/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_dom_BindingUtils_h__ #define mozilla_dom_BindingUtils_h__ #include "jsfriendapi.h" #include "jswrapper.h" #include "js/Conversions.h" #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" #include "mozilla/Alignment.h" #include "mozilla/Array.h" #include "mozilla/Assertions.h" #include "mozilla/CycleCollectedJSContext.h" #include "mozilla/DeferredFinalize.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BindingDeclarations.h" #include "mozilla/dom/CallbackObject.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DOMJSClass.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DOMJSProxyHandler.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Exceptions.h" #include "mozilla/dom/NonRefcountedDOMObject.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Nullable.h" #include "mozilla/dom/RootedDictionary.h" #include "mozilla/SegmentedVector.h" #include "mozilla/dom/workers/Workers.h" #include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h" #include "mozilla/Likely.h" #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h" #include "nsAutoPtr.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsIGlobalObject.h" #include "nsIXPConnect.h" #include "nsJSUtils.h" #include "nsISupportsImpl.h" #include "qsObjectHelper.h" #include "xpcpublic.h" #include "nsIVariant.h" #include "mozilla/dom/FakeString.h" #include "nsWrapperCacheInlines.h" class nsGenericHTMLElement; class nsIJSID; namespace mozilla { enum UseCounter : int16_t; namespace dom { class CustomElementReactionsStack; template<typename KeyType, typename ValueType> class Record; nsresult UnwrapArgImpl(JS::Handle<JSObject*> src, const nsIID& iid, void** ppArg); nsresult UnwrapWindowProxyImpl(JS::Handle<JSObject*> src, nsPIDOMWindowOuter** ppArg); /** Convert a jsval to an XPCOM pointer. Caller must not assume that src will keep the XPCOM pointer rooted. */ template <class Interface> inline nsresult UnwrapArg(JS::Handle<JSObject*> src, Interface** ppArg) { return UnwrapArgImpl(src, NS_GET_TEMPLATE_IID(Interface), reinterpret_cast<void**>(ppArg)); } template <> inline nsresult UnwrapArg<nsPIDOMWindowOuter>(JS::Handle<JSObject*> src, nsPIDOMWindowOuter** ppArg) { return UnwrapWindowProxyImpl(src, ppArg); } nsresult UnwrapXPConnectImpl(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> src, const nsIID& iid, void** ppArg); /* * Convert a jsval being used as a Web IDL interface implementation to an XPCOM * pointer; this is only used for Web IDL interfaces that specify * hasXPConnectImpls. This is not the same as UnwrapArg because caller _can_ * assume that if unwrapping succeeds "val" will be updated so it's rooting the * XPCOM pointer. Also, UnwrapXPConnect doesn't need to worry about doing * XPCWrappedJS things. * * val must be an ObjectValue. */ template<class Interface> inline nsresult UnwrapXPConnect(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> val, Interface** ppThis) { return UnwrapXPConnectImpl(cx, val, NS_GET_TEMPLATE_IID(Interface), reinterpret_cast<void**>(ppThis)); } bool ThrowInvalidThis(JSContext* aCx, const JS::CallArgs& aArgs, bool aSecurityError, const char* aInterfaceName); bool ThrowInvalidThis(JSContext* aCx, const JS::CallArgs& aArgs, bool aSecurityError, prototypes::ID aProtoId); // Returns true if the JSClass is used for DOM objects. inline bool IsDOMClass(const JSClass* clasp) { return clasp->flags & JSCLASS_IS_DOMJSCLASS; } inline bool IsDOMClass(const js::Class* clasp) { return IsDOMClass(Jsvalify(clasp)); } // Return true if the JSClass is used for non-proxy DOM objects. inline bool IsNonProxyDOMClass(const js::Class* clasp) { return IsDOMClass(clasp) && !clasp->isProxy(); } inline bool IsNonProxyDOMClass(const JSClass* clasp) { return IsNonProxyDOMClass(js::Valueify(clasp)); } // Returns true if the JSClass is used for DOM interface and interface // prototype objects. inline bool IsDOMIfaceAndProtoClass(const JSClass* clasp) { return clasp->flags & JSCLASS_IS_DOMIFACEANDPROTOJSCLASS; } inline bool IsDOMIfaceAndProtoClass(const js::Class* clasp) { return IsDOMIfaceAndProtoClass(Jsvalify(clasp)); } static_assert(DOM_OBJECT_SLOT == 0, "DOM_OBJECT_SLOT doesn't match the proxy private slot. " "Expect bad things"); template <class T> inline T* UnwrapDOMObject(JSObject* obj) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsDOMClass(js::GetObjectClass(obj)), "Don't pass non-DOM objects to this function"); JS::Value val = js::GetReservedOrProxyPrivateSlot(obj, DOM_OBJECT_SLOT); return static_cast<T*>(val.toPrivate()); } template <class T> inline T* UnwrapPossiblyNotInitializedDOMObject(JSObject* obj) { // This is used by the OjectMoved JSClass hook which can be called before // JS_NewObject has returned and so before we have a chance to set // DOM_OBJECT_SLOT to anything useful. MOZ_ASSERT(IsDOMClass(js::GetObjectClass(obj)), "Don't pass non-DOM objects to this function"); JS::Value val = js::GetReservedOrProxyPrivateSlot(obj, DOM_OBJECT_SLOT); if (val.isUndefined()) { return nullptr; } return static_cast<T*>(val.toPrivate()); } inline const DOMJSClass* GetDOMClass(const js::Class* clasp) { return IsDOMClass(clasp) ? DOMJSClass::FromJSClass(clasp) : nullptr; } inline const DOMJSClass* GetDOMClass(JSObject* obj) { return GetDOMClass(js::GetObjectClass(obj)); } inline nsISupports* UnwrapDOMObjectToISupports(JSObject* aObject) { const DOMJSClass* clasp = GetDOMClass(aObject); if (!clasp || !clasp->mDOMObjectIsISupports) { return nullptr; } return UnwrapPossiblyNotInitializedDOMObject<nsISupports>(aObject); } inline bool IsDOMObject(JSObject* obj) { return IsDOMClass(js::GetObjectClass(obj)); } // There are two valid ways to use UNWRAP_OBJECT: Either obj needs to // be a MutableHandle<JSObject*>, or value needs to be a strong-reference // smart pointer type (OwningNonNull or RefPtr or nsCOMPtr), in which case obj // can be anything that converts to JSObject*. #define UNWRAP_OBJECT(Interface, obj, value) \ mozilla::dom::UnwrapObject<mozilla::dom::prototypes::id::Interface, \ mozilla::dom::Interface##Binding::NativeType>(obj, value) // Test whether the given object is an instance of the given interface. #define IS_INSTANCE_OF(Interface, obj) \ mozilla::dom::IsInstanceOf<mozilla::dom::prototypes::id::Interface, \ mozilla::dom::Interface##Binding::NativeType>(obj) // Unwrap the given non-wrapper object. This can be used with any obj that // converts to JSObject*; as long as that JSObject* is live the return value // will be valid. #define UNWRAP_NON_WRAPPER_OBJECT(Interface, obj, value) \ mozilla::dom::UnwrapNonWrapperObject<mozilla::dom::prototypes::id::Interface, \ mozilla::dom::Interface##Binding::NativeType>(obj, value) // Some callers don't want to set an exception when unwrapping fails // (for example, overload resolution uses unwrapping to tell what sort // of thing it's looking at). // U must be something that a T* can be assigned to (e.g. T* or an RefPtr<T>). // // The obj argument will be mutated to point to CheckedUnwrap of itself if the // passed-in value is not a DOM object and CheckedUnwrap succeeds. // // If mayBeWrapper is true, there are three valid ways to invoke // UnwrapObjectInternal: Either obj needs to be a class wrapping a // MutableHandle<JSObject*>, with an assignment operator that sets the handle to // the given object, or U needs to be a strong-reference smart pointer type // (OwningNonNull or RefPtr or nsCOMPtr), or the value being stored in "value" // must not escape past being tested for falsiness immediately after the // UnwrapObjectInternal call. // // If mayBeWrapper is false, obj can just be a JSObject*, and U anything that a // T* can be assigned to. namespace binding_detail { template <class T, bool mayBeWrapper, typename U, typename V> MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE nsresult UnwrapObjectInternal(V& obj, U& value, prototypes::ID protoID, uint32_t protoDepth) { /* First check to see whether we have a DOM object */ const DOMJSClass* domClass = GetDOMClass(obj); if (domClass) { /* This object is a DOM object. Double-check that it is safely castable to T by checking whether it claims to inherit from the class identified by protoID. */ if (domClass->mInterfaceChain[protoDepth] == protoID) { value = UnwrapDOMObject<T>(obj); return NS_OK; } } /* Maybe we have a security wrapper or outer window? */ if (!mayBeWrapper || !js::IsWrapper(obj)) { /* Not a DOM object, not a wrapper, just bail */ return NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS; } JSObject* unwrappedObj = js::CheckedUnwrap(obj, /* stopAtWindowProxy = */ false); if (!unwrappedObj) { return NS_ERROR_XPC_SECURITY_MANAGER_VETO; } MOZ_ASSERT(!js::IsWrapper(unwrappedObj)); // Recursive call is OK, because now we're using false for mayBeWrapper and // we never reach this code if that boolean is false, so can't keep calling // ourselves. // // Unwrap into a temporary pointer, because in general unwrapping into // something of type U might trigger GC (e.g. release the value currently // stored in there, with arbitrary consequences) and invalidate the // "unwrappedObj" pointer. T* tempValue; nsresult rv = UnwrapObjectInternal<T, false>(unwrappedObj, tempValue, protoID, protoDepth); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // It's very important to not update "obj" with the "unwrappedObj" value // until we know the unwrap has succeeded. Otherwise, in a situation in // which we have an overload of object and primitive we could end up // converting to the primitive from the unwrappedObj, whereas we want to do // it from the original object. obj = unwrappedObj; // And now assign to "value"; at this point we don't care if a GC happens // and invalidates unwrappedObj. value = tempValue; return NS_OK; } /* It's the wrong sort of DOM object */ return NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS; } struct MutableObjectHandleWrapper { explicit MutableObjectHandleWrapper(JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aHandle) : mHandle(aHandle) { } void operator=(JSObject* aObject) { MOZ_ASSERT(aObject); mHandle.set(aObject); } operator JSObject*() const { return mHandle; } private: JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> mHandle; }; struct MutableValueHandleWrapper { explicit MutableValueHandleWrapper(JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aHandle) : mHandle(aHandle) { } void operator=(JSObject* aObject) { MOZ_ASSERT(aObject); mHandle.setObject(*aObject); } operator JSObject*() const { return &mHandle.toObject(); } private: JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> mHandle; }; } // namespace binding_detail // UnwrapObject overloads that ensure we have a MutableHandle to keep it alive. template<prototypes::ID PrototypeID, class T, typename U> MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE nsresult UnwrapObject(JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> obj, U& value) { binding_detail::MutableObjectHandleWrapper wrapper(obj); return binding_detail::UnwrapObjectInternal<T, true>( wrapper, value, PrototypeID, PrototypeTraits<PrototypeID>::Depth); } template<prototypes::ID PrototypeID, class T, typename U> MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE nsresult UnwrapObject(JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> obj, U& value) { MOZ_ASSERT(obj.isObject()); binding_detail::MutableValueHandleWrapper wrapper(obj); return binding_detail::UnwrapObjectInternal<T, true>( wrapper, value, PrototypeID, PrototypeTraits<PrototypeID>::Depth); } // UnwrapObject overloads that ensure we have a strong ref to keep it alive. template<prototypes::ID PrototypeID, class T, typename U> MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE nsresult UnwrapObject(JSObject* obj, RefPtr<U>& value) { return binding_detail::UnwrapObjectInternal<T, true>( obj, value, PrototypeID, PrototypeTraits<PrototypeID>::Depth); } template<prototypes::ID PrototypeID, class T, typename U> MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE nsresult UnwrapObject(JSObject* obj, nsCOMPtr<U>& value) { return binding_detail::UnwrapObjectInternal<T, true>( obj, value, PrototypeID, PrototypeTraits<PrototypeID>::Depth); } template<prototypes::ID PrototypeID, class T, typename U> MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE nsresult UnwrapObject(JSObject* obj, OwningNonNull<U>& value) { return binding_detail::UnwrapObjectInternal<T, true>( obj, value, PrototypeID, PrototypeTraits<PrototypeID>::Depth); } // An UnwrapObject overload that just calls one of the JSObject* ones. template<prototypes::ID PrototypeID, class T, typename U> MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE