<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Test for <input type='file'> file picker</title> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/> </head> <body> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=377624">Mozilla Bug 36619</a> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=377624">Mozilla Bug 377624</a> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=565274">Mozilla Bug 565274</a> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=701353">Mozilla Bug 701353</a> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=826176">Mozilla Bug 826176</a> <p id="display"></p> <div id="content"> <input id='a' type='file' accept="image/*"> <input id='b' type='file' accept="audio/*"> <input id='c' type='file' accept="video/*"> <input id='d' type='file' accept="image/*, audio/* "> <input id='e' type='file' accept=" image/*,video/*"> <input id='f' type='file' accept="audio/*,video/*"> <input id='g' type='file' accept="image/*, audio/* ,video/*"> <input id='h' type='file' accept="foo/baz,image/*,bogus/duh"> <input id='i' type='file' accept="mime/type;parameter,video/*"> <input id='j' type='file' accept="audio/*, audio/*, audio/*"> <input id='k' type="file" accept="image/gif,image/png"> <input id='l' type="file" accept="image/*,image/gif,image/png"> <input id='m' type="file" accept="image/gif,image/gif"> <input id='n' type="file" accept=""> <input id='o' type="file" accept=".test"> <input id='p' type="file" accept="image/gif,.csv"> <input id='q' type="file" accept="image/gif,.gif"> <input id='r' type="file" accept=".prefix,.prefixPlusSomething"> <input id='s' type="file" accept=".xls,.xlsx"> <input id='t' type="file" accept=".mp3,.wav,.flac"> <input id='u' type="file" accept=".xls, .xlsx"> <input id='v' type="file" accept=".xlsx, .xls"> <input id='w' type="file" accept=".xlsx; .xls"> <input id='x' type="file" accept=".xls, .xlsx"> <input id='y' type="file" accept=".xlsx, .xls"> <input id='z' type='file' accept="i/am,a,pathological,;,,,,test/case"> <input id='A' type="file" accept=".xlsx, .xls*"> <input id='mix-ref' type="file" accept="image/jpeg"> <input id='mix' type="file" accept="image/jpeg,.jpg"> <input id='hidden' hidden type='file'> <input id='untrusted-click' type='file'> <input id='prevent-default' type='file'> <input id='prevent-default-false' type='file'> <input id='right-click' type='file'> <input id='middle-click' type='file'> <input id='left-click' type='file'> <label id='label-1'>foo<input type='file'></label> <label id='label-2' for='labeled-2'>foo</label><input id='labeled-2' type='file'></label> <label id='label-3'>foo<input type='file'></label> <label id='label-4' for='labeled-4'>foo</label><input id='labeled-4' type='file'></label> <input id='by-button' type='file'> <button id='button-click' onclick="document.getElementById('by-button').click();">foo</button> <button id='button-down' onclick="document.getElementById('by-button').click();">foo</button> <button id='button-up' onclick="document.getElementById('by-button').click();">foo</button> <div id='div-click' onclick="document.getElementById('by-button').click();" tabindex='1'>foo</div> <div id='div-click-on-demand' onclick="var i=document.createElement('input'); i.type='file'; i.click();" tabindex='1'>foo</div> </div> <pre id="test"> <script type="application/javascript"> /** * This test checks various scenarios and make sure that a file picker is being * shown in all of them (minus a few exceptions). * |testData| defines the tests to do and |launchNextTest| can be used to have * specific behaviour for some tests. Everything else should just work. */ SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); SimpleTest.requestFlakyTimeout("untriaged"); var MockFilePicker = SpecialPowers.MockFilePicker; MockFilePicker.init(window); // The following lists are from toolkit/content/filepicker.properties which is used by filePicker var imageExtensionList = "*.jpe; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.png; *.bmp; *.ico; *.svg; *.svgz; *.tif; *.tiff; *.ai; *.drw; *.pct; *.psp; *.xcf; *.psd; *.raw" var audioExtensionList = "*.aac; *.aif; *.flac; *.iff; *.m4a; *.m4b; *.mid; *.midi; *.mp3; *.mpa; *.mpc; *.oga; *.ogg; *.ra; *.ram; *.snd; *.wav; *.wma" var videoExtensionList = "*.avi; *.divx; *.flv; *.m4v; *.mkv; *.mov; *.mp4; *.mpeg; *.mpg; *.ogm; *.ogv; *.ogx; *.rm; *.rmvb; *.smil; *.webm; *.wmv; *.xvid" // [ element name | number of filters | extension list or filter mask | filter index ] var testData = [["a", 1, MockFilePicker.filterImages, 1], ["b", 1, MockFilePicker.filterAudio, 1], ["c", 1, MockFilePicker.filterVideo, 1], ["d", 3, imageExtensionList + "; " + audioExtensionList, 1], ["e", 3, imageExtensionList + "; " + videoExtensionList, 1], ["f", 3, audioExtensionList + "; " + videoExtensionList, 1], ["g", 4, imageExtensionList + "; " + audioExtensionList + "; " + videoExtensionList, 1], ["h", 1, MockFilePicker.filterImages, 0], ["i", 1, MockFilePicker.filterVideo, 0], ["j", 1, MockFilePicker.filterAudio, 1], ["k", 3, "*.gif; *.png", 1], ["l", 4, imageExtensionList + "; " + "*.gif; *.png", 1], ["m", 1, "*.gif", 1], ["n", 0, undefined, 0], ["o", 1, "*.test", 1], ["p", 3, "*.gif; *.csv", 1], ["q", 1, "*.gif", 1], ["r", 3, "*.prefix; *.prefixPlusSomething", 1], ["s", 3, "*.xls; *.xlsx", 1], ["t", 4, "*.mp3; *.wav; *.flac", 