/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Verify that we can load the contents of every source in a source map produced * by babel and browserify. */ var gDebuggee; var gClient; function run_test() { initTestDebuggerServer(); gDebuggee = addTestGlobal("test-sourcemaps"); gClient = new DebuggerClient(DebuggerServer.connectPipe()); gClient.connect().then(function () { attachTestThread(gClient, "test-sourcemaps", testSourcemap); }); do_test_pending(); } const testSourcemap = Task.async(function* (threadResponse, tabClient, threadClient, tabResponse) { evalTestCode(); const { sources } = yield getSources(threadClient); for (let form of sources) { let sourceResponse = yield getSourceContent(threadClient.source(form)); ok(sourceResponse, "Should be able to get the source response"); ok(sourceResponse.source, "Should have the source text as well"); } finishClient(gClient); }); const TEST_FILE = "babel_and_browserify_script_with_source_map.js"; function evalTestCode() { const testFileContents = readFile(TEST_FILE); Cu.evalInSandbox(testFileContents, gDebuggee, "1.8", getFileUrl(TEST_FILE), 1); }