<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Tests for CSS animation event dispatch</title>
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-animations-2/#event-dispatch"/>
<script src="../testcommon.js"></script>
  @keyframes anim {
    from { margin-left: 0px; }
    to { margin-left: 100px; }
'use strict';

 * Helper class to record the elapsedTime member of each event.
 * The EventWatcher class in testharness.js allows us to wait on
 * multiple events in a certain order but only records the event
 * parameters of the most recent event.
function AnimationEventHandler(target) {
  this.target = target;
  this.target.onanimationstart = function(evt) {
   this.animationstart = evt.elapsedTime;
  this.target.onanimationiteration = function(evt) {
    this.animationiteration = evt.elapsedTime;
  this.target.onanimationend = function(evt) {
    this.animationend = evt.elapsedTime;
AnimationEventHandler.prototype.clear = function() {
  this.animationstart = undefined;
  this.animationiteration = undefined;
  this.animationend = undefined;

function setupAnimation(t, animationStyle) {
  var div = addDiv(t, { style: "animation: " + animationStyle });
  var watcher = new EventWatcher(t, div, [ 'animationstart',
                                           'animationend' ]);
  var handler = new AnimationEventHandler(div);
  var animation = div.getAnimations()[0];

  return [animation, watcher, handler, div];

promise_test(function(t) {
  // Add 1ms delay to ensure that the delay is not included in the elapsedTime.
  const [animation, watcher] = setupAnimation(t, 'anim 100s 1ms');

  return watcher.wait_for('animationstart').then(function(evt) {
    assert_equals(evt.elapsedTime, 0.0);
}, 'Idle -> Active');

promise_test(function(t) {
  const [animation, watcher, handler] = setupAnimation(t, 'anim 100s');

  // Seek to After phase.
  return watcher.wait_for([ 'animationstart',
                            'animationend' ]).then(function() {
    assert_equals(handler.animationstart, 0.0);
    assert_equals(handler.animationend, 100);
}, 'Idle -> After');

promise_test(function(t) {
  const [animation, watcher, handler] =
    setupAnimation(t, 'anim 100s 100s paused');

  return animation.ready.then(function() {
    // Seek to Active phase.
    animation.currentTime = 100 * MS_PER_SEC;
    return watcher.wait_for('animationstart');
  }).then(function(evt) {
    assert_equals(evt.elapsedTime, 0.0);
}, 'Before -> Active');

promise_test(function(t) {
  const [animation, watcher, handler] =
    setupAnimation(t, 'anim 100s 100s paused');

  return animation.ready.then(function() {
    // Seek to After phase.
    return watcher.wait_for([ 'animationstart', 'animationend' ]);
  }).then(function(evt) {
    assert_equals(handler.animationstart, 0.0);
    assert_equals(handler.animationend, 100.0);
}, 'Before -> After');

promise_test(function(t) {
  const [animation, watcher, handler] =
    setupAnimation(t, 'anim 100s 100s paused');

  // Seek to Active phase.
  animation.currentTime = 100 * MS_PER_SEC;
  return watcher.wait_for('animationstart').then(function() {
    // Seek to Before phase.
    animation.currentTime = 0;
    return watcher.wait_for('animationend');
  }).then(function(evt) {
    assert_equals(evt.elapsedTime, 0.0);
}, 'Active -> Before');

promise_test(function(t) {
  const [animation, watcher, handler] = setupAnimation(t, 'anim 100s paused');

  return watcher.wait_for('animationstart').then(function(evt) {
    // Seek to After phase.
    return watcher.wait_for('animationend');
  }).then(function(evt) {
    assert_equals(evt.elapsedTime, 100.0);
}, 'Active -> After');

promise_test(function(t) {
  const [animation, watcher, handler] =
    setupAnimation(t, 'anim 100s 100s paused');

