  Test the lifetime management of service workers. We keep this test in
  dom/push/tests to pass the external network check when connecting to
  the mozilla push service.

  How this test works:
  - the service worker maintains a state variable and a promise used for
    extending its lifetime. Note that the terminating the worker will reset
    these variables to their default values.
  - we send 3 types of requests to the service worker:
    |update|, |wait| and |release|. All three requests will cause the sw to update
    its state to the new value and reply with a message containing
    its previous state. Furthermore, |wait| will set a waitUntil or a respondWith
    promise that's not resolved until the next |release| message.
  - Each subtest will use a combination of values for the timeouts and check
    if the service worker is in the correct state as we send it different
  - We also wait and assert for service worker termination using an event dispatched
    through nsIObserverService.
  <title>Test for Bug 1188545</title>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/dom/push/test/test_utils.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
  <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1188545">Mozilla Bug 118845</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">

<pre id="test">

<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">

  function start() {
    return navigator.serviceWorker.register("lifetime_worker.js", {scope: "./"})
    .then((swr) => ({registration: swr}));

  function waitForActiveServiceWorker(ctx) {
    return waitForActive(ctx.registration).then(function(result) {
      ok(ctx.registration.active, "Service Worker is active");
      return ctx;

  function unregister(ctx) {
    return ctx.registration.unregister().then(function(result) {
      ok(result, "Unregister should return true.");
    }, function(e) {
      dump("Unregistering the SW failed with " + e + "\n");

  function registerPushNotification(ctx) {
    var p = new Promise(function(res, rej) {
        function(pushSubscription) {
          ok(true, "successful registered for push notification");
          ctx.subscription = pushSubscription;
        }, function(error) {
          ok(false, "could not register for push notification");
    return p;

  var mockSocket = new MockWebSocket();
  var endpoint = "https://example.com/endpoint/1";
  var channelID = null;
  mockSocket.onRegister = function(request) {
    channelID = request.channelID;
      messageType: "register",
      uaid: "fa8f2e4b-5ddc-4408-b1e3-5f25a02abff0",
      status: 200,
      pushEndpoint: endpoint

  function sendPushToPushServer(pushEndpoint) {
    is(pushEndpoint, endpoint, "Got unexpected endpoint");
      messageType: "notification",
      version: "vDummy",

  function unregisterPushNotification(ctx) {
    return ctx.subscription.unsubscribe().then(function(result) {
      ok(result, "unsubscribe should succeed.");
      ctx.subscription = null;
      return ctx;

  function createIframe(ctx) {
    var p = new Promise(function(res, rej) {
      var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
      // This file doesn't exist, the service worker will give us an empty
      // document.
      iframe.src = "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/push/test/lifetime_frame.html";

      iframe.onload = function() {
        ctx.iframe = iframe;
    return p;

  function closeIframe(ctx) {
    return new Promise(function(res, rej) {
      // XXXcatalinb: give the worker more time to "notice" it stopped
      // controlling documents
      ctx.iframe = null;
      setTimeout(res, 0);
    }).then(() => ctx);

  function waitAndCheckMessage(contentWindow, expected) {
    function checkMessage(expected, resolve, event) {
      ok(event.data.type == expected.type, "Received correct message type: " + expected.type);
      ok(event.data.state == expected.state, "Service worker is in the correct state: " + expected.state);
      this.navigator.serviceWorker.onmessage = null;
    return new Promise(function(res, rej) {
      contentWindow.navigator.serviceWorker.onmessage =
        checkMessage.bind(contentWindow, expected, res);

  function fetchEvent(ctx, expected_state, new_state) {
    var expected = { type: "fetch", state: expected_state };
    var p = waitAndCheckMessage(ctx.iframe.contentWindow, expected);
    return p;

  function pushEvent(ctx, expected_state, new_state) {
    var expected = {type: "push", state: expected_state};
    var p = waitAndCheckMessage(ctx.iframe.contentWindow, expected);
    return p;

  function messageEventIframe(ctx, expected_state, new_state) {
    var expected = {type: "message", state: expected_state};
    var p = waitAndCheckMessage(ctx.iframe.contentWindow, expected);
    return p;

  function messageEvent(ctx, expected_state, new_state) {
    var expected = {type: "message", state: expected_state};
    var p = waitAndCheckMessage(window, expected);
    return p;

  function checkStateAndUpdate(eventFunction, expected_state, new_state) {
    return function(ctx) {
      return eventFunction(ctx, expected_state, new_state)
        .then(() => ctx);

