/*global js_beautify: true */ function run_beautifier_tests(test_obj, Urlencoded, js_beautify, html_beautify, css_beautify) { var opts = { indent_size: 4, indent_char: ' ', preserve_newlines: true, jslint_happy: false, keep_array_indentation: false, brace_style: 'collapse', space_before_conditional: true, break_chained_methods: false, selector_separator: '\n', end_with_newline: true }; function test_js_beautifier(input) { return js_beautify(input, opts); } function test_html_beautifier(input) { return html_beautify(input, opts); } function test_css_beautifier(input) { return css_beautify(input, opts); } var sanitytest; // test the input on beautifier with the current flag settings // does not check the indentation / surroundings as bt() does function test_fragment(input, expected) { expected = expected || input; sanitytest.expect(input, expected); // if the expected is different from input, run it again // expected output should be unchanged when run twice. if (expected != input) { sanitytest.expect(expected, expected); } } // test the input on beautifier with the current flag settings // test both the input as well as { input } wrapping function bt(input, expectation) { var wrapped_input, wrapped_expectation; expectation = expectation || input; sanitytest.test_function(test_js_beautifier, 'js_beautify'); test_fragment(input, expectation); // test also the returned indentation // e.g if input = "asdf();" // then test that this remains properly formatted as well: // { // asdf(); // indent; // } if (opts.indent_size === 4 && input) { wrapped_input = '{\n' + input.replace(/^(.+)$/mg, ' $1') + '\n foo = bar;\n}'; wrapped_expectation = '{\n' + expectation.replace(/^(.+)$/mg, ' $1') + '\n foo = bar;\n}'; test_fragment(wrapped_input, wrapped_expectation); } } // test html function bth(input, expectation) { var wrapped_input, wrapped_expectation, field_input, field_expectation; expectation = expectation || input; sanitytest.test_function(test_html_beautifier, 'html_beautify'); test_fragment(input, expectation); if (opts.indent_size === 4 && input) { wrapped_input = '
\n' + input.replace(/^(.+)$/mg, ' $1') + '\n inline\n
'; wrapped_expectation = '
\n' + expectation.replace(/^(.+)$/mg, ' $1') + '\n inline\n
'; test_fragment(wrapped_input, wrapped_expectation); } // Test that handlebars non-block {{}} tags act as content and do not // get any spacing or line breaks. if (input.indexOf('content') != -1) { // Just {{field}} field_input = input.replace(/content/g, '{{field}}'); field_expectation = expectation.replace(/content/g, '{{field}}'); test_fragment(field_input, field_expectation); // handlebars comment field_input = input.replace(/content/g, '{{! comment}}'); field_expectation = expectation.replace(/content/g, '{{! comment}}'); test_fragment(field_input, field_expectation); // mixed {{field}} and content field_input = input.replace(/content/g, 'pre{{field1}} {{field2}} {{field3}}post'); field_expectation = expectation.replace(/content/g, 'pre{{field1}} {{field2}} {{field3}}post'); test_fragment(field_input, field_expectation); } } // test css function btc(input, expectation) { var wrapped_input, wrapped_expectation; expectation = expectation || input; sanitytest.test_function(test_css_beautifier, 'css_beautify'); test_fragment(input, expectation); } // test the input on beautifier with the current flag settings, // but dont't function bt_braces(input, expectation) { var braces_ex = opts.brace_style; opts.brace_style = 'expand'; bt(input, expectation); opts.brace_style = braces_ex; } function beautifier_tests() { sanitytest = test_obj; opts.indent_size = 4; opts.indent_char = ' '; opts.preserve_newlines = true; opts.jslint_happy = false; opts.keep_array_indentation = false; opts.brace_style = "collapse"; // unicode support bt('var ' + String.fromCharCode(3232) + '_' + String.fromCharCode(3232) + ' = "hi";'); bt('var ' + String.fromCharCode(228) + 'x = {\n ' + String.fromCharCode(228) + 'rgerlich: true\n};'); bt(''); bt('return .5'); test_fragment(' return .5'); test_fragment(' return .5;\n a();'); bt('a = 1', 'a = 1'); bt('a=1', 'a = 1'); bt("a();\n\nb();", "a();\n\nb();"); bt('var a = 1 var b = 2', "var a = 1\nvar b = 2"); bt('var