  <title>Test for Bug 635499</title>
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<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=635499">Mozilla Bug 635499</a>
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/** Test for Bug 635499 **/

var data = [
  { type: 'hidden', apply: false },
  { type: 'text', apply: false },
  { type: 'search', apply: false },
  { type: 'tel', apply: false },
  { type: 'url', apply: false },
  { type: 'email', apply: false },
  { type: 'password', apply: false },
  { type: 'date', apply: true },
  { type: 'month', apply: true },
  { type: 'week', apply: true },
  { type: 'time', apply: true },
  { type: 'datetime-local', apply: true },
  { type: 'number', apply: true },
  { type: 'range', apply: true },
  { type: 'color', apply: false },
  { type: 'checkbox', apply: false },
  { type: 'radio', apply: false },
  { type: 'file', apply: false },
  { type: 'submit', apply: false },
  { type: 'image', apply: false },
  { type: 'reset', apply: false },
  { type: 'button', apply: false },

var input = document.createElement("input");

 * @aValidity - boolean indicating whether the element is expected to be valid
 *   (aElement.validity.valid is true) or not. The value passed is ignored and
 *   overridden with true if aApply is false.
 * @aApply - boolean indicating whether the min/max attributes apply to this
 *   element type.
 * @aRangeApply - A boolean that's set to true if the current input type is a
 *   "[candidate] for constraint validation" and it "[has] range limitations"
 *   per http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/selectors.html#selector-in-range
 *   (in other words, one of the pseudo classes :in-range and :out-of-range
 *   should apply (which, depends on aValidity)).
 *   Else (neither :in-range or :out-of-range should match) set to false.
function checkValidity(aElement, aValidity, aApply, aRangeApply)
  aValidity = aApply ? aValidity : true;

  is(aElement.validity.valid, aValidity,
     "element validity should be " + aValidity);
  is(aElement.validity.rangeOverflow, !aValidity,
     "element overflow status should be " + !aValidity);
  var overflowMsg =
        (aElement.type == "date" || aElement.type == "time" ||
         aElement.type == "month" || aElement.type == "week" ||
         aElement.type == "datetime-local") ?
        ("Please select a value that is no later than " + aElement.max + ".") :
        ("Please select a value that is no more than " + aElement.max + ".");
     aValidity ? "" : overflowMsg, "Checking range overflow validation message");

  is(aElement.matches(":valid"), aElement.willValidate && aValidity,
     (aElement.willValidate && aValidity) ? ":valid should apply" : "valid shouldn't apply");
  is(aElement.matches(":invalid"), aElement.willValidate && !aValidity,
     (aElement.wil && aValidity) ? ":invalid shouldn't apply" : "valid should apply");

  if (!aRangeApply) {
    ok(!aElement.matches(":in-range"), ":in-range should not match");
       ":out-of-range should not match");
  } else {
    is(aElement.matches(":in-range"), aValidity,
       ":in-range matches status should be " + aValidity);
    is(aElement.matches(":out-of-range"), !aValidity,
       ":out-of-range matches status should be " + !aValidity);

for (var test of data) {
  input.type = test.type;
  var apply = test.apply;

  // The element should be valid. Range should not apply when @min and @max are
  // undefined, except if the input type is 'range' (since that type has a
  // default minimum and maximum).
  if (input.type == 'range') {
    checkValidity(input, true, apply, true);
  } else {
    checkValidity(input, true, apply, false);
  checkValidity(input, true, apply, test.type == 'range');

  switch (input.type) {
    case 'hidden':
    case 'text':
    case 'search':
    case 'password':
    case 'url':
    case 'tel':
    case 'email':
    case 'number':
    case 'checkbox':
    case 'radio':
    case 'file':
    case 'submit':
    case 'reset':
    case 'button':
    case 'image':
    case 'color':
      input.max = '-1';
    case 'date':
      input.max = '2012-06-27';
    case 'time':
      input.max = '02:20';
    case 'range':
      // range is special, since setting max to -1 will make it invalid since
      // it's default would then be 0, meaning it suffers from overflow.
      input.max = '-1';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);
      // Now make it something that won't cause an error below:
      input.max = '10';
    case 'month':
      input.max = '2016-12';
    case 'week':
      input.max = '2016-W39';
    case 'datetime-local':
      input.max = '2016-12-31T23:59:59';
      ok(false, 'please, add a case for this new type (' + input.type + ')');

  checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

  switch (input.type) {
    case 'text':
    case 'hidden':
    case 'search':
    case 'password':
    case 'tel':
    case 'radio':
    case 'checkbox':
    case 'reset':
    case 'button':
    case 'submit':
    case 'image':
      input.value = '0';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);
    case 'url':
      input.value = 'http://mozilla.org';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);
    case 'email':
      input.value = 'foo@bar.com';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);
    case 'file':
      var file = new File([''], '635499_file');

      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

    case 'date':
      input.max = '2012-06-27';
      input.value = '2012-06-26';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '2012-06-27';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = 'foo';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '2012-06-28';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.max = '2012-06-30';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '2012-07-05';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.value = '1000-01-01';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '20120-01-01';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.max = '0050-01-01';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.value = '0049-01-01';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.max = '';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, false);

      input.max = 'foo';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, false);

    case 'number':
      input.max = '2';
      input.value = '1';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '2';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = 'foo';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '3';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.max = '5';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '42';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.max = '';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, false);

      input.max = 'foo';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, false);

      // Check that we correctly convert input.max to a double in validationMessage.
      if (input.type == 'number') {
        input.max = "4.333333333333333333333333333333333331";
        input.value = "5";
           "Please select a value that is no more than 4.33333333333333.",
           "validation message");

    case 'range':
      input.max = '2';
      input.value = '1';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '2';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = 'foo';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '3';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      is(input.value, input.max, "the value should have been set to max");

      input.max = '5';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '42';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      is(input.value, input.max, "the value should have been set to max");

      input.max = '';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.max = 'foo';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      // Check that we correctly convert input.max to a double in validationMessage.
      input.step = 'any';
      input.min = 5;
      input.max = 0.66666666666666666666666666666666666
      input.value = 1;
         "Please select a value that is no more than 0.666666666666667.",
         "validation message")

    case 'time':
      // Don't worry about that.
      input.step = 'any';

      input.max = '10:10';
      input.value = '10:09';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '10:10';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '10:10:00';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '10:10:00.000';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = 'foo';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '10:11';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.value = '10:10:00.001';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.max = '01:00:00.01';
      input.value = '01:00:00.001';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '01:00:00';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '01:00:00.1';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.max = '';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, false);

      input.max = 'foo';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, false);

    case 'month':
      input.value = '2016-06';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '2016-12';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = 'foo';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '2017-01';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.max = '2017-07';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '2017-12';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.value = '1000-01';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '20160-01';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.max = '0050-01';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.value = '0049-12';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.max = '';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, false);

      input.max = 'foo';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, false);

    case 'week':
      input.value = '2016-W01';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '2016-W39';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = 'foo';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '2017-W01';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.max = '2017-W01';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '2017-W52';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.value = '1000-W01';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '2100-W01';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.max = '0050-W01';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.value = '0049-W52';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.max = '';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, false);

      input.max = 'foo';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, false);

    case 'datetime-local':
      input.value = '2016-01-01T12:00';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '2016-12-31T23:59:59';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = 'foo';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '2016-12-31T23:59:59.123';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.value = '2017-01-01T10:00';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.max = '2017-01-01T10:00';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '2017-01-01T10:00:30';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.value = '1000-01-01T12:00';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.value = '2100-01-01T12:00';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.max = '0050-12-31T23:59:59.999';
      checkValidity(input, false, apply, apply);

      input.value = '0050-12-31T23:59:59';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, apply);

      input.max = '';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, false);

      input.max = 'foo';
      checkValidity(input, true, apply, false);


  // Cleaning up,
  input.value = '';