nsresult UnwrapObject(JS::Handle<JS::Value> obj, U& value) { MOZ_ASSERT(obj.isObject()); return UnwrapObject<PrototypeID, T>(&obj.toObject(), value); } template<prototypes::ID PrototypeID, class T> MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsInstanceOf(JSObject* obj) { void* ignored; nsresult unwrapped = binding_detail::UnwrapObjectInternal<T, true>( obj, ignored, PrototypeID, PrototypeTraits<PrototypeID>::Depth); return NS_SUCCEEDED(unwrapped); } template<prototypes::ID PrototypeID, class T, typename U> MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE nsresult UnwrapNonWrapperObject(JSObject* obj, U& value) { MOZ_ASSERT(!js::IsWrapper(obj)); return binding_detail::UnwrapObjectInternal<T, false>( obj, value, PrototypeID, PrototypeTraits<PrototypeID>::Depth); } inline bool IsNotDateOrRegExp(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, bool* notDateOrRegExp) { MOZ_ASSERT(obj); js::ESClass cls; if (!js::GetBuiltinClass(cx, obj, &cls)) { return false; } *notDateOrRegExp = cls != js::ESClass::Date && cls != js::ESClass::RegExp; return true; } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsObjectValueConvertibleToDictionary(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> objVal, bool* convertible) { JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx, &objVal.toObject()); return IsNotDateOrRegExp(cx, obj, convertible); } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsConvertibleToDictionary(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, bool* convertible) { if (val.isNullOrUndefined()) { *convertible = true; return true; } if (!val.isObject()) { *convertible = false; return true; } return IsObjectValueConvertibleToDictionary(cx, val, convertible); } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsConvertibleToCallbackInterface(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, bool* convertible) { return IsNotDateOrRegExp(cx, obj, convertible); } // The items in the protoAndIfaceCache are indexed by the prototypes::id::ID, // constructors::id::ID and namedpropertiesobjects::id::ID enums, in that order. // The end of the prototype objects should be the start of the interface // objects, and the end of the interface objects should be the start of the // named properties objects. static_assert((size_t)constructors::id::_ID_Start == (size_t)prototypes::id::_ID_Count && (size_t)namedpropertiesobjects::id::_ID_Start == (size_t)constructors::id::_ID_Count, "Overlapping or discontiguous indexes."); const size_t kProtoAndIfaceCacheCount = namedpropertiesobjects::id::_ID_Count; class ProtoAndIfaceCache { // The caching strategy we use depends on what sort of global we're dealing // with. For a window-like global, we want everything to be as fast as // possible, so we use a flat array, indexed by prototype/constructor ID. // For everything else (e.g. globals for JSMs), space is more important than // speed, so we use a two-level lookup table. class ArrayCache : public Array<JS::Heap<JSObject*>, kProtoAndIfaceCacheCount> { public: JSObject* EntrySlotIfExists(size_t i) { return (*this)[i]; } JS::Heap<JSObject*>& EntrySlotOrCreate(size_t i) { return (*this)[i]; } JS::Heap<JSObject*>& EntrySlotMustExist(size_t i) { return (*this)[i]; } void Trace(JSTracer* aTracer) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(*this); ++i) { JS::TraceEdge(aTracer, &(*this)[i], "protoAndIfaceCache[i]"); } } size_t SizeOfIncludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) { return aMallocSizeOf(this); } }; class PageTableCache { public: PageTableCache() { memset(mPages.begin(), 0, sizeof(mPages)); } ~PageTableCache() { for (size_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(mPages); ++i) { delete mPages[i]; } } JSObject* EntrySlotIfExists(size_t i) { MOZ_ASSERT(i < kProtoAndIfaceCacheCount); size_t pageIndex = i / kPageSize; size_t leafIndex = i % kPageSize; Page* p = mPages[pageIndex]; if (!p) { return nullptr; } return (*p)[leafIndex]; } JS::Heap<JSObject*>& EntrySlotOrCreate(size_t i) { MOZ_ASSERT(i < kProtoAndIfaceCacheCount); size_t pageIndex = i / kPageSize; size_t leafIndex = i % kPageSize; Page* p = mPages[pageIndex]; if (!p) { p = new Page; mPages[pageIndex] = p; } return (*p)[leafIndex]; } JS::Heap<JSObject*>& EntrySlotMustExist(size_t i) { MOZ_ASSERT(i < kProtoAndIfaceCacheCount); size_t pageIndex = i / kPageSize; size_t leafIndex = i % kPageSize; Page* p = mPages[pageIndex]; MOZ_ASSERT(p); return (*p)[leafIndex]; } void Trace(JSTracer* trc) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(mPages); ++i) { Page* p = mPages[i]; if (p) { for (size_t j = 0; j < ArrayLength(*p); ++j) { JS::TraceEdge(trc, &(*p)[j], "protoAndIfaceCache[i]"); } } } } size_t SizeOfIncludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) { size_t n = aMallocSizeOf(this); for (size_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(mPages); ++i) { n += aMallocSizeOf(mPages[i]); } return n; } private: static const size_t kPageSize = 16; typedef Array<JS::Heap<JSObject*>, kPageSize> Page; static const size_t kNPages = kProtoAndIfaceCacheCount / kPageSize + size_t(bool(kProtoAndIfaceCacheCount % kPageSize)); Array<Page*, kNPages> mPages; }; public: enum Kind { WindowLike, NonWindowLike }; explicit ProtoAndIfaceCache(Kind aKind) : mKind(aKind) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(ProtoAndIfaceCache); if (aKind == WindowLike) { mArrayCache = new ArrayCache(); } else { mPageTableCache = new PageTableCache(); } } ~ProtoAndIfaceCache() { if (mKind == WindowLike) { delete mArrayCache; } else { delete mPageTableCache; } MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(ProtoAndIfaceCache); } #define FORWARD_OPERATION(opName, args) \ do { \ if (mKind == WindowLike) { \ return mArrayCache->opName args; \ } else { \ return mPageTableCache->opName args; \ } \ } while(0) // Return the JSObject stored in slot i, if that slot exists. If // the slot does not exist, return null. JSObject* EntrySlotIfExists(size_t i) { FORWARD_OPERATION(EntrySlotIfExists, (i)); } // Return a reference to slot i, creating it if necessary. There // may not be an object in the returned slot. JS::Heap<JSObject*>& EntrySlotOrCreate(size_t i) { FORWARD_OPERATION(EntrySlotOrCreate, (i)); } // Return a reference to slot i, which is guaranteed to already // exist. There may not be an object in the slot, if prototype and // constructor initialization for one of our bindings failed. JS::Heap<JSObject*>& EntrySlotMustExist(size_t i) { FORWARD_OPERATION(EntrySlotMustExist, (i)); } void Trace(JSTracer *aTracer) { FORWARD_OPERATION(Trace, (aTracer)); } size_t SizeOfIncludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) { size_t n = aMallocSizeOf(this); n += (mKind == WindowLike ? mArrayCache->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf) : mPageTableCache->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf)); return n; } #undef FORWARD_OPERATION private: union { ArrayCache *mArrayCache; PageTableCache *mPageTableCache; }; Kind mKind; }; inline void AllocateProtoAndIfaceCache(JSObject* obj, ProtoAndIfaceCache::Kind aKind) { MOZ_ASSERT(js::GetObjectClass(obj)->flags & JSCLASS_DOM_GLOBAL); MOZ_ASSERT(js::GetReservedSlot(obj, DOM_PROTOTYPE_SLOT).isUndefined()); ProtoAndIfaceCache* protoAndIfaceCache = new ProtoAndIfaceCache(aKind); js::SetReservedSlot(obj, DOM_PROTOTYPE_SLOT, JS::PrivateValue(protoAndIfaceCache)); } #ifdef DEBUG struct VerifyTraceProtoAndIfaceCacheCalledTracer : public JS::CallbackTracer { bool ok; explicit VerifyTraceProtoAndIfaceCacheCalledTracer(JSContext* cx) : JS::CallbackTracer(cx), ok(false) {} void onChild(const JS::GCCellPtr&) override { // We don't do anything here, we only want to verify that // TraceProtoAndIfaceCache was called. } TracerKind getTracerKind() const override { return TracerKind::VerifyTraceProtoAndIface; } }; #endif inline void TraceProtoAndIfaceCache(JSTracer* trc, JSObject* obj) { MOZ_ASSERT(js::GetObjectClass(obj)->flags & JSCLASS_DOM_GLOBAL); #ifdef DEBUG if (trc->isCallbackTracer() && (trc->asCallbackTracer()->getTracerKind() == JS::CallbackTracer::TracerKind::VerifyTraceProtoAndIface)) { // We don't do anything here, we only want to verify that // TraceProtoAndIfaceCache was called. static_cast<VerifyTraceProtoAndIfaceCacheCalledTracer*>(trc)->ok = true; return; } #endif if (!DOMGlobalHasProtoAndIFaceCache(obj)) return; ProtoAndIfaceCache* protoAndIfaceCache = GetProtoAndIfaceCache(obj); protoAndIfaceCache->Trace(trc); } inline void DestroyProtoAndIfaceCache(JSObject* obj) { MOZ_ASSERT(js::GetObjectClass(obj)->flags & JSCLASS_DOM_GLOBAL); if (!DOMGlobalHasProtoAndIFaceCache(obj)) { return; } ProtoAndIfaceCache* protoAndIfaceCache = GetProtoAndIfaceCache(obj); delete protoAndIfaceCache; } /** * Add constants to an object. */ bool DefineConstants(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, const ConstantSpec* cs); struct JSNativeHolder { JSNative mNative; const NativePropertyHooks* mPropertyHooks; }; struct NamedConstructor { const char* mName; const JSNativeHolder mHolder; unsigned mNargs; }; /* * Create a DOM interface object (if constructorClass is non-null) and/or a * DOM interface prototype object (if protoClass is non-null). * * global is used as the parent of the interface object and the interface * prototype object * protoProto is the prototype to use for the interface prototype object. * interfaceProto is the prototype to use for the interface object. This can be * null if both constructorClass and constructor are null (as in, * if we're not creating an interface object at all). * protoClass is the JSClass to use for the interface prototype object. * This is null if we should not create an interface prototype * object. * protoCache a pointer to a JSObject pointer where we should cache the * interface prototype object. This must be null if protoClass is and * vice versa. * constructorClass is the JSClass to use for the interface object. * This is null if we should not create an interface object or * if it should be a function object. * constructor holds the JSNative to back the interface object which should be a * Function, unless constructorClass is non-null in which case it is * ignored. If this is null and constructorClass is also null then * we should not create an interface object at all. * ctorNargs is the length of the constructor function; 0 if no constructor * constructorCache a pointer to a JSObject pointer where we should cache the * interface object. This must be null if both constructorClass * and constructor are null, and non-null otherwise. * properties contains the methods, attributes and constants to be defined on * objects in any compartment. * chromeProperties contains the methods, attributes and constants to be defined * on objects in chrome compartments. This must be null if the * interface doesn't have any ChromeOnly properties or if the * object is being created in non-chrome compartment. * defineOnGlobal controls whether properties should be defined on the given * global for the interface object (if any) and named * constructors (if any) for this interface. This can be * false in situations where we want the properties to only * appear on privileged Xrays but not on the unprivileged * underlying global. * unscopableNames if not null it points to a null-terminated list of const * char* names of the unscopable properties for this interface. * isGlobal if true, we're creating interface objects for a [Global] or * [PrimaryGlobal] interface, and hence shouldn't define properties on * the prototype object. * * At least one of protoClass, constructorClass or constructor should be * non-null. If constructorClass or constructor are non-null, the resulting * interface object will be defined on the given global with property name * |name|, which must also be non-null. */ void CreateInterfaceObjects(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> global, JS::Handle<JSObject*> protoProto, const js::Class* protoClass, JS::Heap<JSObject*>* protoCache, JS::Handle<JSObject*> interfaceProto, const js::Class* constructorClass, unsigned ctorNargs, const NamedConstructor* namedConstructors, JS::Heap<JSObject*>* constructorCache, const NativeProperties* regularProperties, const NativeProperties* chromeOnlyProperties, const char* name, bool defineOnGlobal, const char* const* unscopableNames, bool isGlobal); /** * Define the properties (regular and chrome-only) on obj. * * obj the object to instal the properties on. This should be the interface * prototype object for regular interfaces and the instance object for * interfaces marked with Global. * properties contains