a=1, b=c[d], e=6;', 'var a = 1,\n b = c[d],\n e = 6;'); bt('var a,\n b,\n c;'); bt('let a = 1 let b = 2', "let a = 1\nlet b = 2"); bt('let a=1, b=c[d], e=6;', 'let a = 1,\n b = c[d],\n e = 6;'); bt('let a,\n b,\n c;'); bt('const a = 1 const b = 2', "const a = 1\nconst b = 2"); bt('const a=1, b=c[d], e=6;', 'const a = 1,\n b = c[d],\n e = 6;'); bt('const a,\n b,\n c;'); bt('a = " 12345 "'); bt("a = ' 12345 '"); bt('if (a == 1) b = 2;', "if (a == 1) b = 2;"); bt('if(1){2}else{3}', "if (1) {\n 2\n} else {\n 3\n}"); bt('if(1||2);', 'if (1 || 2);'); bt('(a==1)||(b==2)', '(a == 1) || (b == 2)'); bt('var a = 1 if (2) 3;', "var a = 1\nif (2) 3;"); bt('a = a + 1'); bt('a = a == 1'); bt('/12345[^678]*9+/.match(a)'); bt('a /= 5'); bt('a = 0.5 * 3'); bt('a *= 10.55'); bt('a < .5'); bt('a <= .5'); bt('a<.5', 'a < .5'); bt('a<=.5', 'a <= .5'); bt('a = 0xff;'); bt('a=0xff+4', 'a = 0xff + 4'); bt('a = [1, 2, 3, 4]'); bt('F*(g/=f)*g+b', 'F * (g /= f) * g + b'); bt('a.b({c:d})', 'a.b({\n c: d\n})'); bt('a.b\n(\n{\nc:\nd\n}\n)', 'a.b({\n c: d\n})'); bt('a.b({c:"d"})', 'a.b({\n c: "d"\n})'); bt('a.b\n(\n{\nc:\n"d"\n}\n)', 'a.b({\n c: "d"\n})'); bt('a=!b', 'a = !b'); bt('a=!!b', 'a = !!b'); bt('a?b:c', 'a ? b : c'); bt('a?1:2', 'a ? 1 : 2'); bt('a?(b):c', 'a ? (b) : c'); bt('x={a:1,b:w=="foo"?x:y,c:z}', 'x = {\n a: 1,\n b: w == "foo" ? x : y,\n c: z\n}'); bt('x=a?b?c?d:e:f:g;', 'x = a ? b ? c ? d : e : f : g;'); bt('x=a?b?c?d:{e1:1,e2:2}:f:g;', 'x = a ? b ? c ? d : {\n e1: 1,\n e2: 2\n} : f : g;'); bt('function void(void) {}'); bt('if(!a)foo();', 'if (!a) foo();'); bt('a=~a', 'a = ~a'); bt('a;/*comment*/b;', "a; /*comment*/\nb;"); bt('a;/* comment */b;', "a; /* comment */\nb;"); test_fragment('a;/*\ncomment\n*/b;', "a;\n/*\ncomment\n*/\nb;"); // simple comments don't get touched at all bt('a;/**\n* javadoc\n*/b;', "a;\n/**\n * javadoc\n */\nb;"); test_fragment('a;/**\n\nno javadoc\n*/b;', "a;\n/**\n\nno javadoc\n*/\nb;"); bt('a;/*\n* javadoc\n*/b;', "a;\n/*\n * javadoc\n */\nb;"); // comment blocks detected and reindented even w/o javadoc starter bt('if(a)break;', "if (a) break;"); bt('if(a){break}', "if (a) {\n break\n}"); bt('if((a))foo();', 'if ((a)) foo();'); bt('for(var i=0;;) a', 'for (var i = 0;;) a'); bt('for(var i=0;;)\na', 'for (var i = 0;;)\n a'); bt('a++;', 'a++;'); bt('for(;;i++)a()', 'for (;; i++) a()'); bt('for(;;i++)\na()', 'for (;; i++)\n a()'); bt('for(;;++i)a', 'for (;; ++i) a'); bt('return(1)', 'return (1)'); bt('try{a();}catch(b){c();}finally{d();}', "try {\n a();\n} catch (b) {\n c();\n} finally {\n d();\n}"); bt('(xx)()'); // magic function call bt('a[1]()'); // another magic function call bt('if(a){b();}else if(c) foo();', "if (a) {\n b();\n} else if (c) foo();"); bt('switch(x) {case 0: case 1: a(); break; default: break}', "switch (x) {\n case 0:\n case 1:\n a();\n break;\n default:\n break\n}"); bt('switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:break;}', 'switch (x) {\n case -1:\n break;\n case !y:\n break;\n}'); bt('a !== b'); bt('if (a) b(); else c();', "if (a) b();\nelse c();"); bt("// comment\n(function something() {})"); // typical greasemonkey start bt("{\n\n x();\n\n}"); // was: duplicating newlines bt('if (a in b) foo();'); bt('var a, b;'); // bt('var a, b'); bt('{a:1, b:2}', "{\n a: 1,\n b: 2\n}"); bt('a={1:[-1],2:[+1]}', 'a = {\n 1: [-1],\n 2: [+1]\n}'); bt('var l = {\'a\':\'1\', \'b\':\'2\'}', "var l = {\n 'a': '1',\n 'b': '2'\n}"); bt('if (template.user[n] in bk) foo();'); bt('{{}/z/}', "{\n {}\n /z/\n}"); bt('return 45', "return 45"); bt('return this.prevObject ||\n\n this.constructor(null);'); bt('If[1]', "If[1]"); bt('Then[1]', "Then[1]"); bt('a = 1e10', "a = 1e10"); bt('a = 1.3e10', "a = 1.3e10"); bt('a = 1.3e-10', "a = 1.3e-10"); bt('a = -1.3e-10', "a = -1.3e-10"); bt('a = 1e-10', "a = 1e-10"); bt('a = e - 10', "a = e - 10"); bt('a = 11-10', "a = 11 - 10"); bt("a = 1;// comment", "a = 1; // comment"); bt("a = 1; // comment", "a = 1; // comment"); bt("a = 1;\n // comment", "a = 1;\n// comment"); bt('a = [-1, -1, -1]'); // The exact formatting these should have is open for discussion, but they are at least reasonable bt('a = [ // comment\n -1, -1, -1\n]'); bt('var a = [ // comment\n -1, -1, -1\n]'); bt('a = [ // comment\n -1, // comment\n -1, -1\n]'); bt('var a = [ // comment\n -1, // comment\n -1, -1\n]'); bt('o = [{a:b},{c:d}]', 'o = [{\n a: b\n}, {\n c: d\n}]'); bt("if (a) {\n do();\n}"); // was: extra space appended bt("if (a) {\n// comment\n}else{\n// comment\n}", "if (a) {\n // comment\n} else {\n // comment\n}"); // if/else statement with empty body bt("if (a) {\n// comment\n// comment\n}", "if (a) {\n // comment\n // comment\n}"); // multiple comments indentation bt("if (a) b() else c();", "if (a) b()\nelse c();"); bt("if (a) b() else if c() d();", "if (a) b()\nelse if c() d();"); bt("{}"); bt("{\n\n}"); bt("do { a(); } while ( 1 );", "do {\n a();\n} while (1);"); bt("do {} while (1);"); bt("do {\n} while (1);", "do {} while (1);"); bt("do {\n\n} while (1);"); bt("var a = x(a, b, c)"); bt("delete x if (a) b();", "delete x\nif (a) b();"); bt("delete x[x] if (a) b();", "delete x[x]\nif (a) b();"); bt("for(var a=1,b=2)d", "for (var a = 1, b = 2) d"); bt("for(var a=1,b=2,c=3) d", "for (var a = 1, b = 2, c = 3) d"); bt("for(var a=1,b=2,c=3;d<3;d++)\ne", "for (var a = 1, b = 2, c = 3; d < 3; d++)\n e"); bt("function x(){(a||b).c()}", "function x() {\n (a || b).c()\n}"); bt("function x(){return - 1}", "function x() {\n return -1\n}"); bt("function x(){return ! a}", "function x() {\n return !a\n}"); bt("x => x", "x => x"); bt("(x) => x", "(x) => x"); bt("x => { x }", "x => {\n x\n}"); bt("(x) => { x }", "(x) => {\n x\n}"); // a common snippet in jQuery plugins bt("settings = $.extend({},defaults,settings);", "settings = $.extend({}, defaults, settings);"); // reserved words used as property names bt("$http().then().finally().default()", "$http().then().finally().default()"); bt("$http()\n.then()\n.finally()\n.default()", "$http()\n .then()\n .finally()\n .default()"); bt("$http().when.in.new.catch().throw()", "$http().when.in.new.catch().throw()"); bt("$http()\n.when\n.in\n.new\n.catch()\n.throw()", "$http()\n .when\n .in\n .new\n .catch()\n .throw()"); bt('{xxx;}()', '{\n xxx;\n}()'); bt("a = 'a'\nb = 'b'"); bt("a = /reg/exp"); bt("a = /reg/"); bt('/abc/.test()'); bt('/abc/i.test()'); bt("{/abc/i.test()}", "{\n /abc/i.test()\n}"); bt('var x=(a)/a;', 'var x = (a) / a;'); bt('x != -1', 'x != -1'); bt('for (; s-->0;)t', 'for (; s-- > 0;) t'); bt('for (; s++>0;)u', 'for (; s++ > 0;) u'); bt('a = s++>s--;', 'a = s++ > s--;'); bt('a = s++>--s;', 'a = s++ > --s;'); bt('{x=#1=[]}', '{\n x = #1=[]\n}'); bt('{a:#1={}}', '{\n a: #1={}\n}'); bt('{a:#1#}', '{\n a: #1#\n}'); test_fragment('"incomplete-string'); test_fragment("'incomplete-string"); test_fragment('/incomplete-regex'); test_fragment('`incomplete-template-string'); test_fragment('{a:1},{a:2}', '{\n a: 1\n}, {\n a: 2\n}'); test_fragment('var ary=[{a:1}, {a:2}];', 'var ary = [{\n a: 1\n}, {\n a: 2\n}];'); test_fragment('{a:#1', '{\n a: #1'); // incomplete test_fragment('{a:#', '{\n a: #'); // incomplete test_fragment('}}}', '}\n}\n}'); // incomplete test_fragment('', ''); test_fragment('a=/regexp', 'a = /regexp'); // incomplete regexp bt('{a:#1=[],b:#1#,c:#999999#}', '{\n a: #1=[],\n b: #1#,\n c: #999999#\n}'); bt("a = 1e+2"); bt("a = 1e-2"); bt("do{x()}while(a>1)", "do {\n x()\n} while (a > 1)"); bt("x(); /reg/exp.match(something)", "x();\n/reg/exp.match(something)"); test_fragment("something();(", "something();\n("); test_fragment("#!she/bangs, she bangs\nf=1", "#!she/bangs, she bangs\n\nf = 1"); test_fragment("#!she/bangs, she bangs\n\nf=1", "#!she/bangs, she bangs\n\nf = 1"); test_fragment("#!she/bangs, she bangs\n\n/* comment */", "#!she/bangs, she bangs\n\n/* comment */"); test_fragment("#!she/bangs, she bangs\n\n\n/* comment */", "#!she/bangs, she bangs\n\n\n/* comment */"); test_fragment("#", "#"); test_fragment("#!", "#!"); bt("function namespace::something()"); test_fragment("", ""); test_fragment("", ""); bt('{foo();--bar;}', '{\n foo();\n --bar;\n}'); bt('{foo();++bar;}', '{\n foo();\n ++bar;\n}'); bt('{--bar;}', '{\n --bar;\n}'); bt('{++bar;}', '{\n ++bar;\n}'); // Handling of newlines around unary ++ and -- operators bt('{foo\n++bar;}', '{\n foo\n ++bar;\n}'); bt('{foo++\nbar;}', '{\n foo++\n bar;\n}'); // This is invalid, but harder to