/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_TimingParams_h #define mozilla_TimingParams_h #include "nsStringFwd.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Nullable.h" #include "mozilla/dom/UnionTypes.h" // For OwningUnrestrictedDoubleOrString #include "mozilla/ComputedTimingFunction.h" #include "mozilla/Maybe.h" #include "mozilla/StickyTimeDuration.h" #include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h" // for TimeDuration // X11 has a #define for None #ifdef None #undef None #endif #include "mozilla/dom/AnimationEffectReadOnlyBinding.h" // for FillMode // and PlaybackDirection class nsIDocument; namespace mozilla { namespace dom { class UnrestrictedDoubleOrKeyframeEffectOptions; class UnrestrictedDoubleOrKeyframeAnimationOptions; } struct TimingParams { TimingParams() = default; static TimingParams FromOptionsUnion( const dom::UnrestrictedDoubleOrKeyframeEffectOptions& aOptions, nsIDocument* aDocument, ErrorResult& aRv); static TimingParams FromOptionsUnion( const dom::UnrestrictedDoubleOrKeyframeAnimationOptions& aOptions, nsIDocument* aDocument, ErrorResult& aRv); // Range-checks and validates an UnrestrictedDoubleOrString or // OwningUnrestrictedDoubleOrString object and converts to a // StickyTimeDuration value or Nothing() if aDuration is "auto". // Caller must check aRv.Failed(). template <class DoubleOrString> static Maybe<StickyTimeDuration> ParseDuration(DoubleOrString& aDuration, ErrorResult& aRv) { Maybe<StickyTimeDuration> result; if (aDuration.IsUnrestrictedDouble()) { double durationInMs = aDuration.GetAsUnrestrictedDouble(); if (durationInMs >= 0) { result.emplace(StickyTimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(durationInMs)); } else { aRv.ThrowTypeError<dom::MSG_ENFORCE_RANGE_OUT_OF_RANGE>( NS_LITERAL_STRING("duration")); } } else if (!aDuration.GetAsString().EqualsLiteral("auto")) { aRv.ThrowTypeError<dom::MSG_INVALID_DURATION_ERROR>( aDuration.GetAsString()); } return result; } static void ValidateIterationStart(double aIterationStart, ErrorResult& aRv) { if (aIterationStart < 0) { aRv.ThrowTypeError<dom::MSG_ENFORCE_RANGE_OUT_OF_RANGE>( NS_LITERAL_STRING("iterationStart")); } } static void ValidateIterations(double aIterations, ErrorResult& aRv) { if (IsNaN(aIterations) || aIterations < 0) { aRv.ThrowTypeError<dom::MSG_ENFORCE_RANGE_OUT_OF_RANGE>( NS_LITERAL_STRING("iterations")); } } static Maybe<ComputedTimingFunction> ParseEasing(const nsAString& aEasing, nsIDocument* aDocument, ErrorResult& aRv); // mDuration.isNothing() represents the "auto" value Maybe<StickyTimeDuration> mDuration; TimeDuration mDelay; // Initializes to zero TimeDuration mEndDelay; double mIterations = 1.0; // Can be NaN, negative, +/-Infinity double mIterationStart = 0.0; dom::PlaybackDirection mDirection = dom::PlaybackDirection::Normal; dom::FillMode mFill = dom::FillMode::Auto; Maybe<ComputedTimingFunction> mFunction; // Return the duration of the active interval calculated by duration and // iteration count. StickyTimeDuration ActiveDuration() const { // If either the iteration duration or iteration count is zero, // Web Animations says that the active duration is zero. This is to // ensure that the result is defined when the other argument is Infinity. static const StickyTimeDuration zeroDuration; if (!mDuration || *mDuration == zeroDuration || mIterations == 0.0) { return zeroDuration; } return mDuration->MultDouble(mIterations); } StickyTimeDuration EndTime() const { return std::max(mDelay + ActiveDuration() + mEndDelay, StickyTimeDuration()); } bool operator==(const TimingParams& aOther) const; bool operator!=(const TimingParams& aOther) const { return !(*this == aOther); } }; } // namespace mozilla #endif // mozilla_TimingParams_h