var name = "putreorder" + context; var c; var reqs = [ "//mochi.test:8888/?foo" + context, "//mochi.test:8888/?bar" + context, "//mochi.test:8888/?baz" + context, ]; { c = cache; return c.addAll(reqs); }).then(function() { return c.put(reqs[1], new Response("overwritten")); }).then(function() { return c.keys(); }).then(function(keys) { is(keys.length, 3, "Correct number of entries expected"); ok(keys[0].url.indexOf(reqs[0]) >= 0, "The first entry should be untouched"); ok(keys[2].url.indexOf(reqs[1]) >= 0, "The second entry should be moved to the end"); ok(keys[1].url.indexOf(reqs[2]) >= 0, "The third entry should now be the second one"); return c.match(reqs[1]); }).then(function(r) { return r.text(); }).then(function(body) { is(body, "overwritten", "The body should be overwritten"); return caches.delete(name); }).then(function(deleted) { ok(deleted, "The cache should be deleted successfully"); testDone(); });