guard against. Issue #203. bt('{foo\n++\nbar;}', '{\n foo\n ++\n bar;\n}'); // regexps bt('a(/abc\\/\\/def/);b()', "a(/abc\\/\\/def/);\nb()"); bt('a(/a[b\\[\\]c]d/);b()', "a(/a[b\\[\\]c]d/);\nb()"); test_fragment('a(/a[b\\[', "a(/a[b\\["); // incomplete char class // allow unescaped / in char classes bt('a(/[a/b]/);b()', "a(/[a/b]/);\nb()"); bt('function foo() {\n return [\n "one",\n "two"\n ];\n}'); bt('a=[[1,2],[4,5],[7,8]]', "a = [\n [1, 2],\n [4, 5],\n [7, 8]\n]"); bt('a=[[1,2],[4,5],function(){},[7,8]]', "a = [\n [1, 2],\n [4, 5],\n function() {},\n [7, 8]\n]"); bt('a=[[1,2],[4,5],function(){},function(){},[7,8]]', "a = [\n [1, 2],\n [4, 5],\n function() {},\n function() {},\n [7, 8]\n]"); bt('a=[[1,2],[4,5],function(){},[7,8]]', "a = [\n [1, 2],\n [4, 5],\n function() {},\n [7, 8]\n]"); bt('a=[b,c,function(){},function(){},d]', "a = [b, c,\n function() {},\n function() {},\n d\n]"); bt('a=[a[1],b[4],c[d[7]]]', "a = [a[1], b[4], c[d[7]]]"); bt('[1,2,[3,4,[5,6],7],8]', "[1, 2, [3, 4, [5, 6], 7], 8]"); bt('[[["1","2"],["3","4"]],[["5","6","7"],["8","9","0"]],[["1","2","3"],["4","5","6","7"],["8","9","0"]]]', '[\n [\n ["1", "2"],\n ["3", "4"]\n ],\n [\n ["5", "6", "7"],\n ["8", "9", "0"]\n ],\n [\n ["1", "2", "3"],\n ["4", "5", "6", "7"],\n ["8", "9", "0"]\n ]\n]'); bt('{[x()[0]];indent;}', '{\n [x()[0]];\n indent;\n}'); bt('return ++i', 'return ++i'); bt('return !!x', 'return !!x'); bt('return !x', 'return !x'); bt('return [1,2]', 'return [1, 2]'); bt('return;', 'return;'); bt('return\nfunc', 'return\nfunc'); bt('catch(e)', 'catch (e)'); bt('yield [1, 2]'); bt('var a=1,b={foo:2,bar:3},{baz:4,wham:5},c=4;', 'var a = 1,\n b = {\n foo: 2,\n bar: 3\n },\n {\n baz: 4,\n wham: 5\n }, c = 4;'); bt('var a=1,b={foo:2,bar:3},{baz:4,wham:5},\nc=4;', 'var a = 1,\n b = {\n foo: 2,\n bar: 3\n },\n {\n baz: 4,\n wham: 5\n },\n c = 4;'); // inline comment bt('function x(/*int*/ start, /*string*/ foo)', 'function x( /*int*/ start, /*string*/ foo)'); // javadoc comment bt('/**\n* foo\n*/', '/**\n * foo\n */'); bt('{\n/**\n* foo\n*/\n}', '{\n /**\n * foo\n */\n}'); // starless block comment bt('/**\nfoo\n*/'); bt('/**\nfoo\n**/'); bt('/**\nfoo\nbar\n**/'); bt('/**\nfoo\n\nbar\n**/'); bt('/**\nfoo\n bar\n**/'); bt('{\n/**\nfoo\n*/\n}', '{\n /**\n foo\n */\n}'); bt('{\n/**\nfoo\n**/\n}', '{\n /**\n foo\n **/\n}'); bt('{\n/**\nfoo\nbar\n**/\n}', '{\n /**\n foo\n bar\n **/\n}'); bt('{\n/**\nfoo\n\nbar\n**/\n}', '{\n /**\n foo\n\n bar\n **/\n}'); bt('{\n/**\nfoo\n bar\n**/\n}', '{\n /**\n foo\n bar\n **/\n}'); bt('{\n /**\n foo\nbar\n **/\n}'); bt('var a,b,c=1,d,e,f=2;', 'var a, b, c = 1,\n d, e, f = 2;'); bt('var a,b,c=[],d,e,f=2;', 'var a, b, c = [],\n d, e, f = 2;'); bt('function() {\n var a, b, c, d, e = [],\n f;\n}'); bt('do/regexp/;\nwhile(1);', 'do /regexp/;\nwhile (1);'); // hmmm bt('var a = a,\na;\nb = {\nb\n}', 'var a = a,\n a;\nb = {\n b\n}'); bt('var a = a,\n /* c */\n b;'); bt('var a = a,\n // c\n b;'); bt('foo.("bar");'); // weird element referencing bt('if (a) a()\nelse b()\nnewline()'); bt('if (a) a()\nnewline()'); bt('a=typeof(x)', 'a = typeof(x)'); bt('var a = function() {\n return null;\n },\n b = false;'); bt('var a = function() {\n func1()\n}'); bt('var a = function() {\n func1()\n}\nvar b = function() {\n func2()\n}'); // code with and without semicolons bt( 'var whatever = require("whatever");\nfunction() {\n a = 6;\n}', 'var whatever = require("whatever");\n\nfunction() {\n a = 6;\n}'); bt( 'var whatever = require("whatever")\nfunction() {\n a = 6\n}', 'var whatever = require("whatever")\n\nfunction() {\n a = 6\n}'); opts.jslint_happy = true; bt('a=typeof(x)', 'a = typeof (x)'); bt('x();\n\nfunction(){}', 'x();\n\nfunction () {}'); bt('function () {\n var a, b, c, d, e = [],\n f;\n}'); bt('switch(x) {case 0: case 1: a(); break; default: break}', "switch (x) {\ncase 0:\ncase 1:\n a();\n break;\ndefault:\n break\n}"); bt('switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:break;}', 'switch (x) {\ncase -1:\n break;\ncase !y:\n break;\n}'); test_fragment("// comment 1\n(function()", "// comment 1\n(function ()"); // typical greasemonkey start bt('var o1=$.extend(a);function(){alert(x);}', 'var o1 = $.extend(a);\n\nfunction () {\n alert(x);\n}'); bt('function* () {\n yield 1;\n}'); opts.jslint_happy = false; bt('switch(x) {case 0: case 1: a(); break; default: break}', "switch (x) {\n case 0:\n case 1:\n a();\n break;\n default:\n break\n}"); bt('switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:break;}', 'switch (x) {\n case -1:\n break;\n case !y:\n break;\n}'); test_fragment("// comment 2\n(function()", "// comment 2\n(function()"); // typical greasemonkey start bt("var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function() {}, d = '';", "var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n c = function() {},\n d = '';"); bt("var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function() {},\nd = '';", "var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n c = function() {},\n d = '';"); bt('var o2=$.extend(a);function(){alert(x);}', 'var o2 = $.extend(a);\n\nfunction() {\n alert(x);\n}'); bt('function*() {\n yield 1;\n}'); bt('function* x() {\n yield 1;\n}'); bt('{"x":[{"a":1,"b":3},7,8,8,8,8,{"b":99},{"a":11}]}', '{\n "x": [{\n "a": 1,\n "b": 3\n },\n 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, {\n "b": 99\n }, {\n "a": 11\n }\n ]\n}'); bt('{"1":{"1a":"1b"},"2"}', '{\n "1": {\n "1a": "1b"\n },\n "2"\n}'); bt('{a:{a:b},c}', '{\n a: {\n a: b\n },\n c\n}'); bt('{[y[a]];keep_indent;}', '{\n [y[a]];\n keep_indent;\n}'); bt('if (x) {y} else { if (x) {y}}', 'if (x) {\n y\n} else {\n if (x) {\n y\n }\n}'); bt('if (foo) one()\ntwo()\nthree()'); bt('if (1 + foo() && bar(baz()) / 2) one()\ntwo()\nthree()'); bt('if (1 + foo() && bar(baz()) / 2) one();\ntwo();\nthree();'); opts.indent_size = 1; opts.indent_char = ' '; bt('{ one_char() }', "{\n one_char()\n}"); bt('var a,b=1,c=2', 'var a, b = 1,\n c = 2'); opts.indent_size = 4; opts.indent_char = ' '; bt('{ one_char() }', "{\n one_char()\n}"); opts.indent_size = 1; opts.indent_char = "\t"; bt('{ one_char() }', "{\n\tone_char()\n}"); bt('x = a ? b : c; x;', 'x = a ? b : c;\nx;'); //set to something else than it should change to, but with tabs on, should override opts.indent_size = 5; opts.indent_char = ' '; opts.indent_with_tabs = true; bt('{ one_char() }', "{\n\tone_char()\n}"); bt('x = a ? b : c; x;', 'x = a ? b : c;\nx;'); opts.indent_size = 4; opts.indent_char = ' '; opts.indent_with_tabs = false; opts.preserve_newlines = false; bt('var\na=dont_preserve_newlines;', 'var a = dont_preserve_newlines;'); // make sure the blank line between function definitions stays // even when preserve_newlines = false bt('function foo() {\n return 1;\n}\n\nfunction foo() {\n return 1;\n}'); bt('function foo() {\n return 1;\n}\nfunction foo() {\n return 1;\n}', 'function foo() {\n return 1;\n}\n\nfunction foo() {\n return 1;\n}' ); bt('function foo() {\n return 1;\n}\n\n\nfunction foo() {\n return 1;\n}', 'function foo() {\n return 1;\n}\n\nfunction foo() {\n return 1;\n}' ); opts.preserve_newlines = true; bt('var\na=do_preserve_newlines;', 'var\n a = do_preserve_newlines;'); bt('// a\n// b\n\n// c\n// d'); bt('if (foo) // comment\n{\n bar();\n}'); opts.keep_array_indentation = false; bt("a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n 'd', 'e', 'f']", "a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n 'd', 'e', 'f'\n]"); bt("a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n 'd', 'e', 'f',\n 'g', 'h', 'i']", "a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n 'd', 'e', 'f',\n 'g', 'h', 'i'\n]"); bt("a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n 'd', 'e', 'f',\n 'g', 'h', 'i']", "a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n 'd', 'e', 'f',\n 'g', 'h', 'i'\n]"); bt('var x = [{}\n]', 'var x = [{}]'); bt('var x = [{foo:bar}\n]', 'var x = [{\n foo: bar\n}]'); bt("a = ['something',\n 'completely',\n 'different'];\nif (x);", "a = ['something',\n 'completely',\n 'different'\n];\nif (x);"); bt("a = ['a','b','c']", "a = ['a', 'b', 'c']"); bt("a = ['a', 'b','c']", "a = ['a', 'b', 'c']"); bt("x = [{'a':0}]", "x = [{\n 'a': 0\n}]"); bt('{a([[a1]], {b;});}', '{\n a([\n [a1]\n ], {\n b;\n });\n}'); bt("a();\n [\n ['sdfsdfsd'],\n ['sdfsdfsdf']\n ].toString();", "a();\n[\n ['sdfsdfsd'],\n ['sdfsdfsdf']\n].toString();"); bt("a();\na = [\n ['sdfsdfsd'],\n ['sdfsdfsdf']\n ].toString();", "a();\na = [\n ['sdfsdfsd'],\n ['sdfsdfsdf']\n].toString();"); bt("function() {\n Foo([\n ['sdfsdfsd'],\n ['sdfsdfsdf']\n ]);\n}", "function() {\n Foo([\n ['sdfsdfsd'],\n ['sdfsdfsdf']\n ]);\n}"); bt('function foo() {\n return [\n "one",\n "two"\n ];\n}'); // 4 spaces per indent input, processed with 4-spaces per indent bt( "function foo() {\n" + " return [\n" + " {\n" + " one: 'x',\n" + " two: [\n" + " {\n" + " id: 'a',\n" + " name: 'apple'\n" + " }, {\n" + " id: 'b',\n" + " name: 'banana'\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n" + " ];\n" + "}", "function foo() {\n" + " return [{\n" + " one: 'x',\n" + " two: [{\n" + " id: 'a',\n" + " name: 'apple'\n" + " }, {\n" + " id: 'b',\n" + " name: 'banana'\n" + " }]\n" + " }];\n" + "}"); // 3 spaces per indent input, processed with 4-spaces per indent bt( "function foo() {\n" + " return [\n" + " {\n" + " one: 'x',\n" + " two: [\n" + " {\n" + " id: 'a',\n" + " name: 'apple'\n" + " }, {\n" + " id: 'b',\n" + " name: 'banana'\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n" + " ];\n" + "}", "function foo() {\n" + " return [{\n" + " one: 'x',\n" + " two: [{\n" + " id: 'a',\n" + " name: 'apple'\n" + " }, {\n" + " id: 'b',\n" + " name: 'banana'\n" + " }]\n" + " }];\n" + "}"); opts.keep_array_indentation = true; bt("a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n 'd', 'e', 'f']"); bt("a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n 'd', 'e', 'f',\n 'g', 'h', 'i']"); bt("a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n 'd', 'e', 'f',\n 'g', 'h', 'i']"); bt('var x = [{}\n]', 'var x = [{}\n]'); bt('var x = [{foo:bar}\n]', 'var x = [{\n foo: bar\n }\n]'); bt("a = ['something',\n 'completely',\n 'different'];\nif (x);"); bt("a = ['a','b','c']", "a = ['a', 'b', 'c']"); bt("a = ['a', 'b','c']", "a = ['a', 'b', 'c']"); bt("x = [{'a':0}]", "x = [{\n 'a': 0\n}]"); bt('{a([[a1]], {b;});}', '{\n a([[a1]], {\n b;\n });\n}'); bt("a();\n [\n ['sdfsdfsd'],\n ['sdfsdfsdf']\n ].toString();", "a();\n [\n ['sdfsdfsd'],\n ['sdfsdfsdf']\n ].toString();"); bt("a();\na = [\n ['sdfsdfsd'],\n ['sdfsdfsdf']\n ].toString();", "a();\na = [\n ['sdfsdfsd'],\n ['sdfsdfsdf']\n ].toString();"); bt("function() {\n Foo([\n ['sdfsdfsd'],\n ['sdfsdfsdf']\n ]);\n}", "function() {\n Foo([\n ['sdfsdfsd'],\n ['sdfsdfsdf']\n ]);\n}"); bt('function foo() {\n return [\n "one",\n "two"\n ];\n}'); // 4 spaces per indent input, processed with 4-spaces per indent bt( "function foo() {\n" + " return [\n" + " {\n" + " one: 'x',\n" + " two: [\n" + " {\n" + " id: 'a',\n" + " name: 'apple'\n" + " }, {\n" + " id: 'b',\n" + " name: 'banana'\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n" + " ];\n" + "}"); // 3 spaces per indent input, processed with 4-spaces per indent // Should be unchanged, but is not - #445 // bt( "function foo() {\n" + // " return [\n" + // " {\n" + // " one: 'x',\n" + // " two: [\n" + // " {\n" + // " id: 'a',\n" + // " name: 'apple'\n" + // " }, {\n" + // " id: 'b',\n" + // " name: 'banana'\n" + // " }\n" + // " ]\n" + // " }\n" + // " ];\n" + // "}"); opts.keep_array_indentation = false; bt('a = //comment\n /regex/;'); test_fragment('/*\n * X\n */'); test_fragment('/*\r\n * X\r\n */', '/*\n * X\n */'); bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}', 'if (a) {\n b;\n} else {\n c;\n}'); opts.brace_style = 'expand'; bt('//case 1\nif (a == 1)\n{}\n//case 2\nelse if (a == 2)\n{}'); bt('if(1){2}else{3}', "if (1)\n{\n 2\n}\nelse\n{\n 3\n}"); bt('try{a();}catch(b){c();}catch(d){}finally{e();}', "try\n{\n a();\n}\ncatch (b)\n{\n c();\n}\ncatch (d)\n{}\nfinally\n{\n e();\n}"); bt('if(a){b();}else if(c) foo();', "if (a)\n{\n b();\n}\nelse if (c) foo();"); bt('if(X)if(Y)a();else b();else c();', "if (X)\n if (Y) a();\n else b();\nelse c();"); bt("if (a) {\n// comment\n}else{\n// comment\n}", "if (a)\n{\n // comment\n}\nelse\n{\n // comment\n}"); // if/else statement with empty body bt('if (x) {y} else { if (x) {y}}', 'if (x)\n{\n y\n}\nelse\n{\n if (x)\n {\n y\n }\n}'); bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}', 'if (a)\n{\n b;\n}\nelse\n{\n c;\n}'); test_fragment(' /*\n* xx\n*/\n// xx\nif (foo) {\n bar();\n}', ' /*\n * xx\n */\n // xx\n if (foo)\n {\n bar();\n }'); bt('if (foo)\n{}\nelse /regex/.test();'); bt('if (foo) /regex/.test();'); bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}', 'if (a)\n{\n b;\n}\nelse\n{\n c;\n}'); test_fragment('if (foo) {', 'if (foo)\n{'); test_fragment('foo {', 'foo\n{'); test_fragment('return {', 'return {'); // return needs the brace. test_fragment('return /* inline */ {', 'return /* inline */ {'); // test_fragment('return\n{', 'return\n{'); // can't support this?, but that's an improbable and extreme case anyway. test_fragment('return;\n{', 'return;\n{'); bt("throw {}"); bt("throw {\n foo;\n}"); bt('var foo = {}'); bt('if (foo) bar();\nelse break'); bt('function x() {\n foo();\n}zzz', 'function x()\n{\n foo();\n}\nzzz'); bt('a: do {} while (); xxx', 'a: do {} while ();\nxxx'); bt('var a = new function();'); bt('var a = new function() {};'); bt('var a = new function()\n{};', 'var a = new function() {};'); bt('var a = new function a()\n{};'); bt('var a = new function a()\n {},\n b = new function b()\n {};'); test_fragment('new function'); bt("foo({\n 'a': 1\n},\n10);", "foo(\n {\n 'a': 1\n },\n 10);"); bt('(["foo","bar"]).each(function(i) {return i;});', '(["foo", "bar"]).each(function(i)\n{\n return i;\n});'); bt('(function(i) {return i;})();', '(function(i)\n{\n return i;\n})();'); bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "}, /*Argument 2\n" + " */ {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", // expected "test( /*Argument 1*/\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });"); bt( "test(\n" + "/*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "},\n" + "/*Argument 2\n" + " */ {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", // expected "test(\n" + " /*Argument 1*/\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });"); bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/\n" + "{\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "}, /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + "{\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", // expected "test( /*Argument 1*/\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });"); opts.brace_style = 'collapse'; bt('//case 1\nif (a == 1) {}\n//case 2\nelse if (a == 2) {}'); bt('if(1){2}else{3}', "if (1) {\n 2\n} else {\n 3\n}"); bt('try{a();}catch(b){c();}catch(d){}finally{e();}', "try {\n a();\n} catch (b) {\n c();\n} catch (d) {} finally {\n e();\n}"); bt('if(a){b();}else if(c) foo();', "if (a) {\n b();\n} else if (c) foo();"); bt("if (a) {\n// comment\n}else{\n// comment\n}", "if (a) {\n // comment\n} else {\n // comment\n}"); // if/else statement with empty body bt('if (x) {y} else { if (x) {y}}', 'if (x) {\n y\n} else {\n if (x) {\n y\n }\n}'); bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}', 'if (a) {\n b;\n} else {\n c;\n}'); test_fragment(' /*\n* xx\n*/\n// xx\nif (foo) {\n bar();\n}', ' /*\n * xx\n */\n // xx\n if (foo) {\n bar();\n }'); bt('if (foo) {} else /regex/.test();'); bt('if (foo) /regex/.test();'); bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}', 'if (a) {\n b;\n} else {\n c;\n}'); test_fragment('if (foo) {', 'if (foo) {'); test_fragment('foo {', 'foo {'); test_fragment('return {', 'return {'); // return needs the brace. test_fragment('return /* inline */ {', 'return /* inline */ {'); // test_fragment('return\n{', 'return\n{'); // can't support this?, but that's an improbable and extreme case anyway. test_fragment('return;\n{', 'return; {'); bt("throw {}"); bt("throw {\n foo;\n}"); bt('var foo = {}'); bt('if (foo) bar();\nelse break'); bt('function x() {\n foo();\n}zzz', 'function x() {\n foo();\n}\nzzz'); bt('a: do {} while (); xxx', 'a: do {} while ();\nxxx'); bt('var a = new function();'); bt('var a = new function() {};'); bt('var a = new function a() {};'); test_fragment('new function'); bt("foo({\n 'a': 1\n},\n10);", "foo({\n 'a': 1\n },\n 10);"); bt('(["foo","bar"]).each(function(i) {return i;});', '(["foo", "bar"]).each(function(i) {\n return i;\n});'); bt('(function(i) {return i;})();', '(function(i) {\n return i;\n})();'); bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "}, /*Argument 2\n" + " */ {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", // expected "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });"); bt( "test(\n" + "/*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "},\n" + "/*Argument 2\n" + " */ {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", // expected "test(\n" + " /*Argument 1*/\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });"); bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/\n" + "{\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "}, /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + "{\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", // expected "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });"); opts.brace_style = "end-expand"; bt('//case 1\nif (a == 1) {}\n//case 2\nelse if (a == 2) {}'); bt('if(1){2}else{3}', "if (1) {\n 2\n}\nelse {\n 3\n}"); bt('try{a();}catch(b){c();}catch(d){}finally{e();}', "try {\n a();\n}\ncatch (b) {\n c();\n}\ncatch (d) {}\nfinally {\n e();\n}"); bt('if(a){b();}else if(c) foo();', "if (a) {\n b();\n}\nelse if (c) foo();"); bt("if (a) {\n// comment\n}else{\n// comment\n}", "if (a) {\n // comment\n}\nelse {\n // comment\n}"); // if/else statement with empty body bt('if (x) {y} else { if (x) {y}}', 'if (x) {\n y\n}\nelse {\n if (x) {\n y\n }\n}'); bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}', 'if (a) {\n b;\n}\nelse {\n c;\n}'); test_fragment(' /*\n* xx\n*/\n// xx\nif (foo) {\n bar();\n}', ' /*\n * xx\n */\n // xx\n if (foo) {\n bar();\n }'); bt('if (foo) {}\nelse /regex/.test();'); bt('if (foo) /regex/.test();'); bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}', 'if (a) {\n b;\n}\nelse {\n c;\n}'); test_fragment('if (foo) {', 'if (foo) {'); test_fragment('foo {', 'foo {'); test_fragment('return {', 'return {'); // return needs the brace. test_fragment('return /* inline */ {', 'return /* inline */ {'); // test_fragment('return\n{', 'return\n{'); // can't support this?, but that's an improbable and extreme case anyway. test_fragment('return;\n{', 'return; {'); bt("throw {}"); bt("throw {\n foo;\n}"); bt('var foo = {}'); bt('if (foo) bar();\nelse break'); bt('function x() {\n foo();\n}zzz', 'function x() {\n foo();\n}\nzzz'); bt('a: do {} while (); xxx', 'a: do {} while ();\nxxx'); bt('var a = new function();'); bt('var a = new function() {};'); bt('var a = new function a() {};'); test_fragment('new function'); bt("foo({\n 'a': 1\n},\n10);", "foo({\n 'a': 1\n },\n 10);"); bt('(["foo","bar"]).each(function(i) {return i;});', '(["foo", "bar"]).each(function(i) {\n return i;\n});'); bt('(function(i) {return i;})();', '(function(i) {\n return i;\n})();'); bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "}, /*Argument 2\n" + " */ {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", // expected "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });"); bt( "test(\n" + "/*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "},\n" + "/*Argument 2\n" + " */ {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", // expected "test(\n" + " /*Argument 1*/\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });"); bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/\n" + "{\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "}, /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + "{\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", // expected "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });"); opts.brace_style = 'collapse'; bt('a = ;'); // not the most perfect thing in the world, but you're the weirdo beaufifying php mix-ins with javascript beautifier bt('a = <%= external() %> ;'); bt('// func-comment\n\nfunction foo() {}\n\n// end-func-comment'); test_fragment('roo = {\n /*\n ****\n FOO\n ****\n */\n BAR: 0\n};'); bt('"foo""bar""baz"', '"foo"\n"bar"\n"baz"'); bt("'foo''bar''baz'", "'foo'\n'bar'\n'baz'"); test_fragment("if (zz) {\n // ....\n}\n(function"); bt("{\n get foo() {}\n}"); bt("{\n var a = get\n foo();\n}"); bt("{\n set foo() {}\n}"); bt("{\n var a = set\n foo();\n}"); bt("var x = {\n get function()\n}"); bt("var x = {\n set function()\n}"); bt("var x = set\n\na() {}", "var x = set\n\n a() {}"); bt("var x = set\n\nfunction() {}", "var x = set\n\n function() {}"); bt(''); bt('