/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { FrontClassWithSpec, Front } = require("devtools/shared/protocol"); const { cssPropertiesSpec } = require("devtools/shared/specs/css-properties"); const { Task } = require("devtools/shared/task"); const { CSS_PROPERTIES_DB } = require("devtools/shared/css/properties-db"); const { cssColors } = require("devtools/shared/css/color-db"); /** * Build up a regular expression that matches a CSS variable token. This is an * ident token that starts with two dashes "--". * * https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#ident-token-diagram */ var NON_ASCII = "[^\\x00-\\x7F]"; var ESCAPE = "\\\\[^\n\r]"; var FIRST_CHAR = ["[_a-z]", NON_ASCII, ESCAPE].join("|"); var TRAILING_CHAR = ["[_a-z0-9-]", NON_ASCII, ESCAPE].join("|"); var IS_VARIABLE_TOKEN = new RegExp(`^--(${FIRST_CHAR})(${TRAILING_CHAR})*$`, "i"); /** * Check that this is a CSS variable. * * @param {String} input * @return {Boolean} */ function isCssVariable(input) { return !!input.match(IS_VARIABLE_TOKEN); } var cachedCssProperties = new WeakMap(); /** * The CssProperties front provides a mechanism to have a one-time asynchronous * load of a CSS properties database. This is then fed into the CssProperties * interface that provides synchronous methods for finding out what CSS * properties the current server supports. */ const CssPropertiesFront = FrontClassWithSpec(cssPropertiesSpec, { initialize: function (client, { cssPropertiesActor }) { Front.prototype.initialize.call(this, client, {actor: cssPropertiesActor}); this.manage(this); } }); /** * Query the feature supporting status in the featureSet. * * @param {Hashmap} featureSet the feature set hashmap * @param {String} feature the feature name string * @return {Boolean} has the feature or not */ function hasFeature(featureSet, feature) { if (feature in featureSet) { return featureSet[feature]; } return false; } /** * Ask questions to a CSS database. This class does not care how the database * gets loaded in, only the questions that you can ask to it. * Prototype functions are bound to 'this' so they can be passed around as helper * functions. * * @param {Object} db * A database of CSS properties * @param {Object} inheritedList * The key is the property name, the value is whether or not * that property is inherited. */ function CssProperties(db) { this.properties = db.properties; this.pseudoElements = db.pseudoElements; // supported feature this.cssColor4ColorFunction = hasFeature(db.supportedFeature, "css-color-4-color-function"); this.isKnown = this.isKnown.bind(this); this.isInherited = this.isInherited.bind(this); this.supportsType = this.supportsType.bind(this); this.isValidOnClient = this.isValidOnClient.bind(this); this.supportsCssColor4ColorFunction = this.supportsCssColor4ColorFunction.bind(this); // A weakly held dummy HTMLDivElement to test CSS properties on the client. this._dummyElements = new WeakMap(); } CssProperties.prototype = { /** * Checks to see if the property is known by the browser. This function has * `this` already bound so that it can be passed around by reference. * * @param {String} property The property name to be checked. * @return {Boolean} */ isKnown(property) { return !!this.properties[property] || isCssVariable(property); }, /** * Quickly check if a CSS name/value combo is valid on the client. * * @param {String} Property name. * @param {String} Property value. * @param {Document} The client's document object. * @return {Boolean} */ isValidOnClient(name, value, doc) { let dummyElement = this._dummyElements.get(doc); if (!dummyElement) { dummyElement = doc.createElement("div"); this._dummyElements.set(doc, dummyElement); } // `!important` is not a valid value when setting a style declaration in the // CSS Object Model. const sanitizedValue = ("" + value).replace(/!\s*important\s*$/, ""); // Test the style on the element. dummyElement.style[name] = sanitizedValue; const isValid = !!dummyElement.style[name]; // Reset the state of the dummy element; dummyElement.style[name] = ""; return isValid; }, /** * Get a function that will check the validity of css name/values for a given document. * Useful for injecting isValidOnClient into components when needed. * * @param {Document} The client's document object. * @return {Function} this.isValidOnClient with the document pre-set. */ getValidityChecker(doc) { return (name, value) => this.isValidOnClient(name, value, doc); }, /** * Checks to see if the property is an inherited one. * * @param {String} property The property name to be checked. * @return {Boolean} */ isInherited(property) { return this.properties[property] && this.properties[property].isInherited; }, /** * Checks if the property supports the given CSS type. * CSS types should come from devtools/shared/css/properties-db.js' CSS_TYPES. * * @param {String} property The property to be checked. * @param {Number} type One of the type values from CSS_TYPES. * @return {Boolean} */ supportsType(property, type) { return this.properties[property] && this.properties[property].supports.includes(type); }, /** * Gets the CSS values for a given property name. * * @param {String} property The property to use. * @return {Array} An array of strings. */ getValues(property) { return