the methods, attributes and constants to be defined on * objects in any compartment. * chromeProperties contains the methods, attributes and constants to be defined * on objects in chrome compartments. This must be null if the * interface doesn't have any ChromeOnly properties or if the * object is being created in non-chrome compartment. */ bool DefineProperties(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, const NativeProperties* properties, const NativeProperties* chromeOnlyProperties); /* * Define the unforgeable methods on an object. */ bool DefineUnforgeableMethods(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, const Prefable<const JSFunctionSpec>* props); /* * Define the unforgeable attributes on an object. */ bool DefineUnforgeableAttributes(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, const Prefable<const JSPropertySpec>* props); #define HAS_MEMBER_TYPEDEFS \ private: \ typedef char yes[1]; \ typedef char no[2] #ifdef _MSC_VER #define HAS_MEMBER_CHECK(_name) \ template<typename V> static yes& Check##_name(char (*)[(&V::_name == 0) + 1]) #else #define HAS_MEMBER_CHECK(_name) \ template<typename V> static yes& Check##_name(char (*)[sizeof(&V::_name) + 1]) #endif #define HAS_MEMBER(_memberName, _valueName) \ private: \ HAS_MEMBER_CHECK(_memberName); \ template<typename V> static no& Check##_memberName(...); \ \ public: \ static bool const _valueName = \ sizeof(Check##_memberName<T>(nullptr)) == sizeof(yes) template<class T> struct NativeHasMember { HAS_MEMBER_TYPEDEFS; HAS_MEMBER(GetParentObject, GetParentObject); HAS_MEMBER(WrapObject, WrapObject); }; template<class T> struct IsSmartPtr { HAS_MEMBER_TYPEDEFS; HAS_MEMBER(get, value); }; template<class T> struct IsRefcounted { HAS_MEMBER_TYPEDEFS; HAS_MEMBER(AddRef, HasAddref); HAS_MEMBER(Release, HasRelease); public: static bool const value = HasAddref && HasRelease; private: // This struct only works if T is fully declared (not just forward declared). // The IsBaseOf check will ensure that, we don't really need it for any other // reason (the static assert will of course always be true). static_assert(!IsBaseOf<nsISupports, T>::value || IsRefcounted::value, "Classes derived from nsISupports are refcounted!"); }; #undef HAS_MEMBER #undef HAS_MEMBER_CHECK #undef HAS_MEMBER_TYPEDEFS #ifdef DEBUG template <class T, bool isISupports=IsBaseOf<nsISupports, T>::value> struct CheckWrapperCacheCast { static bool Check() { return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>( static_cast<nsWrapperCache*>( reinterpret_cast<T*>(1))) == 1; } }; template <class T> struct CheckWrapperCacheCast<T, true> { static bool Check() { return true; } }; #endif MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool CouldBeDOMBinding(void*) { return true; } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool CouldBeDOMBinding(nsWrapperCache* aCache) { return aCache->IsDOMBinding(); } inline bool TryToOuterize(JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { if (js::IsWindow(&rval.toObject())) { JSObject* obj = js::ToWindowProxyIfWindow(&rval.toObject()); MOZ_ASSERT(obj); rval.set(JS::ObjectValue(*obj)); } return true; } // Make sure to wrap the given string value into the right compartment, as // needed. MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool MaybeWrapStringValue(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { MOZ_ASSERT(rval.isString()); JSString* str = rval.toString(); if (JS::GetStringZone(str) != js::GetContextZone(cx)) { return JS_WrapValue(cx, rval); } return true; } // Make sure to wrap the given object value into the right compartment as // needed. This will work correctly, but possibly slowly, on all objects. MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool MaybeWrapObjectValue(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { MOZ_ASSERT(rval.isObject()); // Cross-compartment always requires wrapping. JSObject* obj = &rval.toObject(); if (js::GetObjectCompartment(obj) != js::GetContextCompartment(cx)) { return JS_WrapValue(cx, rval); } // We're same-compartment, but even then we might need to wrap // objects specially. Check for that. if (IsDOMObject(obj)) { return TryToOuterize(rval); } // It's not a WebIDL object, so it's OK to just leave it as-is: only WebIDL // objects (specifically only windows) require outerization. return true; } // Like MaybeWrapObjectValue, but also allows null MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool MaybeWrapObjectOrNullValue(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { MOZ_ASSERT(rval.isObjectOrNull()); if (rval.isNull()) { return true; } return MaybeWrapObjectValue(cx, rval); } // Wrapping for objects that are known to not be DOM or XPConnect objects MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool MaybeWrapNonDOMObjectValue(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { MOZ_ASSERT(rval.isObject()); MOZ_ASSERT(!GetDOMClass(&rval.toObject())); MOZ_ASSERT(!(js::GetObjectClass(&rval.toObject())->flags & JSCLASS_PRIVATE_IS_NSISUPPORTS)); JSObject* obj = &rval.toObject(); if (js::GetObjectCompartment(obj) == js::GetContextCompartment(cx)) { return true; } return JS_WrapValue(cx, rval); } // Like MaybeWrapNonDOMObjectValue but allows null MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool MaybeWrapNonDOMObjectOrNullValue(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { MOZ_ASSERT(rval.isObjectOrNull()); if (rval.isNull()) { return true; } return MaybeWrapNonDOMObjectValue(cx, rval); } // If rval is a gcthing and is not in the compartment of cx, wrap rval // into the compartment of cx (typically by replacing it with an Xray or // cross-compartment wrapper around the original object). MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool MaybeWrapValue(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { if (rval.isString()) { return MaybeWrapStringValue(cx, rval); } if (!rval.isObject()) { return true; } return MaybeWrapObjectValue(cx, rval); } namespace binding_detail { enum GetOrCreateReflectorWrapBehavior { eWrapIntoContextCompartment, eDontWrapIntoContextCompartment }; template <class T> struct TypeNeedsOuterization { // We only need to outerize Window objects, so anything inheriting from // nsGlobalWindow (which inherits from EventTarget itself). static const bool value = IsBaseOf<nsGlobalWindow, T>::value || IsSame<EventTarget, T>::value; }; #ifdef DEBUG template<typename T, bool isISupports=IsBaseOf<nsISupports, T>::value> struct CheckWrapperCacheTracing { static inline void Check(T* aObject) { } }; template<typename T> struct CheckWrapperCacheTracing<T, true> { static void Check(T* aObject) { // Rooting analysis thinks QueryInterface may GC, but we're dealing with // a subset of QueryInterface, C++ only types here. JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis nogc; nsWrapperCache* wrapperCacheFromQI = nullptr; aObject->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsWrapperCache), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&wrapperCacheFromQI)); MOZ_ASSERT(wrapperCacheFromQI, "Missing nsWrapperCache from QueryInterface implementation?"); if (!wrapperCacheFromQI->GetWrapperPreserveColor()) { // Can't assert that we trace the wrapper, since we don't have any // wrapper to trace. return; } nsISupports* ccISupports = nullptr; aObject->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsCycleCollectionISupports), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&ccISupports)); MOZ_ASSERT(ccISupports, "nsWrapperCache object which isn't cycle collectable?"); nsXPCOMCycleCollectionParticipant* participant = nullptr; CallQueryInterface(ccISupports, &participant); MOZ_ASSERT(participant, "Can't QI to CycleCollectionParticipant?"); bool wasPreservingWrapper = wrapperCacheFromQI->PreservingWrapper(); wrapperCacheFromQI->SetPreservingWrapper(true); wrapperCacheFromQI->CheckCCWrapperTraversal(ccISupports, participant); wrapperCacheFromQI->SetPreservingWrapper(wasPreservingWrapper); } }; void AssertReflectorHasGivenProto(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aReflector, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto); #endif // DEBUG template <class T, GetOrCreateReflectorWrapBehavior wrapBehavior> MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool DoGetOrCreateDOMReflector(JSContext* cx, T* value, JS::Handle<JSObject*> givenProto, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { MOZ_ASSERT(value); // We can get rid of this when we remove support for hasXPConnectImpls. bool couldBeDOMBinding = CouldBeDOMBinding(value); JSObject* obj = value->GetWrapper(); if (obj) { #ifdef DEBUG AssertReflectorHasGivenProto(cx, obj, givenProto); // Have to reget obj because AssertReflectorHasGivenProto can // trigger gc so the pointer may now be invalid. obj = value->GetWrapper(); #endif } else { // Inline this here while we have non-dom objects in wrapper caches. if (!couldBeDOMBinding) { return false; } obj = value->WrapObject(cx, givenProto); if (!obj) { // At this point, obj is null, so just return false. // Callers seem to be testing JS_IsExceptionPending(cx) to // figure out whether WrapObject() threw. return false; } #ifdef DEBUG if (IsBaseOf<nsWrapperCache, T>::value) { CheckWrapperCacheTracing<T>::Check(value); } #endif } #ifdef DEBUG const DOMJSClass* clasp = GetDOMClass(obj); // clasp can be null if the cache contained a non-DOM object. if (clasp) { // Some sanity asserts about our object. Specifically: // 1) If our class claims we're nsISupports, we better be nsISupports // XXXbz ideally, we could assert that reinterpret_cast to nsISupports // does the right thing, but I don't see a way to do it. :( // 2) If our class doesn't claim we're nsISupports we better be // reinterpret_castable to nsWrapperCache. MOZ_ASSERT(clasp, "What happened here?"); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(clasp->mDOMObjectIsISupports, (IsBaseOf<nsISupports, T>::value)); MOZ_ASSERT(CheckWrapperCacheCast<T>::Check()); } #endif rval.set(JS::ObjectValue(*obj)); bool sameCompartment = js::GetObjectCompartment(obj) == js::GetContextCompartment(cx); if (sameCompartment && couldBeDOMBinding) { return TypeNeedsOuterization<T>::value ? TryToOuterize(rval) : true; } if (wrapBehavior == eDontWrapIntoContextCompartment) { if (TypeNeedsOuterization<T>::value) { JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, obj); return TryToOuterize(rval); } return true; } return JS_WrapValue(cx, rval); } } // namespace binding_detail // Create a JSObject wrapping "value", if there isn't one already, and store it // in rval. "value" must be a concrete class that implements a // GetWrapperPreserveColor() which can return its existing wrapper, if any, and // a WrapObject() which will try to create a wrapper. Typically, this is done by // having "value" inherit from nsWrapperCache. // // The value stored in rval will be ready to be exposed to whatever JS // is running on cx right now. In particular, it will be in the // compartment of cx, and outerized as needed. template <class T> MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool GetOrCreateDOMReflector(JSContext* cx, T* value, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval, JS::Handle<JSObject*> givenProto = nullptr) { using namespace binding_detail; return DoGetOrCreateDOMReflector<T, eWrapIntoContextCompartment>(cx, value, givenProto, rval); } // Like GetOrCreateDOMReflector but doesn't wrap into the context compartment, // and hence does not actually require cx to be in a compartment. template <class T> MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool GetOrCreateDOMReflectorNoWrap(JSContext* cx, T* value, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { using namespace binding_detail; return DoGetOrCreateDOMReflector<T, eDontWrapIntoContextCompartment>(cx, value, nullptr, rval); } // Create a JSObject wrapping "value", for cases when "value" is a // non-wrapper-cached object using WebIDL bindings. "value" must implement a // WrapObject() method taking a JSContext and a scope. template <class T> inline bool WrapNewBindingNonWrapperCachedObject(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> scopeArg, T* value, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval, JS::Handle<JSObject*> givenProto = nullptr) { static_assert(IsRefcounted<T>::value, "Don't pass owned classes in here."); MOZ_ASSERT(value); // We try to wrap in the compartment of the underlying object of "scope" JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx); { // scope for the JSAutoCompartment so that we restore the compartment // before we call JS_WrapValue. Maybe<JSAutoCompartment> ac; // Maybe<Handle> doesn't