importScripts("utils.js"); var client; var context; function ok(a, msg) { client.postMessage({type: 'status', status: !!a, msg: a + ": " + msg, context: context}); } function is(a, b, msg) { client.postMessage({type: 'status', status: a === b, msg: a + " === " + b + ": " + msg, context: context}); } addEventListener('message', function workerWrapperOnMessage(e) { removeEventListener('message', workerWrapperOnMessage); var data =; function loadTest() { var done = function() { client.postMessage({ type: 'finish', context: context }); } try { importScripts(data.script); // runTest() is provided by the test. runTest().then(done, done); } catch(e) { client.postMessage({ type: 'status', status: false, msg: 'worker failed to import ' + data.script + "; error: " + e.message, context: context }); done(); } } if ("ServiceWorker" in self) { self.clients.matchAll().then(function(clients) { for (var i = 0; i < clients.length; ++i) { if (clients[i].url.indexOf("message_receiver.html") > -1) { client = clients[i]; break; } } if (!client) { dump("We couldn't find the message_receiver window, the test will fail\n"); } context = "ServiceWorker"; loadTest(); }); } else { client = self; context = "Worker"; loadTest(); } });