/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */

'use strict';

const {PushDB, PushService, PushServiceWebSocket} = serviceExports;

const userAgentID = '3c7462fc-270f-45be-a459-b9d631b0d093';

function run_test() {
    userAgentID: userAgentID,

add_task(function* test_notification_error() {
  let db = PushServiceWebSocket.newPushDB();
  do_register_cleanup(() => {return db.drop().then(_ => db.close());});

  let originAttributes = '';
  let records = [{
    channelID: 'f04f1e46-9139-4826-b2d1-9411b0821283',
    pushEndpoint: 'https://example.org/update/success-1',
    scope: 'https://example.com/a',
    originAttributes: originAttributes,
    version: 1,
    quota: Infinity,
    systemRecord: true,
  }, {
    channelID: '3c3930ba-44de-40dc-a7ca-8a133ec1a866',
    pushEndpoint: 'https://example.org/update/error',
    scope: 'https://example.com/b',
    originAttributes: originAttributes,
    version: 2,
    quota: Infinity,
    systemRecord: true,
  }, {
    channelID: 'b63f7bef-0a0d-4236-b41e-086a69dfd316',
    pushEndpoint: 'https://example.org/update/success-2',
    scope: 'https://example.com/c',
    originAttributes: originAttributes,
    version: 3,
    quota: Infinity,
    systemRecord: true,
  for (let record of records) {
    yield db.put(record);

  let scopes = [];
  let notifyPromise = promiseObserverNotification(PushServiceComponent.pushTopic, (subject, data) =>
    scopes.push(data) == 2);

  let ackDone;
  let ackPromise = new Promise(resolve => ackDone = after(records.length, resolve));
    serverURI: "wss://push.example.org/",
    db: makeStub(db, {
      getByKeyID(prev, channelID) {
        if (channelID == '3c3930ba-44de-40dc-a7ca-8a133ec1a866') {
          return Promise.reject('splines not reticulated');
        return prev.call(this, channelID);
    makeWebSocket(uri) {
      return new MockWebSocket(uri, {
        onHello(request) {
            messageType: 'hello',
            status: 200,
            uaid: userAgentID,
            messageType: 'notification',
            updates: records.map(({channelID, version}) =>
              ({channelID, version: ++version}))
        // Should acknowledge all received updates, even if updating
        // IndexedDB fails.
        onACK: ackDone

  yield notifyPromise;
    'Missing scope for notification A');
    'Missing scope for notification C');

  yield ackPromise;

  let aRecord = yield db.getByIdentifiers({scope: 'https://example.com/a',
                                           originAttributes: originAttributes });
  equal(aRecord.channelID, 'f04f1e46-9139-4826-b2d1-9411b0821283',
    'Wrong channel ID for record A');
  strictEqual(aRecord.version, 2,
    'Should return the new version for record A');

  let bRecord = yield db.getByIdentifiers({scope: 'https://example.com/b',
                                           originAttributes: originAttributes });
  equal(bRecord.channelID, '3c3930ba-44de-40dc-a7ca-8a133ec1a866',
    'Wrong channel ID for record B');
  strictEqual(bRecord.version, 2,
    'Should return the previous version for record B');

  let cRecord = yield db.getByIdentifiers({scope: 'https://example.com/c',
                                           originAttributes: originAttributes });
  equal(cRecord.channelID, 'b63f7bef-0a0d-4236-b41e-086a69dfd316',
    'Wrong channel ID for record C');
  strictEqual(cRecord.version, 4,
    'Should return the new version for record C');