so much work, and in any case, adding // more Maybe (one for a Rooted and one for a Handle) adds more // code (and branches!) than just adding a single rooted. JS::Rooted<JSObject*> scope(cx, scopeArg); JS::Rooted<JSObject*> proto(cx, givenProto); if (js::IsWrapper(scope)) { scope = js::CheckedUnwrap(scope, /* stopAtWindowProxy = */ false); if (!scope) return false; ac.emplace(cx, scope); if (!JS_WrapObject(cx, &proto)) { return false; } } MOZ_ASSERT(js::IsObjectInContextCompartment(scope, cx)); if (!value->WrapObject(cx, proto, &obj)) { return false; } } // We can end up here in all sorts of compartments, per above. Make // sure to JS_WrapValue! rval.set(JS::ObjectValue(*obj)); return MaybeWrapObjectValue(cx, rval); } // Create a JSObject wrapping "value", for cases when "value" is a // non-wrapper-cached owned object using WebIDL bindings. "value" must implement a // WrapObject() method taking a JSContext, a scope, and a boolean outparam that // is true if the JSObject took ownership template <class T> inline bool WrapNewBindingNonWrapperCachedObject(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> scopeArg, nsAutoPtr<T>& value, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval, JS::Handle<JSObject*> givenProto = nullptr) { static_assert(!IsRefcounted<T>::value, "Only pass owned classes in here."); // We do a runtime check on value, because otherwise we might in // fact end up wrapping a null and invoking methods on it later. if (!value) { NS_RUNTIMEABORT("Don't try to wrap null objects"); } // We try to wrap in the compartment of the underlying object of "scope" JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx); { // scope for the JSAutoCompartment so that we restore the compartment // before we call JS_WrapValue. Maybe<JSAutoCompartment> ac; // Maybe<Handle> doesn't so much work, and in any case, adding // more Maybe (one for a Rooted and one for a Handle) adds more // code (and branches!) than just adding a single rooted. JS::Rooted<JSObject*> scope(cx, scopeArg); JS::Rooted<JSObject*> proto(cx, givenProto); if (js::IsWrapper(scope)) { scope = js::CheckedUnwrap(scope, /* stopAtWindowProxy = */ false); if (!scope) return false; ac.emplace(cx, scope); if (!JS_WrapObject(cx, &proto)) { return false; } } MOZ_ASSERT(js::IsObjectInContextCompartment(scope, cx)); if (!value->WrapObject(cx, proto, &obj)) { return false; } value.forget(); } // We can end up here in all sorts of compartments, per above. Make // sure to JS_WrapValue! rval.set(JS::ObjectValue(*obj)); return MaybeWrapObjectValue(cx, rval); } // Helper for smart pointers (nsRefPtr/nsCOMPtr). template <template <typename> class SmartPtr, typename T, typename U=typename EnableIf<IsRefcounted<T>::value, T>::Type, typename V=typename EnableIf<IsSmartPtr<SmartPtr<T>>::value, T>::Type> inline bool WrapNewBindingNonWrapperCachedObject(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> scope, const SmartPtr<T>& value, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval, JS::Handle<JSObject*> givenProto = nullptr) { return WrapNewBindingNonWrapperCachedObject(cx, scope, value.get(), rval, givenProto); } // Helper for object references (as opposed to pointers). template <typename T, typename U=typename EnableIf<!IsSmartPtr<T>::value, T>::Type> inline bool WrapNewBindingNonWrapperCachedObject(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> scope, T& value, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval, JS::Handle<JSObject*> givenProto = nullptr) { return WrapNewBindingNonWrapperCachedObject(cx, scope, &value, rval, givenProto); } // Only set allowNativeWrapper to false if you really know you need it, if in // doubt use true. Setting it to false disables security wrappers. bool NativeInterface2JSObjectAndThrowIfFailed(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aScope, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetval, xpcObjectHelper& aHelper, const nsIID* aIID, bool aAllowNativeWrapper); /** * A method to handle new-binding wrap failure, by possibly falling back to * wrapping as a non-new-binding object. */ template <class T> MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool HandleNewBindingWrappingFailure(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> scope, T* value, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { if (JS_IsExceptionPending(cx)) { return false; } qsObjectHelper helper(value, GetWrapperCache(value)); return NativeInterface2JSObjectAndThrowIfFailed(cx, scope, rval, helper, nullptr, true); } // Helper for calling HandleNewBindingWrappingFailure with smart pointers // (nsAutoPtr/nsRefPtr/nsCOMPtr) or references. template <class T, bool isSmartPtr=IsSmartPtr<T>::value> struct HandleNewBindingWrappingFailureHelper { static inline bool Wrap(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> scope, const T& value, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { return HandleNewBindingWrappingFailure(cx, scope, value.get(), rval); } }; template <class T> struct HandleNewBindingWrappingFailureHelper<T, false> { static inline bool Wrap(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> scope, T& value, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { return HandleNewBindingWrappingFailure(cx, scope, &value, rval); } }; template<class T> inline bool HandleNewBindingWrappingFailure(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> scope, T& value, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { return HandleNewBindingWrappingFailureHelper<T>::Wrap(cx, scope, value, rval); } template<bool Fatal> inline bool EnumValueNotFound(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleString str, const char* type, const char* sourceDescription); template<> inline bool EnumValueNotFound<false>(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleString str, const char* type, const char* sourceDescription) { // TODO: Log a warning to the console. return true; } template<> inline bool EnumValueNotFound<true>(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleString str, const char* type, const char* sourceDescription) { JSAutoByteString deflated; if (!deflated.encodeUtf8(cx, str)) { return false; } return ThrowErrorMessage(cx, MSG_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE, sourceDescription, deflated.ptr(), type); } template<typename CharT> inline int FindEnumStringIndexImpl(const CharT* chars, size_t length, const EnumEntry* values) { int i = 0; for (const EnumEntry* value = values; value->value; ++value, ++i) { if (length != value->length) { continue; } bool equal = true; const char* val = value->value; for (size_t j = 0; j != length; ++j) { if (unsigned(val[j]) != unsigned(chars[j])) { equal = false; break; } } if (equal) { return i; } } return -1; } template<bool InvalidValueFatal> inline bool FindEnumStringIndex(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> v, const EnumEntry* values, const char* type, const char* sourceDescription, int* index) { // JS_StringEqualsAscii is slow as molasses, so don't use it here. JS::RootedString str(cx, JS::ToString(cx, v)); if (!str) { return false; } { size_t length; JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; if (js::StringHasLatin1Chars(str)) { const JS::Latin1Char* chars = JS_GetLatin1StringCharsAndLength(cx, nogc, str, &length); if (!chars) { return false; } *index = FindEnumStringIndexImpl(chars, length, values); } else { const char16_t* chars = JS_GetTwoByteStringCharsAndLength(cx, nogc, str, &length); if (!chars) { return false; } *index = FindEnumStringIndexImpl(chars, length, values); } if (*index >= 0) { return true; } } return EnumValueNotFound<InvalidValueFatal>(cx, str, type, sourceDescription); } inline nsWrapperCache* GetWrapperCache(const ParentObject& aParentObject) { return aParentObject.mWrapperCache; } template<class T> inline T* GetParentPointer(T* aObject) { return aObject; } inline nsISupports* GetParentPointer(const ParentObject& aObject) { return aObject.mObject; } template <typename T> inline bool GetUseXBLScope(T* aParentObject) { return false; } inline bool GetUseXBLScope(const ParentObject& aParentObject) { return aParentObject.mUseXBLScope; } template<class T> inline void ClearWrapper(T* p, nsWrapperCache* cache) { cache->ClearWrapper(); } template<class T> inline void ClearWrapper(T* p, void*) { nsWrapperCache* cache; CallQueryInterface(p, &cache); ClearWrapper(p, cache); } template<class T> inline void UpdateWrapper(T* p, nsWrapperCache* cache, JSObject* obj, const JSObject* old) { JS::AutoAssertGCCallback inCallback(obj); cache->UpdateWrapper(obj, old); } template<class T> inline void UpdateWrapper(T* p, void*, JSObject* obj, const JSObject* old) { JS::AutoAssertGCCallback inCallback(obj); nsWrapperCache* cache; CallQueryInterface(p, &cache); UpdateWrapper(p, cache, obj, old); } // Attempt to preserve the wrapper, if any, for a Paris DOM bindings object. // Return true if we successfully preserved the wrapper, or there is no wrapper // to preserve. In the latter case we don't need to preserve the wrapper, because // the object can only be obtained by JS once, or they cannot be meaningfully // owned from the native side. // // This operation will return false only for non-nsISupports cycle-collected // objects, because we cannot determine if they are wrappercached or not. bool TryPreserveWrapper(JSObject* obj); // Can only be called with a DOM JSClass. bool InstanceClassHasProtoAtDepth(const js::Class* clasp, uint32_t protoID, uint32_t depth); // Only set allowNativeWrapper to false if you really know you need it, if in // doubt use true. Setting it to false disables security wrappers. bool XPCOMObjectToJsval(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> scope, xpcObjectHelper& helper, const nsIID* iid, bool allowNativeWrapper, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval); // Special-cased wrapping for variants bool VariantToJsval(JSContext* aCx, nsIVariant* aVariant, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetval); // Wrap an object "p" which is not using WebIDL bindings yet. This _will_ // actually work on WebIDL binding objects that are wrappercached, but will be // much slower than GetOrCreateDOMReflector. "cache" must either be null or be // the nsWrapperCache for "p". template<class T> inline bool WrapObject(JSContext* cx, T* p, nsWrapperCache* cache, const nsIID* iid, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { if (xpc_FastGetCachedWrapper(cx, cache, rval)) return true; qsObjectHelper helper(p, cache); JS::Rooted<JSObject*> scope(cx, JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx)); return XPCOMObjectToJsval(cx, scope, helper, iid, true, rval); } // A specialization of the above for nsIVariant, because that needs to // do something different. template<> inline bool WrapObject<nsIVariant>(JSContext* cx, nsIVariant* p, nsWrapperCache* cache, const nsIID* iid, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { MOZ_ASSERT(iid); MOZ_ASSERT(iid->Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIVariant))); return VariantToJsval(cx, p, rval); } // Wrap an object "p" which is not using WebIDL bindings yet. Just like the // variant that takes an nsWrapperCache above, but will try to auto-derive the // nsWrapperCache* from "p". template<class T> inline bool WrapObject(JSContext* cx, T* p, const nsIID* iid, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { return WrapObject(cx, p, GetWrapperCache(p), iid, rval); } // Just like the WrapObject above, but without requiring you to pick which // interface you're wrapping as. This should only be used for objects that have // classinfo, for which it doesn't matter what IID is used to wrap. template<class T> inline bool WrapObject(JSContext* cx, T* p, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { return WrapObject(cx, p, nullptr, rval); } // Helper to make it possible to wrap directly out of an nsCOMPtr template<class T> inline bool WrapObject(JSContext* cx, const nsCOMPtr<T>& p, const nsIID* iid, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { return WrapObject(cx, p.get(), iid, rval); } // Helper to make it possible to wrap directly out of an nsCOMPtr template<class T> inline bool WrapObject(JSContext* cx, const nsCOMPtr<T>& p, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { return WrapObject(cx, p, nullptr, rval); } // Helper to make it possible to wrap directly out of an nsRefPtr template<class T> inline bool WrapObject(JSContext* cx, const RefPtr<T>& p, const nsIID* iid, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { return WrapObject(cx, p.get(), iid, rval); } // Helper to make