/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Tests whether the profiler module and actor have the correct state on * initialization, activation, and when a clients' connection closes. */ const Profiler = Cc["@mozilla.org/tools/profiler;1"].getService(Ci.nsIProfiler); const MAX_PROFILER_ENTRIES = 10000000; function run_test() { // Ensure the profiler is not running when the test starts (it could // happen if the MOZ_PROFILER_STARTUP environment variable is set). Profiler.StopProfiler(); get_chrome_actors((client1, form1) => { let actor1 = form1.profilerActor; get_chrome_actors((client2, form2) => { let actor2 = form2.profilerActor; test_activate(client1, actor1, client2, actor2, () => { do_test_finished(); }); }); }); do_test_pending(); } function test_activate(client1, actor1, client2, actor2, callback) { // Profiler should be inactive at this point. client1.request({ to: actor1, type: "isActive" }, response => { do_check_false(Profiler.IsActive()); do_check_false(response.isActive); do_check_eq(response.currentTime, undefined); do_check_true(typeof response.position === "number"); do_check_true(typeof response.totalSize === "number"); do_check_true(typeof response.generation === "number"); // Start the profiler on the first connection.... client1.request({ to: actor1, type: "startProfiler", entries: MAX_PROFILER_ENTRIES }, response => { do_check_true(Profiler.IsActive()); do_check_true(response.started); do_check_true(typeof response.position === "number"); do_check_true(typeof response.totalSize === "number"); do_check_true(typeof response.generation === "number"); do_check_true(response.position >= 0 && response.position < response.totalSize); do_check_true(response.totalSize === MAX_PROFILER_ENTRIES); // On the next connection just make sure the actor has been instantiated. client2.request({ to: actor2, type: "isActive" }, response => { do_check_true(Profiler.IsActive()); do_check_true(response.isActive); do_check_true(response.currentTime > 0); do_check_true(typeof response.position === "number"); do_check_true(typeof response.totalSize === "number"); do_check_true(typeof response.generation === "number"); do_check_true(response.position >= 0 && response.position < response.totalSize); do_check_true(response.totalSize === MAX_PROFILER_ENTRIES); let origConnectionClosed = DebuggerServer._connectionClosed; DebuggerServer._connectionClosed = function (conn) { origConnectionClosed.call(this, conn); // The first client is the only actor that started the profiler, // however the second client can request the accumulated profile data // at any moment, so the profiler module shouldn't have deactivated. do_check_true(Profiler.IsActive()); DebuggerServer._connectionClosed = function (conn) { origConnectionClosed.call(this, conn); // Now there are no open clients at all, it should *definitely* // be deactivated by now. do_check_false(Profiler.IsActive()); callback(); }; client2.close(); }; client1.close(); }); }); }); }