1], ["u", 3, "*.xls; *.xlsx", 1], ["v", 3, "*.xlsx; *.xls", 1], ["w", 0, undefined, 0], ["x", 3, "*.xls; *.xlsx", 1], ["y", 3, "*.xlsx; *.xls", 1], ["z", 0, undefined, 0], ["A", 1, "*.xlsx", 1], // Note: mix and mix-ref tests extension lists are checked differently: see SimpleTest.executeSoon below ["mix-ref", undefined, undefined, undefined], ["mix", 1, undefined, 1], ["hidden", 0, undefined, 0], ["untrusted-click", 0, undefined, 0], ["prevent-default", 0, undefined, 0, true], ["prevent-default-false", 0, undefined, 0, true], ["right-click", 0, undefined, 0, true], ["middle-click", 0, undefined, 0, true], ["left-click", 0, undefined, 0], ["label-1", 0, undefined, 0], ["label-2", 0, undefined, 0], ["label-3", 0, undefined, 0], ["label-4", 0, undefined, 0], ["button-click", 0, undefined, 0], ["button-down", 0, undefined, 0], ["button-up", 0, undefined, 0], ["div-click", 0, undefined, 0], ["div-click-on-demand", 0, undefined, 0], ]; var currentTest = 0; var filterAllAdded; var filters; var filterIndex; var mixRefExtensionList; // disable popups to make sure that the popup blocker does not interfere // with manually opened file pickers. SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({'set': [["dom.disable_open_during_load", false]]}, runTests); function launchNextTest() { MockFilePicker.shown = false; filterAllAdded = false; filters = []; filterIndex = 0; // Focusing the element will scroll them into view so making sure the clicks // will work. document.getElementById(testData[currentTest][0]).focus(); if (testData[currentTest][0] == "untrusted-click") { var e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); e.initEvent('click', true, false); document.getElementById(testData[currentTest][0]).dispatchEvent(e); // All tests that should *NOT* show a file picker. } else if (testData[currentTest][0] == "prevent-default" || testData[currentTest][0] == "prevent-default-false" || testData[currentTest][0] == "right-click" || testData[currentTest][0] == "middle-click") { if (testData[currentTest][0] == "right-click" || testData[currentTest][0] == "middle-click") { var b = testData[currentTest][0] == "middle-click" ? 1 : 2; synthesizeMouseAtCenter(document.getElementById(testData[currentTest][0]), { button: b }); } else { if (testData[currentTest][0] == "prevent-default-false") { document.getElementById(testData[currentTest][0]).onclick = function() { return false; }; } else { document.getElementById(testData[currentTest][0]).onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }; } document.getElementById(testData[currentTest][0]).click(); } // Wait a bit and assume we can continue. If the file picker shows later, // behaviour is uncertain but that would be a random green, no big deal... setTimeout(function() { ok(true, "we should be there without a file picker being opened"); ++currentTest; launchNextTest(); }, 500); } else if (testData[currentTest][0] == 'label-3' || testData[currentTest][0] == 'label-4') { synthesizeMouse(document.getElementById(testData[currentTest][0]), 5, 5, {}); } else if (testData[currentTest][0] == 'button-click' || testData[currentTest][0] == 'button-down' || testData[currentTest][0] == 'button-up' || testData[currentTest][0] == 'div-click' || testData[currentTest][0] == 'div-click-on-demand') { synthesizeMouseAtCenter(document.getElementById(testData[currentTest][0]), {}); } else { document.getElementById(testData[currentTest][0]).click(); } } function runTests() { MockFilePicker.appendFilterCallback = function(filepicker, title, val) { filters.push(val); }; MockFilePicker.appendFiltersCallback = function(filepicker, val) { if (val === MockFilePicker.filterAll) { filterAllAdded = true; } else { filters.push(val); } }; MockFilePicker.showCallback = function(filepicker) { if (testData[currentTest][4]) { ok(false, "we shouldn't have a file picker showing!"); return; } filterIndex = filepicker.filterIndex; testName = testData[currentTest][0]; SimpleTest.executeSoon(function () { ok(MockFilePicker.shown, "File picker show method should have been called (" + testName + ")"); ok(filterAllAdded, "filterAll is missing (" + testName + ")"); if (testName == "mix-ref") { // Used only for reference for next test: nothing to be tested here mixRefExtensionList = filters[0]; if (mixRefExtensionList == undefined) { mixRefExtensionList = ""; } } else { if (testName == "mix") { // Mixing mime type and file extension filters ("image/jpeg" and // ".jpg" here) shouldn't restrict the list but only extend it, if file // extension filter isn't a duplicate ok(filters[0].includes(mixRefExtensionList), "Mixing mime types and file extension filters shouldn't restrict extension list: " + mixRefExtensionList + " | " + filters[0]); ok(filters[0].includes("*.jpg"), "Filter should contain '.jpg' extension", filters[0]); } else { is(filters[0], testData[currentTest][2], "Correct filters should have been added (" + testName + ")"); is(filters.length, testData[currentTest][1], "appendFilters not called as often as expected (" + testName + ")"); } is(filterIndex, testData[currentTest][3], "File picker should show the correct filter index (" + testName + ")"); } if (++currentTest == testData.length) { MockFilePicker.cleanup(); SimpleTest.finish(); } else { launchNextTest(); } }); }; launchNextTest(); } </script> </pre> </body> </html>