/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* globals getOuterId, getBrowserForTab */ "use strict"; const EventEmitter = require("devtools/shared/event-emitter"); const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); const events = require("sdk/event/core"); loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "getOuterId", "sdk/window/utils", true); loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "getBrowserForTab", "sdk/tabs/utils", true); const l10n = require("gcli/l10n"); require("devtools/server/actors/inspector"); const { MeasuringToolHighlighter, HighlighterEnvironment } = require("devtools/server/actors/highlighters"); const highlighters = new WeakMap(); const visibleHighlighters = new Set(); const isCheckedFor = (tab) => tab ? visibleHighlighters.has(getBrowserForTab(tab).outerWindowID) : false; exports.items = [ // The client measure command is used to maintain the toolbar button state // only and redirects to the server command to actually toggle the measuring // tool (see `measure_server` below). { name: "measure", runAt: "client", description: l10n.lookup("measureDesc"), manual: l10n.lookup("measureManual"), buttonId: "command-button-measure", buttonClass: "command-button command-button-invertable", tooltipText: l10n.lookup("measureTooltip"), state: { isChecked: ({_tab}) => isCheckedFor(_tab), onChange: (target, handler) => eventEmitter.on("changed", handler), offChange: (target, handler) => eventEmitter.off("changed", handler) }, exec: function*(args, context) { let { target } = context.environment; // Pipe the call to the server command. let response = yield context.updateExec("measure_server"); let { visible, id } = response.data; if (visible) { visibleHighlighters.add(id); } else { visibleHighlighters.delete(id); } eventEmitter.emit("changed", { target }); // Toggle off the button when the page navigates because the measuring // tool is removed automatically by the MeasuringToolHighlighter on the // server then. let onNavigate = () => { visibleHighlighters.delete(id); eventEmitter.emit("changed", { target }); }; target.off("will-navigate", onNavigate); target.once("will-navigate", onNavigate); } }, // The server measure command is hidden by default, it's just used by the // client command. { name: "measure_server", runAt: "server", hidden: true, returnType: "highlighterVisibility", exec: function(args, context) { let env = context.environment; let { document } = env; let id = getOuterId(env.window); // Calling the command again after the measuring tool has been shown once, // hides it. if (highlighters.has(document)) { let { highlighter } = highlighters.get(document); highlighter.destroy(); return {visible: false, id}; } // Otherwise, display the measuring tool. let environment = new HighlighterEnvironment(); environment.initFromWindow(env.window); let highlighter = new MeasuringToolHighlighter(environment); // Store the instance of the measuring tool highlighter for this document // so we can hide it later. highlighters.set(document, { highlighter, environment }); // Listen to the highlighter's destroy event which may happen if the // window is refreshed or closed with the measuring tool shown. events.once(highlighter, "destroy", () => { if (highlighters.has(document)) { let { environment } = highlighters.get(document); environment.destroy(); highlighters.delete(document); } }); highlighter.show(); return {visible: true, id}; } } ];