it possible to wrap directly out of an nsRefPtr template<class T> inline bool WrapObject(JSContext* cx, const RefPtr<T>& p, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { return WrapObject(cx, p, nullptr, rval); } // Specialization to make it easy to use WrapObject in codegen. template<> inline bool WrapObject<JSObject>(JSContext* cx, JSObject* p, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { rval.set(JS::ObjectOrNullValue(p)); return true; } inline bool WrapObject(JSContext* cx, JSObject& p, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { rval.set(JS::ObjectValue(p)); return true; } // Given an object "p" that inherits from nsISupports, wrap it and return the // result. Null is returned on wrapping failure. This is somewhat similar to // WrapObject() above, but does NOT allow Xrays around the result, since we // don't want those for our parent object. template<typename T> static inline JSObject* WrapNativeISupports(JSContext* cx, T* p, nsWrapperCache* cache) { qsObjectHelper helper(ToSupports(p), cache); JS::Rooted<JSObject*> scope(cx, JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx)); JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx); return XPCOMObjectToJsval(cx, scope, helper, nullptr, false, &v) ? v.toObjectOrNull() : nullptr; } // Fallback for when our parent is not a WebIDL binding object. template<typename T, bool isISupports=IsBaseOf<nsISupports, T>::value> struct WrapNativeFallback { static inline JSObject* Wrap(JSContext* cx, T* parent, nsWrapperCache* cache) { return nullptr; } }; // Fallback for when our parent is not a WebIDL binding object but _is_ an // nsISupports object. template<typename T > struct WrapNativeFallback<T, true > { static inline JSObject* Wrap(JSContext* cx, T* parent, nsWrapperCache* cache) { return WrapNativeISupports(cx, parent, cache); } }; // Wrapping of our native parent, for cases when it's a WebIDL object (though // possibly preffed off). template<typename T, bool hasWrapObject=NativeHasMember<T>::WrapObject> struct WrapNativeHelper { static inline JSObject* Wrap(JSContext* cx, T* parent, nsWrapperCache* cache) { MOZ_ASSERT(cache); JSObject* obj; if ((obj = cache->GetWrapper())) { // GetWrapper always unmarks gray. MOZ_ASSERT(!JS::ObjectIsMarkedGray(obj)); return obj; } // Inline this here while we have non-dom objects in wrapper caches. if (!CouldBeDOMBinding(parent)) { // WrapNativeFallback never returns a gray thing. obj = WrapNativeFallback<T>::Wrap(cx, parent, cache); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(obj, !JS::ObjectIsMarkedGray(obj)); } else { // WrapObject never returns a gray thing. obj = parent->WrapObject(cx, nullptr); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(obj, !JS::ObjectIsMarkedGray(obj)); } return obj; } }; // Wrapping of our native parent, for cases when it's not a WebIDL object. In // this case it must be nsISupports. template<typename T> struct WrapNativeHelper<T, false> { static inline JSObject* Wrap(JSContext* cx, T* parent, nsWrapperCache* cache) { JSObject* obj; if (cache && (obj = cache->GetWrapper())) { #ifdef DEBUG JS::Rooted<JSObject*> rootedObj(cx, obj); NS_ASSERTION(WrapNativeISupports(cx, parent, cache) == rootedObj, "Unexpected object in nsWrapperCache"); obj = rootedObj; #endif MOZ_ASSERT(!JS::ObjectIsMarkedGray(obj)); return obj; } obj = WrapNativeISupports(cx, parent, cache); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(obj, !JS::ObjectIsMarkedGray(obj)); return obj; } }; // Finding the associated global for an object. template<typename T> static inline JSObject* FindAssociatedGlobal(JSContext* cx, T* p, nsWrapperCache* cache, bool useXBLScope = false) { if (!p) { return JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx); } JSObject* obj = WrapNativeHelper<T>::Wrap(cx, p, cache); if (!obj) { return nullptr; } MOZ_ASSERT(!JS::ObjectIsMarkedGray(obj)); obj = js::GetGlobalForObjectCrossCompartment(obj); if (!useXBLScope) { return obj; } // If useXBLScope is true, it means that the canonical reflector for this // native object should live in the content XBL scope. Note that we never put // anonymous content inside an add-on scope. if (xpc::IsInContentXBLScope(obj)) { return obj; } JS::Rooted<JSObject*> rootedObj(cx, obj); JSObject* xblScope = xpc::GetXBLScope(cx, rootedObj); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(xblScope, JS_IsGlobalObject(xblScope)); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(xblScope, !JS::ObjectIsMarkedGray(xblScope)); return xblScope; } // Finding of the associated global for an object, when we don't want to // explicitly pass in things like the nsWrapperCache for it. template<typename T> static inline JSObject* FindAssociatedGlobal(JSContext* cx, const T& p) { return FindAssociatedGlobal(cx, GetParentPointer(p), GetWrapperCache(p), GetUseXBLScope(p)); } // Specialization for the case of nsIGlobalObject, since in that case // we can just get the JSObject* directly. template<> inline JSObject* FindAssociatedGlobal(JSContext* cx, nsIGlobalObject* const& p) { if (!p) { return JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx); } JSObject* global = p->GetGlobalJSObject(); if (!global) { return nullptr; } MOZ_ASSERT(JS_IsGlobalObject(global)); // This object could be gray if the nsIGlobalObject is the only thing keeping // it alive. JS::ExposeObjectToActiveJS(global); return global; } template<typename T, bool hasAssociatedGlobal=NativeHasMember<T>::GetParentObject> struct FindAssociatedGlobalForNative { static JSObject* Get(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj) { MOZ_ASSERT(js::IsObjectInContextCompartment(obj, cx)); T* native = UnwrapDOMObject<T>(obj); return FindAssociatedGlobal(cx, native->GetParentObject()); } }; template<typename T> struct FindAssociatedGlobalForNative<T, false> { static JSObject* Get(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj) { MOZ_CRASH(); return nullptr; } }; // Helper for calling GetOrCreateDOMReflector with smart pointers // (nsAutoPtr/nsRefPtr/nsCOMPtr) or references. template <class T, bool isSmartPtr=IsSmartPtr<T>::value> struct GetOrCreateDOMReflectorHelper { static inline bool GetOrCreate(JSContext* cx, const T& value, JS::Handle<JSObject*> givenProto, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { return GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, value.get(), rval, givenProto); } }; template <class T> struct GetOrCreateDOMReflectorHelper<T, false> { static inline bool GetOrCreate(JSContext* cx, T& value, JS::Handle<JSObject*> givenProto, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { static_assert(IsRefcounted<T>::value, "Don't pass owned classes in here."); return GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, &value, rval, givenProto); } }; template<class T> inline bool GetOrCreateDOMReflector(JSContext* cx, T& value, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval, JS::Handle<JSObject*> givenProto = nullptr) { return GetOrCreateDOMReflectorHelper<T>::GetOrCreate(cx, value, givenProto, rval); } // Helper for calling GetOrCreateDOMReflectorNoWrap with smart pointers // (nsAutoPtr/nsRefPtr/nsCOMPtr) or references. template <class T, bool isSmartPtr=IsSmartPtr<T>::value> struct GetOrCreateDOMReflectorNoWrapHelper { static inline bool GetOrCreate(JSContext* cx, const T& value, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { return GetOrCreateDOMReflectorNoWrap(cx, value.get(), rval); } }; template <class T> struct GetOrCreateDOMReflectorNoWrapHelper<T, false> { static inline bool GetOrCreate(JSContext* cx, T& value, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { return GetOrCreateDOMReflectorNoWrap(cx, &value, rval); } }; template<class T> inline bool GetOrCreateDOMReflectorNoWrap(JSContext* cx, T& value, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { return GetOrCreateDOMReflectorNoWrapHelper<T>::GetOrCreate(cx, value, rval); } template <class T> inline JSObject* GetCallbackFromCallbackObject(T* aObj) { return aObj->Callback(); } // Helper for getting the callback JSObject* of a smart ptr around a // CallbackObject or a reference to a CallbackObject or something like // that. template <class T, bool isSmartPtr=IsSmartPtr<T>::value> struct GetCallbackFromCallbackObjectHelper { static inline JSObject* Get(const T& aObj) { return GetCallbackFromCallbackObject(aObj.get()); } }; template <class T> struct GetCallbackFromCallbackObjectHelper<T, false> { static inline JSObject* Get(T& aObj) { return GetCallbackFromCallbackObject(&aObj); } }; template<class T> inline JSObject* GetCallbackFromCallbackObject(T& aObj) { return GetCallbackFromCallbackObjectHelper<T>::Get(aObj); } static inline bool AtomizeAndPinJSString(JSContext* cx, jsid& id, const char* chars) { if (JSString *str = ::JS_AtomizeAndPinString(cx, chars)) { id = INTERNED_STRING_TO_JSID(cx, str); return true; } return false; } // Spec needs a name property template <typename Spec> static bool InitIds(JSContext* cx, const Prefable<Spec>* prefableSpecs, jsid* ids) { MOZ_ASSERT(prefableSpecs); MOZ_ASSERT(prefableSpecs->specs); do { // We ignore whether the set of ids is enabled and just intern all the IDs, // because this is only done once per application runtime. Spec* spec = prefableSpecs->specs; do { if (!JS::PropertySpecNameToPermanentId(cx, spec->name, ids)) { return false; } } while (++ids, (++spec)->name); // We ran out of ids for that pref. Put a JSID_VOID in on the id // corresponding to the list terminator for the pref. *ids = JSID_VOID; ++ids; } while ((++prefableSpecs)->specs); return true; } bool QueryInterface(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp); template <class T> struct WantsQueryInterface { static_assert(IsBaseOf<nsISupports, T>::value, "QueryInterface can't work without an nsISupports."); static bool Enabled(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aGlobal) { return NS_IsMainThread() && IsChromeOrXBL(aCx, aGlobal); } }; void GetInterfaceImpl(JSContext* aCx, nsIInterfaceRequestor* aRequestor, nsWrapperCache* aCache, nsIJSID* aIID, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetval, ErrorResult& aError); template<class T> void GetInterface(JSContext* aCx, T* aThis, nsIJSID* aIID, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetval, ErrorResult& aError) { GetInterfaceImpl(aCx, aThis, aThis, aIID, aRetval, aError); } bool ThrowingConstructor(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp); bool ThrowConstructorWithoutNew(JSContext* cx, const char* name); bool GetPropertyOnPrototype(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> proxy, JS::Handle<JS::Value> receiver, JS::Handle<jsid> id, bool* found, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> vp); // bool HasPropertyOnPrototype(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> proxy, JS::Handle<jsid> id, bool* has); // Append the property names in "names" to "props". If // shadowPrototypeProperties is false then skip properties that are also // present on the proto chain of proxy. If shadowPrototypeProperties is true, // then the "proxy" argument is ignored. bool AppendNamedPropertyIds(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> proxy, nsTArray<nsString>& names, bool shadowPrototypeProperties, JS::AutoIdVector& props); namespace binding_detail { class FastErrorResult : public mozilla::binding_danger::TErrorResult< mozilla::binding_danger::JustAssertCleanupPolicy> { }; } // namespace binding_detail enum StringificationBehavior { eStringify, eEmpty, eNull }; template<typename T> static inline bool ConvertJSValueToString(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> v, StringificationBehavior nullBehavior, StringificationBehavior undefinedBehavior, T& result) { JSString *s; if (v.isString()) { s = v.toString(); } else { StringificationBehavior behavior; if (v.isNull()) { behavior = nullBehavior; } else if (v.isUndefined()) { behavior = undefinedBehavior; } else { behavior = eStringify; } if (behavior != eStringify) { if (behavior == eEmpty) { result.Truncate(); } else { result.SetIsVoid(true); } return true; } s = JS::ToString(cx, v); if (!s) { return false; } } return AssignJSString(cx, result, s); } template<typename T> static inline bool ConvertJSValueToString(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> v, T& result) { return ConvertJSValueToString(cx, v, eStringify, eStringify, result); } void NormalizeUSVString(nsAString& aString); void NormalizeUSVString(binding_detail::FakeString& aString); template<typename T> static inline bool ConvertJSValueToUSVString(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> v, T& result) { if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, v, eStringify, eStringify, result)) { return false; } NormalizeUSVString(result); return true; } template<typename T> inline bool ConvertIdToString(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleId id, T& result, bool& isSymbol) { if (MOZ_LIKELY(JSID_IS_STRING(id))) { if (!AssignJSString(cx, result, JSID_TO_STRING(id))) { return false; } } else if (JSID_IS_SYMBOL(id)) { isSymbol = true; return true; } else { JS::RootedValue nameVal(cx, js::IdToValue(id)); if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, nameVal, eStringify, eStringify, result)) { return false; } } isSymbol = false; return true; } bool ConvertJSValueToByteString(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> v, bool nullable, nsACString& result); inline bool ConvertJSValueToByteString(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> v, nsACString& result) { return ConvertJSValueToByteString(cx, v, false, result); } template<typename T> void DoTraceSequence(JSTracer* trc, FallibleTArray<T>& seq); template<typename T> void DoTraceSequence(JSTracer* trc, InfallibleTArray<T>& seq); // Class used to trace sequences, with specializations for various // sequence types. template<typename T, bool isDictionary=IsBaseOf<DictionaryBase, T>::value, bool isTypedArray=IsBaseOf<AllTypedArraysBase, T>::value, bool isOwningUnion=IsBaseOf<AllOwningUnionBase, T>::value> class SequenceTracer { explicit SequenceTracer() = delete; // Should never be instantiated }; // sequence<object> or sequence<object?