  function setShutdownObserver(expectingEvent) {
    info("Setting shutdown observer: expectingEvent=" + expectingEvent);
    return function(ctx) {

      ctx.observer_promise = new Promise(function(res, rej) {
        ctx.observer = {
          observe: function(subject, topic, data) {
            ok((topic == "service-worker-shutdown") && expectingEvent, "Service worker was terminated.");
          remove: function(ctx) {
            SpecialPowers.removeObserver(this, "service-worker-shutdown");
            ctx.observer = null;
        SpecialPowers.addObserver(ctx.observer, "service-worker-shutdown", false);

      return ctx;

  function waitOnShutdownObserver(ctx) {
    info("Waiting on worker to shutdown.");
    return ctx.observer_promise;

  function cancelShutdownObserver(ctx) {
    if (ctx.observer) {
    return ctx.observer_promise;

  function subTest(test) {
    return function(ctx) {
      return new Promise(function(res, rej) {
        function run() {
          test.steps(ctx).catch(function(e) {
            ok(false, "Some test failed with error: " + e);
          }).then((ctx) => res(ctx));

        SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set" : test.prefs}, run);

  var test1 = {
    prefs: [
      ["dom.serviceWorkers.idle_timeout", 0],
      ["dom.serviceWorkers.idle_extended_timeout", 2999999]
    // Test that service workers are terminated after the grace period expires
    // when there are no pending waitUntil or respondWith promises.
    steps: function(ctx) {
      // Test with fetch events and respondWith promises
      return createIframe(ctx)
        .then(checkStateAndUpdate(fetchEvent, "from_scope", "update"))
        .then(checkStateAndUpdate(fetchEvent, "from_scope", "wait"))
        .then(checkStateAndUpdate(fetchEvent, "wait", "update"))
        .then(checkStateAndUpdate(fetchEvent, "update", "update"))
        // The service worker should be terminated when the promise is resolved.
        .then(checkStateAndUpdate(fetchEvent, "update", "release"))

        // Test with push events and message events
        // Make sure we are shutdown before entering our "no shutdown" sequence
        // to avoid races.
        .then(checkStateAndUpdate(pushEvent, "from_scope", "wait"))
        .then(checkStateAndUpdate(messageEventIframe, "wait", "update"))
        .then(checkStateAndUpdate(messageEventIframe, "update", "update"))
        .then(checkStateAndUpdate(messageEventIframe, "update", "release"))

  var test2 = {
    prefs: [
      ["dom.serviceWorkers.idle_timeout", 0],
      ["dom.serviceWorkers.idle_extended_timeout", 2999999]
    steps: function(ctx) {
      // Older versions used to terminate workers when the last controlled
      // window was closed.  This should no longer happen, though.  Verify
      // the new behavior.
      return createIframe(ctx)
        // Make sure we are shutdown before entering our "no shutdown" sequence
        // to avoid races.
        .then(checkStateAndUpdate(fetchEvent, "from_scope", "wait"))
        .then(checkStateAndUpdate(messageEvent, "wait", "release"))

      // Push workers were exempt from the old rule and should continue to
      // survive past the closing of the last controlled window.
        // Make sure we are shutdown before entering our "no shutdown" sequence
        // to avoid races.
        .then(checkStateAndUpdate(pushEvent, "from_scope", "wait"))
        .then(checkStateAndUpdate(messageEvent, "wait", "release"))

  var test3 = {
    prefs: [
      ["dom.serviceWorkers.idle_timeout", 2999999],
      ["dom.serviceWorkers.idle_extended_timeout", 0]
    steps: function(ctx) {
      // set the grace period to 0 and dispatch a message which will reset
      // the internal sw timer to the new value.
      var test3_1 = {
        prefs: [
          ["dom.serviceWorkers.idle_timeout", 0],
          ["dom.serviceWorkers.idle_extended_timeout", 0]
        steps: function(ctx) {
          return new Promise(function(res, rej) {

      // Test that service worker is closed when the extended timeout expired
      return createIframe(ctx)
        .then(checkStateAndUpdate(messageEvent, "from_scope", "update"))
        .then(checkStateAndUpdate(messageEventIframe, "update", "update"))
        .then(checkStateAndUpdate(fetchEvent, "update", "wait"))
        .then(subTest(test3_1)) // This should cause the internal timer to expire.

  function runTest() {
      .catch(function(e) {
        ok(false, "Some test failed with error " + e)

  setupPrefsAndMockSocket(mockSocket).then(_ => runTest());
  SpecialPowers.addPermission('desktop-notification', true, document);