/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef WMF_H_ #define WMF_H_ #if WINVER < _WIN32_WINNT_WIN7 #error \ You must include WMF.h before including mozilla headers, \ otherwise mozconfig.h will be included \ and that sets WINVER to WinXP, \ which makes Windows Media Foundation unavailable. #endif #pragma push_macro("WINVER") #undef WINVER #define WINVER _WIN32_WINNT_WIN7 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // The Windows headers helpfully declare min and max macros, which don't // compile in the prescence of std::min and std::max and unified builds. // So undef them here. #ifdef min #undef min #endif #ifdef max #undef max #endif // Some SDK versions don't define the AAC decoder CLSID. #ifndef CLSID_CMSAACDecMFT extern "C" const CLSID CLSID_CMSAACDecMFT; #define WMF_MUST_DEFINE_AAC_MFT_CLSID #endif namespace mozilla { namespace wmf { // If successful, loads all required WMF DLLs and calls the WMF MFStartup() // function. HRESULT MFStartup(); // Calls the WMF MFShutdown() function. Call this once for every time // wmf::MFStartup() succeeds. Note: does not unload the WMF DLLs loaded by // MFStartup(); leaves them in memory to save I/O at next MFStartup() call. HRESULT MFShutdown(); // All functions below are wrappers around the corresponding WMF function, // and automatically locate and call the corresponding function in the WMF DLLs. HRESULT MFCreateMediaType(IMFMediaType **aOutMFType); HRESULT MFGetStrideForBitmapInfoHeader(DWORD aFormat, DWORD aWidth, LONG *aOutStride); HRESULT MFGetService(IUnknown *punkObject, REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObject); HRESULT DXVA2CreateDirect3DDeviceManager9(UINT *pResetToken, IDirect3DDeviceManager9 **ppDXVAManager); HRESULT MFCreateDXGIDeviceManager(UINT *pResetToken, IMFDXGIDeviceManager **ppDXVAManager); HRESULT MFCreateSample(IMFSample **ppIMFSample); HRESULT MFCreateAlignedMemoryBuffer(DWORD cbMaxLength, DWORD fAlignmentFlags, IMFMediaBuffer **ppBuffer); HRESULT MFCreateDXGISurfaceBuffer(REFIID riid, IUnknown *punkSurface, UINT uSubresourceIndex, BOOL fButtomUpWhenLinear, IMFMediaBuffer **ppBuffer); } // end namespace wmf } // end namespace mozilla #pragma pop_macro("WINVER") #endif