> template<> class SequenceTracer<JSObject*, false, false, false> { explicit SequenceTracer() = delete; // Should never be instantiated public: static void TraceSequence(JSTracer* trc, JSObject** objp, JSObject** end) { for (; objp != end; ++objp) { JS::UnsafeTraceRoot(trc, objp, "sequence<object>"); } } }; // sequence<any> template<> class SequenceTracer<JS::Value, false, false, false> { explicit SequenceTracer() = delete; // Should never be instantiated public: static void TraceSequence(JSTracer* trc, JS::Value* valp, JS::Value* end) { for (; valp != end; ++valp) { JS::UnsafeTraceRoot(trc, valp, "sequence<any>"); } } }; // sequence<sequence<T>> template<typename T> class SequenceTracer<Sequence<T>, false, false, false> { explicit SequenceTracer() = delete; // Should never be instantiated public: static void TraceSequence(JSTracer* trc, Sequence<T>* seqp, Sequence<T>* end) { for (; seqp != end; ++seqp) { DoTraceSequence(trc, *seqp); } } }; // sequence<sequence<T>> as return value template<typename T> class SequenceTracer<nsTArray<T>, false, false, false> { explicit SequenceTracer() = delete; // Should never be instantiated public: static void TraceSequence(JSTracer* trc, nsTArray<T>* seqp, nsTArray<T>* end) { for (; seqp != end; ++seqp) { DoTraceSequence(trc, *seqp); } } }; // sequence<someDictionary> template<typename T> class SequenceTracer<T, true, false, false> { explicit SequenceTracer() = delete; // Should never be instantiated public: static void TraceSequence(JSTracer* trc, T* dictp, T* end) { for (; dictp != end; ++dictp) { dictp->TraceDictionary(trc); } } }; // sequence<SomeTypedArray> template<typename T> class SequenceTracer<T, false, true, false> { explicit SequenceTracer() = delete; // Should never be instantiated public: static void TraceSequence(JSTracer* trc, T* arrayp, T* end) { for (; arrayp != end; ++arrayp) { arrayp->TraceSelf(trc); } } }; // sequence<SomeOwningUnion> template<typename T> class SequenceTracer<T, false, false, true> { explicit SequenceTracer() = delete; // Should never be instantiated public: static void TraceSequence(JSTracer* trc, T* arrayp, T* end) { for (; arrayp != end; ++arrayp) { arrayp->TraceUnion(trc); } } }; // sequence<T?> with T? being a Nullable<T> template<typename T> class SequenceTracer<Nullable<T>, false, false, false> { explicit SequenceTracer() = delete; // Should never be instantiated public: static void TraceSequence(JSTracer* trc, Nullable<T>* seqp, Nullable<T>* end) { for (; seqp != end; ++seqp) { if (!seqp->IsNull()) { // Pretend like we actually have a length-one sequence here so // we can do template instantiation correctly for T. T& val = seqp->Value(); T* ptr = &val; SequenceTracer<T>::TraceSequence(trc, ptr, ptr+1); } } } }; template<typename K, typename V> void TraceRecord(JSTracer* trc, Record<K, V>& record) { for (auto& entry : record.Entries()) { // Act like it's a one-element sequence to leverage all that infrastructure. SequenceTracer<V>::TraceSequence(trc, &entry.mValue, &entry.mValue + 1); } } // sequence<record> template<typename K, typename V> class SequenceTracer<Record<K, V>, false, false, false> { explicit SequenceTracer() = delete; // Should never be instantiated public: static void TraceSequence(JSTracer* trc, Record<K, V>* seqp, Record<K, V>* end) { for (; seqp != end; ++seqp) { TraceRecord(trc, *seqp); } } }; template<typename T> void DoTraceSequence(JSTracer* trc, FallibleTArray<T>& seq) { SequenceTracer<T>::TraceSequence(trc, seq.Elements(), seq.Elements() + seq.Length()); } template<typename T> void DoTraceSequence(JSTracer* trc, InfallibleTArray<T>& seq) { SequenceTracer<T>::TraceSequence(trc, seq.Elements(), seq.Elements() + seq.Length()); } // Rooter class for sequences; this is what we mostly use in the codegen template<typename T> class MOZ_RAII SequenceRooter final : private JS::CustomAutoRooter { public: SequenceRooter(JSContext *aCx, FallibleTArray<T>* aSequence MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM) : JS::CustomAutoRooter(aCx MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM_TO_PARENT), mFallibleArray(aSequence), mSequenceType(eFallibleArray) { } SequenceRooter(JSContext *aCx, InfallibleTArray<T>* aSequence MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM) : JS::CustomAutoRooter(aCx MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM_TO_PARENT), mInfallibleArray(aSequence), mSequenceType(eInfallibleArray) { } SequenceRooter(JSContext *aCx, Nullable<nsTArray<T> >* aSequence MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM) : JS::CustomAutoRooter(aCx MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM_TO_PARENT), mNullableArray(aSequence), mSequenceType(eNullableArray) { } private: enum SequenceType { eInfallibleArray, eFallibleArray, eNullableArray }; virtual void trace(JSTracer *trc) override { if (mSequenceType == eFallibleArray) { DoTraceSequence(trc, *mFallibleArray); } else if (mSequenceType == eInfallibleArray) { DoTraceSequence(trc, *mInfallibleArray); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(mSequenceType == eNullableArray); if (!mNullableArray->IsNull()) { DoTraceSequence(trc, mNullableArray->Value()); } } } union { InfallibleTArray<T>* mInfallibleArray; FallibleTArray<T>* mFallibleArray; Nullable<nsTArray<T> >* mNullableArray; }; SequenceType mSequenceType; }; // Rooter class for Record; this is what we mostly use in the codegen. template<typename K, typename V> class MOZ_RAII RecordRooter final : private JS::CustomAutoRooter { public: RecordRooter(JSContext *aCx, Record<K, V>* aRecord MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM) : JS::CustomAutoRooter(aCx MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM_TO_PARENT), mRecord(aRecord), mRecordType(eRecord) { } RecordRooter(JSContext *aCx, Nullable<Record<K, V>>* aRecord MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM) : JS::CustomAutoRooter(aCx MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM_TO_PARENT), mNullableRecord(aRecord), mRecordType(eNullableRecord) { } private: enum RecordType { eRecord, eNullableRecord }; virtual void trace(JSTracer *trc) override { if (mRecordType == eRecord) { TraceRecord(trc, *mRecord); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(mRecordType == eNullableRecord); if (!mNullableRecord->IsNull()) { TraceRecord(trc, mNullableRecord->Value()); } } } union { Record<K, V>* mRecord; Nullable<Record<K, V>>* mNullableRecord; }; RecordType mRecordType; }; template<typename T> class MOZ_RAII RootedUnion : public T, private JS::CustomAutoRooter { public: explicit RootedUnion(JSContext* cx MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM) : T(), JS::CustomAutoRooter(cx MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM_TO_PARENT) { } virtual void trace(JSTracer *trc) override { this->TraceUnion(trc); } }; template<typename T> class MOZ_STACK_CLASS NullableRootedUnion : public Nullable<T>, private JS::CustomAutoRooter { public: explicit NullableRootedUnion(JSContext* cx MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM) : Nullable<T>(), JS::CustomAutoRooter(cx MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM_TO_PARENT) { } virtual void trace(JSTracer *trc) override { if (!this->IsNull()) { this->Value().TraceUnion(trc); } } }; inline bool IdEquals(jsid id, const char* string) { return JSID_IS_STRING(id) && JS_FlatStringEqualsAscii(JSID_TO_FLAT_STRING(id), string); } inline bool AddStringToIDVector(JSContext* cx, JS::AutoIdVector& vector, const char* name) { return vector.growBy(1) && AtomizeAndPinJSString(cx, *(vector[vector.length() - 1]).address(), name); } // We use one constructor JSNative to represent all DOM interface objects (so // we can easily detect when we need to wrap them in an Xray wrapper). We store // the real JSNative in the mNative member of a JSNativeHolder in the // CONSTRUCTOR_NATIVE_HOLDER_RESERVED_SLOT slot of the JSFunction object for a // specific interface object. We also store the NativeProperties in the // JSNativeHolder. // Note that some interface objects are not yet a JSFunction but a normal // JSObject with a DOMJSClass, those do not use these slots. enum { CONSTRUCTOR_NATIVE_HOLDER_RESERVED_SLOT = 0 }; bool Constructor(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp); // Implementation of the bits that XrayWrapper needs /** * This resolves operations, attributes and constants of the interfaces for obj. * * wrapper is the Xray JS object. * obj is the target object of the Xray, a binding's instance object or a * interface or interface prototype object. */ bool XrayResolveOwnProperty(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> wrapper, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id, JS::MutableHandle<JS::PropertyDescriptor> desc, bool& cacheOnHolder); /** * Define a property on obj through an Xray wrapper. * * wrapper is the Xray JS object. * obj is the target object of the Xray, a binding's instance object or a * interface or interface prototype object. * id and desc are the parameters for the property to be defined. * result is the out-parameter indicating success (read it only if * this returns true and also sets *defined to true). * defined will be set to true if a property was set as a result of this call. */ bool XrayDefineProperty(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> wrapper, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id, JS::Handle<JS::PropertyDescriptor> desc, JS::ObjectOpResult &result, bool *defined); /** * Add to props the property keys of all indexed or named properties of obj and * operations, attributes and constants of the interfaces for obj. * * wrapper is the Xray JS object. * obj is the target object of the Xray, a binding's instance object or a * interface or interface prototype object. * flags are JSITER_* flags. */ bool XrayOwnPropertyKeys(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> wrapper, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, unsigned flags, JS::AutoIdVector& props); /** * Returns the prototype to use for an Xray for a DOM object, wrapped in cx's * compartment. This always returns the prototype that would be used for a DOM * object if we ignore any changes that might have been done to the prototype * chain by JS, the XBL code or plugins. * * cx should be in the Xray's compartment. * obj is the target object of the Xray, a binding's instance object or an * interface or interface prototype object. */ inline bool XrayGetNativeProto(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> protop) { JS::Rooted<JSObject*> global(cx, js::GetGlobalForObjectCrossCompartment(obj)); { JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, global); const DOMJSClass* domClass = GetDOMClass(obj); if (domClass) { ProtoHandleGetter protoGetter = domClass->mGetProto; if (protoGetter) { protop.set(protoGetter(cx)); } else { protop.set(JS::GetRealmObjectPrototype(cx)); } } else if (JS_ObjectIsFunction(cx, obj)) { MOZ_ASSERT(JS_IsNativeFunction(obj, Constructor)); protop.set(JS::GetRealmFunctionPrototype(cx)); } else { const js::Class* clasp = js::GetObjectClass(obj); MOZ_ASSERT(IsDOMIfaceAndProtoClass(clasp)); ProtoGetter