/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var Cc = Components.classes; var Ci = Components.interfaces; var Cu = Components.utils; var Cr = Components.results; Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm'); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://testing-common/httpd.js"); var httpServer = new HttpServer(); httpServer.start(-1); var testsToFinish = 0; var principal; const REPORT_SERVER_PORT = httpServer.identity.primaryPort; const REPORT_SERVER_URI = "http://localhost"; const REPORT_SERVER_PATH = "/report"; /** * Construct a callback that listens to a report submission and either passes * or fails a test based on what it gets. */ function makeReportHandler(testpath, message, expectedJSON) { return function(request, response) { // we only like "POST" submissions for reports! if (request.method !== "POST") { do_throw("violation report should be a POST request"); return; } // check content-type of report is "application/csp-report" var contentType = request.hasHeader("Content-Type") ? request.getHeader("Content-Type") : undefined; if (contentType !== "application/csp-report") { do_throw("violation report should have the 'application/csp-report' " + "content-type, when in fact it is " + contentType.toString()) } // obtain violation report var reportObj = JSON.parse( NetUtil.readInputStreamToString( request.bodyInputStream, request.bodyInputStream.available())); // dump("GOT REPORT:\n" + JSON.stringify(reportObj) + "\n"); // dump("TESTPATH: " + testpath + "\n"); // dump("EXPECTED: \n" + JSON.stringify(expectedJSON) + "\n\n"); for (var i in expectedJSON) do_check_eq(expectedJSON[i], reportObj['csp-report'][i]); testsToFinish--; httpServer.registerPathHandler(testpath, null); if (testsToFinish < 1) httpServer.stop(do_test_finished); else do_test_finished(); }; } /** * Everything created by this assumes it will cause a report. If you want to * add a test here that will *not* cause a report to go out, you're gonna have * to make sure the test cleans up after itself. */ function makeTest(id, expectedJSON, useReportOnlyPolicy, callback) { testsToFinish++; do_test_pending(); // set up a new CSP instance for each test. var csp = Cc["@mozilla.org/cspcontext;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIContentSecurityPolicy); var policy = "default-src 'none'; " + "report-uri " + REPORT_SERVER_URI + ":" + REPORT_SERVER_PORT + "/test" + id; var selfuri = NetUtil.newURI(REPORT_SERVER_URI + ":" + REPORT_SERVER_PORT + "/foo/self"); dump("Created test " + id + " : " + policy + "\n\n"); let ssm = Cc["@mozilla.org/scriptsecuritymanager;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager); principal = ssm.createCodebasePrincipal(selfuri, {}); csp.setRequestContext(null, principal); // Load up the policy // set as report-only if that's the case csp.appendPolicy(policy, useReportOnlyPolicy, false); // prime the report server var handler = makeReportHandler("/test" + id, "Test " + id, expectedJSON); httpServer.registerPathHandler("/test" + id, handler); //trigger the violation callback(csp); } function run_test() { var selfuri = NetUtil.newURI(REPORT_SERVER_URI + ":" + REPORT_SERVER_PORT + "/foo/self"); // test that inline script violations cause a report. makeTest(0, {"blocked-uri": "self"}, false, function(csp) { let inlineOK = true; inlineOK = csp.getAllowsInline(Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_SCRIPT, "", // aNonce false, // aParserCreated "", // aContent 0); // aLineNumber // this is not a report only policy, so it better block inline scripts do_check_false(inlineOK); }); // test that eval violations cause a report. makeTest(1, {"blocked-uri": "self", // JSON script-sample is UTF8 encoded "script-sample" : "\xc2\xa3\xc2\xa5\xc2\xb5\xe5\x8c\x97\xf0\xa0\x9d\xb9"}, false, function(csp) { let evalOK = true, oReportViolation = {'value': false}; evalOK = csp.getAllowsEval(oReportViolation); // this is not a report only policy, so it better block eval do_check_false(evalOK); // ... and cause reports to go out do_check_true(oReportViolation.value); if (oReportViolation.value) { // force the logging, since the getter doesn't. csp.logViolationDetails(Ci.nsIContentSecurityPolicy.VIOLATION_TYPE_EVAL, selfuri.asciiSpec, // sending UTF-16 script sample to make sure // csp report in JSON is not cut-off, please // note that JSON is UTF8 encoded. "\u00a3\u00a5\u00b5\u5317\ud841\udf79", 1); } }); makeTest(2, {"blocked-uri": "http://blocked.test"}, false, function(csp) { // shouldLoad creates and sends out the report here. csp.shouldLoad(Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_SCRIPT, NetUtil.newURI("http://blocked.test/foo.js"), null, null, null, null); }); // test that inline script violations cause a report in report-only policy makeTest(3, {"blocked-uri": "self"}, true, function(csp) { let inlineOK = true; inlineOK = csp.getAllowsInline(Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_SCRIPT, "", // aNonce false, // aParserCreated "", // aContent 0); // aLineNumber // this is a report only policy, so it better allow inline scripts do_check_true(inlineOK); }); // test that eval violations cause a report in report-only policy makeTest(4, {"blocked-uri": "self"}, true, function(csp) { let evalOK = true, oReportViolation = {'value': false}; evalOK = csp.getAllowsEval(oReportViolation); // this is a report only policy, so it better allow eval do_check_true(evalOK); // ... but still cause reports to go out do_check_true(oReportViolation.value); if (oReportViolation.value) { // force the logging, since the getter doesn't. csp.logViolationDetails(Ci.nsIContentSecurityPolicy.VIOLATION_TYPE_INLINE_SCRIPT, selfuri.asciiSpec, "script sample", 4); } }); // test that only the uri's scheme is reported for globally unique identifiers makeTest(5, {"blocked-uri": "data"}, false, function(csp) { var base64data = "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUAAAAFCAYAAACNbyblAAAAHElEQVQI12" + "P4//8/w38GIAXDIBKE0DHxgljNBAAO9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="; // shouldLoad creates and sends out the report here. csp.shouldLoad(Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_IMAGE, NetUtil.newURI("data:image/png;base64," + base64data), null, null, null, null); }); // test that only the uri's scheme is reported for globally unique identifiers makeTest(6, {"blocked-uri": "intent"}, false, function(csp) { // shouldLoad creates and sends out the report here. csp.shouldLoad(Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_SUBDOCUMENT, NetUtil.newURI("intent://mymaps.com/maps?um=1&ie=UTF-8&fb=1&sll"), null, null, null, null); }); // test fragment removal var selfSpec = REPORT_SERVER_URI + ":" + REPORT_SERVER_PORT + "/foo/self/foo.js"; makeTest(7, {"blocked-uri": selfSpec}, false, function(csp) { var uri = NetUtil // shouldLoad creates and sends out the report here. csp.shouldLoad(Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_SCRIPT, NetUtil.newURI(selfSpec + "#bar"), null, null, null, null); }); // test scheme of ftp: makeTest(8, {"blocked-uri": "ftp://blocked.test"}, false, function(csp) { // shouldLoad creates and sends out the report here. csp.shouldLoad(Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_SCRIPT, NetUtil.newURI("ftp://blocked.test/profile.png"), null, null, null, null); }); }