect.sjs', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 404, "redirected load should be uninterrupted"); finish(); }); fetchXHR('ignored.txt', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 404, "load should be uninterrupted"); finish(); }); fetchXHR('rejected.txt', null, function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 0, "load should not complete"); finish(); }); fetchXHR('nonresponse.txt', null, function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 0, "load should not complete"); finish(); }); fetchXHR('nonresponse2.txt', null, function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 0, "load should not complete"); finish(); }); fetchXHR('nonpromise.txt', null, function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 0, "load should not complete"); finish(); }); fetchXHR('headers.txt', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "load should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.responseText == "1", "request header checks should have passed"); finish(); }, null, [["X-Test1", "header1"], ["X-Test2", "header2"]]); fetchXHR('http://user:pass@mochi.test:8888/user-pass', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "load should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.responseText == 'http://user:pass@mochi.test:8888/user-pass', 'The username and password should be preserved'); finish(); }); var expectedUncompressedResponse = ""; for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { expectedUncompressedResponse += "hello"; } expectedUncompressedResponse += "\n"; // ServiceWorker does not intercept, at which point the network request should // be correctly decoded. fetchXHR('deliver-gzip.sjs', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "network gzip load should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.responseText == expectedUncompressedResponse, "network gzip load should have synthesized response."); my_ok(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Encoding") == "gzip", "network Content-Encoding should be gzip."); my_ok(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Length") == "35", "network Content-Length should be of original gzipped file."); finish(); }); fetchXHR('hello.gz', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "gzip load should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.responseText == expectedUncompressedResponse, "gzip load should have synthesized response."); my_ok(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Encoding") == "gzip", "Content-Encoding should be gzip."); my_ok(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Length") == "35", "Content-Length should be of original gzipped file."); finish(); }); fetchXHR('hello-after-extracting.gz', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "gzip load after extracting should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.responseText == expectedUncompressedResponse, "gzip load after extracting should have synthesized response."); my_ok(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Encoding") == "gzip", "Content-Encoding after extracting should be gzip."); my_ok(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Length") == "35", "Content-Length after extracting should be of original gzipped file."); finish(); }); fetchXHR(corsServerURL + '?status=200&allowOrigin=*', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "cross origin load with correct headers should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.getResponseHeader("access-control-allow-origin") == null, "cors headers should be filtered out"); finish(); }); // Verify origin header is sent properly even when we have a no-intercept SW. var uriOrigin = encodeURIComponent(origin); fetchXHR('' + corsServerPath + '?ignore&status=200&origin=' + uriOrigin + '&allowOrigin=' + uriOrigin, function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "cross origin load with correct headers should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.getResponseHeader("access-control-allow-origin") == null, "cors headers should be filtered out"); finish(); }); // Verify that XHR is considered CORS tainted even when original URL is same-origin // redirected to cross-origin. fetchXHR(redirectURL([{ server: origin }, { server: '', allowOrigin: origin }]), function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "cross origin load with correct headers should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.getResponseHeader("access-control-allow-origin") == null, "cors headers should be filtered out"); finish(); }); // Test that CORS preflight requests cannot be intercepted. Performs a // cross-origin XHR that the SW chooses not to intercept. This requires a // preflight request, which the SW must not be allowed to intercept. fetchXHR(corsServerURL + '?status=200&allowOrigin=*', null, function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 0, "cross origin load with incorrect headers should be a failure"); finish(); }, [["X-Unsafe", "unsafe"]]); // Test that CORS preflight requests cannot be intercepted. Performs a // cross-origin XHR that the SW chooses to intercept and respond with a // cross-origin fetch. This requires a preflight request, which the SW must not // be allowed to intercept. fetchXHR('' + corsServerPath + '?status=200&allowOrigin=*', null, function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 0, "cross origin load with incorrect headers should be a failure"); finish(); }, [["X-Unsafe", "unsafe"]]); // Test that when the page fetches a url the controlling SW forces a redirect to // another location. This other location fetch should also be intercepted by // the SW. fetchXHR('something.txt', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "load should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.responseText == "something else response body", "load should have something else"); finish(); }); // Test fetch will internally get it's SkipServiceWorker flag set. The request is // made from the SW through fetch(). fetch() fetches a server-side JavaScript // file that force a redirect. The redirect location fetch does not go through // the SW. fetchXHR('redirect_serviceworker.sjs', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "load should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.responseText == "// empty worker, always succeed!