  <title>Test whether we can create an AudioContext interface</title>
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  <script type="text/javascript" src="webaudio.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<pre id="test">
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addLoadEvent(function() {
  var context = new AudioContext();
  var buffer = context.createBuffer(1, 2048, context.sampleRate);
  for (var i = 0; i < 2048; ++i) {
    buffer.getChannelData(0)[i] = Math.sin(440 * 2 * Math.PI * i / context.sampleRate);

  var destination = context.destination;
  is(destination.context, context, "Destination node has proper context");
  is(destination.context, context, "Destination node has proper context");
  is(destination.numberOfInputs, 1, "Destination node has 1 inputs");
  is(destination.numberOfOutputs, 0, "Destination node has 0 outputs");
  is(destination.channelCount, 2, "Destination node has 2 input channels by default");
  is(destination.channelCountMode, "explicit", "Correct channelCountMode for the destination node");
  is(destination.channelInterpretation, "speakers", "Correct channelCountInterpretation for the destination node");
  ok(destination instanceof EventTarget, "AudioNodes must be EventTargets");

  var source = context.createBufferSource();
  is(source.context, context, "Source node has proper context");
  is(source.numberOfInputs, 0, "Source node has 0 inputs");
  is(source.numberOfOutputs, 1, "Source node has 1 outputs");
  is(source.loop, false, "Source node is not looping");
  is(source.loopStart, 0, "Correct default value for loopStart");
  is(source.loopEnd, 0, "Correct default value for loopEnd");
  ok(!source.buffer, "Source node should not have a buffer when it's created");
  is(source.channelCount, 2, "source node has 2 input channels by default");
  is(source.channelCountMode, "max", "Correct channelCountMode for the source node");
  is(source.channelInterpretation, "speakers", "Correct channelCountInterpretation for the source node");

  expectException(function() {
    source.channelCount = 0;

  source.buffer = buffer;
  ok(source.buffer, "Source node should have a buffer now");


  is(source.numberOfInputs, 0, "Source node has 0 inputs");
  is(source.numberOfOutputs, 1, "Source node has 0 outputs");
  is(destination.numberOfInputs, 1, "Destination node has 0 inputs");
  is(destination.numberOfOutputs, 0, "Destination node has 0 outputs");

  SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() {

