/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

"use strict";

 * A mixin to be used for PerformanceRecordingActor, PerformanceRecordingFront,
 * and LegacyPerformanceRecording for helper methods to access data.

const PerformanceRecordingCommon = exports.PerformanceRecordingCommon = {
  // Private fields, only needed when a recording is started or stopped.
  _console: false,
  _imported: false,
  _recording: false,
  _completed: false,
  _configuration: {},
  _startingBufferStatus: null,
  _localStartTime: 0,

  // Serializable fields, necessary and sufficient for import and export.
  _label: "",
  _duration: 0,
  _markers: null,
  _frames: null,
  _memory: null,
  _ticks: null,
  _allocations: null,
  _profile: null,
  _systemHost: null,
  _systemClient: null,

   * Helper methods for returning the status of the recording.
   * These methods should be consistent on both the front and actor.
  isRecording: function () { return this._recording; },
  isCompleted: function () { return this._completed || this.isImported(); },
  isFinalizing: function () { return !this.isRecording() && !this.isCompleted(); },
  isConsole: function () { return this._console; },
  isImported: function () { return this._imported; },

   * Helper methods for returning configuration for the recording.
   * These methods should be consistent on both the front and actor.
  getConfiguration: function () { return this._configuration; },
  getLabel: function () { return this._label; },

   * Gets duration of this recording, in milliseconds.
   * @return number
  getDuration: function () {
    // Compute an approximate ending time for the current recording if it is
    // still in progress. This is needed to ensure that the view updates even
    // when new data is not being generated. If recording is completed, use
    // the duration from the profiler; if between recording and being finalized,
    // use the last estimated duration.
    if (this.isRecording()) {
      return this._estimatedDuration = Date.now() - this._localStartTime;
    } else {
      return this._duration || this._estimatedDuration || 0;

   * Helper methods for returning recording data.
   * These methods should be consistent on both the front and actor.
  getMarkers: function () { return this._markers; },
  getFrames: function () { return this._frames; },
  getMemory: function () { return this._memory; },
  getTicks: function () { return this._ticks; },
  getAllocations: function () { return this._allocations; },
  getProfile: function () { return this._profile; },
  getHostSystemInfo: function () { return this._systemHost; },
  getClientSystemInfo: function () { return this._systemClient; },
  getStartingBufferStatus: function () { return this._startingBufferStatus; },

  getAllData: function () {
    let label = this.getLabel();
    let duration = this.getDuration();
    let markers = this.getMarkers();
    let frames = this.getFrames();
    let memory = this.getMemory();
    let ticks = this.getTicks();
    let allocations = this.getAllocations();
    let profile = this.getProfile();
    let configuration = this.getConfiguration();
    let systemHost = this.getHostSystemInfo();
    let systemClient = this.getClientSystemInfo();

    return { label, duration, markers, frames, memory, ticks, allocations, profile, configuration, systemHost, systemClient };