function ok(a, msg) { dump("OK: " + !!a + " => " + a + ": " + msg + "\n"); postMessage({type: 'status', status: !!a, msg: a + ": " + msg }); } function workerTestDone() { postMessage({ type: 'finish' }); } function workerTestGetOSCPU(cb) { addEventListener('message', function workerTestGetOSCPUCB(e) { if ( !== 'returnOSCPU') { return; } removeEventListener('message', workerTestGetOSCPUCB); cb(; }); postMessage({ type: 'getOSCPU' }); } ok(self.performance, "Performance object should exist."); ok(typeof == 'function', "Performance object should have a 'now' method."); var n =, d =; ok(n >= 0, "The value of now() should be equal to or greater than 0."); ok( >= n, "The value of now() should monotonically increase."); // The spec says should have micro-second resolution, but allows 1ms if the platform doesn't support it. // Our implementation does provide micro-second resolution, except for windows XP combined with some HW properties // where we can't use QueryPerformanceCounters (see comments at mozilla-central/xpcom/ds/TimeStamp_windows.cpp). // This XP-low-res case results in about 15ms resolutions, and can be identified when returns only integers. // // Since setTimeout might return too early/late, our goal is that changed within 2ms // (or 25ms for XP-low-res), rather than specific number of setTimeout(N) invocations. // See bug 749894 (intermittent failures of this test) var platformPossiblyLowRes; workerTestGetOSCPU(function(oscpu) { platformPossiblyLowRes = oscpu.indexOf("Windows NT 5.1") == 0; // XP only setTimeout(checkAfterTimeout, 1); }); var allInts = (n % 1) == 0; // Indicator of limited HW resolution. var checks = 0; function checkAfterTimeout() { checks++; var d2 =; var n2 =; allInts = allInts && (n2 % 1) == 0; var lowResCounter = platformPossiblyLowRes && allInts; if ( n2 == n && checks < 50 && // 50 is just a failsafe. Our real goals are 2ms or 25ms. ( (d2 - d) < 2 // The spec allows 1ms resolution. We allow up to measured 2ms to ellapse. || lowResCounter && (d2 - d) < 25 ) ) { setTimeout(checkAfterTimeout, 1); return; } // Loose spec: 1ms resolution, or 15ms resolution for the XP-low-res case. // We shouldn't test that dt is actually within 2/25ms since the iterations break if it isn't, and timeout could be late. ok(n2 > n, "Loose - the value of now() should increase within 2ms (or 25ms if low-res counter) (delta now(): " + (n2 - n) + " ms)."); // Strict spec: if it's not the XP-low-res case, while the spec allows 1ms resolution, it prefers microseconds, which we provide. // Since the fastest setTimeout return which I observed was ~500 microseconds, a microseconds counter should change in 1 iteretion. ok(n2 > n && (lowResCounter || checks == 1), "Strict - [if high-res counter] the value of now() should increase after one setTimeout (hi-res: " + (!lowResCounter) + ", iters: " + checks + ", dt: " + (d2 - d) + ", now(): " + n2 + ")."); workerTestDone(); };