\n", "load should have redirection content"); finish(); }); fetchXHR('empty-header', function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, "load should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.responseText == "emptyheader", "load should have the expected content"); finish(); }, null, [["emptyheader", ""]]); expectAsyncResult(); fetch('*') .then(function(res) { my_ok(res.ok, "Valid CORS request should receive valid response"); my_ok(res.type == "cors", "Response type should be CORS"); res.text().then(function(body) { my_ok(body === "hello pass\n", "cors response body should match"); finish(); }); }, function(e) { my_ok(false, "CORS Fetch failed"); finish(); }); expectAsyncResult(); fetch('', { mode: 'no-cors' }) .then(function(res) { my_ok(res.type == "opaque", "Response type should be opaque"); my_ok(res.status == 0, "Status should be 0"); res.text().then(function(body) { my_ok(body === "", "opaque response body should be empty"); finish(); }); }, function(e) { my_ok(false, "no-cors Fetch failed"); finish(); }); expectAsyncResult(); fetch('opaque-on-same-origin') .then(function(res) { my_ok(false, "intercepted opaque response for non no-cors request should fail."); finish(); }, function(e) { my_ok(true, "intercepted opaque response for non no-cors request should fail."); finish(); }); expectAsyncResult(); fetch('', { mode: "no-cors" }) .then(function(res) { my_ok(res.type == "opaque", "intercepted opaque response for no-cors request should have type opaque."); finish(); }, function(e) { my_ok(false, "intercepted opaque response for no-cors request should pass."); finish(); }); expectAsyncResult(); fetch('', { mode: "no-cors" }) .then(function(res) { my_ok(res.type == "opaque", "intercepted non-opaque response for no-cors request should resolve to opaque response."); finish(); }, function(e) { my_ok(false, "intercepted non-opaque response for no-cors request should resolve to opaque response. It should not fail."); finish(); }); function arrayBufferFromString(str) { var arr = new Uint8Array(str.length); for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { arr[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); } return arr; } expectAsyncResult(); fetch(new Request('body-simple', {method: 'POST', body: 'my body'})) .then(function(res) { return res.text(); }).then(function(body) { my_ok(body == 'my bodymy body', "the body of the intercepted fetch should be visible in the SW"); finish(); }); expectAsyncResult(); fetch(new Request('body-arraybufferview', {method: 'POST', body: arrayBufferFromString('my body')})) .then(function(res) { return res.text(); }).then(function(body) { my_ok(body == 'my bodymy body', "the ArrayBufferView body of the intercepted fetch should be visible in the SW"); finish(); }); expectAsyncResult(); fetch(new Request('body-arraybuffer', {method: 'POST', body: arrayBufferFromString('my body').buffer})) .then(function(res) { return res.text(); }).then(function(body) { my_ok(body == 'my bodymy body', "the ArrayBuffer body of the intercepted fetch should be visible in the SW"); finish(); }); expectAsyncResult(); var usp = new URLSearchParams(); usp.set("foo", "bar"); usp.set("baz", "qux"); fetch(new Request('body-urlsearchparams', {method: 'POST', body: usp})) .then(function(res) { return res.text(); }).then(function(body) { my_ok(body == 'foo=bar&baz=quxfoo=bar&baz=qux', "the URLSearchParams body of the intercepted fetch should be visible in the SW"); finish(); }); expectAsyncResult(); var fd = new FormData(); fd.set("foo", "bar"); fd.set("baz", "qux"); fetch(new Request('body-formdata', {method: 'POST', body: fd})) .then(function(res) { return res.text(); }).then(function(body) { my_ok(body.indexOf("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"foo\"\r\n\r\nbar") < body.indexOf("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"baz\"\r\n\r\nqux"), "the FormData body of the intercepted fetch should be visible in the SW"); finish(); }); expectAsyncResult(); fetch(new Request('body-blob', {method: 'POST', body: new Blob(new String('my body'))})) .then(function(res) { return res.text(); }).then(function(body) { my_ok(body == 'my bodymy body', "the Blob body of the intercepted fetch should be visible in the SW"); finish(); }); expectAsyncResult(); fetch('interrupt.sjs') .then(function(res) { my_ok(true, "interrupted fetch succeeded"); res.text().then(function(body) { my_ok(false, "interrupted fetch shouldn't have complete body"); finish(); }, function() { my_ok(true, "interrupted fetch shouldn't have complete body"); finish(); }) }, function(e) { my_ok(false, "interrupted fetch failed"); finish(); }); ['DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'POST', 'PUT'].forEach(function(method) { fetchXHRWithMethod('xhr-method-test.txt', method, function(xhr) { my_ok(xhr.status == 200, method + " load should be successful"); my_ok(xhr.responseText == ("intercepted " + method), method + " load should have synthesized response"); finish(); }); }); expectAsyncResult(); fetch(new Request('empty-header', {headers:{"emptyheader":""}})) .then(function(res) { return res.text(); }).then(function(body) { my_ok(body == "emptyheader", "The empty header was observed in the fetch event"); finish(); }, function(err) { my_ok(false, "A promise was rejected with " + err); finish(); }); expectAsyncResult(); fetch('fetchevent-extendable') .then(function(res) { return res.text(); }).then(function(body) { my_ok(body == "extendable", "FetchEvent inherits from ExtendableEvent"); finish(); }, function(err) { my_ok(false, "A promise was rejected with " + err); finish(); }); expectAsyncResult(); fetch('fetchevent-request') .then(function(res) { return res.text(); }).then(function(body) { my_ok(body == "non-nullable", "FetchEvent.request must be non-nullable"); finish(); }, function(err) { my_ok(false, "A promise was rejected with " + err); finish(); });