  <title>Test for Bug </title>
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<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=">Mozilla Bug </a>
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/** Test for Bug  **/

var f = document.createElement("iframe");
var win = f.contentWindow;

// Set location once to make sure it's resolved
win.location = "data:text/html,1";

// Now try to make the location object go away.

// Check that location is now null.  If it's not, the test needs changing
// (e.g. to use window.close() so that it's null).
is("location" in win, true, "Should still have a location property");
is(win.location, null, "There should be no location object now");

// Just set the location.  This should not crash but throw an exception.
var noException;
try {
  win.location = "data:text/html,2";
  noException = true;
catch(e) {
  noException = false;
todo(noException, "Shouldn't throw when setting location.");

// And check that we didn't override the slot in the process.
is(typeof(win.location), "object", "Location should not have become a string");
is(win.location, null,
   "There should be no location object for real after the set");