  // Seek to After phase.
  return watcher.wait_for([ 'animationstart',
                            'animationend' ]).then(function() {
    // Seek to Before phase.
    animation.currentTime = 0;
    return watcher.wait_for([ 'animationstart', 'animationend' ]);
  }).then(function() {
    assert_equals(handler.animationstart, 100.0);
    assert_equals(handler.animationend, 0.0);
}, 'After -> Before');

promise_test(function(t) {
  const [animation, watcher, handler] =
    setupAnimation(t, 'anim 100s 100s paused');

  // Seek to After phase.
  return watcher.wait_for([ 'animationstart',
                            'animationend' ]).then(function() {
    // Seek to Active phase.
    animation.currentTime = 100 * MS_PER_SEC;
    return watcher.wait_for('animationstart');
  }).then(function(evt) {
    assert_equals(evt.elapsedTime, 100.0);
}, 'After -> Active');

promise_test(function(t) {
  const [animation, watcher, handler]
    = setupAnimation(t, 'anim 100s 100s 3 paused');

  return animation.ready.then(function() {
    // Seek to iteration 0 (no animationiteration event should be dispatched)
    animation.currentTime = 100 * MS_PER_SEC;
    return watcher.wait_for('animationstart');
  }).then(function(evt) {
    // Seek to iteration 2
    animation.currentTime = 300 * MS_PER_SEC;
    return watcher.wait_for('animationiteration');
  }).then(function(evt) {
    assert_equals(evt.elapsedTime, 200);
    // Seek to After phase (no animationiteration event should be dispatched)
    animation.currentTime = 400 * MS_PER_SEC;
    return watcher.wait_for('animationend');
  }).then(function(evt) {
    assert_equals(evt.elapsedTime, 300);
}, 'Active -> Active (forwards)');

promise_test(function(t) {
  const [animation, watcher, handler] = setupAnimation(t, 'anim 100s 100s 3');

  // Seek to After phase.
  return watcher.wait_for([ 'animationstart',
                            'animationend' ]).then(function() {
    // Seek to iteration 2 (no animationiteration event should be dispatched)
    animation.currentTime = 300 * MS_PER_SEC;
    return watcher.wait_for('animationstart');
  }).then(function() {
    // Seek to mid of iteration 0 phase.
    animation.currentTime = 200 * MS_PER_SEC;
    return watcher.wait_for('animationiteration');
  }).then(function(evt) {
    assert_equals(evt.elapsedTime, 200.0);
    // Seek to before phase (no animationiteration event should be dispatched)
    animation.currentTime = 0;
    return watcher.wait_for('animationend');
}, 'Active -> Active (backwards)');

promise_test(function(t) {
  const [animation, watcher, handler, div] =
    setupAnimation(t, 'anim 100s paused');
  return watcher.wait_for('animationstart').then(function(evt) {
    // Seek to Idle phase.
    div.style.display = 'none';

    // FIXME: bug 1302648: Add test for animationcancel event here.

    // Restart this animation.
    div.style.display = '';
    return watcher.wait_for('animationstart');
}, 'Active -> Idle -> Active: animationstart is fired by restarting animation');

promise_test(function(t) {
  const [animation, watcher, handler, div] =
    setupAnimation(t, 'anim 100s 100s 2 paused');

  // Make After.
  return watcher.wait_for([ 'animationstart',
                            'animationend' ]).then(function(evt) {
    animation.playbackRate = -1;
    return watcher.wait_for('animationstart');
  }).then(function(evt) {
    assert_equals(evt.elapsedTime, 200);
    // Seek to 1st iteration
    animation.currentTime = 200 * MS_PER_SEC - 1;
    return watcher.wait_for('animationiteration');
  }).then(function(evt) {
    assert_equals(evt.elapsedTime, 100);
    // Seek to before
    animation.currentTime = 100 * MS_PER_SEC - 1;
    return watcher.wait_for('animationend');
  }).then(function(evt) {
    assert_equals(evt.elapsedTime, 0);
    assert_equals(animation.playState, 'running'); // delay
}, 'Negative playbackRate sanity test(Before -> Active -> Before)');
