"use strict"; /** * Helpers for use in tests that want to verify that localized error messages * are logged during the test. Because most of our errors (ex: * ServiceWorkerManager) generate nsIScriptError instances with flattened * strings (the interpolated arguments aren't kept around), we load the string * bundle and use it to derive the exact string message we expect for the given * payload. **/ let stringBundleService = SpecialPowers.Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1"] .getService(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIStringBundleService); let localizer = stringBundleService.createBundle("chrome://global/locale/dom/dom.properties"); /** * Start monitoring the console for the given localized error message string(s) * with the given arguments to be logged. Call before running code that will * generate the console message. Pair with a call to * `wait_for_expected_message` invoked after the message should have been * generated. * * Multiple error messages can be expected, just repeat the msgId and args * argument pair as needed. * * @param {String} msgId * The localization message identifier used in the properties file. * @param {String[]} args * The list of formatting arguments we expect the error to be generated with. * @return {Object} Promise/handle to pass to wait_for_expected_message. */ function expect_console_message(/* msgId, args, ... */) { let expectations = []; // process repeated paired arguments of: msgId, args for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 2) { let msgId = arguments[i]; let args = arguments[i + 1]; expectations.push({ errorMessage: localizer.formatStringFromName(msgId, args, args.length) }); } return new Promise(resolve => { SimpleTest.monitorConsole(resolve, expectations); }); } let expect_console_messages = expect_console_message; /** * Stop monitoring the console, returning a Promise that will be resolved when * the sentinel console message sent through the async data path has been * received. The Promise will not reject on failure; instead a mochitest * failure will have been generated by ok(false)/equivalent by the time it is * resolved. */ function wait_for_expected_message(expectedPromise) { SimpleTest.endMonitorConsole(); return expectedPromise; } /** * Derive an absolute URL string from a relative URL to simplify error message * argument generation. */ function make_absolute_url(relUrl) { return new URL(relUrl, window.location).href; }