/*jshint curly:true, eqeqeq:true, laxbreak:true, noempty:false */ /* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Einar Lielmanis and contributors. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. CSS Beautifier --------------- Written by Harutyun Amirjanyan, (amirjanyan@gmail.com) Based on code initially developed by: Einar Lielmanis, <einar@jsbeautifier.org> http://jsbeautifier.org/ Usage: css_beautify(source_text); css_beautify(source_text, options); The options are (default in brackets): indent_size (4) — indentation size, indent_char (space) — character to indent with, selector_separator_newline (true) - separate selectors with newline or not (e.g. "a,\nbr" or "a, br") end_with_newline (false) - end with a newline e.g css_beautify(css_source_text, { 'indent_size': 1, 'indent_char': '\t', 'selector_separator': ' ', 'end_with_newline': false, }); */ // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#tokenization // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/ (function () { function css_beautify(source_text, options) { options = options || {}; var indentSize = options.indent_size || 4; var indentCharacter = options.indent_char || ' '; var selectorSeparatorNewline = (options.selector_separator_newline === undefined) ? true : options.selector_separator_newline; var endWithNewline = (options.end_with_newline === undefined) ? false : options.end_with_newline; // compatibility if (typeof indentSize === "string") { indentSize = parseInt(indentSize, 10); } // tokenizer var whiteRe = /^\s+$/; var wordRe = /[\w$\-_]/; var pos = -1, ch; function next() { ch = source_text.charAt(++pos); return ch; } function peek() { return source_text.charAt(pos + 1); } function eatString(endChar) { var start = pos; while (next()) { if (ch === "\\") { next(); next(); } else if (ch === endChar) { break; } else if (ch === "\n") { break; } } return source_text.substring(start, pos + 1); } function eatWhitespace() { var start = pos; while (whiteRe.test(peek())) { pos++; } return pos !== start; } function skipWhitespace() { var start = pos; do {} while (whiteRe.test(next())); return pos !== start + 1; } function eatComment(singleLine) { var start = pos; next(); while (next()) { if (ch === "*" && peek() === "/") { pos++; break; } else if (singleLine && ch === "\n") { break; } } return source_text.substring(start, pos + 1); } function lookBack(str) { return source_text.substring(pos - str.length, pos).toLowerCase() === str; } function isCommentOnLine() { var endOfLine = source_text.indexOf('\n', pos); if (endOfLine === -1) { return false; } var restOfLine = source_text.substring(pos, endOfLine); return restOfLine.indexOf('//') !== -1; } // printer var indentString = source_text.match(/^[\r\n]*[\t ]*/)[0]; var singleIndent = new Array(indentSize + 1).join(indentCharacter); var indentLevel = 0; var nestedLevel = 0; function indent() { indentLevel++; indentString += singleIndent; } function outdent() { indentLevel--; indentString = indentString.slice(0, -indentSize); } var print = {}; print["{"] = function (ch) { print.singleSpace(); output.push(ch); print.newLine(); }; print["}"] = function (ch) { print.newLine(); output.push(ch); print.newLine(); }; print._lastCharWhitespace = function () { return whiteRe.test(output[output.length - 1]); }; print.newLine = function (keepWhitespace) { if (!keepWhitespace) { while (print._lastCharWhitespace()) { output.pop(); } } if (output.length) { output.push('\n'); } if (indentString) { output.push(indentString); } }; print.singleSpace = function () { if (output.length && !print._lastCharWhitespace()) { output.push(' '); } }; var output = []; if (indentString) { output.push(indentString); } /*_____________________--------------------_____________________*/ var insideRule = false; var enteringConditionalGroup = false; while (true) { var isAfterSpace = skipWhitespace(); if (!ch) { break; } else if (ch === '/' && peek() === '*') { /* css comment */ print.newLine(); output.push(eatComment(), "\n", indentString); var header = lookBack(""); if (header) { print.newLine(); } } else if (ch === '/' && peek() === '/') { // single line comment output.push(eatComment(true), indentString); } else if (ch === '@') { // strip trailing space, if present, for hash property checks var atRule = eatString(" ").replace(/ $/, ''); // pass along the space we found as a separate item output.push(atRule, ch); // might be a nesting at-rule if (atRule in css_beautify.NESTED_AT_RULE) { nestedLevel += 1; if (atRule in css_beautify.CONDITIONAL_GROUP_RULE) { enteringConditionalGroup = true; } } } else if (ch === '{') { eatWhitespace(); if (peek() === '}') { next(); output.push(" {}"); } else { indent(); print["{"](ch); // when entering conditional groups, only rulesets are allowed if (enteringConditionalGroup) { enteringConditionalGroup = false; insideRule = (indentLevel > nestedLevel); } else { // otherwise, declarations are also allowed insideRule = (indentLevel >= nestedLevel); } } } else if (ch === '}') { outdent(); print["}"](ch); insideRule = false; if (nestedLevel) { nestedLevel--; } } else if (ch === ":") { eatWhitespace(); if (insideRule || enteringConditionalGroup) { // 'property: value' delimiter // which could be in a conditional group query output.push(ch, " "); } else { if (peek() === ":") { // pseudo-element next(); output.push("::"); } else { // pseudo-class output.push(ch); } } } else if (ch === '"' || ch === '\'') { output.push(eatString(ch)); } else if (ch === ';') { if (isCommentOnLine()) { var beforeComment = eatString('/'); var comment = eatComment(true); output.push(beforeComment, comment.substring(1, comment.length - 1), '\n', indentString); } else { output.push(ch, '\n', indentString); } } else if (ch === '(') { // may be a url if (lookBack("url")) { output.push(ch); eatWhitespace(); if (next()) { if (ch !== ')' && ch !== '"' && ch !== '\'') { output.push(eatString(')')); } else { pos--; } } } else { if (isAfterSpace) { print.singleSpace(); } output.push(ch); eatWhitespace(); } } else if (ch === ')') { output.push(ch); } else if (ch === ',') { eatWhitespace(); output.push(ch); if (!insideRule && selectorSeparatorNewline) { print.newLine(); } else { print.singleSpace(); } } else if (ch === ']') { output.push(ch); } else if (ch === '[') { if (isAfterSpace) { print.singleSpace(); } output.push(ch); } else if (ch === '=') { // no whitespace before or after eatWhitespace(); output.push(ch); } else { if (isAfterSpace) { print.singleSpace(); } output.push(ch); } } var sweetCode = output.join('').replace(/[\n ]+$/, ''); // establish end_with_newline var should = endWithNewline; var actually = /\n$/.test(sweetCode); if (should && !actually) { sweetCode += "\n"; } else if (!should && actually) { sweetCode = sweetCode.slice(0, -1); } return sweetCode; } // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/At-rule css_beautify.NESTED_AT_RULE = { "@page": true, "@font-face": true, "@keyframes": true, // also in CONDITIONAL_GROUP_RULE below "@media": true, "@supports": true, "@document": true }; css_beautify.CONDITIONAL_GROUP_RULE = { "@media": true, "@supports": true, "@document": true }; exports.cssBeautify = css_beautify; }());