/* * Description of the test: * Test that the network.hsts_priming.cache_timeout preferene causes the cache * to timeout */ 'use strict'; //jscs:disable add_task(function*() { //jscs:enable Observer.add_observers(Services); registerCleanupFunction(do_cleanup); let which = "block_display"; SetupPrefTestEnvironment(which, [["security.mixed_content.hsts_priming_cache_timeout", 1]]); yield execute_test("no-ssl", test_settings[which].mimetype); let pre_promise = performance.now(); while ((performance.now() - pre_promise) < 2000) { yield new Promise(function (resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, 2000); }); } // clear the fact that we saw a priming request test_settings[which].priming = {}; yield execute_test("no-ssl", test_settings[which].mimetype); is(test_settings[which].priming["no-ssl"], true, "Correctly send a priming request after expiration."); SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv(); });