/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "domstubs.idl"

interface nsIBrowserDOMWindow;
interface nsIDOMElement;
interface nsIDOMEvent;
interface nsIMessageBroadcaster;
interface mozIDOMWindowProxy;

[scriptable, uuid(78bdcb41-1efa-409f-aaba-70842213f80f)]
interface nsIDOMChromeWindow : nsISupports
  const unsigned short STATE_MAXIMIZED = 1;
  const unsigned short STATE_MINIMIZED = 2;
  const unsigned short STATE_NORMAL = 3;
  const unsigned short STATE_FULLSCREEN = 4;

  readonly attribute unsigned short              windowState;

   * browserDOMWindow provides access to yet another layer of
   * utility functions implemented by chrome script. It will be null
   * for DOMWindows not corresponding to browsers.
           attribute nsIBrowserDOMWindow browserDOMWindow;

  void                      getAttention();

  void                      getAttentionWithCycleCount(in long aCycleCount);

  void                      setCursor(in DOMString cursor);

  void                      maximize();
  void                      minimize();
  void                      restore();

   * Notify a default button is loaded on a dialog or a wizard.
   * defaultButton is the default button.
  void notifyDefaultButtonLoaded(in nsIDOMElement defaultButton);

  readonly attribute nsIMessageBroadcaster messageManager;

   * Returns the message manager identified by the given group name that
   * manages all frame loaders belonging to that group.
  nsIMessageBroadcaster getGroupMessageManager(in AString group);

   * On some operating systems, we must allow the window manager to
   * handle window dragging. This function tells the window manager to
   * start dragging the window. This function will fail unless called
   * while the left mouse button is held down, callers must check this.
   * The optional panel argument should be set when moving a panel.
   * Returns NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED (and thus throws in JS) if the OS
   * doesn't support this.
  void beginWindowMove(in nsIDOMEvent mouseDownEvent, [optional] in nsIDOMElement panel);

   * These methods provide a way to specify the opener value for the content in
   * the window before the content itself is created. This is important in order
   * to set the DocGroup of a document, as the opener must be set before the
   * document is created.
   * SetOpenerForInitialContentBrowser is used to set which opener will be used,
   * and TakeOpenerForInitialContentBrowser is used by nsXULElement in order to
   * take the value set earlier, and null out the value in the
   * nsIDOMChromeWindow.
  void setOpenerForInitialContentBrowser(in mozIDOMWindowProxy aOpener);
  mozIDOMWindowProxy takeOpenerForInitialContentBrowser();