/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Test that the PromisesActor exists in the TabActors and ChromeActors. */ add_task(function* () { let client = yield startTestDebuggerServer("promises-actor-test"); let response = yield listTabs(client); let targetTab = findTab(response.tabs, "promises-actor-test"); ok(targetTab, "Found our target tab."); // Attach to the TabActor and check the response client.request({ to: targetTab.actor, type: "attach" }, response => { ok(!("error" in response), "Expect no error in response."); ok(response.from, targetTab.actor, "Expect the target TabActor in response form field."); ok(response.type, "tabAttached", "Expect tabAttached in the response type."); is(typeof response.promisesActor === "string", "Should have a tab context PromisesActor."); }); let chromeActors = yield getChromeActors(client); ok(typeof chromeActors.promisesActor === "string", "Should have a chrome context PromisesActor."); });