function ok(a, msg) { dump("OK: " + !!a + " => " + a + ": " + msg + "\n"); postMessage({type: 'status', status: !!a, msg: a + ": " + msg }); } function workerTestDone() { postMessage({ type: 'finish' }); } function workerTestGetOSCPU(cb) { addEventListener('message', function workerTestGetOSCPUCB(e) { if ( !== 'returnOSCPU') { return; } removeEventListener('message', workerTestGetOSCPUCB); cb(; }); postMessage({ type: 'getOSCPU' }); } ok(self.performance, "Performance object should exist."); ok(typeof == 'function', "Performance object should have a 'now' method."); var n =, d =; ok(n >= 0, "The value of now() should be equal to or greater than 0."); ok( >= n, "The value of now() should monotonically increase."); workerTestDone();