/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Check getSources functionality with sourcemaps. */ const {SourceNode} = require("source-map"); function run_test() { run_test_with_server(DebuggerServer, function () { // Bug 1304144 - This test does not run in a worker because the // `rpc` method which talks to the main thread does not work. // run_test_with_server(WorkerDebuggerServer, do_test_finished); do_test_finished(); }); do_test_pending(); } function run_test_with_server(server, cb) { Task.spawn(function*() { initTestDebuggerServer(server); const debuggee = addTestGlobal("test-sources", server); const client = new DebuggerClient(server.connectPipe()); yield client.connect(); const [,,threadClient] = yield attachTestTabAndResume(client, "test-sources"); yield threadClient.reconfigure({ useSourceMaps: true }); addSources(debuggee); threadClient.getSources(Task.async(function* (res) { do_check_true(res.sources.length === 3, "3 sources exist"); yield threadClient.reconfigure({ useSourceMaps: false }); threadClient.getSources(function(res) { do_check_true(res.sources.length === 1, "1 source exist"); client.close().then(cb); }); })); }); } function addSources(debuggee) { let { code, map } = (new SourceNode(null, null, null, [ new SourceNode(1, 0, "a.js", "function a() { return 'a'; }\n"), new SourceNode(1, 0, "b.js", "function b() { return 'b'; }\n"), new SourceNode(1, 0, "c.js", "function c() { return 'c'; }\n"), ])).toStringWithSourceMap({ file: "abc.js", sourceRoot: "http://example.com/www/js/" }); code += "//# sourceMappingURL=data:text/json;base64," + btoa(map.toString()); Components.utils.evalInSandbox(code, debuggee, "1.8", "http://example.com/www/js/abc.js", 1); }