    <title>Bug 1045891</title>
    <!-- Including SimpleTest.js so we can use waitForExplicitFinish !-->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
    <p id="display"></p>
    <div id="content" style="visibility: hidden">

    <script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
       * Description of the test:
       *   We load a page with a given CSP and verify that child frames and workers are correctly
       *   evaluated through the "child-src" directive.


      var WORKER_TEST_FILE = "file_child-src_worker_data.html";
      var SHARED_WORKER_TEST_FILE = "file_child-src_shared_worker_data.html";

      var tests = {
        'same-src-worker-no-data': {
          id: "same-src-worker-no-data",
          file: WORKER_TEST_FILE,
          result : "blocked",
          policy : "default-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-inline'; child-src 'self'"
        'same-src-worker': {
          id: "same-src-worker",
          file: WORKER_TEST_FILE,
          result : "allowed",
          policy : "default-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-inline'; child-src 'self' data:"
        'same-src-shared_worker-no-data': {
          id: "same-src-shared_worker-no-data",
          file: SHARED_WORKER_TEST_FILE,
          result : "blocked",
          policy : "default-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-inline'; child-src 'self'"
        'same-src-shared_worker': {
          id: "same-src-shared_worker",
          file: SHARED_WORKER_TEST_FILE,
          result : "allowed",
          policy : "default-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-inline'; child-src 'self' data:"
        'star-src-worker': {
          id: "star-src-worker",
          file: WORKER_TEST_FILE,
          result : "allowed",
          policy : "default-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-inline'; child-src * data:"
        'star-src-worker-no-data': {
          id: "star-src-worker-no-data",
          file: WORKER_TEST_FILE,
          result : "blocked",
          policy : "default-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-inline'; child-src *"
        'star-src-shared_worker-no-data': {
          id: "star-src-shared_worker-no-data",
          file: SHARED_WORKER_TEST_FILE,
          result : "blocked",
          policy : "default-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-inline'; child-src *"
        'star-src-shared_worker': {
          id: "star-src-shared_worker",
          file: SHARED_WORKER_TEST_FILE,
          result : "allowed",
          policy : "default-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-inline'; child-src * data:"
        'other-src-worker-no-data': {
          id: "other-src-worker-no-data",
          file: WORKER_TEST_FILE,
          result : "blocked",
          policy : "default-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-inline'; child-src https://www.example.org"
        'other-src-shared_worker-no-data': {
          id: "other-src-shared_worker-no-data",
          file: SHARED_WORKER_TEST_FILE,
          result : "blocked",
          policy : "default-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-inline'; child-src https://www.example.org"

      finished = {};

      function recvMessage(ev) {
        is(ev.data.message, tests[ev.data.id].result, "CSP child-src worker test " + ev.data.id);
        finished[ev.data.id] = ev.data.message;

        if (Object.keys(finished).length == Object.keys(tests).length) {
          window.removeEventListener('message', recvMessage);

      window.addEventListener('message', recvMessage, false);

      function loadNextTest() {
        for (item in tests) {
          test = tests[item];
          var src = "file_testserver.sjs";
          // append the file that should be served
          src += "?file=" + escape("tests/dom/security/test/csp/" + test.file);
          // append the CSP that should be used to serve the file
          src += "&csp=" + escape(test.policy);
          // add our identifier
          src += "#" + escape(test.id);

          content = document.getElementById('content');
          testframe = document.createElement("iframe");
          testframe.setAttribute('id', test.id);
          testframe.src = src;

      // start running the tests