/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "SamplesWaitingForKey.h" #include "mozilla/CDMProxy.h" #include "mozilla/CDMCaps.h" #include "MediaData.h" namespace mozilla { SamplesWaitingForKey::SamplesWaitingForKey(MediaDataDecoder* aDecoder, MediaDataDecoderCallback* aCallback, TaskQueue* aTaskQueue, CDMProxy* aProxy) : mMutex("SamplesWaitingForKey") , mDecoder(aDecoder) , mDecoderCallback(aCallback) , mTaskQueue(aTaskQueue) , mProxy(aProxy) { } SamplesWaitingForKey::~SamplesWaitingForKey() { } bool SamplesWaitingForKey::WaitIfKeyNotUsable(MediaRawData* aSample) { if (!aSample || !aSample->mCrypto.mValid || !mProxy) { return false; } CDMCaps::AutoLock caps(mProxy->Capabilites()); const auto& keyid = aSample->mCrypto.mKeyId; if (!caps.IsKeyUsable(keyid)) { { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); mSamples.AppendElement(aSample); } mDecoderCallback->WaitingForKey(); caps.NotifyWhenKeyIdUsable(aSample->mCrypto.mKeyId, this); return true; } return false; } void SamplesWaitingForKey::NotifyUsable(const CencKeyId& aKeyId) { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); size_t i = 0; while (i < mSamples.Length()) { if (aKeyId == mSamples[i]->mCrypto.mKeyId) { RefPtr task; task = NewRunnableMethod>(mDecoder, &MediaDataDecoder::Input, RefPtr(mSamples[i])); mSamples.RemoveElementAt(i); mTaskQueue->Dispatch(task.forget()); } else { i++; } } } void SamplesWaitingForKey::Flush() { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); mSamples.Clear(); } void SamplesWaitingForKey::BreakCycles() { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); mDecoder = nullptr; mTaskQueue = nullptr; mProxy = nullptr; mSamples.Clear(); } } // namespace mozilla