var c = null var request = "" + context; var response = new Response("This is some Response!"); var name = 'snafu' + context; var foobar = 'foobar' + context; ok(!!caches, 'caches object should be available on global'); { ok(openCache instanceof Cache, 'cache object should be resolved from'); return caches.has(name); }).then(function(hasResult) { ok(hasResult, 'caches.has() should resolve true'); return caches.keys(); }).then(function(keys) { ok(!!keys, 'caches.keys() should resolve to a truthy value'); ok(keys.length >= 1, 'caches.keys() should resolve to an array of length at least 1'); ok(keys.indexOf(name) >= 0, 'caches.keys() should resolve to an array containing key'); return caches.delete(name); }).then(function(deleteResult) { ok(deleteResult, 'caches.delete() should resolve true'); return caches.has(name); }).then(function(hasMissingCache) { ok(!hasMissingCache, 'missing key should return false from has'); }).then(function() { return; }).then(function(snafu) { return snafu.keys(); }).then(function(empty) { is(0, empty.length, 'cache.keys() should resolve to an array of length 0'); }).then(function() { return; }).then(function(snafu) { var req = './cachekey'; var res = new Response("Hello world"); return snafu.put('ftp://invalid', res).then(function() { ok(false, 'This should fail'); }).catch(function (err) { is(, 'TypeError', 'put() should throw TypeError for invalid scheme'); return snafu.put(req, res); }).then(function(v) { return snafu; }); }).then(function(snafu) { return Promise.all([snafu, snafu.keys()]); }).then(function(args) { var snafu = args[0]; var keys = args[1]; is(1, keys.length, 'cache.keys() should resolve to an array of length 1'); ok(keys[0] instanceof Request, 'key should be a Request'); ok(keys[0].url.match(/cachekey$/), 'Request URL should match original'); return Promise.all([snafu, snafu.match(keys[0]), snafu.match('ftp://invalid')]); }).then(function(args) { var snafu = args[0]; var response = args[1]; ok(response instanceof Response, 'value should be a Response'); is(response.status, 200, 'Response status should be 200'); is(undefined, args[2], 'Match with invalid scheme should resolve undefined'); return Promise.all([snafu, snafu.put('./cachekey2', response)]); }).then(function(args) { var snafu = args[0] return snafu.match('./cachekey2'); }).then(function(response) { return response.text().then(function(v) { is(v, "Hello world", "Response body should match original"); }); }).then(function() { // FIXME(nsm): Can't use a Request object for now since the operations // consume it's 'body'. See // return; }).then(function(openCache) { c = openCache; return c.put(request, response); }).then(function(putResponse) { is(putResponse, undefined, 'The promise should resolve to undefined'); return c.keys(request); }).then(function(keys) { ok(keys, 'Valid keys object expected'); is(keys.length, 1, 'Only one key is expected'); return c.keys(); }).then(function(keys) { ok(keys, 'Valid keys object expected'); is(keys.length, 1, 'Only one key is expected'); return c.matchAll(request); }).then(function(matchAllResponses) { ok(matchAllResponses, 'matchAll should succeed'); is(matchAllResponses.length, 1, 'Only one match is expected'); return c.match(request); }).then(function(matchResponse) { ok(matchResponse, 'match should succeed'); return caches.match(request); }).then(function(storageMatchResponse) { ok(storageMatchResponse, 'storage match should succeed'); return caches.match(request, {cacheName:foobar}); }).then(function(storageMatchResponse) { ok(storageMatchResponse, 'storage match with cacheName should succeed'); var request2 = new Request("" + context); return c.match(request2, {ignoreSearch:true}); }).then(function(match2Response) { ok(match2Response, 'match should succeed'); return c.delete(request); }).then(function(deleteResult) { ok(deleteResult, 'delete should succeed'); return c.keys(); }).then(function(keys) { ok(keys, 'Valid keys object expected'); is(keys.length, 0, 'Zero keys is expected'); return c.matchAll(request); }).then(function(matchAll2Responses) { ok(matchAll2Responses, 'matchAll should succeed'); is(matchAll2Responses.length, 0, 'Zero matches is expected'); return caches.has(foobar); }).then(function(hasResult) { ok(hasResult, 'has should succeed'); return caches.keys(); }).then(function(keys) { ok(keys, 'Valid keys object expected'); ok(keys.length >= 2, 'At least two keys are expected'); ok(keys.indexOf(name) >= 0, 'snafu should exist'); ok(keys.indexOf(foobar) >= keys.indexOf(name), 'foobar should come after it'); return caches.delete(foobar); }).then(function(deleteResult) { ok(deleteResult, 'delete should succeed'); return caches.has(foobar); }).then(function(hasMissingCache) { ok(!hasMissingCache, 'has should have a result'); return caches.delete(name); }).then(function(deleteResult) { ok(deleteResult, 'delete should succeed'); testDone(); })