/* Any copyright is dedicated to the public domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Bug 1144015 - test middle/ctrl/cmd-click on a link. "use strict"; SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); browserElementTestHelpers.setEnabledPref(true); browserElementTestHelpers.addPermission(); function runTest() { let iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.setAttribute('mozbrowser', 'true'); document.body.appendChild(iframe); let x = 2; let y = 2; // First we force a reflow so that getChildProcessOffset actually returns // meaningful data. iframe.getBoundingClientRect(); // We need to make sure the event coordinates are actually inside the iframe, // relative to the chome window. let tabParent = SpecialPowers.wrap(iframe) .QueryInterface(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIFrameLoaderOwner) .frameLoader.tabParent; if (tabParent) { let offsetX = {}; let offsetY = {}; tabParent.getChildProcessOffset(offsetX, offsetY); x -= offsetX.value; y -= offsetY.value; } let sendCtrlClick = () => { let nsIDOMWindowUtils = SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils; let mod = nsIDOMWindowUtils.MODIFIER_META | nsIDOMWindowUtils.MODIFIER_CONTROL; iframe.sendMouseEvent('mousedown', x, y, 0, 1, mod); iframe.sendMouseEvent('mouseup', x, y, 0, 1, mod); } let onCtrlClick = e => { is(e.detail.url, 'http://example.com/', 'URL matches'); iframe.removeEventListener('mozbrowseropentab', onCtrlClick); iframe.addEventListener('mozbrowseropentab', onMiddleClick); sendMiddleClick(); } let sendMiddleClick = () => { iframe.sendMouseEvent('mousedown', x, y, 1, 1, 0); iframe.sendMouseEvent('mouseup', x, y, 1, 1, 0); } let onMiddleClick = e => { is(e.detail.url, 'http://example.com/', 'URL matches'); iframe.removeEventListener('mozbrowseropentab', onMiddleClick); SimpleTest.finish(); } iframe.addEventListener('mozbrowserloadend', e => { iframe.addEventListener('mozbrowseropentab', onCtrlClick); sendCtrlClick(); }); iframe.src = 'data:text/html,<body style="margin:0"><a href="http://example.com"><span>click here</span></a></body>'; } addEventListener('testready', runTest);