  <title>NPCocoaEventFocusChanged Tests</title>
  <embed id="plugin1" type="application/x-test" width="100" height="100"></embed>
  <embed id="plugin2" type="application/x-test" width="100" height="100"></embed>
  <script type="application/javascript">
    function is(aLeft, aRight, aMessage) {
      window.opener.SimpleTest.is(aLeft, aRight, aMessage);

    function ok(aValue, aMessage) {
      window.opener.SimpleTest.ok(aValue, aMessage);

    function synthesizeNativeMouseEvent(aX, aY, aNativeMsg, aModifiers, aElement, aCallback) {
      var observer = {
        observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
          if (aCallback && aTopic == "mouseevent") {
      SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.sendNativeMouseEvent(aX, aY, aNativeMsg, aModifiers, aElement, observer);
      return true;

    function* runTests() {
      var utils = SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils;
      var scale = utils.screenPixelsPerCSSPixel;

      var plugin1 = document.getElementById("plugin1"); // What we're testing.
      var plugin2 = document.getElementById("plugin2"); // Dummy.

      var plugin1Bounds = plugin1.getBoundingClientRect();
      var plugin2Bounds = plugin2.getBoundingClientRect();

      var plugin1X = (window.mozInnerScreenX + plugin1Bounds.left + 10);
      var plugin1Y = (window.mozInnerScreenY + plugin1Bounds.top + 10);
      var plugin2X = (window.mozInnerScreenX + plugin2Bounds.left + 10);
      var plugin2Y = (window.mozInnerScreenY + plugin2Bounds.top + 10);

      const NSLeftMouseDown          = 1,
            NSLeftMouseUp            = 2;

      if (plugin1.getEventModel() != 1) {
        window.opener.todo(false, "Skipping this test when not testing the Cocoa event model");

      // Initialize to 0 since there is no initial state event,
      // plugins should assume they do not initially have focus.
      var expectedEventCount = 0;

      // Make sure initial event count is correct.
      is(plugin1.getFocusEventCount(), expectedEventCount, "Focus event count should be " + expectedEventCount);

      // Make sure initial focus state is unknown (assumed false).
      var initialStateUnknown = false;
      try {
      } catch (e) {
        initialStateUnknown = true;
      is(initialStateUnknown, true, "Initial state should be unknown, assumed false.");

      // Give the plugin focus (the window is already focused).
      yield synthesizeNativeMouseEvent(plugin1X * scale, plugin1Y * scale, NSLeftMouseDown, 0, plugin1, continueTest);
      yield synthesizeNativeMouseEvent(plugin1X * scale, plugin1Y * scale, NSLeftMouseUp, 0, plugin1, continueTest);

      is(plugin1.getFocusState(), true, "(1) Plugin should have focus.");
      is(plugin1.getFocusEventCount(), expectedEventCount, "Focus event count should be " + expectedEventCount);

      // Make sure window activation state changes don't spontaneously
      // change plugin focus.

      // Blur the window.

      is(plugin1.getFocusState(), true, "(2) Plugin should still have focus.");
      is(plugin1.getFocusEventCount(), expectedEventCount, "Focus event count should be " + expectedEventCount);

      // Focus the window.

      is(plugin1.getFocusState(), true, "(3) Plugin should still have focus.");
      is(plugin1.getFocusEventCount(), expectedEventCount, "Focus event count should be " + expectedEventCount);

      // Take focus from the plugin.
      yield synthesizeNativeMouseEvent(plugin2X * scale, plugin2Y * scale, NSLeftMouseDown, 0, plugin2, continueTest);
      yield synthesizeNativeMouseEvent(plugin2X * scale, plugin2Y * scale, NSLeftMouseUp, 0, plugin2, continueTest);

      is(plugin1.getFocusState(), false, "(4) Plugin should not have focus.");
      is(plugin1.getFocusEventCount(), expectedEventCount, "Focus event count should be " + expectedEventCount);

      // Make sure window activation causes the plugin to be informed of focus
      // changes that took place while the window was inactive.

      // Give the plugin focus (the window is already focused).
      yield synthesizeNativeMouseEvent(plugin1X * scale, plugin1Y * scale, NSLeftMouseDown, 0, plugin1, continueTest);
      yield synthesizeNativeMouseEvent(plugin1X * scale, plugin1Y * scale, NSLeftMouseUp, 0, plugin1, continueTest);

      // Blur the window.

      // Take focus from the plugin while the window is blurred.

      is(plugin1.getFocusState(), true, "(5) Plugin should still have focus.");
      is(plugin1.getFocusEventCount(), expectedEventCount, "Focus event count should be " + expectedEventCount);

      // Focus the window.

      is(plugin1.getFocusState(), false, "(6) Plugin should not have focus.");
      is(plugin1.getFocusEventCount(), expectedEventCount, "Focus event count should be " + expectedEventCount);

    var gTestContinuation = null;
    function continueTest() {
      if (!gTestContinuation) {
        gTestContinuation = runTests();
      var ret = gTestContinuation.next();
      if (ret.done) {
      } else {
        is(ret.value, true, "Mouse event successfully synthesized");

    // Onload hander doesn't work for these tests -- no events arrive at the plugin.
    window.opener.SimpleTest.waitForFocus(continueTest, window);
