/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; var Cc = Components.classes; var Ci = Components.interfaces; var Cu = Components.utils; var Cr = Components.results; var CC = Components.Constructor; const { require } = Cu.import("resource://devtools/shared/Loader.jsm", {}); const { NetUtil } = require("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); const promise = require("promise"); const defer = require("devtools/shared/defer"); const { Task } = require("devtools/shared/task"); const Services = require("Services"); const DevToolsUtils = require("devtools/shared/DevToolsUtils"); // We do not want to log packets by default, because in some tests, // we can be sending large amounts of data. The test harness has // trouble dealing with logging all the data, and we end up with // intermittent time outs (e.g. bug 775924). // Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log", true); // Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log.verbose", true); // Enable remote debugging for the relevant tests. Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.remote-enabled", true); const { DebuggerServer } = require("devtools/server/main"); const { DebuggerClient } = require("devtools/shared/client/main"); function testExceptionHook(ex) { try { do_report_unexpected_exception(ex); } catch (ex) { return {throw: ex}; } return undefined; } // Convert an nsIScriptError 'aFlags' value into an appropriate string. function scriptErrorFlagsToKind(aFlags) { var kind; if (aFlags & Ci.nsIScriptError.warningFlag) kind = "warning"; if (aFlags & Ci.nsIScriptError.exceptionFlag) kind = "exception"; else kind = "error"; if (aFlags & Ci.nsIScriptError.strictFlag) kind = "strict " + kind; return kind; } // Register a console listener, so console messages don't just disappear // into the ether. var errorCount = 0; var listener = { observe: function (aMessage) { errorCount++; try { // If we've been given an nsIScriptError, then we can print out // something nicely formatted, for tools like Emacs to pick up. var scriptError = aMessage.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIScriptError); dump(aMessage.sourceName + ":" + aMessage.lineNumber + ": " + scriptErrorFlagsToKind(aMessage.flags) + ": " + aMessage.errorMessage + "\n"); var string = aMessage.errorMessage; } catch (x) { // Be a little paranoid with message, as the whole goal here is to lose // no information. try { var string = "" + aMessage.message; } catch (x) { var string = ""; } } // Make sure we exit all nested event loops so that the test can finish. while (DebuggerServer.xpcInspector.eventLoopNestLevel > 0) { DebuggerServer.xpcInspector.exitNestedEventLoop(); } // Throw in most cases, but ignore the "strict" messages if (!(aMessage.flags & Ci.nsIScriptError.strictFlag)) { do_throw("head_dbg.js got console message: " + string + "\n"); } } }; var consoleService = Cc["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIConsoleService); consoleService.registerListener(listener); function check_except(func) { try { func(); } catch (e) { do_check_true(true); return; } dump("Should have thrown an exception: " + func.toString()); do_check_true(false); } function testGlobal(aName) { let systemPrincipal = Cc["@mozilla.org/systemprincipal;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIPrincipal); let sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(systemPrincipal); sandbox.__name = aName; return sandbox; } function addTestGlobal(aName) { let global = testGlobal(aName); DebuggerServer.addTestGlobal(global); return global; } // List the DebuggerClient |aClient|'s tabs, look for one whose title is // |aTitle|, and apply |aCallback| to the packet's entry for that tab. function getTestTab(aClient, aTitle, aCallback) { aClient.listTabs(function (aResponse) { for (let tab of aResponse.tabs) { if (tab.title === aTitle) { aCallback(tab); return; } } aCallback(null); }); } // Attach to |aClient|'s tab whose title is |aTitle|; pass |aCallback| the // response packet and a TabClient instance referring to that tab. function attachTestTab(aClient, aTitle, aCallback) { getTestTab(aClient, aTitle, function (aTab) { aClient.attachTab(aTab.actor, aCallback); }); } // Attach to |aClient|'s tab whose title is |aTitle|, and then attach to // that tab's thread. Pass |aCallback| the thread attach response packet, a // TabClient referring to the tab, and a ThreadClient referring to the // thread. function attachTestThread(aClient, aTitle, aCallback) { attachTestTab(aClient, aTitle, function (aResponse, aTabClient) { function onAttach(aResponse, aThreadClient) { aCallback(aResponse, aTabClient, aThreadClient); } aTabClient.attachThread({ useSourceMaps: true }, onAttach); }); } // Attach to |aClient|'s tab whose title is |aTitle|, attach to the tab's // thread, and then resume it. Pass |aCallback| the thread's response to // the 'resume' packet, a TabClient for the tab, and a ThreadClient for the // thread. function attachTestTabAndResume(aClient, aTitle, aCallback) { attachTestThread(aClient, aTitle, function (aResponse, aTabClient, aThreadClient) { aThreadClient.resume(function (aResponse) { aCallback(aResponse, aTabClient, aThreadClient); }); }); } /** * Initialize the testing debugger server. */ function initTestDebuggerServer() { DebuggerServer.registerModule("devtools/server/actors/script", { prefix: "script", constructor: "ScriptActor", type: { global: true, tab: true } }); DebuggerServer.registerModule("xpcshell-test/testactors"); // Allow incoming connections. DebuggerServer.init(); } function finishClient(aClient) { aClient.close().then(function () { do_test_finished(); }); } /** * Takes a relative file path and returns the absolute file url for it. */ function getFileUrl(aName, aAllowMissing = false) { let file = do_get_file(aName, aAllowMissing); return Services.io.newFileURI(file).spec; } /** * Returns the full path of the file with the specified name in a * platform-independent and URL-like form. */ function getFilePath(aName, aAllowMissing = false) { let file = do_get_file(aName, aAllowMissing); let path = Services.io.newFileURI(file).spec; let filePrePath = "file://"; if ("nsILocalFileWin" in Ci && file instanceof Ci.nsILocalFileWin) { filePrePath += "/"; } return path.slice(filePrePath.length); } /** * Wrapper around do_get_file to prefix files with the name of current test to * avoid collisions when running in parallel. */ function getTestTempFile(fileName, allowMissing) { let thisTest = _TEST_FILE.toString().replace(/\\/g, "/"); thisTest = thisTest.substring(thisTest.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); thisTest = thisTest.replace(/\..*$/, ""); return do_get_file(fileName + "-" + thisTest, allowMissing); } function writeTestTempFile(aFileName, aContent) { let file = getTestTempFile(aFileName, true); let stream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIFileOutputStream); stream.init(file, -1, -1, 0); try { do { let numWritten = stream.write(aContent, aContent.length); aContent = aContent.slice(numWritten); } while (aContent.length > 0); } finally { stream.close(); } } /** * Transport Factories ***/ var socket_transport = Task.async(function* () { if (!DebuggerServer.listeningSockets) { let AuthenticatorType = DebuggerServer.Authenticators.get("PROMPT"); let authenticator = new AuthenticatorType.Server(); authenticator.allowConnection = () => { return DebuggerServer.AuthenticationResult.ALLOW; }; let listener = DebuggerServer.createListener(); listener.portOrPath = -1; listener.authenticator = authenticator; yield listener.open(); } let port = DebuggerServer._listeners[0].port; do_print("Debugger server port is " + port); return DebuggerClient.socketConnect({ host: "", port }); }); function local_transport() { return promise.resolve(DebuggerServer.connectPipe()); } /** * Sample Data ***/ var gReallyLong; function really_long() { if (gReallyLong) { return gReallyLong; } let ret = "0123456789"; for (let i = 0; i < 18; i++) { ret += ret; } gReallyLong = ret; return ret; }