var url = 'test_cache.js'; var cache; var fetchResponse; Promise.all([fetch(url),'putter' + context)]).then(function(results) { fetchResponse = results[0]; cache = results[1]; return cache.put(url, fetchResponse.clone()); }).then(function(result) { is(undefined, result, 'Successful put() should resolve undefined'); return cache.match(url); }).then(function(response) { ok(response, 'match() should find resppnse that was previously put()'); ok(response.url.endsWith(url), 'matched response should match original url'); return Promise.all([fetchResponse.text(), response.text()]); }).then(function(results) { // suppress large assert spam unless it's relevent if (results[0] !== results[1]) { is(results[0], results[1], 'stored response body should match original'); } // Now, try to overwrite the request with a different response object. return cache.put(url, new Response("overwritten")); }).then(function() { return cache.matchAll(url); }).then(function(result) { is(result.length, 1, "Only one entry should exist"); return result[0].text(); }).then(function(body) { is(body, "overwritten", "The cache entry should be successfully overwritten"); // Now, try to write a URL with a fragment return cache.put(url + "#fragment", new Response("more overwritten")); }).then(function() { return cache.matchAll(url + "#differentFragment"); }).then(function(result) { is(result.length, 1, "Only one entry should exist"); return result[0].text(); }).then(function(body) { is(body, "more overwritten", "The cache entry should be successfully overwritten"); // TODO: Verify that trying to store a response with an error raises a TypeError // when bug 1147178 is fixed. return caches.delete('putter' + context); }).then(function(deleted) { ok(deleted, "The cache should be deleted successfully"); testDone(); });