/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Test prettifyCSS. "use strict"; const {prettifyCSS} = require("devtools/shared/inspector/css-logic"); const TESTS = [ { name: "simple test", input: "div { font-family:'Arial Black', Arial, sans-serif; }", expected: [ "div {", "\tfont-family:'Arial Black', Arial, sans-serif;", "}" ] }, { name: "whitespace before open brace", input: "div{}", expected: [ "div {", "}" ] }, { name: "minified with trailing newline", input: "\nbody{background:white;}div{font-size:4em;color:red}span{color:green;}\n", expected: [ "body {", "\tbackground:white;", "}", "div {", "\tfont-size:4em;", "\tcolor:red", "}", "span {", "\tcolor:green;", "}" ] }, { name: "leading whitespace", input: "\n div{color: red;}", expected: [ "div {", "\tcolor: red;", "}" ] }, ]; function run_test() { // Note that prettifyCSS.LINE_SEPARATOR is computed lazily, so we // ensure it is set. prettifyCSS(""); for (let test of TESTS) { do_print(test.name); let input = test.input.split("\n").join(prettifyCSS.LINE_SEPARATOR); let output = prettifyCSS(input); let expected = test.expected.join(prettifyCSS.LINE_SEPARATOR) + prettifyCSS.LINE_SEPARATOR; equal(output, expected, test.name); } }