protoGetter = DOMIfaceAndProtoJSClass::FromJSClass(clasp)->mGetParentProto; protop.set(protoGetter(cx)); } } return JS_WrapObject(cx, protop); } /** * Get the Xray expando class to use for the given DOM object. */ const JSClass* XrayGetExpandoClass(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj); /** * Delete a named property, if any. Return value is false if exception thrown, * true otherwise. The caller should not do any more work after calling this * function, because it has no way whether a deletion was performed and hence * opresult already has state set on it. If callers ever need to change that, * add a "bool* found" argument and change the generated DeleteNamedProperty to * use it instead of a local variable. */ bool XrayDeleteNamedProperty(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> wrapper, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id, JS::ObjectOpResult& opresult); /** * Get the object which should be used to cache the return value of a property * getter in the case of a [Cached] or [StoreInSlot] property. `obj` is the * `this` value for our property getter that we're working with. * * This function can return null on failure to allocate the object, throwing on * the JSContext in the process. * * The isXray outparam will be set to true if obj is an Xray and false * otherwise. * * Note that the Slow version should only be called from * GetCachedSlotStorageObject. */ JSObject* GetCachedSlotStorageObjectSlow(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, bool* isXray); inline JSObject* GetCachedSlotStorageObject(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, bool* isXray) { if (IsDOMObject(obj)) { *isXray = false; return obj; } return GetCachedSlotStorageObjectSlow(cx, obj, isXray); } extern NativePropertyHooks sEmptyNativePropertyHooks; extern const js::ClassOps sBoringInterfaceObjectClassClassOps; extern const js::ObjectOps sInterfaceObjectClassObjectOps; inline bool UseDOMXray(JSObject* obj) { const js::Class* clasp = js::GetObjectClass(obj); return IsDOMClass(clasp) || JS_IsNativeFunction(obj, Constructor) || IsDOMIfaceAndProtoClass(clasp); } #ifdef DEBUG inline bool HasConstructor(JSObject* obj) { return JS_IsNativeFunction(obj, Constructor) || js::GetObjectClass(obj)->getConstruct(); } #endif // Helpers for creating a const version of a type. template<typename T> const T& Constify(T& arg) { return arg; } // Helper for turning (Owning)NonNull<T> into T& template<typename T> T& NonNullHelper(T& aArg) { return aArg; } template<typename T> T& NonNullHelper(NonNull<T>& aArg) { return aArg; } template<typename T> const T& NonNullHelper(const NonNull<T>& aArg) { return aArg; } template<typename T> T& NonNullHelper(OwningNonNull<T>& aArg) { return aArg; } template<typename T> const T& NonNullHelper(const OwningNonNull<T>& aArg) { return aArg; } inline void NonNullHelper(NonNull<binding_detail::FakeString>& aArg) { // This overload is here to make sure that we never end up applying // NonNullHelper to a NonNull<binding_detail::FakeString>. If we // try to, it should fail to compile, since presumably the caller will try to // use our nonexistent return value. } inline void NonNullHelper(const NonNull<binding_detail::FakeString>& aArg) { // This overload is here to make sure that we never end up applying // NonNullHelper to a NonNull<binding_detail::FakeString>. If we // try to, it should fail to compile, since presumably the caller will try to // use our nonexistent return value. } inline void NonNullHelper(binding_detail::FakeString& aArg) { // This overload is here to make sure that we never end up applying // NonNullHelper to a FakeString before we've constified it. If we // try to, it should fail to compile, since presumably the caller will try to // use our nonexistent return value. } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE const nsAString& NonNullHelper(const binding_detail::FakeString& aArg) { return aArg; } // Reparent the wrapper of aObj to whatever its native now thinks its // parent should be. nsresult ReparentWrapper(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aObj); /** * Used to implement the Symbol.hasInstance property of an interface object. */ bool InterfaceHasInstance(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp); bool InterfaceHasInstance(JSContext* cx, int prototypeID, int depth, JS::Handle<JSObject*> instance, bool* bp); // Helper for lenient getters/setters to report to console. If this // returns false, we couldn't even get a global. bool ReportLenientThisUnwrappingFailure(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj); // Given a JSObject* that represents the chrome side of a JS-implemented WebIDL // interface, get the nsIGlobalObject corresponding to the content side, if any. // A false return means an exception was thrown. bool GetContentGlobalForJSImplementedObject(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, nsIGlobalObject** global); void ConstructJSImplementation(const char* aContractId, nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aObject, ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed<nsIGlobalObject> ConstructJSImplementation(const char* aContractId, const GlobalObject& aGlobal, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aObject, ErrorResult& aRv); /** * Convert an nsCString to jsval, returning true on success. * These functions are intended for ByteString implementations. * As such, the string is not UTF-8 encoded. Any UTF8 strings passed to these * methods will be mangled. */ bool NonVoidByteStringToJsval(JSContext *cx, const nsACString &str, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval); inline bool ByteStringToJsval(JSContext *cx, const nsACString &str, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) { if (str.IsVoid()) { rval.setNull(); return true; } return NonVoidByteStringToJsval(cx, str, rval); } template<class T, bool isISupports=IsBaseOf<nsISupports, T>::value> struct PreserveWrapperHelper { static void PreserveWrapper(T* aObject) { aObject->PreserveWrapper(aObject, NS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_PARTICIPANT(T)); } }; template<class T> struct PreserveWrapperHelper<T, true> { static void PreserveWrapper(T* aObject) { aObject->PreserveWrapper(reinterpret_cast<nsISupports*>(aObject)); } }; template<class T> void PreserveWrapper(T* aObject) { PreserveWrapperHelper<T>::PreserveWrapper(aObject); } template<class T, bool isISupports=IsBaseOf<nsISupports, T>::value> struct CastingAssertions { static bool ToSupportsIsCorrect(T*) { return true; } static bool ToSupportsIsOnPrimaryInheritanceChain(T*, nsWrapperCache*) { return true; } }; template<class T> struct CastingAssertions<T, true> { static bool ToSupportsIsCorrect(T* aObject) { return ToSupports(aObject) == reinterpret_cast<nsISupports*>(aObject); } static bool ToSupportsIsOnPrimaryInheritanceChain(T* aObject, nsWrapperCache* aCache) { return reinterpret_cast<void*>(aObject) != aCache; } }; template<class T> bool ToSupportsIsCorrect(T* aObject) { return CastingAssertions<T>::ToSupportsIsCorrect(aObject); } template<class T> bool ToSupportsIsOnPrimaryInheritanceChain(T* aObject, nsWrapperCache* aCache) { return CastingAssertions<T>::ToSupportsIsOnPrimaryInheritanceChain(aObject, aCache); } // The BindingJSObjectCreator class is supposed to be used by a caller that // wants to create and initialise a binding JSObject. After initialisation has // been successfully completed it should call ForgetObject(). // The BindingJSObjectCreator object will root the JSObject until ForgetObject() // is called on it. If the native object for the binding is refcounted it will // also hold a strong reference to it, that reference is transferred to the // JSObject (which holds the native in a slot) when ForgetObject() is called. If // the BindingJSObjectCreator object is destroyed and ForgetObject() was never // called on it then the JSObject's slot holding the native will be set to // undefined, and for a refcounted native the strong reference will be released. template<class T> class MOZ_STACK_CLASS BindingJSObjectCreator { public: explicit BindingJSObjectCreator(JSContext* aCx) : mReflector(aCx) { } ~BindingJSObjectCreator() { if (mReflector) { js::SetReservedOrProxyPrivateSlot(mReflector, DOM_OBJECT_SLOT, JS::UndefinedValue()); } } void CreateProxyObject(JSContext* aCx, const js::Class* aClass, const DOMProxyHandler* aHandler, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aProto, T* aNative, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aReflector) { js::ProxyOptions options; options.setClass(aClass); JS::Rooted<JS::Value> proxyPrivateVal(aCx, JS::PrivateValue(aNative)); aReflector.set(js::NewProxyObject(aCx, aHandler, proxyPrivateVal, aProto, options)); if (aReflector) { mNative = aNative; mReflector = aReflector; } } void CreateObject(JSContext* aCx, const JSClass* aClass, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aProto, T* aNative, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aReflector) { aReflector.set(JS_NewObjectWithGivenProto(aCx, aClass, aProto)); if (aReflector) { js::SetReservedSlot(aReflector, DOM_OBJECT_SLOT, JS::PrivateValue(aNative)); mNative = aNative; mReflector = aReflector; } } void InitializationSucceeded() { void* dummy; mNative.forget(&dummy); mReflector = nullptr; } private: struct OwnedNative { // Make sure the native objects inherit from NonRefcountedDOMObject so // that we log their ctor and dtor. static_assert(IsBaseOf<NonRefcountedDOMObject, T>::value, "Non-refcounted objects with DOM bindings should inherit " "from NonRefcountedDOMObject."); OwnedNative& operator=(T* aNative) { return *this; } // This signature sucks, but it's the only one that will make a nsRefPtr // just forget about its pointer without warning. void forget(void**) { } }; JS::Rooted<JSObject*> mReflector; typename Conditional<IsRefcounted<T>::value, RefPtr<T>, OwnedNative>::Type mNative; }; template<class T> struct DeferredFinalizerImpl { typedef typename Conditional<IsSame<T, nsISupports>::value, nsCOMPtr<T>, typename Conditional<IsRefcounted<T>::value, RefPtr<T>, nsAutoPtr<T>>::Type>::Type SmartPtr; typedef SegmentedVector<SmartPtr> SmartPtrArray; static_assert(IsSame<T, nsISupports>::value || !IsBaseOf<nsISupports, T>::value, "nsISupports classes should all use the nsISupports instantiation"); static inline void AppendAndTake(SegmentedVector<nsCOMPtr<nsISupports>>& smartPtrArray, nsISupports* ptr) { smartPtrArray.InfallibleAppend(dont_AddRef(ptr)); } template<class U> static inline void AppendAndTake(SegmentedVector<RefPtr<U>>& smartPtrArray, U* ptr) { smartPtrArray.InfallibleAppend(dont_AddRef(ptr)); } template<class U> static inline void AppendAndTake(SegmentedVector<nsAutoPtr<U>>& smartPtrArray, U* ptr) { smartPtrArray.InfallibleAppend(ptr); } static void* AppendDeferredFinalizePointer(void* aData, void* aObject) { SmartPtrArray* pointers = static_cast<SmartPtrArray*>(aData); if (!pointers) { pointers = new SmartPtrArray(); } AppendAndTake(*pointers, static_cast<T*>(aObject)); return pointers; } static bool DeferredFinalize(uint32_t aSlice, void* aData) { MOZ_ASSERT(aSlice > 0, "nonsensical/useless call with aSlice == 0"); SmartPtrArray* pointers = static_cast<SmartPtrArray*>(aData); uint32_t oldLen = pointers->Length(); if (oldLen < aSlice) { aSlice = oldLen; } uint32_t newLen = oldLen - aSlice; pointers->PopLastN(aSlice); if (newLen == 0) { delete pointers; return true; } return false; } }; template<class T, bool isISupports=IsBaseOf<nsISupports, T>::value> struct DeferredFinalizer { static void AddForDeferredFinalization(T* aObject) { typedef DeferredFinalizerImpl<T> Impl; DeferredFinalize(Impl::AppendDeferredFinalizePointer, Impl::DeferredFinalize, aObject); } }; template<class T> struct DeferredFinalizer<T, true> { static void AddForDeferredFinalization(T* aObject) { DeferredFinalize(reinterpret_cast<nsISupports*>(aObject)); } }; template<class T> static void AddForDeferredFinalization(T* aObject) { DeferredFinalizer<T>::AddForDeferredFinalization(aObject); } // This returns T's CC participant if it participates in CC or null if it // doesn't. This also returns null for classes that don't inherit from // nsISupports (QI should be used to get the participant for those). template<class T, bool isISupports=IsBaseOf<nsISupports, T>::value> class GetCCParticipant { // Helper for GetCCParticipant for classes that participate in CC. template<class U> static constexpr nsCycleCollectionParticipant* GetHelper(int, typename U::NS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INNERCLASS* dummy=nullptr) { return