// Send a payload that's over 32k in size, which for a plain response should be // large enough to ensure that OnDataAvailable is called more than once (and so // the XHR will be triggered to send more than one "loading" event if desired). function handleRequest(request, response) { // Send 81920 bytes of こんにちは in Shift-JIS encoding, framed in XML. let data = "" + (new Array(1 << 13)).join("\x82\xb1\x82\xf1\x82\xc9\x82\xbf\x82\xcd") + ""; response.processAsync(); response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml", false); response.setHeader("Content-Length", "" + data.length, false); response.write(data, data.length); response.finish(); }