this.properties[property] ? this.properties[property].values : []; }, /** * Gets the CSS property names. * * @return {Array} An array of strings. */ getNames(property) { return Object.keys(this.properties); }, /** * Return a list of subproperties for the given property. If |name| * does not name a valid property, an empty array is returned. If * the property is not a shorthand property, then array containing * just the property itself is returned. * * @param {String} name The property to query * @return {Array} An array of subproperty names. */ getSubproperties(name) { if (this.isKnown(name)) { if (this.properties[name] && this.properties[name].subproperties) { return this.properties[name].subproperties; } return [name]; } return []; }, /** * Checking for the css-color-4 color function support. * * @return {Boolean} Return true if the server supports css-color-4 color function. */ supportsCssColor4ColorFunction() { return this.cssColor4ColorFunction; }, }; /** * Create a CssProperties object with a fully loaded CSS database. The * CssProperties interface can be queried synchronously, but the initialization * is potentially async and should be handled up-front when the tool is created. * * The front is returned only with this function so that it can be destroyed * once the toolbox is destroyed. * * @param {Toolbox} The current toolbox. * @returns {Promise} Resolves to {cssProperties, cssPropertiesFront}. */ const initCssProperties = Task.async(function* (toolbox) { const client = toolbox.target.client; if (cachedCssProperties.has(client)) { return cachedCssProperties.get(client); } let db, front; // Get the list dynamically if the cssProperties actor exists. if (toolbox.target.hasActor("cssProperties")) { front = CssPropertiesFront(client, toolbox.target.form); const serverDB = yield front.getCSSDatabase(); // Ensure the database was returned in a format that is understood. // Older versions of the protocol could return a blank database. if (!serverDB.properties && !serverDB.margin) { db = CSS_PROPERTIES_DB; } else { db = serverDB; } } else { // The target does not support this actor, so require a static list of supported // properties. db = CSS_PROPERTIES_DB; } const cssProperties = new CssProperties(normalizeCssData(db)); cachedCssProperties.set(client, {cssProperties, front}); return {cssProperties, front}; }); /** * Synchronously get a cached and initialized CssProperties. * * @param {Toolbox} The current toolbox. * @returns {CssProperties} */ function getCssProperties(toolbox) { if (!cachedCssProperties.has(toolbox.target.client)) { throw new Error("The CSS database has not been initialized, please make " + "sure initCssDatabase was called once before for this " + "toolbox."); } return cachedCssProperties.get(toolbox.target.client).cssProperties; } /** * Get a client-side CssProperties. This is useful for dependencies in tests, or parts * of the codebase that don't particularly need to match every known CSS property on * the target. * @return {CssProperties} */ function getClientCssProperties() { return new CssProperties(normalizeCssData(CSS_PROPERTIES_DB)); } /** * Even if the target has the cssProperties actor, the returned data may not be in the * same shape or have all of the data we need. This normalizes the data and fills in * any missing information like color values. * * @return {Object} The normalized CSS database. */ function normalizeCssData(db) { if (db !== CSS_PROPERTIES_DB) { // Firefox 49's getCSSDatabase() just returned the properties object, but // now it returns an object with multiple types of CSS information. if (!db.properties) { db = { properties: db }; } // Fill in any missing DB information from the static database. db = Object.assign({}, CSS_PROPERTIES_DB, db); for (let name in db.properties) { // Skip the current property if we can't find it in CSS_PROPERTIES_DB. if (typeof CSS_PROPERTIES_DB.properties[name] !== "object") { continue; } // Add "supports" information to the css properties if it's missing. if (!db.properties.color.supports) { db.properties[name].supports = CSS_PROPERTIES_DB.properties[name].supports; } // Add "values" information to the css properties if it's missing. if (!db.properties.color.values) { db.properties[name].values = CSS_PROPERTIES_DB.properties[name].values; } // Add "subproperties" information to the css properties if it's missing. if (!db.properties.background.subproperties) { db.properties[name].subproperties = CSS_PROPERTIES_DB.properties[name].subproperties; } } } reattachCssColorValues(db); // If there is no supportedFeature in db, create an empty one. if (!db.supportedFeature) { db.supportedFeature = {}; } return db; } /** * Color values are omitted to save on space. Add them back here. * @param {Object} The CSS database. */ function reattachCssColorValues(db) { if (db.properties.color.values[0] === "COLOR") { const colors = Object.keys(cssColors); for (let name in db.properties) { const property = db.properties[name]; // "values" can be undefined if {name} was not found in CSS_PROPERTIES_DB. if (property.values && property.values[0] === "COLOR") { property.values.shift(); property.values = property.values.concat(colors).sort(); } } } } module.exports = { CssPropertiesFront, CssProperties, getCssProperties, getClientCssProperties, initCssProperties };