T::NS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INNERCLASS::GetParticipant(); } // Helper for GetCCParticipant for classes that don't participate in CC. template<class U> static constexpr nsCycleCollectionParticipant* GetHelper(double) { return nullptr; } public: static constexpr nsCycleCollectionParticipant* Get() { // Passing int() here will try to call the GetHelper that takes an int as // its firt argument. If T doesn't participate in CC then substitution for // the second argument (with a default value) will fail and because of // SFINAE the next best match (the variant taking a double) will be called. return GetHelper<T>(int()); } }; template<class T> class GetCCParticipant<T, true> { public: static constexpr nsCycleCollectionParticipant* Get() { return nullptr; } }; void FinalizeGlobal(JSFreeOp* aFop, JSObject* aObj); bool ResolveGlobal(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aObj, JS::Handle<jsid> aId, bool* aResolvedp); bool MayResolveGlobal(const JSAtomState& aNames, jsid aId, JSObject* aMaybeObj); bool EnumerateGlobal(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aObj); template <class T> struct CreateGlobalOptions { static constexpr ProtoAndIfaceCache::Kind ProtoAndIfaceCacheKind = ProtoAndIfaceCache::NonWindowLike; static void TraceGlobal(JSTracer* aTrc, JSObject* aObj) { mozilla::dom::TraceProtoAndIfaceCache(aTrc, aObj); } static bool PostCreateGlobal(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGlobal) { MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(TryPreserveWrapper(aGlobal)); return true; } }; template <> struct CreateGlobalOptions<nsGlobalWindow> { static constexpr ProtoAndIfaceCache::Kind ProtoAndIfaceCacheKind = ProtoAndIfaceCache::WindowLike; static void TraceGlobal(JSTracer* aTrc, JSObject* aObj); static bool PostCreateGlobal(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGlobal); }; nsresult RegisterDOMNames(); // The return value is true if we created and successfully performed our part of // the setup for the global, false otherwise. // // Typically this method's caller will want to ensure that // xpc::InitGlobalObjectOptions is called before, and xpc::InitGlobalObject is // called after, this method, to ensure that this global object and its // compartment are consistent with other global objects. template <class T, ProtoHandleGetter GetProto> bool CreateGlobal(JSContext* aCx, T* aNative, nsWrapperCache* aCache, const JSClass* aClass, JS::CompartmentOptions& aOptions, JSPrincipals* aPrincipal, bool aInitStandardClasses, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aGlobal) { aOptions.creationOptions().setTrace(CreateGlobalOptions<T>::TraceGlobal); if (xpc::SharedMemoryEnabled()) { aOptions.creationOptions().setSharedMemoryAndAtomicsEnabled(true); } aGlobal.set(JS_NewGlobalObject(aCx, aClass, aPrincipal, JS::DontFireOnNewGlobalHook, aOptions)); if (!aGlobal) { NS_WARNING("Failed to create global"); return false; } JSAutoCompartment ac(aCx, aGlobal); { js::SetReservedSlot(aGlobal, DOM_OBJECT_SLOT, JS::PrivateValue(aNative)); NS_ADDREF(aNative); aCache->SetWrapper(aGlobal); dom::AllocateProtoAndIfaceCache(aGlobal, CreateGlobalOptions<T>::ProtoAndIfaceCacheKind); if (!CreateGlobalOptions<T>::PostCreateGlobal(aCx, aGlobal)) { return false; } } if (aInitStandardClasses && !JS_InitStandardClasses(aCx, aGlobal)) { NS_WARNING("Failed to init standard classes"); return false; } JS::Handle<JSObject*> proto = GetProto(aCx); if (!proto || !JS_SplicePrototype(aCx, aGlobal, proto)) { NS_WARNING("Failed to set proto"); return false; } bool succeeded; if (!JS_SetImmutablePrototype(aCx, aGlobal, &succeeded)) { return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(succeeded, "making a fresh global object's [[Prototype]] immutable can " "internally fail, but it should never be unsuccessful"); return true; } /* * Holds a jsid that is initialized to a pinned string, with automatic * conversion to Handle<jsid>, as it is held live forever by pinning. */ class PinnedStringId { jsid id; public: PinnedStringId() : id(JSID_VOID) {} bool init(JSContext *cx, const char *string) { JSString* str = JS_AtomizeAndPinString(cx, string); if (!str) return false; id = INTERNED_STRING_TO_JSID(cx, str); return true; } operator const jsid& () { return id; } operator JS::Handle<jsid> () { /* This is safe because we have pinned the string. */ return JS::Handle<jsid>::fromMarkedLocation(&id); } }; bool GenericBindingGetter(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp); bool GenericBindingSetter(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp); bool GenericBindingMethod(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp); bool GenericPromiseReturningBindingMethod(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp); bool StaticMethodPromiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp); // ConvertExceptionToPromise should only be called when we have an error // condition (e.g. returned false from a JSAPI method). Note that there may be // no exception on cx, in which case this is an uncatchable failure that will // simply be propagated. Otherwise this method will attempt to convert the // exception to a Promise rejected with the exception that it will store in // rval. // // promiseScope should be the scope in which the Promise should be created. bool ConvertExceptionToPromise(JSContext* cx, JSObject* promiseScope, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval); #ifdef DEBUG void AssertReturnTypeMatchesJitinfo(const JSJitInfo* aJitinfo, JS::Handle<JS::Value> aValue); #endif // This function is called by the bindings layer for methods/getters/setters // that are not safe to be called in prerendering mode. It checks to make sure // that the |this| object is not running in a global that is in prerendering // mode. Otherwise, it aborts execution of timers and event handlers, and // returns false which gets converted to an uncatchable exception by the // bindings layer. bool EnforceNotInPrerendering(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj); // Handles the violation of a blacklisted action in prerendering mode by // aborting the scripts, and preventing timers and event handlers from running // in the window in the future. void HandlePrerenderingViolation(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow); bool CallerSubsumes(JSObject* aObject); MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool CallerSubsumes(JS::Handle<JS::Value> aValue) { if (!aValue.isObject()) { return true; } return CallerSubsumes(&aValue.toObject()); } template<class T> inline bool WrappedJSToDictionary(JSContext* aCx, nsISupports* aObject, T& aDictionary) { nsCOMPtr<nsIXPConnectWrappedJS> wrappedObj = do_QueryInterface(aObject); if (!wrappedObj) { return false; } JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(aCx, wrappedObj->GetJSObject()); if (!obj) { return false; } JSAutoCompartment ac(aCx, obj); JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(aCx, JS::ObjectValue(*obj)); return aDictionary.Init(aCx, v); } template<class T> inline bool WrappedJSToDictionary(nsISupports* aObject, T& aDictionary) { nsCOMPtr<nsIXPConnectWrappedJS> wrappedObj = do_QueryInterface(aObject); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(wrappedObj, false); JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(RootingCx(), wrappedObj->GetJSObject()); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(obj, false); nsIGlobalObject* global = xpc::NativeGlobal(obj); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(global, false); // we need this AutoEntryScript here because the spec requires us to execute // getters when parsing a dictionary AutoEntryScript aes(global, "WebIDL dictionary creation"); JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(aes.cx(), JS::ObjectValue(*obj)); return aDictionary.Init(aes.cx(), v); } template<class T, class S> inline RefPtr<T> StrongOrRawPtr(already_AddRefed<S>&& aPtr) { return aPtr.template downcast<T>(); } template<class T, class ReturnType=typename Conditional<IsRefcounted<T>::value, T*, nsAutoPtr<T>>::Type> inline ReturnType StrongOrRawPtr(T* aPtr) { return ReturnType(aPtr); } template<class T, template<typename> class SmartPtr, class S> inline void StrongOrRawPtr(SmartPtr<S>&& aPtr) = delete; template<class T> struct StrongPtrForMember { typedef typename Conditional<IsRefcounted<T>::value, RefPtr<T>, nsAutoPtr<T>>::Type Type; }; namespace binding_detail { inline JSObject* GetHackedNamespaceProtoObject(JSContext* aCx) { return JS_NewPlainObject(aCx); } } // namespace binding_detail // Resolve an id on the given global object that wants to be included in // Exposed=System webidl annotations. False return value means exception // thrown. bool SystemGlobalResolve(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id, bool* resolvedp); // Enumerate all ids on the given global object that wants to be included in // Exposed=System webidl annotations. False return value means exception // thrown. bool SystemGlobalEnumerate(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj); // Slot indexes for maplike/setlike forEach functions #define FOREACH_CALLBACK_SLOT 0 #define FOREACH_MAPLIKEORSETLIKEOBJ_SLOT 1 // Backing function for running .forEach() on maplike/setlike interfaces. // Unpacks callback and maplike/setlike object from reserved slots, then runs // callback for each key (and value, for maplikes) bool ForEachHandler(JSContext* aCx, unsigned aArgc, JS::Value* aVp); // Unpacks backing object (ES6 map/set) from the reserved slot of a reflector // for a maplike/setlike interface. If backing object does not exist, creates // backing object in the compartment of the reflector involved, making this safe // to use across compartments/via xrays. Return values of these methods will // always be in the context compartment. bool GetMaplikeBackingObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aObj, size_t aSlotIndex, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aBackingObj, bool* aBackingObjCreated); bool GetSetlikeBackingObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aObj, size_t aSlotIndex, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aBackingObj, bool* aBackingObjCreated); // Get the desired prototype object for an object construction from the given // CallArgs. Null is returned if the default prototype should be used. bool GetDesiredProto(JSContext* aCx, const JS::CallArgs& aCallArgs, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aDesiredProto); // This function is expected to be called from the constructor function for an // HTML element interface; the global/callargs need to be whatever was passed to // that constructor function. already_AddRefed<nsGenericHTMLElement> CreateHTMLElement(const GlobalObject& aGlobal, const JS::CallArgs& aCallArgs, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto, ErrorResult& aRv); void SetDocumentAndPageUseCounter(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObject, UseCounter aUseCounter); // Warnings void DeprecationWarning(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObject, nsIDocument::DeprecatedOperations aOperation); // A callback to perform funToString on an interface object JSString* InterfaceObjectToString(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aObject, unsigned /* indent */); namespace binding_detail { // Get a JS global object that can be used for some temporary allocations. The // idea is that this should be used for situations when you need to operate in // _some_ compartment but don't care which one. A typical example is when you // have non-JS input, non-JS output, but have to go through some sort of JS // representation in the middle, so need a compartment to allocate things in. // // It's VERY important that any consumers of this function only do things that // are guaranteed to be side-effect-free, even in the face of a script // environment controlled by a hostile adversary. This is because in the worker // case the global is in fact the worker global, so it and its standard objects // are controlled by the worker script. This is why this function is in the // binding_detail namespace. Any use of this function MUST be very carefully // reviewed by someone who is sufficiently devious and has a very good // understanding of all the code that will run while we're using the return // value, including the SpiderMonkey parts. JSObject* UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal(); } // namespace binding_detail } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla #endif /* mozilla_dom_BindingUtils_h__ */