function createPath(parentDir, dirOrFile) { return parentDir.path + (parentDir.path == '/' ? '' : '/') +; } function createRelativePath(parentDir, dirOrFile) { let path = createPath(parentDir, dirOrFile); is(path[0], "/", "The full path should start with '/'"); return path.substring(1); } function setup_tests(aNext) { SimpleTest.requestLongerTimeout(2); SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["dom.input.dirpicker", true], ["dom.filesystem.pathcheck.disabled", true], ["dom.webkitBlink.dirPicker.enabled", true]]}, aNext); } function test_basic(aDirectory, aNext) { ok(aDirectory, "Directory exists."); ok(aDirectory instanceof Directory, "We have a directory."); is(aDirectory.path, '/' +, "directory.path must be '/'+name"); aNext(); } function test_getFilesAndDirectories(aDirectory, aRecursive, aNext) { function checkSubDir(dir) { return dir.getFilesAndDirectories().then( function(data) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { ok (data[i] instanceof File || data[i] instanceof Directory, "Just Files or Directories"); if (data[i] instanceof Directory) { isnot(data[i].name, '/', "Subdirectory should be called with the leafname"); isnot(data[i].path, '/', "Subdirectory path should be called with the leafname"); isnot(data[i].path, dir.path, "Subdirectory path should contain the parent path."); is(data[i].path, createPath(dir, data[i]), "Subdirectory path should be called parentdir.path + '/' + leafname: " + data[i].path); } if (data[i] instanceof File) { is(data[i].webkitRelativePath, createRelativePath(dir, data[i]), "File.webkitRelativePath should be called: parentdir.path + '/' + " + data[i].webkitRelativePath); } } } ); } aDirectory.getFilesAndDirectories().then( function(data) { ok(data.length, "We should have some data."); var promises = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { ok (data[i] instanceof File || data[i] instanceof Directory, "Just Files or Directories: " + data[i].name); if (data[i] instanceof Directory) { isnot(data[i].name, '/', "Subdirectory should be called with the leafname"); is(data[i].path, createPath(aDirectory, data[i]), "Subdirectory path should be called parentdir.path + '/' + leafname: " + data[i].path); if (aRecursive) { promises.push(checkSubDir(data[i])); } } if (data[i] instanceof File) { is(data[i].webkitRelativePath, createRelativePath(aDirectory, data[i]), "File.webkitRelativePath should be called " + data[i].webkitRelativePath); } } return Promise.all(promises); }, function() { ok(false, "Something when wrong"); } ).then(aNext); } function test_getFiles(aDirectory, aRecursive, aNext) { aDirectory.getFiles(aRecursive).then( function(data) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { ok(data[i] instanceof File, "File: " + data[i].name); is(aDirectory.path[0], '/', "Directory path must start with '/'"); ok(data[i].webkitRelativePath.indexOf(aDirectory.path.substring(1)) == 0 && data[i].webkitRelativePath.indexOf('/' + data[i].name) + ('/' + data[i].name).length == data[i].webkitRelativePath.length, "File.webkitRelativePath should be called dir.path + '/' + " + data[i].webkitRelativePath); } }, function() { ok(false, "Something when wrong"); } ).then(aNext); } function test_getFiles_recursiveComparison(aDirectory, aNext) { aDirectory.getFiles(true).then(function(data) { is(data.length, 2, "Only 2 files for this test."); ok(data[0].name == 'foo.txt' || data[0].name == 'bar.txt', "First filename matches"); ok(data[1].name == 'foo.txt' || data[1].name == 'bar.txt', "Second filename matches"); }).then(function() { return aDirectory.getFiles(false); }).then(function(data) { is(data.length, 1, "Only 1 file for this test."); ok(data[0].name == 'foo.txt' || data[0].name == 'bar.txt', "First filename matches"); }).catch(function() { ok(false, "Something when wrong"); }).then(aNext); }