var request1 = new Request("//mochi.test:8888/?1&" + context + "#fragment"); var request2 = new Request("//mochi.test:8888/?2&" + context); var request3 = new Request("//mochi.test:8888/?3&" + context); var requestWithAltQS = new Request("//mochi.test:8888/?queryString"); var unknownRequest = new Request("//mochi.test:8888/non/existing/path?" + context); var response1, response3; var c; var response1Text, response3Text; var name = "matchAll-request" + context; function checkResponse(r, response, responseText) { ok(r !== response, "The objects should not be the same"); is(r.url, response.url.replace("#fragment", ""), "The URLs should be the same"); is(r.status, response.status, "The status codes should be the same"); is(r.type, response.type, "The response types should be the same"); is(r.ok, response.ok, "Both responses should have succeeded"); is(r.statusText, response.statusText, "Both responses should have the same status text"); return r.text().then(function(text) { // Avoid dumping out the large response text to the log if they're equal. if (text !== responseText) { is(text, responseText, "The response body should be correct"); } }); } fetch(new Request(request1)).then(function(r) { response1 = r; return response1.text(); }).then(function(text) { response1Text = text; return fetch(new Request(request3)); }).then(function(r) { response3 = r; return response3.text(); }).then(function(text) { response3Text = text; return testRequest(request1, request2, request3, unknownRequest, requestWithAltQS, request1.url.replace("#fragment", "#other")); }).then(function() { return testRequest(request1.url, request2.url, request3.url, unknownRequest.url, requestWithAltQS.url, request1.url.replace("#fragment", "#other")); }).then(function() { testDone(); }); // The request arguments can either be a URL string, or a Request object. function testRequest(request1, request2, request3, unknownRequest, requestWithAlternateQueryString, requestWithDifferentFragment) { return { c = cache; return c.add(request1); }).then(function() { return c.add(request3); }).then(function() { return Promise.all( ["HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "OPTIONS"] .map(function(method) { var r = new Request(request1, {method: method}); return c.add(r) .then(function() { ok(false, "Promise should be rejected"); }, function(err) { is(, "TypeError", "Adding a request with type '" + method + "' should fail"); }); }) ); }).then(function() { return c.matchAll(request1); }).then(function(r) { is(r.length, 1, "Should only find 1 item"); return checkResponse(r[0], response1, response1Text); }).then(function() { return c.matchAll(new Request(request1, {method: "HEAD"})); }).then(function(r) { is(r.length, 1, "Should only find 1 item"); return checkResponse(r[0], response1, ""); }).then(function() { return c.matchAll(new Request(request1, {method: "HEAD"}), {ignoreMethod: true}); }).then(function(r) { is(r.length, 1, "Should only find 1 item"); return checkResponse(r[0], response1, response1Text); }).then(function() { return Promise.all( ["POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "OPTIONS"] .map(function(method) { var req = new Request(request1, {method: method}); return c.matchAll(req) .then(function(r) { is(r.length, 0, "Searching for a request with a non-GET/HEAD method should not succeed"); return c.matchAll(req, {ignoreMethod: true}); }).then(function(r) { is(r.length, 1, "Should only find 1 item"); return checkResponse(r[0], response1, response1Text); }); }) ); }).then(function() { return c.matchAll(requestWithDifferentFragment); }).then(function(r) { is(r.length, 1, "Should only find 1 item"); return checkResponse(r[0], response1, response1Text); }).then(function() { return c.matchAll(requestWithAlternateQueryString, {ignoreSearch: true}); }).then(function(r) { is(r.length, 2, "Should find 2 items"); return Promise.all([ checkResponse(r[0], response1, response1Text), checkResponse(r[1], response3, response3Text) ]); }).then(function() { return c.matchAll(request3); }).then(function(r) { is(r.length, 1, "Should only find 1 item"); return checkResponse(r[0], response3, response3Text); }).then(function() { return c.matchAll(); }).then(function(r) { is(r.length, 2, "Should find 2 items"); return Promise.all([ checkResponse(r[0], response1, response1Text), checkResponse(r[1], response3, response3Text) ]); }).then(function() { return caches.match(request1, {cacheName: name + "mambojambo"}) .then(function() { is(typeof r, "undefined", 'Searching in the wrong cache should resolve to undefined'); return caches.has(name + "mambojambo"); }).then(function(hasCache) { ok(!hasCache, 'The wrong cache should still not exist'); }); }).then(function() { return c.matchAll(unknownRequest); }).then(function(r) { is(r.length, 0, "Searching for an unknown request should not succeed"); return caches.match(unknownRequest, {cacheName: name}); }).then(function(r) { is(typeof r, "undefined", "Searching for an unknown request should not succeed"); // Make sure that cacheName is ignored on Cache return c.matchAll(request1, {cacheName: name + "mambojambo"}); }).then(function(r) { is(r.length, 1, "Should only find 1 item"); return checkResponse(r[0], response1, response1Text); }).then(function() { return caches.delete(name); }).then(function(success) { ok(success, "We should be able to delete the cache successfully"); // Make sure that the cache is still usable after deletion. return c.matchAll(request1); }).then(function(r) { is(r.length, 1, "Should only find 1 item"); return checkResponse(r[0], response1, response1Text); }).then(function() { return c.matchAll(request3); }).then(function(r) { is(r.length, 1, "Should only find 1 item"); return checkResponse(r[0], response3, response3Text); }).then(function() { return c.matchAll(); }).then(function(r) { is(r.length, 2, "Should find 2 items"); return Promise.all([ checkResponse(r[0], response1, response1Text), checkResponse(r[1], response3, response3Text) ]); }).then(function() { // Now, drop the cache, reopen and verify that we can't find the request any more. c = null; return; }).then(function(cache) { return cache.matchAll(); }).then(function(r) { is(r.length, 0, "Searching in the cache after deletion should not succeed"); return caches.delete(name); }).then(function(deleted) { ok(deleted, "The cache should be deleted successfully"); }); }